Re: [CentOS-es] problema con sendmail

2007-09-02 Thread Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez

Que tal buen dia lista. les cuento mi problema resulta que monte un 
servidor con sendmail para enviar correo pero resulta que ya puedo 
enviar y recibir correo pero cuando intento mandar a hotmail me manda 
este error e buscado por google y todos refieren que es por que la ip 
esta en listas de spam o el dominio igual pero les cuento que el dominio 
es nuevo y que tenia otro servidor mandando correo desde esa misma ip 
por lo que no creo que sea por eso agradeceria cualquier tipo de ayuda 
de antemano gracias..

les paso el error
 550 Your e-mail was rejected for policy reasons on this gateway.  
Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like 
characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems.  If you are not an 
e-mail/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service 
Provider for help.  For e-mail delivery information, please go to

554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 16:14:39 -0500

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Your e-mail was rejected for policy reasons 
on this gateway.  Reasons for rejection may be related to content with 
spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems.  If you are 
not an e-mail/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service 
Provider for help.  For e-mail delivery information, please go to

Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 16:14:40 -0500

debes contactarles tal y como te dicen, leerte todo ese sitio que te 
dan, en el cual te intentarán vender algún producto (algo llamado domain 
keys o algo así) en todo caso lo resolví implementando SPF y botando al 
spammerq ue tenía en mi servidor (en verdad tenía un spammer), por si 
acaso es bueno que verifiques que la reversa de tu IP mapee a un nombre 
y no tenga un nombre relacionado con dsl o dialup.

Y sí, a pesar de que hagas lo que hagas, tienes que contactarles, ahi 
tienen un formulario de contacto, lo hacen bastante rapido.


Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez

USA: +1 305 359 4495 / España: +34 91 761 7884
Ecuador: +593 2 341 2402 / + 593 9 9246504
Mexico: +52 55 1163 8640 / Italia: +39 06 916504876
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Re: Meme. [Antes: problema con sendmail]

2007-09-02 Thread fsantos
Muchas gracias a todos por sus respuetas bueno pues les cuento que  
sigo en las mismas y para los que tenian dudas si tengo ip fija lo  
raro es que en este mismo sitio con esta ip  tenia otro server linux  
enviando correo y no me daba problemas ahora que compre otro dominio e  
intento mandarle al bendito hotmail pues nada e probado enviando a  
gmail y llegan a correo no deseado pero llegan.
he estado checando los logs del server y hay algo que no me gusta  
espero alguien me pueda sacar esta duda...
esto es lo que me da cuanto intento mandar a una cuenta de hotmail  
(DSN: Service unavailable)esto es lo que no me cuadra que  
intenta hacer aki?

Sep  2 18:57:10 rocagdl sendmail[3652]: AUTH=server, [] (may  
be forged), authid=x, mech=LOGIN, bits=0
Sep  2 18:57:11 rocagdl sendmail[3652]: l82Nv9Mc003652:  
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=3554, class=0, nrcpts=1,  
proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, [] (may  
be forged)
Sep  2 18:57:12 rocagdl sendmail[3654]: l82Nv9Mc003652:  
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=[EMAIL PROTECTED] (501/501),  
delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp, pri=123554, [], dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service  
Sep  2 18:57:12 rocagdl sendmail[3654]: l82Nv9Mc003652:  
l82NvCMc003654: DSN: Service unavailable
Sep  2 18:57:12 rocagdl sendmail[3654]: l82NvCMc003654:  
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00,  
mailer=local, pri=34824, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

pd. y tienen razon en esto del spam creo que batallamos mas los  
administradores de servidores de correo que los spammers..
creo que se deberia de controlar de otra forma que no afecte a la  
gente que quiere tener su propio servidor de correo.

bueno de antemano gracias. y salu2

Blu [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 11:55:48PM +0200, Manolo Díaz wrote:

El Sun, 2 Sep 2007 12:25:33 -0400
Blu [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 10:16:03AM +0200, Manolo Díaz wrote:
  Ante todo, ¿tienes una dirección IP fija?. En caso contrario casi ningún
  servidor SMTP va aceptar conexiones tuyas. De ser fija busca tu  
 dirección en


 No puedo dejar pasar la mención de este meme que se propaga cada vez más
 por la red.

