[CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustitución del ADS po r FDS y estaciones Linux

2008-07-03 Thread Héctor Suárez Planas
Saludos hermanos.

Ayer entre un amigo mío y yo instalamos un servidor de directorio FDS y lo
integramos con un Samba como PDC.

Después de terminar aquello a las 8 de la noche, camino a mi casa me saltó
una duda y me gustaría saber sus opiniones.

Es sabido que un ADS no puede ser sustituido un 100% en Linux, solamente se
puede configurar al Samba como PDC, un LDAP como almacén central de
usuarios, equipos, grupos y demás, y Kerberos 5 (si se tiene estaciones
Windows). Ahora bien, en el caso de Ubuntu se puede configurar el PAM para
que se tire contra el LDAP, pero entonces el Samba se me queda fuera. Estuve
buscando en Internet cómo configurar el PAM para que se tire contra un Samba
PDC, pero nada, sólo veo los manuales que usan mucho el Winbind. Con otras
distros he visto que es mucho más manejable que con Ubuntu.

Si alguien ha estado en este dilema, ¿me pudiese dar una luz?

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Load balancing con 2 conexiones pppoe

2008-07-03 Thread Héctor Anibal Talingo García

--- El mié 2-jul-08, Francisco Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
De:: Francisco Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: [CentOS-es] Load balancing con 2 conexiones pppoe
A: centos-es@centos.org
Fecha: miércoles, 2 julio, 2008, 1:02 pm

Buen dia lista pues aki con una duda que espero alguien me pueda

Resulta que tengo 2 adsl con telmex de 2048 kbps de bajada por 256 de
subida cada una...

Y quiero hacer un load balancing.. mi problema o duda ke tengo es ke
resulta que me conecto a esas dos adsl por pppoe. Y como uno des los
enlaces tiene ip dinamica y el otro ip fija me gustaria saber si es
posible hacer el load balancing con dos conexiones pppoe..

Ya que todos los manuales que he visto y leido las conexiones las pasn
por routers y les dan una ip clase c..

Alguien a tenido este problema? Y si es asi como lo puedo resolver?

De antemano gracias a todos por su 
CentOS-es mailing list

Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
Regístrate ya - http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/ ___
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Load balancing con 2 conexiones pppoe

2008-07-03 Thread Victor Padro
se corto tu correo, espero lo vuelvas a enviar, para ver si podemos


It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Load balancing con 2 conexiones pppoe

2008-07-03 Thread Héctor Anibal Talingo García

--- El mié 2-jul-08, Francisco Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
De:: Francisco Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: [CentOS-es] Load balancing con 2 conexiones pppoe
A: centos-es@centos.org
Fecha: miércoles, 2 julio, 2008, 1:02 pm

Buen dia lista pues aki con una duda que espero alguien me pueda

Resulta que tengo 2 adsl con telmex de 2048 kbps de bajada por 256 de
subida cada una...

Y quiero hacer un load balancing.. mi problema o duda ke tengo es ke
resulta que me conecto a esas dos adsl por pppoe. Y como uno des los
enlaces tiene ip dinamica y el otro ip fija me gustaria saber si es
posible hacer el load balancing con dos conexiones pppoe..

Ya que todos los manuales que he visto y leido las conexiones las pasn
por routers y les dan una ip clase c..

Alguien a tenido este problema? Y si es asi como lo puedo resolver?

De antemano gracias a todos por su atencion..


Hola a todos.

Te cuento rapido mi historia, tenemos en una de nuestras plazas un servicio de 
IP satelital (IP fija) por razones de mantenimiento tuvimos q contratar 
momentaneamente un servicio DSL (IP dinamica asignada por el ISP) y 
redireccionar todo el trafico por esta salida. Estos servicios llegan a un 
server que tengo con CentOS 4.6 .Una vez que todo regreso a la normalidad, 
regrese todo a la salida satelital, y entonces me pidieron que dejara las 2 
salidas trabajando, para distribuir trafico (load balancing). No puedo cambiar 
de distribucion ni de equipos ya que este servidor esta en produccion y me le 
da salida a unos 80 clientes a Internet, ademas de algunos servicios internos, 
asi que la solucion forzosamente deberia implementarse sobre el mismo server.

Despues de mucho leer (clasico en linux, no? ) la mejor solucion (con todo y 
ejemplos) que encontré fue el tutorial de lartc, te paso una version ya en 


En resumidas cuentas, mucho leer, entender todo el concepto y funcionamiento.

La implementacion: 10 miserables lineas en la  linea de comandos,,,ja,ja,ja 
(eso fue todo lo necesario hacer)

funcionando desde hace un mes,,,sin problemas...

saludos a todos.

Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
Regístrate ya - http://correo.yahoo.com.mx/
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustitución del ADS por FDS y estaciones Linux

2008-07-03 Thread BlackHand
On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 09:25 -0400, Héctor Suárez Planas wrote:

 Ayer entre un amigo mío y yo instalamos un servidor de directorio FDS y lo
 integramos con un Samba como PDC.

uhm, yo he encontrado un problema horroroso con FDS y RHDS, q por mas q
he preguntado a los expertos no sacan nada adelante y es el siguiente.

Haz logrado q te cambien transparentemente el password de un usuario,
desde la consola del Windows, con lo cual te cambia el password de
windows y tambien el password del LDAP ? con OpenLDAP eso nunca me ha
dado problemas con FDS/RHDS7 siempre se planta con un error diciendo q
no pudo realizar el cambio, pero sin embargo si lo ha realizado. El log
del FDS/RHDS dice algo sobre un atributo desconocido (userPassword) pero
su log de error dice change attribute success y tengo una ventanita en
el cliente windows diciendo q fallo el cambio (sin embargo este si se

 Es sabido que un ADS no puede ser sustituido un 100% en Linux, solamente se
 puede configurar al Samba como PDC, un LDAP como almacén central de
 usuarios, equipos, grupos y demás, y Kerberos 5 (si se tiene estaciones
 Windows). Ahora bien, en el caso de Ubuntu se puede configurar el PAM para
 que se tire contra el LDAP, pero entonces el Samba se me queda fuera. Estuve
 buscando en Internet cómo configurar el PAM para que se tire contra un Samba
 PDC, pero nada, sólo veo los manuales que usan mucho el Winbind. Con otras
 distros he visto que es mucho más manejable que con Ubuntu.
 Si alguien ha estado en este dilema, ¿me pudiese dar una luz?

Justo por eso te comentaba lo q esta lineas mas arriba. Al usar LDAP
como mi almacen central de users y configuraciones, tb he querido
integrar estaciones de trabajo Linux en la ensalada. Las dos maneras son
las que tu comentas, usando Winbind, q vale si te vas a unir contra un
Samba, un NT o un AD2000/2003, o LDAP q sirve cuando lo que tienes atras
es un LDAP o un AD2000/2003 (condimentado con Services For Unix)

si usas winbind lo unico q este te proveera sera del user y password.
Todos los demas atributos (uid, gid, home dir por citar los mas
importantes) te los vas a tener q inventar desde la configuracion del
smb.conf, para q el winbind los entregue a todos los usuarios por igual.

si usas LDAP sea contra OpenLDAP/FDS/RHDS o AD2000/2003 con las
extensiones para Unix, el LDAP te proveera todos los parametros para los
usuarios Linux. 

Si lo que quieres lograr es por ejemplo montar automaticamente unidades
via samba cuando te logueas, no veo q sea tan complicado con un poco de
scripting de tu parte. Pero seria mejor si en vez de hacer eso, usas NFS
y las capacidades de automount ligadas a tu LDAP mas bien, de esta
manerja los mismos shares en samba para los windows se exportarian como
NFS para los linux y con automount y ldap de por medio tener esos
parametros seteados por cada usuario y lograr el montaje de manera
transparente al loguearse el usuario.

Manejo como los permisos o perfiles de usuario dependeran mas de las
opciones q KDE y Gnome te brinden para manejar perfiles y via scripting
nuevamente cargarlas.

powered by GNU/Linux and lots of GNU Force too.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustitución del ADS por FDS y estaciones Linux

2008-07-03 Thread Hardy Beltran Monasterios
El jue, 03-07-2008 a las 09:25 -0400, Héctor Suárez Planas escribió:
 Saludos hermanos.
 Ayer entre un amigo mío y yo instalamos un servidor de directorio FDS y lo
 integramos con un Samba como PDC.
 Después de terminar aquello a las 8 de la noche, camino a mi casa me saltó
 una duda y me gustaría saber sus opiniones.
 Es sabido que un ADS no puede ser sustituido un 100% en Linux, solamente se
 puede configurar al Samba como PDC, un LDAP como almacén central de
 usuarios, equipos, grupos y demás, y Kerberos 5 (si se tiene estaciones
 Windows). Ahora bien, en el caso de Ubuntu se puede configurar el PAM para
 que se tire contra el LDAP, pero entonces el Samba se me queda fuera. Estuve
 buscando en Internet cómo configurar el PAM para que se tire contra un Samba
 PDC, pero nada, sólo veo los manuales que usan mucho el Winbind. Con otras
 distros he visto que es mucho más manejable que con Ubuntu.
 Si alguien ha estado en este dilema, ¿me pudiese dar una luz?

Creo que estás preguntando como se hace en Ubuntu...mal lugar para tu
pregunta. Mejor ve a una lista de Ubuntu donde seguro hallarás mucha más

Y estás de cosas totalmente distintas para necesidades diferentes.

Samba es necesario para hablar idioma Windows contra PCs que corren
ese sistema, ese idioma son muchas cosas, las mas usuales: compartir
archivos, compartir impresoras y autentificación.

