Re: [CentOS-docs] Can not to update a page ?

2010-08-08 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Am 07.08.10 18:02, schrieb gaohu:
 as the english version has been updated to rev19, but I find that
 I have no right to edit.Admins has already put me in the edit group,
 with the Wiki user name GaoHum, there must something wrong, could any
 one help ?

Looks like I edited the wrong page for ACLs, it should work now.

Please: If you do not get an answer right away, don't just repost here.
Not everybody has time to look over these lists every day.

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Ayuda archivo samba

2010-08-08 Thread carlos restrepo
Cesar, complementa los consejos que has recibido de la lista con ACL's,
(Listas de control de acceso), las cuales refuerzan los niveles de
accesabilidad a los recursos que tengas en el servidor de archivos CentOS.


Carlos R.

El 6 de agosto de 2010 17:13, César Martinez

  Muchas gracias por la aclaración ya me imaginaba que la sesión queda
 iniciada por eso ya no pide clave, ahora he probado en las máquinas
 windows y funciona bien la autenticación aquí solo me pide clave no el
 usuario, pero en las máquinas con windows vista o windows 7 pide el
 usuario pongo el usuario y clave y no funciona, la pregunta es hay que
 agregar algo extra en la configuración del archivo samba para que
 funcionen las maquinas con windows 7 o vista



 El 06/08/10 15:54, e...@r Rodolfo escribió:
  es cierto lo q dice el amigo Rhnny, desde windows llamas al recurso
  compartido, te pide validacion, pones el user y el password y entras,
  ahi ya estas dentro, por q ese user esta validado en samba, no
  entiendo q estando dentro darle doble click pedir otra vez
  contraseña?¿, el usuario q accedio desde windows ya esta dentro, para
  q vuelva a pedir tiene q salir de sesion, si no seria asi, no entindo
  como deberia ser, aunq tal vez se peuda, pero nunca me tope con e so
  yo hice en centos algo parecido, pero las lineas fueron muy pocas, es
  mas solo modifiq uno q ya estaba de ejemplo.
  El 06/08/10,  escribió:
  2010/8/6 César
Muchas gracias te cuento que ya logre hacer que me valide la clave es
  decir ya entra, ahora cuando vuelvo a dar doble click sobre el recurso
  compartido ya no me pide la clave,  hay alguna forma de hacer que
  pida la clave al recurso compartido??
  La única manera (que yo conozco) es cerrando y volviendo abrir la
  usuario del cliente windows, ya que esa conexión queda registrada
  la sesión.
  El 06/08/10 11:24, Rhonny escribió:
  2010/8/6 César
  Hola amigos esperando que se encuentren bien acudo a ustedes a ver si
  pueden hechar una ayuda con este problema.
  Estoy usando samba para compartir archivos en linux, es decir una
  máquina hace de servidor esta máquina es un centos, actualmente tengo
  una carpeta compartida la cuál funciona muy bien usarios entran y
  copian archivos de esa carpeta sin problemas.
  Ahora me han pedido que coloque dentro del mismo servidor otra carpeta
  que sea privada es decir que solo usuarios registrados puedan acceder
  esa carpeta. Cree otras líneas de código en mi archivo smb.conf,
  ya la carpeta privada y pública, pero trato de acceder a la carpeta
  privada me pide la clave coloco la misma pero no funciona lo que he
  hecho es lo siguiente
  1.- adduser pruebas
  2.- mbpasswd -a pruebas
  3.- vi /etc/samba/smbusers
  4.- en el archivo smbuserrs agrego al linea con al cual doy acceso al
  usuario que acabo de crear asi pruebas = pruebas
  Esto es loq ue tengo en mi archivo smb.conf
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%U
  name resolve order = wins hosts bcast
  announce version = 5.2
  domain master = yes
  wins proxy = yes
  wins support = true
  dns proxy = yes
  netbios name = cesar
  max wins ttl = 518400
  server string = fedora
  max ttl = 86400
  local master = yes
  workgroup = SERVICOM
  os level = 100
  debug level = 2
  announce as = nt
  min wins ttl = 21600
  max log size = 50
  security = share
  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
  [para todos]
  writeable = yes
  delete readonly = yes
  browseable = yes
  public = yes
  security = share
  guest ok = Yes
  path = /var/samba/datos
  writeable = yes
  delete readonly = yes
  browseable = yes
  security = share
  admin users= pruebas
  path = /var/samba/privado
  Gracias a todos
En el recurso [privado] quita la opción security = share y agrega
  users = usuario1, usuario2 ...
Tienes otras opciones como:
force user =
  force group =
  read list =
  write list =
Debes tener en cuenta que por lo menos las dos ultimas no funcionan
 si en
  la sección Global tienes security = share
La info detallada de las opciones están en el man 5 smb.conf
Espero te sirva, nos cuentas como te fue.
  CentOS-es mailing list
  CentOS-es mailing list
 CentOS-es mailing list


Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.5 : Installing Sources where they are visibletosystem(VBOX driver install)

2010-08-08 Thread JohnS

On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 19:06 -0400, MGW-Discussions wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.
 How do I verify where the sources should be after the rpm install?
 How do I install only the headers, since that phrase keeps popping up
 but like many things on the net, no one ever actually verifies the
 process for making sure you have them installed, nor how to do it in the
 first place?

rpm -qa | grep kernel

 Here is the listing of kernel release and available rpms where I
 downloaded them.
 [sysad...@comcserver1 tmp]$ uname -r
 [sysad...@comcserver1 tmp]$ ls |grep kernel |grep 2.6.18-194.el

Look here that is *NOT* what you need!

I'm listing all of them to make sure you are up to date...of which you
are not...

yum update kernel kernel-headers kernel-devel
Reboot the Machine to make sure your on the newest kernel.

Now for VirtualBox Run This to Compile the driver as root:
 /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

Now your done...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Stuttering sound

2010-08-08 Thread JohnS

On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 20:39 -0300, Eduardo Grosclaude wrote:
 Dear List, 
 After some googling around without any results, I'm quite puzzled.
 Since some past update I can't precise, kernel 2.6.164 works fine,
 however 2.6.194 has some sound problem in my somewhat old and beaten
 Toshiba laptop. 
Maybe give this a whirl...  Comment 22

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.5 : Installing Sources where theyare visibletosystem(VBOXdriver install)

2010-08-08 Thread MGW-Discussions

JohnS wrote:
 rpm -qa | grep kernel
 Look here that is *NOT* what you need!

 I'm listing all of them to make sure you are up to date...of which you
 are not...

 yum update kernel kernel-headers kernel-devel
 Reboot the Machine to make sure your on the newest kernel.

 Now for VirtualBox Run This to Compile the driver as root:
  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

 Now your done...

As I have already indicated, the process is not as seamless as everyone
seems to think it is from a basic upgraded virtualbox.

Thanks for the rpm clue, however, I evidently already have the headers
installed and the setup command still fails.  I need to know what to set
KERN_DIR to since that much be the piece that is breaking the process.

Here is the result of running the commands that you listed previously:

[sysad...@comcserver1 tmp]$ sudo rpm -qa | grep kernel

[sysad...@comcserver1 tmp]$ sudo yum update kernel kernel-headers
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons:
 * base:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update

So if the installed kernel is not a properly updated kernel, then why
does it not wish to further upgrade?

Here is repolist:
sudo yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons:
 * base:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
CentOS-5 -
  enabled:  0
CentOS-5 -
enabled:  2,599
CentOS-5 -

Pidgin for RHEL/CentOS 5 -
Red Hat Enterprise 5 - -
dag  enabled: 10,344
CentOS-5 -
RHEL/CentOS-5 / i386 -
enabled:  9
repolist: 13,967

I have restarted a second time, after removing the virtualization group,
and the module compile worked. 

However, I am still unclear as to why the kernel-headers were installed
and it was not detecting them.

Also, how would I have resolved this issue of invisible sources and
headers if it had not just magically started working.

I also read just now, how the xen kernel, as installed with
Virtualization, will not work well with VBox so maybe that was it,
however, how would that cause the setup script not to see the installed
sources and headers?

