Re: [CentOS-virt] Xen version

2010-12-16 Thread Evan Fraser
Hi Paul,
I use Xen 3.4.2 in production on Centos with Windows 2003 server virtual 
machines using those GPL PV drivers.  I put it into production in March this 
year I think.

The only stability problems I’ve had has been because my Xen servers are using 
an NFS root from an at times overloaded NFS server.

 Thanks, Evan.

Evan Fraser

Senior Systems Analyst
Peninsular House, 30 Monument Street
London EC3R 8NB, United Kingdom
Tel +44 20 7444 7860
Mobile +44 75 9024 5788

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Paul Piscuc
Sent: 16 December 2010 09:01
Subject: [CentOS-virt] Xen version


We are thinking of using CentOS with XEN in production, but we are facing some 
issues regarding the 3.0.3 version of the xen hypervisor and windows 
paravirtualization. The drivers we are using are from here 
( The solution we found is 
upgrading to xen 3.4.2, using a strange repository (gitco.de, 
and everything seems to work. Now the question is: would you recomand using the 
3.0.3 kernel provided by CentOS in production and searching for other 
paravirtualization drivers, or go with 3.4.2? Is this version of the hypervisor 

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CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Lighttpd + ISPConfig 3 en Centos 5.5

2010-12-16 Thread Carlos Sura
2010/12/15 Javier Castellanos

 gracias carlos por la ayuda, ya he revizado los sitios que me has
 mencionado,  pero no he logrado conseguir mucho, tal parece que la unica
 opcion que tengo es buscar otra aplicacion para  hosting web que use el
 lighttpd como servidor web por defecto, tienes alguno en mente ? estube
 investigando en la web y encontre el Baifox pero la documentacion que
 trae es para montarlo en Debia pero la distro que uso es Centos|esu=

 El 15/12/2010 12:43 p.m., Carlos Sura escribió:
  2010/12/15 Javier
  Disculpen por haber enviado varios e-mails a la lista, epe ispconfig
  debe tener una lista, pero lo que estoy buscando es sobre personas que
  hayan montado el ispconfig 3 usando el lighttpd como servidor web sobre
  centos 5, por eso me remito a esta lista, para ver si alguno de los
  integrantes de esta lista ha logrado hacer tal cosa ..espero que
  alguien tenga la amabilidad de ayudarme con tal cosa gracias de
  El 15/12/2010 11:57 a.m., Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez escribió:
  On 12/14/2010 07:59 PM, Javier Castellanos wrote:
  colegas , mis saludos ante todo,  mi interogante es la siguiente,
  yo usar  ispconfig 3 con el lighttpd como servidor web, pregunto esto
  puesto que ispconfig el servidor web que trae configurado  por defecto
  es apache, se puede cambiar esto ? como puedo hacer para cambiarlo ? o
  existe una version del ispconfig que trabaje con el lighttpd ?
  gracias de antemano
  mi sugerencia, con todo respeto, pero por favor envia una sola vez,
  llegaron 3 mails de lo mismo.
  Supongo que este ispconfig3 tenga una lista, intenta preguntar allá,
  remitámonos a centos que es el objetivo de la lista.
  CentOS-es mailing list
  CentOS-es mailing list
  Hola Javier Castellanos, quiza esto te sirva: no he
  encontrado nada demasiado útil y reciente, parece ser que, habrá que
  esforzarnos mas

 CentOS-es mailing list

Hola Javier Castellanos,

Seguro que revisaste este enlace:
En el se encuentran una breve explicacion para correr ISPConfig con

Y aun mas, puedes usar este enlace de referencia para dejar Lighthttpd como
predeterminado y remover Apache:

Y con respecto a una aplicación que use como predeterminado Lighthttpd... La
verdad no sabría decir, voy a buscar, tal vez encuentro una, aunque
no conocía de la existencia de Baifox -el cual es un panel de control-, tu
plan es instalarlo para dejar Lighthttpd como predeterminado con el, luego
instalar ISPconfig , luego desinstalar Baifox? un poco tedioso como lo