PAM es el sistema de autenticación que se usa en Linux, en realidad.
Existen módulos PAM que se autentican contra/usando diferentes cosas por
ejemplo: /etc/passwd/shadow, NIS, LDAP, Kerberos, Samba, Winbind (a su
vez este pide a un servidor ADS).

Deberías buscar por pam_smb para que la autenticación de Linux mediante
PAM se haga contra un servidor Samba (SMB).

Espero haber entendido tu pregunta

Hardy Beltran Monasterios
Consultor e Instructor GNU/Linux
LPI Certified (LPIC-1) / RedHat Certified (RHCE)

CentOS-es mailing list

RE: [CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustituci�n delADS por

2008-07-03 Thread Héctor Suárez Planas
Saludos hermano.

Antes que nada, gracias por responder.

 uhm, yo he encontrado un problema horroroso con FDS y RHDS, q por mas q
 he preguntado a los expertos no sacan nada adelante y es el siguiente.
 Haz logrado q te cambien transparentemente el password de un usuario,
 desde la consola del Windows, con lo cual te cambia el password de
 windows y tambien el password del LDAP ? con OpenLDAP eso nunca me ha
 dado problemas con FDS/RHDS7 siempre se planta con un error diciendo q
 no pudo realizar el cambio, pero sin embargo si lo ha realizado. El log
 del FDS/RHDS dice algo sobre un atributo desconocido (userPassword) pero
 su log de error dice change attribute success y tengo una ventanita en
 el cliente windows diciendo q fallo el cambio (sin embargo este si se

A mi me pasó algo parecido, pero con el comando passwd del Linux. Intenté
cambiarle la contraseña a un usuario determinado y me decía que estaba
incorrecta, y ni siquiera se la había puesto.

Probamos a montar la dichosa consola del FDS en Windows y no trabajaba. Fue
tanta la incomodidad que bajé el nunca bien ponderado LDAP Browser y resolví
el problema del password, pero lo malo es que está un poco macarrónico eso
si existen muchos usuarios.

  Es sabido que un ADS no puede ser sustituido un 100% en Linux, solamente
  puede configurar al Samba como PDC, un LDAP como almacén central de
  usuarios, equipos, grupos y demás, y Kerberos 5 (si se tiene estaciones
  Windows). Ahora bien, en el caso de Ubuntu se puede configurar el PAM
  que se tire contra el LDAP, pero entonces el Samba se me queda fuera.
  buscando en Internet cómo configurar el PAM para que se tire contra un
  PDC, pero nada, sólo veo los manuales que usan mucho el Winbind. Con
  distros he visto que es mucho más manejable que con Ubuntu.
  Si alguien ha estado en este dilema, ¿me pudiese dar una luz?
 Justo por eso te comentaba lo q esta lineas mas arriba. Al usar LDAP
 como mi almacen central de users y configuraciones, tb he querido
 integrar estaciones de trabajo Linux en la ensalada. Las dos maneras son
 las que tu comentas, usando Winbind, q vale si te vas a unir contra un
 Samba, un NT o un AD2000/2003, o LDAP q sirve cuando lo que tienes atras
 es un LDAP o un AD2000/2003 (condimentado con Services For Unix)
 si usas winbind lo unico q este te proveera sera del user y password.
 Todos los demas atributos (uid, gid, home dir por citar los mas
 importantes) te los vas a tener q inventar desde la configuracion del
 smb.conf, para q el winbind los entregue a todos los usuarios por igual.

Oh, ya ahí hay trabajo de más. :(

 si usas LDAP sea contra OpenLDAP/FDS/RHDS o AD2000/2003 con las
 extensiones para Unix, el LDAP te proveera todos los parametros para los
 usuarios Linux.
 Si lo que quieres lograr es por ejemplo montar automaticamente unidades
 via samba cuando te logueas, no veo q sea tan complicado con un poco de
 scripting de tu parte. Pero seria mejor si en vez de hacer eso, usas NFS
 y las capacidades de automount ligadas a tu LDAP mas bien, de esta
 manerja los mismos shares en samba para los windows se exportarian como
 NFS para los linux y con automount y ldap de por medio tener esos
 parametros seteados por cada usuario y lograr el montaje de manera
 transparente al loguearse el usuario.

Agradezco este comentario. Estaba leyendo un manual de cómo hacer eso con
Ubuntu y lo que recomiendan es NFS. Es lógico que sea así.

 Manejo como los permisos o perfiles de usuario dependeran mas de las
 opciones q KDE y Gnome te brinden para manejar perfiles y via scripting
 nuevamente cargarlas.

Ese es el problema, que el sistema cliente te permita cambiar atributos del
usuario. :|

CentOS-es mailing list

RE: [CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustituci�n del ADSpor

2008-07-03 Thread Héctor Suárez Planas

 Creo que estás preguntando como se hace en Ubuntu...mal lugar para tu
 pregunta. Mejor ve a una lista de Ubuntu donde seguro hallarás mucha más

Disculpa. Es verdad que se me fue la mano aquí con el cliente :D, pero lo
que tengo en mi servidor en un CentOS 5.1 que pincha OK. En él yo tengo el
FDS integrado con Samba. El problema son los clientes.

 Y estás de cosas totalmente distintas para necesidades diferentes.
 Samba es necesario para hablar idioma Windows contra PCs que corren
 ese sistema, ese idioma son muchas cosas, las mas usuales: compartir
 archivos, compartir impresoras y autentificación.

Sí, te entiendo.

 PAM es el sistema de autenticación que se usa en Linux, en realidad.
 Existen módulos PAM que se autentican contra/usando diferentes cosas por
 ejemplo: /etc/passwd/shadow, NIS, LDAP, Kerberos, Samba, Winbind (a su
 vez este pide a un servidor ADS).
 Deberías buscar por pam_smb para que la autenticación de Linux mediante
 PAM se haga contra un servidor Samba (SMB).

Eso es lo que no encontraba para Ubuntu, y he leído varios foros, y lo que
recomiendan es usar NFS para la compartimentación de recursos.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Dilema sobre sustitución del ADS por FDS y estaciones Linux

2008-07-03 Thread Hardy Beltran Monasterios
El jue, 03-07-2008 a las 15:18 +, BlackHand escribió:
 On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 09:25 -0400, Héctor Suárez Planas wrote:
  Ayer entre un amigo mío y yo instalamos un servidor de directorio FDS y lo
  integramos con un Samba como PDC.
 uhm, yo he encontrado un problema horroroso con FDS y RHDS, q por mas q
 he preguntado a los expertos no sacan nada adelante y es el siguiente.
 Haz logrado q te cambien transparentemente el password de un usuario,
 desde la consola del Windows, con lo cual te cambia el password de
 windows y tambien el password del LDAP ? con OpenLDAP eso nunca me ha
 dado problemas con FDS/RHDS7 siempre se planta con un error diciendo q
 no pudo realizar el cambio, pero sin embargo si lo ha realizado. El log
 del FDS/RHDS dice algo sobre un atributo desconocido (userPassword) pero
 su log de error dice change attribute success y tengo una ventanita en
 el cliente windows diciendo q fallo el cambio (sin embargo este si se

Yo nunca he ocupado FDS/RHDS7 pero ese userPassword es un atributo del
directorio LDAP que mantiene la información de las cuentas de usuario.

Deberías revisar la definición del esquema que estás usando en tu LDAP.

  Es sabido que un ADS no puede ser sustituido un 100% en Linux, solamente se
  puede configurar al Samba como PDC, un LDAP como almacén central de
  usuarios, equipos, grupos y demás, y Kerberos 5 (si se tiene estaciones
  Windows). Ahora bien, en el caso de Ubuntu se puede configurar el PAM para
  que se tire contra el LDAP, pero entonces el Samba se me queda fuera. Estuve
  buscando en Internet cómo configurar el PAM para que se tire contra un Samba
  PDC, pero nada, sólo veo los manuales que usan mucho el Winbind. Con otras
  distros he visto que es mucho más manejable que con Ubuntu.
  Si alguien ha estado en este dilema, ¿me pudiese dar una luz?
 Justo por eso te comentaba lo q esta lineas mas arriba. Al usar LDAP
 como mi almacen central de users y configuraciones, tb he querido
 integrar estaciones de trabajo Linux en la ensalada. Las dos maneras son
 las que tu comentas, usando Winbind, q vale si te vas a unir contra un
 Samba, un NT o un AD2000/2003, o LDAP q sirve cuando lo que tienes atras
 es un LDAP o un AD2000/2003 (condimentado con Services For Unix)

Una cosa importante en esta ensalada es que los esquemas LDAP tienen que
servir para almacenar información de ambos mundos: Linux y Windows. Hay
esquemas para cada uno de ellos que deben ser incluidos en el LDAP.
Almenos en OpenLDAP se hace así. Hay utilitarios para migrar
passwd/shadow a LDAP.

 si usas winbind lo unico q este te proveera sera del user y password.
 Todos los demas atributos (uid, gid, home dir por citar los mas
 importantes) te los vas a tener q inventar desde la configuracion del
 smb.conf, para q el winbind los entregue a todos los usuarios por igual.

Precisamente para no inventar es que se deben tener los esquemas

 si usas LDAP sea contra OpenLDAP/FDS/RHDS o AD2000/2003 con las
 extensiones para Unix, el LDAP te proveera todos los parametros para los
 usuarios Linux. 

Justo lo que hablo más arriba.