Do I need to restart the system when the headers and sources are installed?

Even though it is now working, I am still unclear why it wasn't, and why
it is now resolved.


Martes G Wigglesworth
M. G. Wigglesworth Holdings, LLC

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.5 : Installing Sources where theyare visibletosystem(VBOXdriver install)

2010-08-08 Thread Mark
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 9:01 AM, MGW-Discussions wrote:

 Do I need to restart the system when the headers and sources are installed?

That is generally a good idea since the kernel, headers and devel rpms
are installed all at the same time.  Otherwise you won't be running
the newly installed kernel as well.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  more a terminology usage question than anything else, but in a
couple of weeks, i'll be teaching the first of a few sessions on RHEL
admin and, unsurprisingly, i'll be using centos (as i've done in the

  when i asked the organizer to identify the specific version of RHEL
that was being used at the client site, i was told 5.3 so i can easily
install 5.3 on the classroom machines, but i'm curious about something
and i'll have my contact look into it:  if people *initially* install
5.3, is it standard behaviour to still regularly upgrade as new
releases come out?

  obviously, i have to ask my contact to verify what the client has
been doing all this time but, in general, what's the normal behaviour
for people running centos/rhel?  and is there a way to examine an
install to see how updated it's been since that original installation?

  i just don't want to teach off of 5.3, only to find out later that
they've been keeping up to date and 5.5 would have been a more
appropriate choice.  thanks for any tips.



Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Top-notch, inexpensive online Linux/OSS/kernel courses


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread Mark
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:


  when i asked the organizer to identify the specific version of RHEL
 that was being used at the client site, i was told 5.3 so i can easily
 install 5.3 on the classroom machines, but i'm curious about something
 and i'll have my contact look into it:  if people *initially* install
 5.3, is it standard behaviour to still regularly upgrade as new
 releases come out?

Terminology:  generally an upgrade refers to moving from one major
release to another, whereas an update is moving forward to the newest
sub-release.  I.e., CentOS 5.5 - CentOS 6.0 will be an upgrade (and
not recommended as an upgrade per se), whereas CentOS 5.3 - CentOS
5.5 is an update.

  obviously, i have to ask my contact to verify what the client has
 been doing all this time but, in general, what's the normal behaviour
 for people running centos/rhel?  and is there a way to examine an
 install to see how updated it's been since that original installation?

Check /etc/redhat-release; also uname -a if you know which kernel to look for.

  i just don't want to teach off of 5.3, only to find out later that
 they've been keeping up to date and 5.5 would have been a more
 appropriate choice.  thanks for any tips.

They're both CentOS 5.  The differences are mainly (but not
exclusively) in security enhancements, upgrades to applications (like
Firefox or OO) and the like.  I would check to be sure if you think it
will make that much difference (and it might - 5.3 is what, a year old


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread Michael A. Peters
Can anyone recommend a commercial off site remote backup service with a 
client (preferably FOSS) for CentOS 5, preferably that allows encryption 
of the data being backed up?

Small scale, I'm primarily looking to just back up my mail folder on my 

I've been backing it up to local hd via rsync but that drive just died, 
I'd prefer to have it backed up to somewhere more stable than a home box 
and automated via cron (cli tools a must), but encryption is important, 
people are snoopy and I'm paranoid about that sort of stuff.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread Tim Nelson
- Michael A. Peters wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a commercial off site remote backup service with
 client (preferably FOSS) for CentOS 5, preferably that allows
 of the data being backed up?
 Small scale, I'm primarily looking to just back up my mail folder on
 I've been backing it up to local hd via rsync but that drive just
 I'd prefer to have it backed up to somewhere more stable than a home
 and automated via cron (cli tools a must), but encryption is
 people are snoopy and I'm paranoid about that sort of stuff.

I have not used them personally, but a few acquaintances have been using them 
for a year or two with no problems. 'It just works.'