Carlos Sura.-
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] [Super OT] VCL (no confundir con VLC)

2010-12-16 Thread Mauricio Cesar Ramirez Torres
Buen día, hago un Off Topic porque no tengo idea de donde empezar, me
pidieron que instalara el VCL (Virtual Computing Lab) un proyecto de, pero se me esta atorando bastante a pesar de que he escrito
a sus listas y me han respondido no he podido avanzar, para los que no
lo conocen en este VCL se pueden generar maquinas virtuales (usando
VMWare u otros) en demanda es decir solicito (mediante interfaz web) un
equipo de los ofrecidos para la fecha tal y la hora tal durante el
periodo de tiempo X, en su momento me genera una maquina virtual y la
configura para accesar por RDP y me genera y entrega una liga, después
de terminado mi periodo de tiempo la destruye, esto optimiza el uso del
servidor que almacena las maquinas virtuales y también optimiza las
licencias de ciertos productos ya que las licencias pueden ser usadas
por diferentes personas en diferentes periodos de tiempos sin que tengan
que estar físicamente en el mismo equipo, etc.; este es un proyecto
gratuito y estoy buscando algo similar a esto aunque sea de paga para
evaluar y ponderar si es factible su implementación.

A todos los que se detengan a leer este OT gracias y a los que me hagan
algún comentario Mil gracias!!!

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Sendmail y Centos

2010-12-16 Thread Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo
Buen días compañeros, tengo un problema que debo resolver un poco urgentemente 
y es el
siguiente :
Tengo instalado centos 5.4 con sendmail como manejador de correos y lo que pasa 
es que
los correos que envio a servidores del exterior como gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc 
no llegan.
Si alguien me puede dar la solucion se lo agradeceria enormenete es urgete ya 
que este
servidor es de la universidad donde trabajo y estamos por salir de vacaciones y 
dejar esto organizado al respecto.

De antemano muchas gracias por su colaboracion.


Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo
Administrador de Sistemas
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Antioquia
Tel: ++57(4)2195604
Medellin - Colombia

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Problemas con MySQL

2010-12-16 Thread Orlando Pantoja Jr
Saludos amigos, mi MySQL dejo de trabajar por arte de magia, opte por 
desinstalarlo completamente y volver a montarlo, luego de lo cual al 
tratar de iniciarlo me pone lo sgte en los logs:

101216 14:59:28  mysqld started
101216 14:59:28 [Warning] option 'max_join_size': unsigned value 
18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295
InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 0 36808
101216 14:59:28  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 43655
101216 14:59:28  InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the 
InnoDB: Progress in percents: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
InnoDB: Apply batch completed
101216 14:59:29  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43655
101216 14:59:29 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: 
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
101216 14:59:29 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: 
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
101216 14:59:29 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege 
tables: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
101216 14:59:29  mysqld ended
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Sendmail y Centos

2010-12-16 Thread Carlos Sura
2010/12/16 Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez

 On 12/16/2010 01:38 PM, Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo wrote:
  Buen días compañeros, tengo un problema que debo resolver un poco
 urgentemente y es el
  siguiente :
  Tengo instalado centos 5.4 con sendmail como manejador de correos y lo
 que pasa es que
  los correos que envio a servidores del exterior como gmail, yahoo,
 hotmail, etc no llegan.
  Si alguien me puede dar la solucion se lo agradeceria enormenete es
 urgete ya que este
  servidor es de la universidad donde trabajo y estamos por salir de
 vacaciones y debo
  dejar esto organizado al respecto.
 qué ves en los logs ? sobre todo /var/log/maillog, mira al final y
 ayudate un poco indicándonos qué ves ahi respecto a los mails enviados a


  De antemano muchas gracias por su colaboracion.
  Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo
  Administrador de Sistemas
  Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
  Universidad de Antioquia
  Tel: ++57(4)2195604
  Medellin - Colombia
  CentOS-es mailing list