Hardy Beltran Monasterios
Consultor e Instructor GNU/Linux
LPI Certified (LPIC-1) / RedHat Certified (RHCE)

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] mysql administrator - query

2008-07-03 Thread Oscar Martinez Mejia

He tratado de instalar mysql - administrator y mysql - query en un servidor
Centos 5.1 a traves de YUM y me aparece este mensaje , trate tambien con el
rpm de mysql pero no fue fructifero

Alguna recomendacion

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum install mysql-administrator
Loading fastestmirror plugin
Loading priorities plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirror.cs.vt.edu
 * updates: centos.mirrors.redwire.net
 * addons: centos.mirror.nac.net
 * extras: mirror.raystedman.net
0 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
No package mysql-administrator available.
Nothing to do
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS] Last and final official release candidate of the com.oonics open shared root cluster installation DVD is available (RC4)

2008-07-03 Thread Marc Grimme
we are very happy to announce the availability of the last and final official 
release candidate of the com.oonics open shared root cluster installation DVD 

The com.oonics open shared root cluster installation DVD allows the 
installation of a single node open shared root cluster with the use of 
anaconda, the well known installation software provided by Red Hat. After the 
installation, the open shared root cluster can be easily scaled up to more 
than hundred cluster nodes.

You can now download the open shared root installation DVD from 

We are very interested in feetback. Please either file a bug or feature or 
post to the mailinglist (see www.open-sharedroot.org).

More details can be found here: 

Note: The download isos are based on Centos5.1!
  RHEL5.1 versions will be provided on request.

Have fun testing it and let us know the what you're thinking.
Gruss / Regards,

Marc Grimme
http://www.atix.de/   http://www.open-sharedroot.org/

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] INIT 5 and system is gone

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Robert Moskowitz wrote on Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:54:11 -0400:

 Is this formatted better?

Were you referring to my remark about unreadability? I replied to John.
Your's are always good to read, although you could trim a bit ;-)


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Acer 5920 audio chip does not work in CentOS 5.2?

2008-07-03 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 14:44 +1000, hce wrote:
 Thanks both Alex and Willam.

  # lspci -v  # Snipped non-related stuff out
  00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.
  VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
 Subsystem: EPoX Computer Co., Ltd. Unknown device 300c
 Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 201
 I/O ports at eb00 [size=256]
 Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2
  Note that my capabilities are listed while yours are access denied.
  Were you root when you ran lspci? I don't know if that is significant.
 From root, I got following Capabilities, I guess it is ok.
 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio
 Controller (rev 03)
 Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Unknown device 0121
 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 66
 Memory at f050 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
 Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
 Capabilities: [60] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+
 Queue=0/0 Enable-
 Capabilities: [70] Express Unknown type IRQ 0
 Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel
 Capabilities: [130] Unknown (5)

  The only suspecious I could find was following boot message, but I am
  not sure it was related or not, and not sure how could fix following.
  PCI: If a device doesn't work, try pci=routeirq.  If it helps, post a 
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge :00:1c.0
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 8 of bridge :00:1c.0
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge :00:1c.0
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge :00:1c.3
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 8 of bridge :00:1c.3
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge :00:1c.3
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge :00:1c.5
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 8 of bridge :00:1c.5
  PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 9 of bridge :00:1c.5

  AFAICT, your stuff looks OK. We need more knowledgeable help.
  A useful command is modinfo. Do a man modinfo for details. It is
  useful in investigating this stuff. Note useful lines below, like
  depends and parm. E.g
  # modinfo snd_via82xx
  description:VIA VT82xx audio
  author: Jaroslav Kysela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  srcversion: E4EB4562EAA5912A94BAAB7
  alias:  pci:v1106d3059sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
  alias:  pci:v1106d3058sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
  vermagic:   2.6.18-92.1.6.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS
  parm:   index:Index value for VIA 82xx bridge. (int)
  parm:   id:ID string for VIA 82xx bridge. (charp)
  parm:   mpu_port:MPU-401 port. (VT82C686x only) (long)
  parm:   joystick:Enable joystick. (VT82C686x only) (bool)
  parm:   ac97_clock:AC'97 codec clock (default 48000Hz). (int)
  parm:   ac97_quirk:AC'97 workaround for strange hardware.
  parm:   dxs_support:Support for DXS channels (0 = auto, 1 =
  enable, 2 = disable, 3 = 48k only, 4 = no VRA, 5 = enable any sample
  rate) (int)
  parm:   enable:bool
  module_sig: snip a very long module sig line
  Maybe that pci=routeirq suggestion above will help?
  Since it was a new install, I have to ask: did you have to dink with the
  hardware at all. Maybe open the case or move it? If so, maybe a cable
  got knocked loose or the speaker wires disconnected?
  Other than that, lets hope someone else knows something.
 $ /sbin/modinfo snd-hda-intel
 description:Intel HDA driver
 srcversion: 0084BB394FD45DA3C4033DC
 alias:  pci:v10DEd055Dsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd055Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd044Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd044Asv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd03F0sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd03E4sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd0371sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10DEd026Csv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v10B9d5461sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1039d7502sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1106d3288sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA48sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA40sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA38sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA30sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA28sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA20sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA18sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
 alias:  pci:v1002dAA10sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

[CentOS] CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 41, Issue 1

2008-07-03 Thread centos-announce-request
Send CentOS-announce mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of CentOS-announce digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 3 i386 seamonkey - security
  update (Tru Huynh)
   2. CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 seamonkey - security
  update (Tru Huynh)
   3. CESA-2008:0549 Critical CentOS 3 i386 firefox -   security
  update (CentOS plus ONLY) (Tru Huynh)
   4. CESA-2008:0549 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64 firefox - security
  update (CentOS plus ONLY) (Tru Huynh)
   5. CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 4 i386 seamonkey - security
  update (Johnny Hughes)
   6. CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 seamonkey - security
  update (Johnny Hughes)
   7. CESA-2008:0549 Critical CentOS 4 i386 firefox -   security
  update (Johnny Hughes)
   8. CESA-2008:0549 Critical CentOS 4 x86_64 firefox - security
  update (Johnny Hughes)
   9. CESA-2008:0547-01: Critical CentOS 2 i386 seamonkey security
  update (John Newbigin)
  10. CESA-2008:0521-03: Low CentOS 2 i386 end of life  notice
  (John Newbigin)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 21:43:27 +0200
Subject: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 3 i386
seamonkey - security update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2008:0547

seamonkey security update for CentOS 3 i386:

The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to
the mirrors:



You may update your CentOS-3 i386 installations by running the command:

yum update seamonkey

Tru Huynh (mirrors, CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package Maintenance)
-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
Desc: not available
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 21:44:17 +0200
Subject: [CentOS-announce] CESA-2008:0547 Critical CentOS 3 x86_64
seamonkey   - security update
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2008:0547

seamonkey security update for CentOS 3 x86_64:

The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to
the mirrors:



You may update your CentOS-3 x86_64 installations by running the command:

yum update seamonkey

Tru Huynh (mirrors, CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package 

Re: [CentOS] Re: command for brand of monitor

2008-07-03 Thread Jacques B.
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Jerry Geis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 / Is there a linux command that would tell me what model of monitor is
 // presently attached to my computer?
 // Thought about automating different setups based on the monitor
 // connected. X config files basically.
 // // Could be done with different kickstart files - but would like to
 not go
 // there if I dont have to.
 // // Jerry
 // ___
 // CentOS mailing list
 // CentOS at centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
 // http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos

 yum did not find xresprobe, tried downoading source and compiling that went
 no-where also.

 I see the monitor type being printed when anaconda is installing.
 How can I execute the same command it does so I can get the monitor


 CentOS mailing list

Wouldn't kudzu do that?  Can't test it as I'm not near a Linux machine
right now.  -p will only probe and print to the screen (as you can
also use kudzu to configurehardware according to the man pages).

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] mock 0.9.{7,10}

2008-07-03 Thread David Hrbáč

someone successfully using mock 0.9.{7,10} on Centos 5.2 (64bit)? I'm 
trying to use 0.9.10, but I'm not able to produce right cfg files for 
centos builds, cfg files for fedora work fine.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

My first notebook upgrade:

I repaired my old HP nc4010 (bought a new hinge on ebay) and realized 
this was the perfect way to test out the upgrade to 5.2 before doing it 
on my production notebook.

First I updated to 'current' 5.1 (by current I mean I have not synced my 
5.1 local repo since building my 5.2 repo).  I had not used my nc4010 
for a while and the kernel was at 2.6.18-53.1.13 (update took it to 
1.21).  Rebooted and system still working.

I then pointed my CentOS-Base.repo to my 5.2 repo.  I did a yum clean 
all then a yum update yum* rpm and below is what happened:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] yum.repos.d]# yum clean all
Loading installonlyn plugin
Cleaning up Everything

[EMAIL PROTECTED] yum.repos.d]# yum update yum* rpm
Loading installonlyn plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/i386/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] 
IOError: urlopen error (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution')

Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: adobe-linux-i386
[EMAIL PROTECTED] yum.repos.d]# /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth eth0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] yum.repos.d]# yum update yum* rpm
Loading installonlyn plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
adobe-linux-i386  100% |=|  951 B
kbs-CentOS-Extras 100% |=|  951 B
base  100% |=| 1.3 kB
updates   100% |=|  951 B
addons100% |=|  951 B
extras100% |=| 1.1 kB
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz100% |=|  10 kB
## 17/17
primary.xml.gz100% |=|  157 B
primary.xml.gz100% |=| 821 kB
## 2453/2453
primary.xml.gz100% |=|  91 kB
## 165/165
primary.xml.gz100% |=|  157 B
primary.xml.gz100% |=|  74 kB
## 244/244

Resolving Dependencies
-- Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
--- Downloading header for yum-metadata-parser to pack into transaction 
[Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

Trying other mirror.
Error: failed to retrieve 
CentOS/yum-metadata-parser-1.1.2-2.el5.i386.rpm from base

error was [Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

I rebooted my local repo server.  No change.