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread Timo Schoeler
Hash: SHA1

thus Michael A. Peters spake:
 Can anyone recommend a commercial off site remote backup service with a 
 client (preferably FOSS) for CentOS 5, preferably that allows encryption 
 of the data being backed up?
 Small scale, I'm primarily looking to just back up my mail folder on my 
 I've been backing it up to local hd via rsync but that drive just died, 
 I'd prefer to have it backed up to somewhere more stable than a home box 
 and automated via cron (cli tools a must), but encryption is important, 
 people are snoopy and I'm paranoid about that sort of stuff.

I'd like to recommend duplicity. I have it running at my employers site
for multiple customers with each one backup up data in the TiByte+
range. Works like a charm.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with CentOS -

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread nux
Michael A. Peters writes:

 Can anyone recommend a commercial off site remote backup service with a 
 client (preferably FOSS) for CentOS 5, preferably that allows encryption 
 of the data being backed up?
 Small scale, I'm primarily looking to just back up my mail folder on my 
 I've been backing it up to local hd via rsync but that drive just died, 
 I'd prefer to have it backed up to somewhere more stable than a home box 
 and automated via cron (cli tools a must), but encryption is important, 
 people are snoopy and I'm paranoid about that sort of stuff.
 CentOS mailing list

I am also looking for encrypted remote backups, been searching the internetz 
for a while. The only service worth considering so far (imho) is Colin 
Percival's tarsnap (
Let me know which solution you choose, I'm interested.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread Robert Heller
At Sun, 8 Aug 2010 12:11:35 -0400 (EDT) CentOS mailing list 

   more a terminology usage question than anything else, but in a
 couple of weeks, i'll be teaching the first of a few sessions on RHEL
 admin and, unsurprisingly, i'll be using centos (as i've done in the
   when i asked the organizer to identify the specific version of RHEL
 that was being used at the client site, i was told 5.3 so i can easily
 install 5.3 on the classroom machines, but i'm curious about something
 and i'll have my contact look into it:  if people *initially* install
 5.3, is it standard behaviour to still regularly upgrade as new
 releases come out?

Depends.  Most people do update as new updates come out. Doing 'yum
update' regularly will update to newer point releases automagically. 
Some people (for various reasons) don't regularly update their systems.

Look in /etc/issue

   obviously, i have to ask my contact to verify what the client has
 been doing all this time but, in general, what's the normal behaviour
 for people running centos/rhel?  and is there a way to examine an
 install to see how updated it's been since that original installation?
   i just don't want to teach off of 5.3, only to find out later that
 they've been keeping up to date and 5.5 would have been a more
 appropriate choice.  thanks for any tips.

On a certain level there really isn't much difference from a general
admin POV -- it does not really make sense to go into a certain level of
detail (like specific version numbers). Basic functionallity is not
going to change from point version to point version.


Robert Heller -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software-- Linux Installation and Administration  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database   -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread James Hogarth

   i just don't want to teach off of 5.3, only to find out later that
 they've been keeping up to date and 5.5 would have been a more
 appropriate choice.  thanks for any tips.

 On a certain level there really isn't much difference from a general
 admin POV -- it does not really make sense to go into a certain level of
 detail (like specific version numbers). Basic functionallity is not
 going to change from point version to point version.

There is a limited amount of truth to this - but it depends on the
topic being taught. Redhat usually adds functionality to the point
releases as they go - a few examples in the current 5.X release cycle
being KVM virtualisation, postgres-8.4 and the ext4 filesystem.

The X part of 5.X refers to a point in time of Redhat... but that
really is a point in time and in terms of maintaining a system there
is only RHEL5... there really is no point installing 5.3 when you
should keep up to date on updates and particularly depending on the
topic to be taught as well.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread John R. Dennison
On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 09:18:58AM -0700, Mark wrote:

 Check /etc/redhat-release; also uname -a if you know which kernel to look for.

Actually, a combination of uname -a for kernel rev and then
rpm -q centos-release is a more much sane and accurate method
to identify which CentOS release is in use.


Another age must be the judge.