 CentOS-es mailing list

Hola Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo,

Podria ser que tu IP este bloqueada y marcada como salida de SPAM?, es solo
una opcion de tantas. Como dijeron, es mejor que revises los registros
haciendo un:  *tail /var/log/maillog *y pega los resultados para que podamos

Carlos Sura.-
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS] Sendmail Replay problem

2010-12-16 Thread sync
Hi , guys :

I have a problem about the sendmail replay . The following is my condition:

I have installed the sendmail server on my laptop which installed  CentOS
5.5 x86 64,
and I want to set up the sendmail replay.

That is to say . If my linux account called test and his mail address is,
when he get the new mail, then the server send the mail to the company mail
server ,
 the new mail address is

I am confused on it . Could  someone give me some suggestions?

Thanks in advance
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Google Picasa / GNOME / how to launch application?

2010-12-16 Thread Sven Aluoor
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Lanny Marcus wrote:
 I had installed Picasa,apparently properly, but am unable to launch
 the application. In the GNOME Desktop menu, Applications  Graphics 
 Picasa  Picasa it does not launch. Reinstalled it and the same issue.

  picasa           i386           2.7.3736-15             google

 It is installed in /opt/picasa

 Box is CentOS 5.5 (32 bit) fully updated.

 How can I get this app to launch from the GNOME Menu, or, what file do
 I need to use, and where is that file, to make an Icon for Picasa on
 the GNOME  Desktop?

Hi Lanny

please execute the wrapper /opt/picasa/bin/picasa in Terminal and send
the output (errors).

cheers Sven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID help

2010-12-16 Thread John Hodrien
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Philix T A wrote:

 1) RAID 1 is good for reading while writing is a overhead for the disk and
 may hit the performance

Write overhead is minimal, since you're just writing out the same data twice
to two equal performance drives (typically).  I'd really not worry about the
performance hit.

 2) Dont create RAID for swap and / root partition (Not Advisable)

No, that's wrong.  Why on earth would you not want the root file system on
RAID?  And please explain the downsides of having swap on RAID1, given that
the upside should be fairly obvious.

 3) Swap Size size should be 2X the size of the Physical memory

Historical advice.  I've got a machine with 96Gbytes of RAM, are you really
telling me I want 192Gbytes of swap?  That's just plain bad advice.

 6) My experience had always shown if your apps had memory leak , expect
 Swapping to happen for sure,  where reboot of the apps or the system is

Then fix your memory leaks.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID help

2010-12-16 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:15 AM, Philix T A wrote:

 2) Dont create RAID for swap and / root partition (Not Advisable)

Any rationale for this bad advice?

 3) Swap Size size should be 2X the size of the Physical memory

For a desktop, maybe.

 6) My experience had always shown if your apps had memory leak , expect
 Swapping to happen for sure,  where reboot of the apps or the system is

I hope that you only have such apps on your dev boxes!
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Replay problem

2010-12-16 Thread Kai Schaetzl
I assume you want to *forward* mail. As you seem to have no knowledge 
about sendmail at all I suggest you install Webmin and administer your 
mail addresses from there.


Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Replacing disk in RAID array with bigger disk?

2010-12-16 Thread Kai Schaetzl
yes, thanks, I will need to do a little reading. I just wanted to assure 
that I'm on the right track and it's feasible. Chance has it that I found 
two more unused disks of the same manufacture yesterday, so I will be 
replacing with the same size today, anyway. But I know for next time ...


Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos6 686 livecd iso

2010-12-16 Thread ken
Just did a few searches, trying to find a redhat or centos 6.x livecd
iso, preferably an i686... but no joy.  Maybe google's web crawlers
haven't found the page yet.  Anybody here know where to find it?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Remote firefox configuration

2010-12-16 Thread John Hodrien
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Marko Vojinovic wrote:

 I am open to any suggestions. :-)

I suggest you simply modified the user's prefs.js in their profile in

// 0 = blank, 1 = home (browser.startup.homepage), 2 = last visited page, 3 = 
resume previous browser session
// The behavior of option 3 is detailed at:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID help

2010-12-16 Thread Bowie Bailey
On 12/16/2010 2:15 AM, Philix T A wrote:
 1) RAID 1 is good for reading while writing is a overhead for the disk
 and may hit the performance

Unless you are doing something (such as video editing) that relies on
ultra-fast hard drive access, you will probably never notice the
difference.  With hardware RAID, the performance hit will be even less.

 2) Dont create RAID for swap and / root partition (Not Advisable)

Why not?  This defeats the purpose of the RAID.  You need to mirror all
filesystems to prevent data loss in the event of a hard drive crash. 
You need to mirror swap so that the system can continue running if one
hard drive goes.

 3) Swap Size size should be 2X the size of the Physical memory

Not anymore.  These days, I would not allocate more than 16GB for swap. 
You shouldn't really need any swap.  Memory is cheap enough now that if
your system is using swap, you should add more memory.  Swap usage is a
serious performance hit.  Some people advocate running without any swap
at all.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos6 686 livecd iso

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, ken wrote:

 To: CentOS Mailing List
 From: ken
 Subject: [CentOS] centos6 686 livecd iso
 Just did a few searches, trying to find a redhat or centos 6.x livecd
 iso, preferably an i686... but no joy.  Maybe google's web crawlers
 haven't found the page yet.  Anybody here know where to find it?

Is there such a thing yet?


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, John Hodrien wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: John Hodrien
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s
 On Tue, 14 Dec 2010, Keith Roberts wrote:

 If a package is installed, eg sox, the repo it came from is
 no longer showing. It just says 'installed' which is not
 that helpfull. Maybe the repo should be shown in an
 immutable field, that does not get updated when the package
 is installed?

 How can I find out the repo sox is in, so I can enable the
 source code for that particular repo, to rebuild this

 Is there an rpm or yum command I need to tell me where an
 installed package came from?

 rpm -qi sox will normally give you enough clues as to where it came from, as
 the signer should give it away.

 You'll probably also find this does what you want:

 yum list --showduplicates sox

Got it now TY, after looking for it on a mirror, and using 


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Mon, 13 Dec 2010, John Hodrien wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: John Hodrien
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s
 On Mon, 13 Dec 2010, Keith Roberts wrote:

 I know about audacity, but I want a command line tool that
 will work overnight, on a batch of mp3 files, each about
 15MB per hour.

 You've got a command line tool that does what you need, it just needs
 rebuilding with mp3 support.  I'm with John Doe's suggestion on this one.

 Install lame-devel from rpmforge, download the src.rpm for sox, rpmbuild
 --rebuild it, install it, mp3 support is now in.

Thanks for all the responses!

I've read MaximumRPM from:

Which helped me a great deal.

I'll start a new thread regarding using RPM to build 

Kind Regards,


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos6 686 livecd iso

2010-12-16 Thread Daniel Heitmann
Hash: SHA1

 Is there such a thing yet?

No. @kbsingh and @centos on Twitter don't mention a finished centos6, let alone 
a livecd.

Daniel Heitmann

XMPP: (OTR-preferred) | GnuPG-ID: B251006E
Blog: | Twitter: @maledictvm

Proprietary attachments instantly go to /dev/null. 

Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in 
isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a 
general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. - George Orwell
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s

2010-12-16 Thread John Hodrien
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Keith Roberts wrote:

 Thanks for all the responses!

 I've read MaximumRPM from:

 Which helped me a great deal.

 I'll start a new thread regarding using RPM to build

You'll find MaximumRPM will have taught you a whole lot you didn't need to
know (not that this is a bad thing).  In this case, it really should have been
a case of:

yum install lame
wget src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild src.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force shiny-new-binary.rpm

No twiddling with the spec file was required, as it already auto-detected the
presence of lame.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
I have been following the MaximumRPM guide from here:

and it seems a bit dated, but still very good (if fact the 
best all round documentation I have found so far) on using 
RPM package manager, and how to build rpm packages.