 Meme: Sólo se debe/puede enviar e-mail desde una IP fija.

 De acuerdo a mi experiencia, la mayoría de los servidores SMTP _sí_ acepta
 correo desde direcciones dinámicas. Existen numerosos servidores que no lo
 hacen, pero no son la mayoría en ningún caso. En particular, hotmail, que
 fue el sitio que dio origen al hilo, sí acepta correo proveniente de
 direcciones dinámicas, independientemente de que en el caso particular
 tratado la IP del colistero, aparentemente, estaba sujeta a filtros
 adicionales por otras razones.

Estupendo. Tendríamos entonces un SMTP capaz de enviar correos a un  
 dominio sí,

a otro dominio no.

No es estupendo en absoluto, pero es la dura realidad, como lo atestiguan
mis configuraciones de servidores SMTP que parecen espagueti por el número
de rutas especiales que tengo que meter para darle la vuelta a los
obstáculos. Y este no es un problema sólo de los servidores con IPs
malditas (dinámicas y etc.), aunque es mucho más doloroso si es el caso.

Hablas de tu experiencia personal. Bueno, en la mía los correos eran
frecuentemente rechazados por estar en alguna lista anti-spam.   
Lista a la que
tenía el dudoso honor de pertenecer _sólo_ por tener una IP   
dinámica. No es un
meme, es un problema con el que ya me he enfrentado. Es más, ya con  
 IP fija, he
tenido que solicitar la baja varias veces de diferentes listas   
porque el rango
de IP fijas de mi proveedor estaba incluido en otro mayor de   
dinámicas o porque

el mismo proveedor únicamente consideraba como válidos los correos que
circulaban por sus servidores, excluyendo los de sus abonados. Y   
esto a pesar
de tener un dominio perfectamente válido y registrado del que no ha  
 salido ni

un solo correo basura.

Pues tenemos la misma experiencia, excepto que yo ya me aburrí hace tiempo
de andar rogándole a los administradores de RBLs y sus, muchas veces
arbitrarias, políticas, y prefiero darle la vuelta a los obstáculos
creando rutas alternativas.

Lo que pasa es que he visto que una respuesta casi estándar a la gente
que quiere montar su propio servidor SMTP es No lo hagas. Envía tu correo
mediante tu ISP que lo va a tratar mejor. No digo que no haya problemas,
los hay a montones, pero eso dista mucho de afirmar que casi todos los
servidores SMTP van a rechazar mensajes desde IPs dinámicas. En mi
experiencia, no siendo pocos los que lo hacen, no son ni con mucho la

Mi preocupación es que el meme se propaga y los usuarios legítimos del
protocolo caen en la misma bolsa que los spammers. Es una táctica de
desprestigio archiconocida pero que sigue dando 

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 (64) Gnome - not detecting Optical Mouse

2007-09-02 Thread Lukasz

User Siva GNU/Linux wrote:

I am using CentOS 5 64bit, i can install successfully on the below hardware.
while booting i can see the Pointer and use Mouse. But While i get a Login
screen I couldn't see the pointer, after login also i can't. when i press
CTRL button, it shows where the pointer is.. What should i do to enable and
work with Mouse.

is it USB or PS2 mouse?

this looks like gnome issue, sunce mouse is visible while rhgb 
running, but mouse can be configured directly in file 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf; can you send us context of this file?

also, you can disable rhgb; check the file /boot/grub/menu.lst 
and (after backup to /root/important/ or other safe from users 
directory) and delete every rhgb you find

Opole - Miasto Bez Granic. - tu znajdziesz nowe miejsca, nowe mozliwosci, nowe 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 (64) Gnome - not detecting Optical Mouse

2007-09-02 Thread Chris Geldenhuis

Siva GNU/Linux wrote:

I am using CentOS 5 64bit, i can install successfully on the below 
hardware. while booting i can see the Pointer and use Mouse. But While 
i get a Login screen I couldn't see the pointer, after login also i 
can't. when i press CTRL button, it shows where the pointer is.. What 
should i do to enable and work with Mouse.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
ASUS Nvidia Geforce Chipset board
17 TFT
Logitech Optical Mouse


CentOS mailing list

Hi Siva,

I have been battling with the same problem for a few weeks now. From 
everything I can find it appears that the graphics controller on these 
motherboards (mine has the C15G nVidia chipset and the controller is 
recognised as a GEForce 6100).