-- Charles Babbage, realizing the technology did not exist to construct his
   difference engine, 1837; a full-size implementation exists at the Mountain
   View, CA Computer History Museum (CHM), where this quote is displayed.  The
   same can be said of the PLATO computer project, which was celebrated in the
   pl...@50 conference at the CHM, 2-3 June 2010

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread John R. Dennison
On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 01:29:48PM -0400, Robert Heller wrote:
 Depends.  Most people do update as new updates come out. Doing 'yum
 update' regularly will update to newer point releases automagically. 
 Some people (for various reasons) don't regularly update their systems.
 Look in /etc/issue

Why?  That file bears no relation to system identification
purposes.  uname -a followed by rpm -q centos-release
will properly identify a system release level.


Much of what looks like rudeness in hacker circles is not intended to give
offence. Rather, it's the product of the direct, cut-through-the-bullshit
communications style that is natural to people who are more concerned about
solving problems than making others feel warm and fuzzy.

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread John R Pierce
  On 08/08/10 9:11 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
when i asked the organizer to identify the specific version of RHEL
 that was being used at the client site, i was told 5.3 so i can easily
 install 5.3 on the classroom machines, but i'm curious about something
 and i'll have my contact look into it:  if people *initially* install
 5.3, is it standard behaviour to still regularly upgrade as new
 releases come out?

sadly, I find far too many people who installed RHEL x.y, but don't have 
an RHN subscription so they NEVER UPDATE THE SYSTEM.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread Jesús Hinojosa
May be.   cat /etc/redhat-release is the easy way

Enviado desde mi  BlackBerry de Claro.

-Original Message-
From: John R. Dennison
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 12:56:33 
To: Robert
Reply-To: CentOS mailing list
Cc: CentOS mailing
Subject: Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running

CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

On 8/8/10, Michael A. Peters wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a commercial off site remote backup service with a
 client (preferably FOSS) for CentOS 5, preferably that allows encryption
 of the data being backed up?

 Small scale, I'm primarily looking to just back up my mail folder on my

 I've been backing it up to local hd via rsync but that drive just died,
 I'd prefer to have it backed up to somewhere more stable than a home box
 and automated via cron (cli tools a must), but encryption is important,
 people are snoopy and I'm paranoid about that sort of stuff.

Dunno how will work for you.

Comments solicited from esteemed members. Of course Amanda, Bacula are
there in the conventional DR model.

Never had an opportunity/resources to try it though.

But all the same, looks impressive:


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Encrypted remote backup?

2010-08-08 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

 On 8/8/10, Michael A. Peters wrote:

Better news still, It seems centos rpms are available for x86(32/64
bits) and ppc arch at (hopefully) at an yum repository

Again, I have never touched it...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread James Hogarth
I do find this behaviour very odd... if you are not intending to get support
from redhat why not just install CentOS in the beginning so you can still
get updates? Ah well...

Sent from Android Mobile

On 8 Aug 2010 18:58, John R Pierce wrote:
 On 08/08/10 9:11 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
 when i asked the organizer to identify the specific version of RHEL
 that was being used at the client site, i was told 5.3 so i can easily
 install 5.3 on the classroom machines, but i'm curious about something
 and i'll have my contact look into it: if people *initially* install
 5.3, is it standard behaviour to still regularly upgrade as new
 releases come out?

 sadly, I find far too many people who installed RHEL x.y, but don't have
 an RHN subscription so they NEVER UPDATE THE SYSTEM.

 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread John R Pierce
  On 08/08/10 1:12 PM, James Hogarth wrote:

 I do find this behaviour very odd... if you are not intending to get 
 support from redhat why not just install CentOS in the beginning so 
 you can still get updates? Ah well...

fairly often, its due to some perceived vendor requirements on the part 
of operations people.  Or, the server was purchased with a RHEL license, 
but it wasn't renewed.   I have to work with operations people in 
overseas manufacturing plants, who are _extremely_ conservative about 
applying updates. if its not broken, they won't fix it.   as most of 
these systems are single function (run a java based application suite 
used for factory floor message routing, or run an 
oracle/postgres/whatever database along with some java stuff that front 
ends for the database), most updates have nothing to do with the mission.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread Lanny Marcus
I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
 Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread John R. Dennison
On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 04:29:41PM -0500, Lanny Marcus wrote:
 I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
 embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
  Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
 Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
 CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!