The guide tells me to use the original paths, yet Centos 
wiki says otherwise.

[rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

Is there a package I need to install and run to set 
things up corectly?

I have created a user called 'rpmbuilder' under my home dir, 
and created the rpmbuild dirs under that.

So what build dir shall I go for?

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
Moved from a previous thread :)

On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, John Hodrien wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: John Hodrien
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s

 On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Keith Roberts wrote:

 Thanks for all the responses!

 I've read MaximumRPM from:

 Which helped me a great deal.

 I'll start a new thread regarding using RPM to build

 You'll find MaximumRPM will have taught you a whole lot 
 you didn't need to know (not that this is a bad thing). 
 In this case, it really should have been a case of:

 yum install lame
 wget src.rpm
 rpmbuild --rebuild src.rpm
 rpm -Uvh --force shiny-new-binary.rpm

 No twiddling with the spec file was required, as it 
 already auto-detected the presence of lame.


Thanks for that John.

I read MaxRPM once before, so just going over the build part 
again. I want to be able to build my own Linux/Centos RPM's, 
and then post them on my website. May even make a 3rd party 
repo. I obviously know the ./configure, make, make install 
and autoconf and automake stuff, so doing RPM's and a repo 
should not be that difficult to work out.

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
[r...@karsites sox]#
[r...@karsites sox]# rpm -iv sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
warning: user mockbuild does not exist - using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist - using root

What's that all about - user mockbuild?

Is that a user created by one of the rpm builder scripts?

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Antwort: MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e -- Centos support.

2010-12-16 Thread Pasi Kärkkäinen
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 03:44:19PM +0100, Timo Schoeler wrote:
 thus Lisandro Grullon spake:
  Thank u timo,
  I will test this further when I get home. I have been having nightmares 
  getting this card working from an OS iso, it appears that the card is very 
  new and the drivers have not been integrated into the distributions or 
  kernel. The alternative is to load the driver via console using any of the 
  modules supply by LSI. Thank you again Timo for your guidance. Lisandro
 You're welcome.
 Ah, and welcome to the world of proprietary drivers. This is something
 that the OpenBSD guys do right: They ignore them. ;)

I don't think LSI has proprietary drivers.. they provide the sources,
and also pre-compiled driver disks for some linux distros.

I assume RHEL/CentOS 5.5 does not (yet) contain a driver for that HBA,
so they're making it easier to use that HBA.

In the future (maybe in RHEL/CentOS 5.6) the driver is probably included in the 
distro, out-of-the-box.

-- Pasi

  Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
  -Original Message-
  From: Timo Schoeler
  Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:33:22 
  To: CentOS mailing
  Reply-To: CentOS mailing list
  Subject: Re: [CentOS] Antwort:  MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e -- Centos support.
  thus Lisandro Grullon spake:
  Thank u andrea for the response, but unfortunately  a floppy its not
  an option in my box. Can u guide me using a usb flash drive. Much
  appreciated. Lisandro
  Should work similar to writing to a FDD.
  Maybe you have to experiment if plugging the stick into the machine
  *before* booting or when anaconda requests the driver disk works -- I
  have seen machines behave differently in this regard.
  Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
  -Original Message- From: Andreas Reschke Sender: 
  Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:06:13 To: CentOS mailing Reply-To: CentOS mailing list Subject: [CentOS] Antwort:  MegaRAID SAS
  9280-24i4e -- Centos support.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Keith,

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:25 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 What's that all about - user mockbuild?
 Is that a user created by one of the rpm builder scripts?