I downloaded a new copy of yum-metadata-parser-1.1.2-2.el5.i386.rpm from 
mirror.centos.org/centos/5.2/os/i386/CentOS/.  No change. (dated Jun 14, 
mine was dated Jun 24, the day I built my repo. but file sizes are 

What am I missing here?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Acer 5920 audio chip does not work in CentOS 5.2?

2008-07-03 Thread Alex White

William L. Maltby wrote:

Thank you both Bill and Alex.


We're happy to try to help. I have a friend with your model of 
laptop, I'll see if I can sucker him into letting me futz around 
with it for a day or two. I'll report back!

I'm thinking now, we have garnered enough new information that an
assault on google might yield results. I suggest you give it a try.

I decided to investigate proc. I don't know if that might be
fruitful, ... BRB

Well, all directories or empty files all the way down the tree. No joy
in mudville.

Not entirely sure what one would glean from /proc other than that 
the card is present and drivers are loaded for it. There's lengthy 
output for my sound device. I won't paste all of it, but everything 
is located in /proc/asound. My device is also listed under 
/proc/devices as one would expect.

I don't muck in /proc very often other than for testing network 
setups and obtaining cpu and memory information, so the output for 
my soundcard means next to nothing to me other than I know the 
correct driver is loaded.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] asound]$ ls
card0  cards  devices  modules  oss  pcm  seq  timers  V8237  version

[EMAIL PROTECTED] asound]$ pwd  cat modules  cat cards
 0 snd_via82xx
 0 [V8237  ]: VIA8237 - VIA 8237
  VIA 8237 with ALC850 at 0xe800, irq 209

Given that your machine is reporting the device as present (despite 
not getting any sound) I am under the impression anything you get 
out of proc would be correct as well. Just to through more confusion 
on the issue. ^_^

Last idea, if no one else from here chimes in. Do a google (again) and
try the alsa or other Linux lists.

I don't know why I never googled around on the Alsa lists. That was 
stupid of me. Opensuse has some forums with this problem as well. I 
didn't see a fix, but I didn't spend too much time looking there. If 
there is a fix, maybe they have an srpm that could be massaged into 
working in CentOS?

If you do find a solution elsewhere I'd really appreciate a link or 
something just for my own knowledge down the road.


Alex White

Life is a prison, death is a release
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 08:46:12 -0400:

 [Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

Searching the local folder of this list reveals two older postings from 
you about this (one from December, one a few days ago). It seems to 
indicate that your repo is not completely in sync. Either a new sync or 
clean all got you going last time ;-)


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Running shell scripts from external media

2008-07-03 Thread James B. Byrne
media=Kingston 512Mb usb key

As 'root', when running a script resident on the external drive mounted at
/media/disk I receive the following error:

/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

The meduia is a 512Mb USB key formatted as ext2/3

# ll
-rwx-- 1 root root 28 Jul  2 17:30 hello.sh

# cat hello.sh
echo Hello World!

# which sh

I believe that this can be resolved by an entry in /etc/fstab but I cannot
determine what entry to make.

# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /   ext3defaults1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2
devpts  /dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
tmpfs   /dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol03 /home   ext3defaults1 2
proc/proc   procdefaults0 0
sysfs   /syssysfs   defaults0 0
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 /tmpext3defaults1 2
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol04 /var/logext3defaults1 2
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol05 /var/wwwext3defaults1 2
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 swapswapdefaults0 0

From the logs I gather that the device is sda1

Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel: SCSI device sda: 1001472 512-byte hdwr
sectors (513 MB)
Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel: sda: assuming drive cache: write through
Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel:  sda: sda1
Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda
Jul  2 16:42:45 inet02 kernel: EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs,
running e2fsck is recommended
Jul  2 16:42:46 inet02 hald: mounted /dev/sda1 on behalf of uid 500

I deduce from the various bits of information that I have gleaned thatthe
proper entry in fstab should be something like:

/dev/sda1 /disk auto defaults,user,exec 0 0

However, this is an automounted, removable media.  How do I do enable
execute for this key and retain the auto mount capability?  What impact
will this have on other usb keys?

***  E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel  ***
James B. Byrnemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Harte  Lyne Limited  http://www.harte-lyne.ca
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Acer 5920 audio chip does not work in CentOS 5.2?

2008-07-03 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 07:57 -0500, Alex White wrote:

 Not entirely sure what one would glean from /proc other than that 
 the card is present and drivers are loaded for it. There's lengthy 
 output for my sound device. I won't paste all of it, but everything 
 is located in /proc/asound. My device is also listed under 
 /proc/devices as one would expect.

/proc delivers the *truth*. And for some things, settings can be changed
there that are not easily addressed through utilities.

 I don't muck in /proc very often other than for testing network 
 setups and obtaining cpu and memory information, so the output for 
 my soundcard means next to nothing to me other than I know the 
 correct driver is loaded.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] asound]$ ls
 card0  cards  devices  modules  oss  pcm  seq  timers  V8237  version
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] asound]$ pwd  cat modules  cat cards
   0 snd_via82xx
   0 [V8237  ]: VIA8237 - VIA 8237
VIA 8237 with ALC850 at 0xe800, irq 209

*chuckle* I forgot I was looking at files that always report 0 length
- /proc. So, just in case something is useful, I ran the following and
included its output. Then I snipped out things like hex values that I
figured would be *really* machine specific or indecipherable by the
likes of me (us?).

I inserted some commentry if one of the settings looked like it might
yield a clue, like closed when we might expect open. I'm not using my
sound ATM, so mine s/b closed.

After this, I'll pop in Mark Knoppfler's Shangri-La and diff the two

# cd /proc/asound
# find . -type f -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \; /tmp/asound
 Control panel settings? 
VOLUME Master 0
SPEAKER PC Speaker 0
LINE Line 0
MIC Mic 0
IGAIN Capture 0
LINE1 Aux 0
LINE2  0
LINE3  0
PHONEOUT Master Mono 0
VIDEO Video 0
VIA 8237 with ALC655 at 0xeb00, irq 201
snip greek to me
 On some of the following, should see open if sound is in use? 
card: 0
device: 1
subdevice: 0
stream: CAPTURE
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
 Devices available should = count? 
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 1
subdevice: 0
stream: CAPTURE
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 1
subdevice: 0
stream: PLAYBACK
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 1
subdevice: 0
stream: PLAYBACK
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 0
subdevice: 0
stream: CAPTURE
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 0
subdevice: 0
stream: CAPTURE
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1
card: 0
device: 0
subdevice: 3
stream: PLAYBACK
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #3
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 4
subdevices_avail: 4
card: 0
device: 0
subdevice: 2
stream: PLAYBACK
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #2
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 4
subdevices_avail: 4
card: 0
device: 0
subdevice: 1
stream: PLAYBACK
id: VIA 8237
name: VIA 8237
subname: subdevice #1
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 4
subdevices_avail: 4

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 08:46:12 -0400:


[Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

Searching the local folder of this list reveals two older postings from 
you about this (one from December, one a few days ago). It seems to 
indicate that your repo is not completely in sync. Either a new sync or 
clean all got you going last time ;-)

The other times a

yum clean all

did the job.  Problems with old metadata, it would seem.

This time I did the clean first and still got the error.

I ran a rsync and did not get any updates to base.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Acer 5920 audio chip does not work in CentOS 5.2?

2008-07-03 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 10:18 -0400, William L. Maltby wrote:

 After this, I'll pop in Mark Knoppfler's Shangri-La and diff the two

OK. I've attached a diff and sdiff output. Used together, fast
identification of what changed from idle to playing can be achieved.

I would expect you should see something similar, adjusted for your

Maybe a clue will emerge.

This is on a fully updated CentOS 5.2.

BTW, forgot to ask if you have a CD player (can't remember the start of
thread). If so, when you insert a CD, does it show on the desktop? And
what application do you use to play it? I'm using the stock cd player
that comes with the Gnome desktop. On 5.1 I've also used mplayer for DVD
on this w/o problems (totem doesn't work - missing plugins and never had
an interesting in tracking them down).


Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 08:46:12 -0400:

[Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

Searching the local folder of this list reveals two older postings 
from you about this (one from December, one a few days ago). It seems 
to indicate that your repo is not completely in sync. Either a new 
sync or clean all got you going last time ;-)

The other times a

yum clean all

did the job. Problems with old metadata, it would seem.

This time I did the clean first and still got the error.

I ran a rsync and did not get any updates to base. 
I should also mention that right now, I have a fresh install foranother 
system running off this repo.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running shell scripts from external media

2008-07-03 Thread Greg Bailey

James B. Byrne wrote:

As 'root', when running a script resident on the external drive mounted at
/media/disk I receive the following error:

/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied


Usually, I've found this is because the file is stored with DOS style 
line endings.

Maybe you could try:

dos2unix -n hello.sh hello2.sh
chmod +x hello2.sh

Does that fix it?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Toby Bluhm

Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 08:46:12 -0400:

[Errno 4] IOError: urlopen error unknown url type: media

Searching the local folder of this list reveals two older postings 
from you about this (one from December, one a few days ago). It 
seems to indicate that your repo is not completely in sync. Either a 
new sync or clean all got you going last time ;-)

The other times a

yum clean all

did the job. Problems with old metadata, it would seem.

This time I did the clean first and still got the error.

I ran a rsync and did not get any updates to base. 
I should also mention that right now, I have a fresh install 
foranother system running off this repo.

Just some guesses here . . .