Audacity should be able to handle that I believe.

Rpmforge carries it.

When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty.  When there are
too many soldiers, there can be no peace.  When there are too many lawyers,
there can be no justice.

-- Lin Yutang (10 October 1895 - 26 March 1976), Chinese writer and translator,
as quoted in Alexander, James (2005). The World's Funniest Laws. Cheam: Crombie
Jardine. pp. page 6

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread nux
Lanny Marcus writes:

 I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
 embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
  Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
 Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
 CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!
 CentOS mailing list

ffmpeg should be able to help here.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread Mark
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 3:46 PM, wrote:

 Lanny Marcus writes:

  I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
  embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
   Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
  Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
  CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!

 ffmpeg should be able to help here.

No offense to ffmpeg fans, but I'd go with Audacity - it's a first
class GUI sound editor.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread Keith Roberts
On Sun, 8 Aug 2010, John R. Dennison wrote:

 To: Lanny Marcus
 From: John R. Dennison
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file
 On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 04:29:41PM -0500, Lanny Marcus wrote:
 I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
 embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
  Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
 Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
 CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!

   Audacity should be able to handle that I believe.

   Rpmforge carries it.

Yes, I can second that. Just load the mp3 file into 
audacity, select the part to cut, then save the 
remaining part of the file to a different name.



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[CentOS] fail2ban behavior

2010-08-08 Thread Joseph L. Casale
I created a filter and verified it with fail2ban-regex against
actual lines in my log and it works. During restarts of fail2ban,
only some previous ip's get banned immediately whereas some need a
reoccurrence despite the jail's config specification of maxretry and
findtime suggesting the entries mandate blocking.

I'd assume the behavior after a restart is noe way if it weren't for
the seemingly random immediate notification of blocks being different?

Anyone with experience using fail2ban know anything about this?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Package to truncate .mp3 file

2010-08-08 Thread allan
ditto. I second that motion.

Mark wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 3:46 PM, wrote:
 Lanny Marcus writes:

 I have a 2.9 MB  MP3 file. Would like to use about the first 10%, to
 embed sound on a web page. The Packages I have in Applications  Sound
  Video don't seem to be able to  edit the file like that. Is there a
 Package I can get from a Yum Repository that will do that? Using
 CentOS 5.5 (32 bit).   TIA!
 ffmpeg should be able to help here.
 No offense to ffmpeg fans, but I'd go with Audacity - it's a first
 class GUI sound editor.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what people really mean when they say they're running 5.3?

2010-08-08 Thread allan
Unless the curriculum covers updates.


James Hogarth wrote:
   i just don't want to teach off of 5.3, only to find out later that
 they've been keeping up to date and 5.5 would have been a more
 appropriate choice.  thanks for any tips.
 On a certain level there really isn't much difference from a general
 admin POV -- it does not really make sense to go into a certain level of
 detail (like specific version numbers). Basic functionallity is not
 going to change from point version to point version.

 There is a limited amount of truth to this - but it depends on the
 topic being taught. Redhat usually adds functionality to the point
 releases as they go - a few examples in the current 5.X release cycle
 being KVM virtualisation, postgres-8.4 and the ext4 filesystem.
 The X part of 5.X refers to a point in time of Redhat... but that
 really is a point in time and in terms of maintaining a system there
 is only RHEL5... there really is no point installing 5.3 when you
 should keep up to date on updates and particularly depending on the
 topic to be taught as well.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iocharset, codepage issue in CentOS 5.5

2010-08-08 Thread Tsuyoshi Nagata
Hi Alexander
(2010/08/07 17:13), Alexander Stepanovitch Pyatkin wrote:
 It looks like that the iocharset=cp1251,codepage=866 is not working in 
Some mount option are changed in centos5 by noticed in blog/wiki.