I followed Jim Perrin's instructions and downloaded and installed the 
nVidia driver from RPMForge and still have the same problem. My next 
step is to try to find a PCI or PCI express graphics card that is 
supported by Linux so that I can start using this server.

The subject of the thread in which my problems were discussed is: nVdia 
C15G chipset and GeForce 6100 on board graphix controller

Sorry that I cannot give you more positive feedback but hope that this 
helps in some way.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: [CentOS-announce] Virtualization SIG created

2007-09-02 Thread Phil Schaffner
On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 14:21 +0200, Daniel de Kok wrote:
 The CentOS team is pleased to announce the creation of its first Special
 Interest Group (SIG): the Virtualization SIG. A SIG is a smaller group
 within the CentOS project that focuses on a small set of issues, in
 order to either create awareness or to focus development along a
 specific topic.
 The Virtualization SIG has the following goals:
 - Discussing, documenting and implementing methods to optimize 
   virtualization performance.
 - Improvement and maintenance of virtualization support in CentOS.
 - Assisting in building ready-to-run images for common virtualization 
   technologies, and development of installable CentOS media for 
   virtualization platforms.
 - Work closely with providers of virtualization products, to see how we 
   can accomodate use of their products with CentOS.
 - Maintenance of virtualization-related documentation in the CentOS 
 - Maintenance of the centos-virt mailing list. This list is used for 
   discussing virtualization of and on CentOS, as well as discussion of 
   SIG-related matters.
 Information about the Virtualization SIG can be found at:

Hmmm - all I see there is You are not allowed to view this page.  Not
very friendly. :-(

 General information about CentOS SIGs is available at:

Presumably should have been:

 You are invited to join the CentOS virtualization mailinglist at:
 With kind regards,
 The CentOS team


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Announcement Project based on CentOS 4.4

2007-09-02 Thread Tronn Wærdahl
I have made an extended Getting started guide to NTX, its in about 50 pages.
Its available in both English and Norwegian. The english version is
available   at and the Norwegian version is available


On 7/12/07, Tronn Wærdahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I put together a CD with Open-exchange 0.8.6-5 and more, based on Centos

 When installing the CD, all required software is installed, all that is
 needed after Os install is to run a config script, that make if fit your

 Dependig on the speed on your CDrom the installation should take no more
 than 30 minutts

 It install the following:

- Open-Exchange 0.8.6-5
- Samba PDC
- A PDF printer
- Wildfire, a jabber server (for chating )
- Avaadm
- Jetti, (jabber webclient)
- Squid
- Nameserver ( needed when join machins to domain)
- Smartsive and websive
- Antivirus
- Syncml ( but i havent got it to work with any of my clients )

 Since it could be so difficult to install, I put this together CD, and I
 guess allso others would have some use for it

 Its aviliable for download here


The box said: Requires MS Windows or better, so I installed Linux
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] apache mod_jk?

2007-09-02 Thread Finnur Örn Guðmundsson

John Hinton wrote:

Is this really not in CentOS 5? or maybe buried in javaland somewhere?

John Hinton
CentOS mailing list


You might want to take a look at mod_proxy_ajp instead. It comes with 
Apache 2.0/2.2 (and is included in the CentOS 5 httpd package).

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Performance Issues

2007-09-02 Thread Dan Dansereau
My apology for cross posting

We have a DELL6850 with 8Gbytes of memory,  four 3.2Ghz CPU's , perc 4
raid controller, with fourteen 300Gbyte 10Krpm disk on a powervault
220s, And a powervault 124T  LTO-3 tape systems on a separate
160Mbyte/sec adaptec SCSI card.
The disks are configured as two 2Tbyte raid 0 partitions using the perc
4 hardware. 

The problem is - reading from the disk, and writing to the tape is
pathetically slow.
The specs say I should get around 80Mbyte/second - in reality - is about
500 Kbytes/second 

Writing just to tape, using /dev/zero as input and dd to write, I can
get up to 60Mybte/second, indicating that the tape drive and scsi card
is functional from a hardware perspective. Since I can read and write
data to the disks - I assume that they are functional.
The files are 80Mybtes for the minimum size that I am writing to tape. 