Maybe something's buggered in /etc/yum.repos.d. Try comparing the broken 
with the working. If the broken still looks right, try making a backup 
of the broken  copy in the working - there may be some overlooked typo 
or a character that's invisible to the editor program - like dos file 
^M. Could also clear out all non Centos specific repos just to reduce 
the noise.

Toby Bluhm
Alltech Medical Systems America, Inc.
30825 Aurora Road Suite 100
Solon Ohio 44139
440-424-2240 ext203

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running shell scripts from external media

2008-07-03 Thread Stephen Harris
 As 'root', when running a script resident on the external drive mounted at
 /media/disk I receive the following error:
 /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

Are you sure the script isn't in DOS format, with CRLF line endings?  If
so then the interpreter it's trying to run is actually /bin/sh^M (with
a control-M at the end).  Which is wrong :-)

Try running dos2unix on it and trying it again.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 11:14 -0400, Toby Bluhm wrote:

 Just some guesses here . . .
 Maybe something's buggered in /etc/yum.repos.d. Try comparing the broken 
 with the working. If the broken still looks right, try making a backup 
 of the broken  copy in the working - there may be some overlooked typo 
 or a character that's invisible to the editor program - like dos file 
 ^M. Could also clear out all non Centos specific repos just to reduce 
 the noise.

Just an FYI, in VI, the l command will show hidden characters in an
unambiguous way. Also, a diff between the two files would catch some
overlooked typo.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Running shell scripts from external media

2008-07-03 Thread Nicolas Thierry-Mieg

James B. Byrne wrote:

media=Kingston 512Mb usb key

As 'root', when running a script resident on the external drive mounted at
/media/disk I receive the following error:

/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied


I deduce from the various bits of information that I have gleaned thatthe
proper entry in fstab should be something like:

/dev/sda1 /disk auto defaults,user,exec 0 0

However, this is an automounted, removable media.  How do I do enable
execute for this key and retain the auto mount capability?  What impact
will this have on other usb keys?

I think you have the right diagnostic, the key is mounted with the 
noexec flag.

You can confirm this by typing mount when the usb key is mounted.

But I don't know the answers to your questions...

However if it fits your usefase you could invoke the shell yourself:
/bin/sh hello.sh

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 10:49:47 -0400:

 I should also mention that right now, I have a fresh install foranother 
 system running off this repo.

Then, as Toby says, there might be something wrong with your local 
yum/repo config. If I recall right you have a few (5.1, 5.2) repos flying 
around and also installed from DVD in the past, so, you may simply be 
using the wrong Base.repo file or the wrong line in it.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

William L. Maltby wrote:

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 11:14 -0400, Toby Bluhm wrote:



Just some guesses here . . .

Maybe something's buggered in /etc/yum.repos.d. Try comparing the broken 
with the working. If the broken still looks right, try making a backup 
of the broken  copy in the working - there may be some overlooked typo 
or a character that's invisible to the editor program - like dos file 
^M. Could also clear out all non Centos specific repos just to reduce 
the noise.

Just an FYI, in VI, the l command will show hidden characters in an
unambiguous way. Also, a diff between the two files would catch some
overlooked typo.
The problem is deeper than this.  I know that my local repo is being hit 
for the 5.2 files.  See that in the log.  I just completed doing a yum 
update on the system I just did an install.

I get the message with different rpms based on what I want to update.  
yum update yum gets the parser as noted.  yum update rpm gets the 
message for the rpm rpm.  yum upgrade gets it on chkconfig.

So there is something that got on this system from one of the 3rd party 
repos that is causing the problem.  Perhaps some MIME lib that I picked 
up from rpmforge, jpackage, or kbsingh

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Robert Moskowitz wrote on Thu, 3 Jul 2008 10:49:47 -0400:

I should also mention that right now, I have a fresh install foranother 
system running off this repo.

Then, as Toby says, there might be something wrong with your local 
yum/repo config. If I recall right you have a few (5.1, 5.2) repos flying 
around and also installed from DVD in the past, so, you may simply be 
using the wrong Base.repo file or the wrong line in it.

http access log on my repo server says otherwise.

Yes, I have lots of installs, updates, and upgrades running here.  Lots 
to bring up to snuff.  And a hand full of problems.

This system was my workhorse from the start of 5.0 until back in 
January.  So it has rpms from all over I suspect there is something 
there that is causing this.

Oh, I have run yum -d 5 -e 1 --noplugins

and this does not help or show where things are wrong.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 5.2 upgrade - urlopen error unknown url type: media

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
And both repos are synced and correct version, base and updates? I would 
check their content (including repodata.xml etc.) against the CentOS 
mirrors for 5.
I would expect an error like this when the repodata.xml contains the file, 
but it isn't on the repo (which could happen if one excludes files from 
the sync) - that's not the case?


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] rpmforge-release install/rpm problem

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
I wanted to install the rpmforge-release package on a new install and get 
the following. Do others have the same problem?

b51:~ rpm -ivvvh http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-
Retrieving http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-
D:  ... as /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.qQEt9n
D: failed to open http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release
error: skipping http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-
0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm - transfer failed - Unknown or unexpected error
D: May free Score board((nil))

wgetting this file and installing is fine.

I then tried another one:
b51:~ rpm -ivh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-
Retrieving http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.9GjegW: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 
   1:epel-release   ### 

so, downloading via rpm is ok.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rpmforge-release install/rpm problem

2008-07-03 Thread Karanbir Singh

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

I wanted to install the rpmforge-release package on a new install and get
the following. Do others have the same problem?

b51:~ rpm -ivvvh http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-
Retrieving http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-
D:  ... as /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.qQEt9n
D: failed to open http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release
error: skipping http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-
0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm - transfer failed - Unknown or unexpected error
D: May free Score board((nil))

wgetting this file and installing is fine.

I then tried another one:
b51:~ rpm -ivh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-
Retrieving http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.9GjegW: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
1:epel-release   ###

so, downloading via rpm is ok.

go look at the http code in rpm :D

- KB
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] FF3 printing problem on Centos 4.x

2008-07-03 Thread fred smith
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 04:47:28AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 fred smith wrote:
 I'm using Centos 4.x (fully up to date) on a system at work. I have also
 been using firefox 2 (directly from mozilla.org) on it for a long time, 
 and it tends to work just fine.
 yesterday I installed the new FF3 release. It works fine too, with one
 exception: The print dialog shows no printers! The print button is greyed
 out! There actually four or five printers defined on the system, and all
 other apps find them fine, including FF2.
 So far no one has replied to my query on the mozillazine forums. Anyone
 here got any suggestions I can try?
 Not sure about why that is happening, but there will be a firefox-3 in 
 CentOS-4.7 ... which should happen in late July after the release of 
 RHEL-4.7.  Printing should work with that.

I have a workaround for this problem, should anyone else need it
(contributed by a kind soul who had the same problem on RHEL 4).

if you have evolution28 installed, just add:


to the startup process for firefox3 and all is well.

evolution28 is available from the centos4 base repo, for those who 
do not have it. (I'm told that it is in the RH beta channel if you need
it for RHEL 4.)

There are a whole bunch of evolution28 packaages. I just installed 'em
all, not knowing which one(s) are important.

 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
  Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there will be no end. He 
 will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding
  it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.
--- Isaiah 9:7 (niv) --

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Yum errors

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-2-2008 8:01 AM Karanbir Singh spake the following:

Scott Silva wrote:

I'm having a problem with a fairly new server.
Running yum upgrade I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/yum, line 29, in ?
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py, line 105, in main
result, resultmsgs = base.doCommands()
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/cli.py, line 289, in doCommands
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/depsolve.py, line 85, in 

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/depsolve.py, line 91, in 

self._tsInfo.setDatabases(self.rpmdb, self.pkgSack)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/__init__.py, line 537, 
in lambda

pkgSack = property(fget=lambda self: self._getSacks(),
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/__init__.py, line 392, 
in _getSacks

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/repos.py, line 242, in 

sack.populate(repo, mdtype, callback, cacheonly)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/yumRepo.py, line 168, in 

dobj = repo_cache_function(xml, csum)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/sqlitecachec.py, line 42, 
in getPrimary

TypeError: Can not prepare packages insertion: table packages has no 
column named location_base

your .repo files and/or repo setup in /etc/yum.conf is broken

Copied yum.conf, /etc/yum/ and /etc/yum.d/ from working server, but still no 

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos 5, openmpi and alternatives

2008-07-03 Thread Tony Schreiner
When I install openmpi, openmpi-libs and openmpi-devel (using yum)  
for CentOS 5, I'm not getting anything set in alternatives for mpi- 
run and mpicc, etc.

Is it supposed to?

Tony Schreiner
Boston College
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rpmforge-release install/rpm problem

2008-07-03 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Karanbir Singh wrote on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:22:21 +0100:

 go look at the http code in rpm :D

do you get the same result?


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Yum errors

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-2-2008 12:27 PM Scott Silva spake the following:

on 7-2-2008 11:33 AM Scott Silva spake the following:


what is rpm -q yum ...


I did do a yum update yum* on this machine last week.

Downgrading the yum updates didn't help. If no one has any other suggestions, 
I am going to try an upgrade with the anaconda installer by booting from the 
DVD this weekend.

Machine isn't in production yet, but is near and a full wipe/install will put 
me behind several weeks.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rpmforge-release install/rpm problem

2008-07-03 Thread Jim Perrin
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Kai Schaetzl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 go look at the http code in rpm :D

 do you get the same result?

This is a known issue with rpm's http code. It doesn't do cookies. It
can't really follow redirects (302 or otherwise) well, and generally
it's a hack.  That's why Karanbir said to look at rpm's http handling
code.  It was written back when dinosaurs roamed the internet, and was
pounded into rpm with a rather large mallet.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Xorg intel driver on 965Q lockup?

