Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-22 Thread emu

Zitat von Andreas Sikkema :

So, are they all taken? Anybody picked them up?

Yes so far. No  one has picked them up yet, interest is mostly from
countries east of the Netherlands.

Just checking, if anybody from southern Germany is getting some, so we  
could share the expenses for shipping/picking them up.

Would love to have a System, but shipping individually would probably  
be to expensive :(


Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-21 Thread emanuel stiebler

On 2016-02-16 15:09, Andreas Sikkema wrote:


Is anyone interested in PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems? We at Hack42 have no
idea what to do with them. We need to downsize and these take up a
significant amount of our space.

So, are they all taken? Anybody picked them up?


Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-18 Thread Christian Corti

On Wed, 17 Feb 2016, Peter Koch wrote:

But this gives me the opportunity to ask wether anybody else out there still
owns Cadmus equipment. If I will take these machines I might need spare
parts and boot media (or tape images). Anybody has such stuff?

Of course :-) We have I think three 9900 systems, one with B/W graphics 
console, and all manuals and software (including MED and Oracle!). I have 
already imaged the tape cartridges, so they are archived.

(I see I need to take some pictures and create the web page...)


Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-17 Thread pete

On 17/02/2016 06:59, Arno Kletzander wrote:


Is anyone interested in PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems? We at Hack42
have no idea what to do with them. We need to downsize and these
take up a significant amount of our space.

See for photograph of the

If you know other people who are interested in beasts like these,
please pass this information on. -- Andreas

Looks like interesting machinery from a German manufacturer!

There is a short blurb about them on de:wp
( saying the PCS
QU68000 were based on (who'd have guessed...) a 68000 processor on a
QBus (!) while the later models sold under the CADMUS trademark held
68020/030 and, from 1985 on, MIPS RISC processors. They ran MUNIX, a
V7 UNIX derivate, with some quite sophisticated cluster integration
(network boot, "Newcastle connection" common superroot namespace,
networked block devices) enabled by a board called the Intelligent
Communications Controller.

The Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh had some 68K CADMUS systems, 
which included a number of standard QBus boards and yes the OS was 
virtually 7th Edition.  When I got my 11/23 system (running real 
standard 7th edition, and including the original tapes) form them, I had 
a play with a CADMUS system.  it was quite a nice system, but one 
problem was that the quad-high CADMUS boards didn't have the same sort 
of stiffeners along the back edge that DEC boards do, so they sagged and 
had an occasional tendency to short out.

Pete Turnbull

Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-17 Thread Peter Koch
Sorry folks - someone forwarded a posting from this list to my account and
I did not realize that the reply-address was cctalk.

So I answered in german - but I guess Cadmus machines with Bavarian-style
Unix (rumors are the M in MUNIX abbreviates Munich) is interesting to
germans only.

But this gives me the opportunity to ask wether anybody else out there still
owns Cadmus equipment. If I will take these machines I might need spare
parts and boot media (or tape images). Anybody has such stuff?

Any former PCS employee on this list?


Am 17. Februar 2016 um 13:47 schrieb Peter Koch:

> Hallo Arno,
> Mit diesen Cadmus-Maschinen habe ich meine ersten Unix-Erfahrungen
> gemacht, bis hin zum Kopilieren von Kernel-Ewiterungen, mit denen man diese
> Maschine per serieller Leitung Punkt-zu.Punkt verbinden konnte. Mein
> Highlight war die erfolgreiche TeX-Kompilierung auf diesen Maschinen mit
> Programmierung einer Ansteuerung des allerersten Laserdruckers
> Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich solche Geräte noch mal sehe, bis ich
> letztes Jahr zufällig erfahren habe, dass Pierre Gebhardt noch so ein Gerät
> besitzt und sogar bereit wäre, es mir zu überlassen. Aber was will man mit
> einem defekten Gerät ohne Ersatzteile? Hat man dagegen mehrere dieser
> Kisten, dann steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit daraus etwas funktionierende
> zuzammenzu basteln ( wenn man denn genügend Zeit und Platz :-) )
> Wo stehen denn die Geräte - ich selber wohne in Duisburg? Anschauen würde
> ich mir die gerne mal. Und wenn ich irgendwie Platz schaffen kann, dann
> nehme ich auch einen Teil davon in gute Hände.

Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-17 Thread Andreas Sikkema
> Wo stehen denn die Geräte - ich selber wohne in Duisburg? Anschauen würde
> ich mir die gerne mal. Und wenn ich irgendwie Platz schaffen kann, dann
> nehme ich auch einen Teil davon in gute Hände.

So the stack of PCS machines is in Arnhem, the Netherlands. I have one
gentleman from Poland who is interested who contacted me privately.
Then there's a few people in this thread.

Shipping these machines (using a service like UPS/Fedex) will be
expensive, I guesstimate their weight to be around 25kg each. There
might be cheaper options, but they will cost considerable more time to
make happen. Local pickup is very much preferred.

