On Tue, 27 Nov 2018, Guy Dunphy via cctalk wrote:
Hmm... the problem is it's intended to be serious, but is still far from 
So if I talk about it now, I risk having specific terms I've coined in the doco 
the project name) getting meme-jammed or trademarked by others. The plan is to 
release it
all in one go, eventually. Definitely will be years before that happens, if 
However, here's a cut-n-paste (in plain text) of a section of the Introduction (html with diags.)

Without pushing too hard to get you to reveal more than you are comfortable with, I really like what you wrote, and hope that someday we can participate in some aspects.

I would like to see some acknowledgement that some things are truly flaws in the original design, whereas some others are ideas for further expansion and enhancement.

It's probably not going to be possible to objectively differentiate which are which.

And, as typified by Intel X86 V Motorola 68000, incremental kludges permit compatability and trivial ease of migration, whereas a design from scratch permits correcting aspects that would otherwise be stuck, at the expense of massive software re-creation.

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