2008-07-03 Thread Ken Key

Hi Folks,

anyone out there successful in using the new xorg intel driver
module on a 965Q-based motherboard with CentOS 5.2?  The old
i810 and vesa work fine, I am looking for anyone else with
experience with the new intel video driver in 5.2.

The long of it:

I have a customer's Dell Optiplex 745 (Core2 Duo 6300, 965Q chipset
with integrated video) connected to a 19 NEC  1760V.  Graphical
installs of  CentOS 5.2 completely locks the system when X starts.
Text install succeeds and creates an xorg.conf using the intel
video driver.  Starting X causes complete machine lockup (no
network - no ping, SSH dead) requiring a power cycle.  This happens
95% of the time.  I immediately assumed hardware problems but
it passes memtest86 just fine and works with other video drivers.
BIOS was 2.3.1 and I upgraded to latest 2.6.1 - no change.

Unfortunately, a day of testing did not nail down a commonality
of events to explain why the intel driver occasionally succeeds.
Usually, it's after I've been in the BIOS menu so I suspect it is
the video being  in just the right state for it to succeed, but
again it is not 100% reproducible.  When the system locks up,
no /var/log/X.0.log has been written or anything in the log files.
I would like to build a kernel with sysrq key enabled to
break into the  kernel debugger on lockup, but I don't have the
time as the hardware will be leaving soon.

Switching  to the i810 or vesa drivers succeed 100% of
the time so I have a workaround: a text install and manual
edit of  /etc/X11/xorg.conf to i810.  My app is old-school
2D so graphical performance is not a concern of mine.

I've done searches of upstream Bugzilla, xorg, CentOS bugs, and the
'net in general and, while I find X display lockups with the intel
driver, I do not find any complete system lockups.  I'll file a bug
against upstream but I'm trying to get a feel of what the scope of
the problem is.  I know there are folks using the intel driver
successfully on other distros, so I'm trying to see if this is a
CentOS problem, a RHEL problem, a Dell 745 problem, or just the
one box I have (despite tests).

Thanks for any feedback,
Ken Key

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Yum errors

2008-07-03 Thread Karanbir Singh
Scott Silva wrote:
 Is this the problem ^
 /var/cache/yum/updates/packages exists and has same owner/perms as all
 the other dirs in the cache folder, although the double backslash looks
 suspicious to me.

you have something quite broken on the machine, check for non centos s/w
installed, and rpm -V check the installed pkgs, specially yum and python
and all the bits they need.

how about drive space / permissions etc ?

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson
My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting 
through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message 
she's getting says

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

  SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan

I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to look.  
Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can someone 
please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks

I have reams of documentation printed out.  I'll start wading through that 
tomorrow, but time is of the essence with this one.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Possibly solved : Yum errors

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-3-2008 2:00 PM Karanbir Singh spake the following:

Scott Silva wrote:

Is this the problem ^
/var/cache/yum/updates/packages exists and has same owner/perms as all
the other dirs in the cache folder, although the double backslash looks
suspicious to me.

you have something quite broken on the machine, check for non centos s/w
installed, and rpm -V check the installed pkgs, specially yum and python
and all the bits they need.

how about drive space / permissions etc ?

I think I have it solved. A backup script was munging a directory in the yum 
cache. This run seems to be going without error.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread John Thomas

Anne Wilson wrote:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to look.  
Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can someone 
please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks

I believe the following is about 30MB in postfix.
mailbox_size_limit = 3000
message_size_limit = 3000

John Thomas
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Craig White
On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 22:06 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting 
 through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message 
 she's getting says
 A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
 recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
   SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
 Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan
 I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to look.  
 Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can someone 
 please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks
 I have reams of documentation printed out.  I'll start wading through that 
 tomorrow, but time is of the essence with this one.

# grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
message_size_limit = 256000
mailbox_size_limit = 512000


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Meenoo Shivdasani
  SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
 Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan

 I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to look.
 Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can someone
 please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks

If it's postfix, the parameter is message_size_limit -- the default is
1024 (10MB) if it's not explicitly configured.  This parameter
goes in main.cf.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd

  SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan
I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to look.  
Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can someone 
please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks

postfix (main.cf):

sendmail (sendmail.mc):
define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `numberOfBytes')

sendmail will need a 'make' to be run in the conf dir (probably /etc/mail)

Spiro Harvey  Knossos Networks Ltd

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread John Thomas

Craig White wrote:

# grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
message_size_limit = 256000
mailbox_size_limit = 512000
Is that 2.5 TB?  I must be getting old.  When I was young, I thought 
10MB was big.

John Thomas
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 5.2 vs. Intel 82801 AC'97 Audio

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
I have installed 5.2 on my work desktop and everything works perfectly
EXCEPT the sound device.  Here is the relevant lspci line:

00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)

I tried looking in Google (might have been a bad search), but all I
could find was to add acpi=on to my boot line in grub.conf, and that
didn't do any good.  The volume control shows muted and I can't enable

What am I missing?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Victor Padro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Scott Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 7-2-2008 3:14 PM Victor Padro spake the following:

 It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

 Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o
 mediocremente servidas

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Scott Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

on 7-2-2008 8:52 AM Victor Padro spake the following:

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Rudi Ahlers
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   nate wrote:

   Rudi Ahlers wrote:

 I think my action plan now will be to
 figure out how to
   install CentOS
   on a USB memory stick and make it boot on any machine
   (making it easy to
   replace if need be), and then to play around with the
   bit and see
   how well it works.

   Another option you may want to consider is a PATA-CF
adapter. I use
   these for my OpenBSD firewalls and have them installed on
   Performance should be better? Compatibility certainly is
   no way I could boot to USB off these aging P3-800
systems. The
   CF cards
   just show up as regular HDs

   I use these ($7):



   Paired with Lexar CF cards. Not all CF is created equal,
   maybe it is
   today. I found my Lexar CF cards were 5-10x faster than my
   Kingston cards
   of the same size, which surprised me. Not that I need high
   performance in
   firewalls that do no disk I/O but it was painful for the OS
   install to
   take hours(Kingston) instead of minutes(Lexar). Both
pairs of CF
   are a few years old, today maybe everything out there is

   At least with the above adapters be aware that those
adapters above
   do stick up. I think a 2U chassis can fit them(I have tons
   in supermicro systems). But no guarantees. You may need
   or perhaps a male to female IDE cable so that you can
mount it
   way in the chassis.

   I suppose you could even get two and run RAID.

   Just don't put your swap on the flash if you can avoid it.



   Thanx, nate

   That's a good suggestion, but I think the USB memory sticks
   work better / more reliable, and will be easier to access in
   cabinet. I'll play around with it a bit and see how it works.

   Kind Regards
   Rudi Ahlers
   CEO, SoftDux

   Web:   http://www.SoftDux.com
   Check out my technical blog, http://blog.softdux.com for Linux
   other technical stuff, or visit
http://www.WebHostingTalk.co.za for
   Web Hosting stuff

   CentOS mailing list



(I apologize in advance if someone thinks this is OT)

I've been reading this thread since it started, and what I could
really say is you should go for freenas, it can be installed in
a matter of minutes in a usb pendrive, I use it on a 2gb
kingston one using an IBM eServer tower chassis, Intel D201GLY2
mainboard, 1Gb 667Mhz RAM, 2 HDs those are 750gb SATA in RAID5

2 drives in raid5? Then it is really only a raid 0, and will fail
sooner or later.

 Even if it's fake RAID5(RAID software)?
 Didn't know that.

 Raid 5 need a minimum of 3 drives. The only way to get 2 drives in
 software raid is to create the array with the missing statement.
 With only 2 drives, you have a stripe with a failed parity.

 So 2 drives is already missing one, and the next failure is doom.
 Raid 1 (mirror) is fine with 2 drives.

 Then I will have to 

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.2 kernel [2.6.18-92.1.1.el5] crashes on dual-PIII Compaq ProLiant 3000

2008-07-03 Thread Wojtek Pilorz
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 06:56:12PM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 Wojtek Pilorz wrote:
 After yum upgrade, the new CentOS5 kernel [ kernel-2.6.18-92.1.1.el5.i686 
 ] crashes each time early in boot process on Compaq ProLiant 3000
 with dual Pentium3 CPU (600 MHz, CPU0: Intel Pentium III (Katmai) stepping 
 03, CPU1 the same).
 I get kernel panic at powernowk8_init+0x05e/0x1c3.
 The previous kernel [ kernel-2.6.18-53.1.21.el5.i686 ] seems to work fine.
 We have created a new test kernel that has an upstream patch to fix this 
 issue, please test this and see if it fixes your issues:

the problem machine (Compaq ProLiant 3000) boots fine with this test kernel.

Thank you very much!


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 03 July 2008 22:12:10 Craig White wrote:
 On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 22:06 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
  My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting
  through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message
  she's getting says
  A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
  recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan
  I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to
  look. Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can
  someone please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks
  I have reams of documentation printed out.  I'll start wading through
  that tomorrow, but time is of the essence with this one.

 # grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
 message_size_limit = 256000
 mailbox_size_limit = 512000

So 'size_limit' is what I'm looking for.  Thanks everyone.  Now comes the 
really hard bit.  I have to tell her, blindfolded, how to tell the size of 
the message she is sending.  She uses btinternet's yahoo mailer, and I 
haven't a clue what she can see there.  :-(


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Craig White
On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 14:21 -0700, John Thomas wrote:
 Craig White wrote:
  # grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
  message_size_limit = 256000
  mailbox_size_limit = 512000
 Is that 2.5 TB?  I must be getting old.  When I was young, I thought 
 10MB was big.


what's zero but a placeholder ?