Can everyone who is interested send me an email to


Re: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-17 Thread Peter Koch
Hallo Arno,

Mit diesen Cadmus-Maschinen habe ich meine ersten Unix-Erfahrungen gemacht,
bis hin zum Kopilieren von Kernel-Ewiterungen, mit denen man diese Maschine
per serieller Leitung Punkt-zu.Punkt verbinden konnte. Mein Highlight war
die erfolgreiche TeX-Kompilierung auf diesen Maschinen mit Programmierung
einer Ansteuerung des allerersten Laserdruckers

Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich solche Geräte noch mal sehe, bis ich
letztes Jahr zufällig erfahren habe, dass Pierre Gebhardt noch so ein Gerät
besitzt und sogar bereit wäre, es mir zu überlassen. Aber was will man mit
einem defekten Gerät ohne Ersatzteile? Hat man dagegen mehrere dieser
Kisten, dann steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit daraus etwas funktionierende
zuzammenzu basteln ( wenn man denn genügend Zeit und Platz :-) )

Wo stehen denn die Geräte - ich selber wohne in Duisburg? Anschauen würde
ich mir die gerne mal. Und wenn ich irgendwie Platz schaffen kann, dann
nehme ich auch einen Teil davon in gute Hände.

Viele Grüße


Peter Koch
Passauer Strasse 32, 47249 Duisburg
Tel.: 0172 2470263

RE: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-17 Thread E. Groenenberg
On Wed, February 17, 2016 06:59, Arno Kletzander wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is anyone interested in PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems? We at Hack42 have no
>> idea what to do with them. We need to downsize and these take up a
>> significant amount of our space.
>> See for photograph of the stack.
>> If you know other people who are interested in beasts like these, please
>> pass this information on.
>> --
>> Andreas
> Looks like interesting machinery from a German manufacturer!
> There is a short blurb about them on de:wp
> ( saying the PCS QU68000
> were based on (who'd have guessed...) a 68000 processor on a QBus (!)
> while the later models sold under the CADMUS trademark held 68020/030 and,
> from 1985 on, MIPS RISC processors. They ran MUNIX, a V7 UNIX derivate,
> with some quite sophisticated cluster integration (network boot,
> "Newcastle connection" common superroot namespace, networked block
> devices) enabled by a board called the Intelligent Communications
> Controller.
> The outfit even still seems to stick around here
> (, albeit
> manufacturing access/time registration/industrial data terminals nowadays.
> As usual, if somebody from Germany conducts an operation on those and
> doesn't know where to put all of them, I'm willing to help out with
> collecting and re-homing. (I may also have an opportunity to collect a
> couple of them in the Netherlands if there are any left by/can be held
> onto until end of May 2016. I'd wish for one of each significantly
> different type but this is not a reservation but a "last resort" deal if
> they'd go to trash otherwise. Basically, if anyone else comes along
> offering a good home for them, I'm happy to stand back.)
> TIA,
> Arno

Yes, those were nice machines. I worked with these systems in '84 - '87
and did visit their premises in Munich a few times. It was a small
office/factory building in the mids of a housing area.

Ik email, dus ik besta.
BTC : 1J5fajt8ptyZ2V1YURj3YJZhe5j3fJVSHN

RE: PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems

2016-02-16 Thread Arno Kletzander
> Hi,
> Is anyone interested in PCS Cadmus/QU68000 systems? We at Hack42 have no
> idea what to do with them. We need to downsize and these take up a
> significant amount of our space.
> See for photograph of the stack.
> If you know other people who are interested in beasts like these, please
> pass this information on.
> -- 
> Andreas

Looks like interesting machinery from a German manufacturer!

There is a short blurb about them on de:wp 
( saying the PCS QU68000 were 
based on (who'd have guessed...) a 68000 processor on a QBus (!) while the 
later models sold under the CADMUS trademark held 68020/030 and, from 1985 on, 
MIPS RISC processors. They ran MUNIX, a V7 UNIX derivate, with some quite 
sophisticated cluster integration (network boot, "Newcastle connection" common 
superroot namespace, networked block devices) enabled by a board called the 
Intelligent Communications Controller.
The outfit even still seems to stick around here 
(, albeit 
manufacturing access/time registration/industrial data terminals nowadays.

As usual, if somebody from Germany conducts an operation on those and doesn't 
know where to put all of them, I'm willing to help out with collecting and 
re-homing. (I may also have an opportunity to collect a couple of them in the 
Netherlands if there are any left by/can be held onto until end of May 2016. 
I'd wish for one of each significantly different type but this is not a 
reservation but a "last resort" deal if they'd go to trash otherwise. 
Basically, if anyone else comes along offering a good home for them, I'm happy 
to stand back.)