CentOS4(kernel2.6.9 ) mount iocharset=yyy,codepage=xxx
CentOS5(kernel2.6.18) mount utf8
kernel2.6.32  mount utf8=1

If you mount (local coded)windows-partition with utf8,
file name code changing mechanism automatically work
with between local-code and utf8.
After remounting /windows partitions in WindowsOS,
file names are described in your local code.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] dhcp server

2010-08-08 Thread Richard Gliebe
Hi all,

this is my first post on this list, hope someone can help me.

I have to run a dhcp server on CentOS release 5.5 (Final).

# yum list| grep -i dhcp
dhcp.x86_64 12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
dhcp-devel.x86_64   12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
dhcpv6-client.x86_641.0.10-18.el5   installed

after starting the dhcpd daemon, the windows Clients on the subnet 
( tells me, that there is no dhcp server available.

# /etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest
Syntax: OK

Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems 
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: For info, please visit
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Listening on 
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on 
Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net

this is my /etc/dhcpd.conf

# cat /etc/dhcpd.conf
ddns-update-style interim;
subnet netmask {
 option routers;
 option subnet-mask;

 option domain-name  mydomain.local;
 option domain-name-servers;

 option time-offset  -18000; # Eastern Standard Time


what do I'm missing? or is there a config mismatch?

many thanks
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dhcp server

2010-08-08 Thread Eero Volotinen
2010/8/9 Richard Gliebe
 Hi all,

 this is my first post on this list, hope someone can help me.

 I have to run a dhcp server on CentOS release 5.5 (Final).

 # yum list| grep -i dhcp
 dhcp.x86_64             12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
 dhcp-devel.x86_64       12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
 dhcpv6-client.x86_64    1.0.10-18.el5   installed

 after starting the dhcpd daemon, the windows Clients on the subnet
 ( tells me, that there is no dhcp server available.

 # /etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest
 Syntax: OK

 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: For info, please visit
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Listening on
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net

 this is my /etc/dhcpd.conf

 # cat /etc/dhcpd.conf
 ddns-update-style interim;
 subnet netmask {
         option routers        ;
         option subnet-mask    ;

         option domain-name              mydomain.local;
         option domain-name-servers;

         option time-offset              -18000;     # Eastern Standard Time


 what do I'm missing? or is there a config mismatch?

it is working on any other os?

is the dhcp binded to correct interface?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dhcp server

2010-08-08 Thread Barry Brimer
 I have to run a dhcp server on CentOS release 5.5 (Final).

 # yum list| grep -i dhcp
 dhcp.x86_64   12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
 dhcp-devel.x86_64 12:3.0.5-23.el5 installed
 dhcpv6-client.x86_64  1.0.10-18.el5   installed

 after starting the dhcpd daemon, the windows Clients on the subnet
 ( tells me, that there is no dhcp server available.

 # /etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest
 Syntax: OK

 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: For info, please visit
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Listening on
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on
 Aug  9 07:11:14 tfelx01 dhcpd: Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net


How about firewalling ... does your firewall allow for a DHCP server?
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Moving users from Debian-based distro to CentOS

2010-08-08 Thread Dotan Cohen
I have a Debian machine with four users that I plan on migrating to
CentOS. As per Debian habits the UIDs start with 1000.

Is it enough to reuse the Debian /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files
over? Or will I need to configure some other things? I had considered
just creating four new users starting from UID 500 then chown -R -ing
the user's home directories, but I find that invasive and possibly
error prone (maybe there are files that are not owned by them).

All advice appreciated. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Moving users from Debian-based distro to CentOS

2010-08-08 Thread John R Pierce
  On 08/08/10 10:47 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I have a Debian machine with four users that I plan on migrating to
 CentOS. As per Debian habits the UIDs start with 1000.

 Is it enough to reuse the Debian /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files
 over? Or will I need to configure some other things? I had considered
 just creating four new users starting from UID 500 then chown -R -ing
 the user's home directories, but I find that invasive and possibly
 error prone (maybe there are files that are not owned by them).

 All advice appreciated. Thanks.

I'd compare the passwd files, noting the predefined system accounts.   
when I copy over /etc/passwd entries, I generally cut/paste them, not 
just copy the whole file.  of course, the same entries for /etc/shadow

CentOS mailing list