I think I do have 2 too many.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Jim Perrin
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting
 through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message
 she's getting says

Much as I dislike getting or giving you asked for x, but here's how
to do it with y I'm going to do so here.

Email is one of those things which is great for small files, and such,
but large transfers can cause issues at pretty much every aspect of
the trip. If you've already got a webserver running, add a password
protected area for uploads. You can even set it up to allow webdav
style transfers over https. This avoids any mail handling delays, lets
both parties know it got there successfully, and keeps the clutter out
of the mailserver.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Craig White
On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 22:25 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 03 July 2008 22:12:10 Craig White wrote:
  On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 22:06 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
   My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting
   through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message
   she's getting says
   A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
   recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
 SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
   Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan
   I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to
   look. Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can
   someone please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks
   I have reams of documentation printed out.  I'll start wading through
   that tomorrow, but time is of the essence with this one.
  # grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
  message_size_limit = 256000
  mailbox_size_limit = 512000
 So 'size_limit' is what I'm looking for.  Thanks everyone.  Now comes the 
 really hard bit.  I have to tell her, blindfolded, how to tell the size of 
 the message she is sending.  She uses btinternet's yahoo mailer, and I 
 haven't a clue what she can see there.  :-(

get 'properties' (usually a right click on the file) of the file she's


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: command for brand of monitor

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Jacques B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wouldn't kudzu do that?  Can't test it as I'm not near a Linux machine
 right now.  -p will only probe and print to the screen (as you can
 also use kudzu to configurehardware according to the man pages).

I tried that (since I happen to be near a Linux PC :-) and it showed
me everything except the monitor.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.2 vs. Intel 82801 AC'97 Audio

2008-07-03 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 14:22 -0700, MHR wrote:
 I have installed 5.2 on my work desktop and everything works perfectly
 EXCEPT the sound device.  Here is the relevant lspci line:
 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
 (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)
 I tried looking in Google (might have been a bad search), but all I
 could find was to add acpi=on to my boot line in grub.conf, and that
 didn't do any good.  The volume control shows muted and I can't enable
 What am I missing?

Probably only the very recent postings on this exact subject. But no
solution has been discovered yet.

See the thread starting here.


Maybe another pair of eyes will spot something we couldn't yet see.

After the first post, the messages do *slowly* get smaller, but be

 snip sig stuff


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

snip ...

Could you PLEASE edit your replies?



Like your fine example of editing?

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-3-2008 2:25 PM Anne Wilson spake the following:

On Thursday 03 July 2008 22:12:10 Craig White wrote:

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 22:06 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:

My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting
through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message
she's getting says

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

  SMTP error: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
Reporting-MTA: dns; borg2.lydgate.lan

I presume that this is a configurable limit, but I'm not sure where to
look. Since it says MTA I'm thinking that it's probably postfix.  Can
someone please tell me what parameter I'm looking for?  Thanks

I have reams of documentation printed out.  I'll start wading through
that tomorrow, but time is of the essence with this one.

# grep size_limit /etc/postfix/main.cf
message_size_limit = 256000
mailbox_size_limit = 512000

So 'size_limit' is what I'm looking for.  Thanks everyone.  Now comes the 
really hard bit.  I have to tell her, blindfolded, how to tell the size of 
the message she is sending.  She uses btinternet's yahoo mailer, and I 
haven't a clue what she can see there.  :-(


Just set it large until she sends you the file, and then set it back.
How's that for blindfolded?

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Message size rejected

2008-07-03 Thread nate
Anne Wilson wrote:

 So 'size_limit' is what I'm looking for.  Thanks everyone.  Now comes the
 really hard bit.  I have to tell her, blindfolded, how to tell the size of
 the message she is sending.  She uses btinternet's yahoo mailer, and I
 haven't a clue what she can see there.  :-)

Don't forget to account for encoding overhead, which can be up to 30%
(maybe more).


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Solved : Yum errors

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-3-2008 2:10 PM Scott Silva spake the following:

on 7-3-2008 2:00 PM Karanbir Singh spake the following:

Scott Silva wrote:

Is this the problem ^
/var/cache/yum/updates/packages exists and has same owner/perms as all
the other dirs in the cache folder, although the double backslash looks
suspicious to me.

you have something quite broken on the machine, check for non centos s/w
installed, and rpm -V check the installed pkgs, specially yum and python
and all the bits they need.

how about drive space / permissions etc ?

I think I have it solved. A backup script was munging a directory in the 
yum cache. This run seems to be going without error.

Boy do I feel stoopid!
Working now.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.2 kernel [2.6.18-92.1.1.el5] crashes on dual-PIII Compaq ProLiant 3000

2008-07-03 Thread Karanbir Singh
Sorin Srbu wrote:
 What's supposed to be problem? I missed the previous mails in this thread, but
 the Amd X2 caught my eye. 8-}

at the bottom of every email on this list is a url pointing to the
archieves, is there something preventing you from clicking through ?

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS 5.2 kernel [2.6.18-92.1.1.el5] crashes on dual-PIII Compaq ProLiant 3000

2008-07-03 Thread Scott Silva

on 7-3-2008 3:27 PM Karanbir Singh spake the following:

Sorin Srbu wrote:

What's supposed to be problem? I missed the previous mails in this thread, but
the Amd X2 caught my eye. 8-}

at the bottom of every email on this list is a url pointing to the
archieves, is there something preventing you from clicking through ?

Not on this one!

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Scott Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 snip ...

 Could you PLEASE edit your replies?



 Like your fine example of editing?

That was the point


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: CentOS 5.2 kernel [2.6.18-92.1.1.el5] crashes on dual-PIII Compaq ProLiant 3000

2008-07-03 Thread Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd

Not on this one!
CentOS mailing list

Yes it does. :) That URL has a link to the archives.

Spiro Harvey  Knossos Networks Ltd

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread Victor Padro
Please don't SHOUT at me, ok?

It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
2008/7/3 Victor Padro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Please don't SHOUT at me, ok?

Kinda takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?


Seriously, I now realize that others had also made the same request,
but after the email to which I responded.  Shouting was not intended,
just emphasis, which is tricky in a text-only environment.

So, mea culpa, forgive me my shouting as I forgive your long, long
replies  :-)


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] BackupPC won't fork after CentOS 5.2 upgrade

2008-07-03 Thread Ben
For some time now i have been running BackupPC 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.1 
x86_64 however after upgrading to CentOS 5.2 BackupPC will not start.

sudo /etc/init.d/backuppc start return OK but there is no BackupPC 

This fails also.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC -d
# echo $?

This succeeds, but of course does not fork.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC

So for some reason after the CentOS 5.2 upgrade it will not fork into 
the background.

I have run the perl debugger over it and up until the fork everything is 

Nothing appears in the LOG.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


PS. Here is a list of installed perl packages.
# rpm -qa | grep perl

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.2 vs. Intel 82801 AC'97 Audio

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:59 PM, William L. Maltby

 Probably only the very recent postings on this exact subject. But no
 solution has been discovered yet.

 See the thread starting here.


 Maybe another pair of eyes will spot something we couldn't yet see.

 After the first post, the messages do *slowly* get smaller, but be

Yeah, I'm following that one with bated breath, so to speak.  I don't
see anything that helps, so far, but I'm looking at everything.

You know us lurkers that poke our heads/mouths out every once in a
while, like snapping turtles

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC won't fork after CentOS 5.2 upgrade

2008-07-03 Thread Johnny Hughes

Ben wrote:
For some time now i have been running BackupPC 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.1 
x86_64 however after upgrading to CentOS 5.2 BackupPC will not start.

sudo /etc/init.d/backuppc start return OK but there is no BackupPC 

This fails also.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC -d
# echo $?

This succeeds, but of course does not fork.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC

So for some reason after the CentOS 5.2 upgrade it will not fork into 
the background.

I have run the perl debugger over it and up until the fork everything is 

Nothing appears in the LOG.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


PS. Here is a list of installed perl packages.
# rpm -qa | grep perl

I am running backuppc on 3 CentOS-5.2 machines (and several more on 
CentOS-4.6 machines).

I had no issues after upgrading to 5.2 on those machines.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Three Identical systems - short cut to setting up the drives?

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz
I am building three identical systems.  Well they will have different 
host names, and with time the software setups will drift.  But at 
install time they are identical.

Is there some way, (with dd I might guess) to do a hardare level copy?

All three drives are Hitachi DK23DA-40F (40Gb).  Supposedly factory 
reconditioned (they are in sealed bags with a drive sticker stating: 
Refurbished to Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Specifications).

I would want to copy the paritition table and my 3 partitions (/boot, 
swap, LVM (/ and /home ext3 partitions in the LVM)) and all their contents.

Thing is I only have one USB drive enclosure so I would be running from 
the drive I want to copy from.

I would hope this is faster than 2 more installs.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC won't fork after CentOS 5.2 upgrade

2008-07-03 Thread Ben

Johnny Hughes wrote:

Ben wrote:
For some time now i have been running BackupPC 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.1 
x86_64 however after upgrading to CentOS 5.2 BackupPC will not start.

sudo /etc/init.d/backuppc start return OK but there is no BackupPC 

This fails also.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC -d
# echo $?

This succeeds, but of course does not fork.
# sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC

So for some reason after the CentOS 5.2 upgrade it will not fork into 
the background.

I have run the perl debugger over it and up until the fork everything 
is fine.

Nothing appears in the LOG.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


I am running backuppc on 3 CentOS-5.2 machines (and several more on 
CentOS-4.6 machines).

I had no issues after upgrading to 5.2 on those machines.

Good to hear.