DELL Support hides behind the fact that CENTOS is not a supported OS,
But RED HAT is - so switch to it, so DELL can get RED HAT Support
involved. And the fact that Rocks is a modification to an unsupported

I have tried using various block size in tar from 256 to 8192 - with
minimal success.

Does anybody have any experience on setting the OS/Kernel parameters to
utilize the hardware at something more then a snails pace?
Suggestions on what I could test and/or try?
Is there a standard disk / tape IO test package that could test the
speed/performance of the disks and /or tapes?

Thanks for your help
Dan A. Dansereau
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] strange chgrp behavior

2007-09-02 Thread William L. Maltby
On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 19:39 +0200, Tomas Ruprich wrote:
 Thu, Aug 30, 2007 ve 06:05:49PM +0200, Tomas Ruprich napsal:
  i had a following problem, which on one side i have already solved, but
  on other side i don't thing it should behave this way and wish somebody to 
  tell if it is feature or bug ;-)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# chown user user/
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# ls -ld /home/user
  drwxr-xr-x  66 user staff 4096 /home/user
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# chgrp -R staff user/
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# ls -ld user/
  drwxr-xr-x  66 root staff 4096 user/
 just to be accurate, this doesn't happen when using --no-dereference and it 
 is not 
 changing permissions to root, but to user who is the owner of the link, so:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# ls -la user/.openoffice/user/work
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 nobody root 13 Aug 28 14:35 user/.openoffice/user/work - 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# ls -ld /home/user
 drwxr-xr-x  66 user staff 4096 /home/user
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# chgrp -R staff user/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# ls -ld user/
 drwxr-xr-x  66 nobody staff 4096 user/
 snip sig stuff

ISTM it's a bug and should be reported on both CentOS and RH tracking
systems. Two errors are apparent. One may be difficult to correct.

As you originally discovered, the user ID is being change during
execution of the command to change a group. And it is using the ID from
the symbolic link owner, as you later noticed.

The 2nd bug is a recursion into the original directory via the symbolic
link when dereference is not suppressed. IMO, recursion should not
occur, but I know from a programming background that it takes a little
foresight, thought and intense effort to avoid this sort of trap.

As an afterthought, how valid is it to have user control files that are
supposed to be contained in an invisible directory in the user's
$HOME? This presents a non-standard structure that offers increased
opportunities for mishaps of various types.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Performance Issues

2007-09-02 Thread Alain Spineux
And what about a
raw disk tape to raw tape copy ?

# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=32768

PS: 14 disk in raid 0 is very fragile, this should be used only for
caching data. With a PV220 maybe a backup engine then !

On 9/2/07, Dan Dansereau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My apology for cross posting

 We have a DELL6850 with 8Gbytes of memory,  four 3.2Ghz CPU's , perc 4
 raid controller, with fourteen 300Gbyte 10Krpm disk on a powervault
 220s, And a powervault 124T  LTO-3 tape systems on a separate
 160Mbyte/sec adaptec SCSI card.
 The disks are configured as two 2Tbyte raid 0 partitions using the perc
 4 hardware.

 The problem is - reading from the disk, and writing to the tape is
 pathetically slow.
 The specs say I should get around 80Mbyte/second - in reality - is about
 500 Kbytes/second

 Writing just to tape, using /dev/zero as input and dd to write, I can
 get up to 60Mybte/second, indicating that the tape drive and scsi card
 is functional from a hardware perspective. Since I can read and write
 data to the disks - I assume that they are functional.
 The files are 80Mybtes for the minimum size that I am writing to tape.

 DELL Support hides behind the fact that CENTOS is not a supported OS,
 But RED HAT is - so switch to it, so DELL can get RED HAT Support
 involved. And the fact that Rocks is a modification to an unsupported

 I have tried using various block size in tar from 256 to 8192 - with
 minimal success.

 Does anybody have any experience on setting the OS/Kernel parameters to
 utilize the hardware at something more then a snails pace?
 Suggestions on what I could test and/or try?
 Is there a standard disk / tape IO test package that could test the
 speed/performance of the disks and /or tapes?