Are they i386 or x86_64?  Are they using 3.0 or 3.1?

CentOS mailing list

Re: Force reinstallation of packages Was: [CentOS] Root-filesystem remounts as read-only during 5.2 upgrade (system completely shoot)

2008-07-03 Thread Dag Wieers

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Bernhard Gschaider wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 23:53:16 +0200
BG == Bernhard Gschaider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 14:39:22 -0400
WLM == William L Maltby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   WLM On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 20:27 +0200, Bernhard Gschaider wrote:

Is there a way to say: Hey RPM, have a look whether really
the files in your database are on the disk) ?

   WLM Use rpm's verify option. I forget the exact syntax: I'm sorry
   WLM to have to sentence you to the rpm manpage dungeon. :-(

Sorry. Stupid question again: and if I find inconsistencies, then the
only way to force rpm to correct them yould be something like

yum remove offendingPackage
yum install offendingPackage

or the equivalent rpm-commands?

With apt-rpm you have the possibility to replace a package inline from a 
repository, you can do this with:

apt-get install --reinstall package-name

This is useful if you damaged files that belonged to an installed RPM 
package without having to uninstall all the packages that depend on it as 

Under the hood it is the same as:

rpm -Uhv --replacefiles --replacepkgs file-name

The --reinstall feature is also useful when during CentOS QA packages are 
being updated with the exact same version-release. Or when you want to 
convert a RHEL into a CentOS or the other way around.

--   dag wieers,  [EMAIL PROTECTED],  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Can't run a bash script from USB drive

2008-07-03 Thread MHR
I just tried to run a bash script (called whose) from my USB drive
and I get this:

bash: /mt/bin/whose: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied

I did some googling and found that this is because my USB drive is
mounted with noexec permission.  When I was running FC8, this was not
the case.

How can I control this (i.e., allow 'exec' on my USB drive(s))?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can't run a bash script from USB drive

2008-07-03 Thread Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd

How can I control this (i.e., allow 'exec' on my USB drive(s))?


mount /media/usb -o remount,exec

or more preferable, add exec into the /etc/fstab entry for your usb 
drive (you might have to create one). It'll look something like:

/media/usb  /dev/sdb1  vfatexec,user0 0

/media/usb is the point you will mount to, and /dev/sdb1 is the actual 
usb device. vfat is the filesystem type, and may be something else if 
you've formatted the stick; but if it's an actual hard drive, it could 
be something like ntfs. man fstab has a list of all the filesystems.

user will let non-root mount it.

Spiro Harvey  Knossos Networks Ltd

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Anyone using TCP Connection Passing?

2008-07-03 Thread Amos Shapira

We are looking at ways to improve our cluster fail-over and one thing
that we wonder about is the possibility of passing tcp connections
from the primary server to the secondary when the primary dies.  I
found tcpcp (http://tcpcp.sourceforge.net/) and tcpcp2
(http://tcpcp2.sourceforge.net/) but they seem to be inactive (last
release was two years ago) and requires also changes in the
application level.

I though that I saw somewhere an implementation of the simple idea of
having the secondary tracking the connections (sort of shadowing the
primary) and when the primary disappears it can take over everything.
e.g. the following points to some interesting links:

Has anyone here got to implement something like this? Our platform is
CentOS 5 x86_64.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Acer 5920 audio chip does not work in CentOS 5.2?

2008-07-03 Thread hce
On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:18 AM, William L. Maltby

 On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 07:57 -0500, Alex White wrote:

 Not entirely sure what one would glean from /proc other than that
 the card is present and drivers are loaded for it. There's lengthy
 output for my sound device. I won't paste all of it, but everything
 is located in /proc/asound. My device is also listed under
 /proc/devices as one would expect.

 /proc delivers the *truth*. And for some things, settings can be changed
 there that are not easily addressed through utilities.
 After this, I'll pop in Mark Knoppfler's Shangri-La and diff the two
 # cd /proc/asound
 # find . -type f -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \; /tmp/asound

I guess alsa and /proc are all fine on my machine, but I've got a
blank result on /proc/asound running following find, no sure if that
was significant:

[asound]$ find . -type f -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;  /tmp/asound

$ rpm -qa | grep -i alsaalsa-utils-1.0.14-3.rc4.el5

]$ rpm --verify  alsa-lib-1.0.14-1.rc4.el5.i386
alsa-utils-1.0.14-3.rc4.el5.i386 | echo $?

[asound]$ ls
card0  cards  devices  Intel  modules  oss  pcm  seq  timers  version

[asound]$ pwd  cat modules  cat cards /proc/asound
 0 snd_hda_intel
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0xf050 irq 66

I've also tried to ls in /proc/asound/Intel:

$ ls
codec#0  codec#1  id  oss_mixer  pcm0c  pcm0p  pcm2c

Seems, all drivers there, is there any command such as cat to verify
low level drivers by playing a sound?

Thank you.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Desktop: Evolution Bug Buddy issues (GNOME)

2008-07-03 Thread Lanny Marcus
Is this issue in the CentOS Bugzilla or Upstream Bugzilla? I use a fully
updated CentOS 5.2 box. Frequently, when I close Evolution, I get a message
from Bug Buddy, the Bug Reporting Tool, that Calendar has crashed. I do not
use the Calendar Application. I use Evolution for email and contacts. Then,
when I try to send the information, I get an error message:

Bug Buddy has encountered an error while submitting your report to the
Bugzilla server.  Details of the error are included below.

The fault code returned by Bugzilla is not recognized. Please report the
following information to bugzilla.gnome.org manually:


I also have KDE installed (rarely used, but it's there) and during some very
brief use, with KDE, the Evolution Calendar Application also crashed, so it
is not limited to GNOME.

I did not have this issue, before the recent upgrade to CentOS 5.2.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Anyone running a Bluetooth PAN?

2008-07-03 Thread Robert Moskowitz

Has anyone got a Bluetooth PAN up and running?

PAN::=   Personal Area Network - TCP/IP over bluetooth.

If so how did you configure it?

Like getting a ifcfg-pan0 or some such configured.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Three Identical systems - short cut to setting up the drives?

2008-07-03 Thread Terry Polzin
On Thursday July 3 2008, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
 I am building three identical systems.  Well they will have different
 host names, and with time the software setups will drift.  But at
 install time they are identical.

 Is there some way, (with dd I might guess) to do a hardare level copy?

 All three drives are Hitachi DK23DA-40F (40Gb).  Supposedly factory
 reconditioned (they are in sealed bags with a drive sticker stating:
 Refurbished to Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Specifications).

 I would want to copy the paritition table and my 3 partitions (/boot,
 swap, LVM (/ and /home ext3 partitions in the LVM)) and all their contents.

 Thing is I only have one USB drive enclosure so I would be running from
 the drive I want to copy from.

 I would hope this is faster than 2 more installs.

 CentOS mailing list

Kickstart the system 2  3 after the install on #1

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] UTF-8 support in PCRE

2008-07-03 Thread Amitava Shee
How do I get utf-8 support with PCRE?

I am having problems building lucene index using Zend_Lucene. I get the
following error

PHP Notice:  iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in
on line 56

Thanks in advance.
Amitava Shee
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: settings up cheap a NAS / SAN server, is it possible?

2008-07-03 Thread Victor Padro
Ok, it's cool.
no te preocupes eme ache erre(MHR). :)
see you.

It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Three Identical systems - short cut to setting up the drives?

2008-07-03 Thread Les Mikesell

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I am building three identical systems.  Well they will have different 
host names, and with time the software setups will drift.  But at 
install time they are identical.

Is there some way, (with dd I might guess) to do a hardare level copy?

All three drives are Hitachi DK23DA-40F (40Gb).  Supposedly factory 
reconditioned (they are in sealed bags with a drive sticker stating: 
Refurbished to Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Specifications).

I would want to copy the paritition table and my 3 partitions (/boot, 
swap, LVM (/ and /home ext3 partitions in the LVM)) and all their contents.

Thing is I only have one USB drive enclosure so I would be running from 
the drive I want to copy from.

Boot from the install CD with 'linux rescue' at the boot prompt so you 
can do the dd copy with none of the partitions mounted.

  Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Anaconda ignores cmdline directive

2008-07-03 Thread Amos Shapira

Our environment: CentOS 5.2 (updated over time with yum update,
current yum update lists about 7 packages out of date), x86_64.
Running Xen, building Xen DomU's with kickstart.

We are trying to debug the %post part of the kickstart process for
DomU and are hitting difficulties in accessing the output.

For a start, the cmdline directive in the kickstart seems to be
ignored and it stays in text (ncurses) mode.

Here is the kickstart file we use:

url --url http://a.b.c.d/centos/5.2/os/x86_64
logging --level=debug
lang en_US.UTF-8
network --device eth0 --bootproto static --ip=a.b.c.e
--netmask= --gateway=a.b.c.f --nameserver=a.b.c.g
--hostname domu-hostname
rootpw --iscrypted $1$password
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
selinux --disabled
timezone --utc Australia/Sydney
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=xvda --append=console=xvc0
# Partitioning
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=xvda
part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100 --ondisk=xvda
part pv.2 --size=0 --grow --ondisk=xvda
volgroup xxx --pesize=32768 pv.2
logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=root --vgname=xxx --size=1024 --grow
logvol swap --fstype swap --name=swap --vgname=xxx --size=256 --grow
%packages --nobase
set -x
echo hello world

Can anyone point what are we missing?

Googl'ing around just keeps coming up with pages saying that this
should work (e.g. Running anaconda in real text-mode and Logging
%pre and %post in http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/KickStart) but
the problem so far still remains that Anaconda uses ncurses, not


CentOS mailing list