 Thanks for your help
 Dan A. Dansereau
 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Performance Issues

2007-09-02 Thread Alain Spineux
On 9/2/07, Alain Spineux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And what about a

 raw disk tape to raw tape copy ?
raw disk to raw tape copy ?

 # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=32768
and with time :-)

# time  dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=32768

 PS: 14 disk in raid 0 is very fragile, this should be used only for
 caching data. With a PV220 maybe a backup engine then !

 On 9/2/07, Dan Dansereau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My apology for cross posting
  We have a DELL6850 with 8Gbytes of memory,  four 3.2Ghz CPU's , perc 4
  raid controller, with fourteen 300Gbyte 10Krpm disk on a powervault
  220s, And a powervault 124T  LTO-3 tape systems on a separate
  160Mbyte/sec adaptec SCSI card.
  The disks are configured as two 2Tbyte raid 0 partitions using the perc
  4 hardware.
  The problem is - reading from the disk, and writing to the tape is
  pathetically slow.
  The specs say I should get around 80Mbyte/second - in reality - is about
  500 Kbytes/second
  Writing just to tape, using /dev/zero as input and dd to write, I can
  get up to 60Mybte/second, indicating that the tape drive and scsi card
  is functional from a hardware perspective. Since I can read and write
  data to the disks - I assume that they are functional.
  The files are 80Mybtes for the minimum size that I am writing to tape.
  DELL Support hides behind the fact that CENTOS is not a supported OS,
  But RED HAT is - so switch to it, so DELL can get RED HAT Support
  involved. And the fact that Rocks is a modification to an unsupported
  I have tried using various block size in tar from 256 to 8192 - with
  minimal success.
  Does anybody have any experience on setting the OS/Kernel parameters to
  utilize the hardware at something more then a snails pace?
  Suggestions on what I could test and/or try?
  Is there a standard disk / tape IO test package that could test the
  speed/performance of the disks and /or tapes?
  Thanks for your help
  Dan A. Dansereau
  CentOS mailing list

 Alain Spineux
 aspineux gmail com
 May the sources be with you

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] IBM X3200

2007-09-02 Thread William L. Maltby
On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 11:26 -0700, Steven Vishoot wrote:
 --- CentOS List [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't Consultant = Salesperson ?

I can't resist...

Consultant = Expert = Ex (has been) + spurt (drip under pressure)



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] need help on second Ethernet port (eth1) point to point connect

2007-09-02 Thread William L. Maltby
On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 23:21 +0800, mcclnx mcc wrote:
 setup IP address as does NOT work. 
 Someone say I need use crossover type of cable, but
 I don't have.  I put a switch and coneect cable from
 each PC and it work fine.

Crossover cables are easy. I make my own straight-through and crossovers
when needed.

Regardless, the others were right: you *did* need a crossover *until*
you put an auto-sensing switch into the mix. I have one of these on my
home network (SMCGS8 unmanaged) and have sense not made up any custom

As others have stated though, I do have both cross-over and straight
patch cables on-hand JIC.

Anyway, if you make your own, when the RJ-45 connectors are held side-
by-side clips down facing same direction:

straight = colors occur in same sequence in both
cross-over = colors occur in mirror sequence.

For GB E'net, this is more important as two pairs are used. For 10Mb,
only one pair is used, so the simple reverse TX/RX works.

Hmmm... I'm assuming USOC 568A wiring? Can't remember. Anyway, the pin
assignments are the same. Only the color sequence is different.

 --- gnulinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] 說:
  mcclnx mcc wrote:


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] need help on second Ethernet port (eth1) point to point connect

2007-09-02 Thread William L. Maltby
On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 13:40 -0400, William L. Maltby wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 23:21 +0800, mcclnx mcc wrote:

 Regardless, the others were right: you *did* need a crossover *until*
 you put an auto-sensing switch into the mix. I have one of these on my

s/auto-sensing/(possibly auto-sensing)/

Auto-sensing allows using either straight or cross-over cables to be
used (among other functions) and automatically corrects TX/RX to match
the cable used. A straight cable to a switch is the norm and doesn't
need auto-sensing.

For *most* E'net cards w/o an intervening switch/hub, cross-over would
be needed though, as others have said.



CentOS mailing list