No, it's the user that mock uses for its builds. Most if not all
upstream rpms are built using mock and so are the CentOS rpms.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos 5.5 x86_64 - mplayer install problems

2010-12-16 Thread Johan Scheepers
good day,

I have tried to install mplayer according to instructions from the 
following sites..:

Then last..:

[r...@johan ~]# yum install libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav 
lsdvd mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui compat-libstdc++-33 
flash-plugin gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly 
gstreamer-ffmpeg libquicktime

After a lot of stuff ended up like this..:

-- Processing Dependency: for package: lsdvd
-- Finished Dependency Resolution
lsdvd-0.16-2.el5.rf.x86_64 from rpmforge has depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
lsdvd-0.16-2.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.11-2.el5.rf.x86_64 from rpmforge has 
depsolving problems
   -- Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.11-2.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.11-2.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package 
lsdvd-0.16-2.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
  You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
 package-cleanup --dupes
 rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

All went well up to the above.
Now I am stumped.
Kindly some advice please. I am still learning as I go along.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Leonard den Ottolander
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 Hello Keith,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:25 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 What's that all about - user mockbuild?

 Is that a user created by one of the rpm builder scripts?

 No, it's the user that mock uses for its builds. Most if not all
 upstream rpms are built using mock and so are the CentOS rpms.


Hi Leonard.

Thanks for that.

So I don't need to worry about that!



In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x86_64 - mplayer install problems

2010-12-16 Thread lhecking

 [r...@johan ~]# yum install libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav 
 lsdvd mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui compat-libstdc++-33 
 flash-plugin gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly 
 gstreamer-ffmpeg libquicktime
 IIRC the gstreamer-plugins-* are not dependencies of mplayer. Leave them out
 and then install them after mplayer+deps.

This message and any attachments may contain Cypress (or its
subsidiaries) confidential information. If it has been received
in error, please advise the sender and immediately delete this

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID help

2010-12-16 Thread Brunner, Brian T.

  Philix T A [] wrote

2) Dont create RAID for swap and / root partition (Not

I would avoid putting / or /swap on RAID0 partitions, but RAID1 should
not only not be a problem, it should be encouraged as a method of
recuperating from a spindle failure.

3) Swap Size size should be 2X the size of the Physical memory

That was the other millennium, when it was certain that our programs
used more Core/RAM than you had in your box.  This is now, when you need
swap only when you can't schedule your process load to not over-demand
RAM, and you can't put more RAM in your box.  In that kind of case, a
larger box is more cost-effective than swap.  I make certain swap is
never used. Man 1 vmstat, look at the 'si' and 'so' fields, they should
stay zero.

4) Always partition which uses high read/write to the disk  eg
/var/log /var/www/html  and /home etc
I'm not certain I understood what you said.  My advice on partitioning
is to group read-only (e.g. most of /  /usr) on partitions mounted -o
ro, and writable portions (e.g. most of var) on a separate partition so
the amount of fsck recovery is minimized.  The OP asked about making a
single partition for everything, this is (approximately) what a Red Hat
default install will do.  Making a RAID1 of everything is not a bad
idea, it's called a backup ;)

6) My experience had always shown if your apps had memory leak ,
expect Swapping to happen for sure,  where reboot of the apps or the
system is needed

Buggy software (memory leaks included) should simply be avoided.  Where
they can't be avoided, a crontab entry to kill  restart every hour (or
so).  I'm not sure what the OP is asking.

It is my advice to post ONLY in plain text, not rich-text or html, to a
mailing list.  If it is impossible to post plain-text, some won't see
your post and some who have a response won't send one since top-posting
is the best way to reply to html posts, and top-posting is an
abomination to many.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom
they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please
notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this
email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. - Hubbell Incorporated**

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Keith,

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

/usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

 Is there a package I need to install and run to set 
 things up corectly?

redhat-rpm-config sets certain build macros. Although not strictly
required you should probably always install this packages. One thing I
stumbled on is that a new type of check summing is used nowadays for the
content of the rpms. If the correct macro isn't set you might run into
installation conflicts, f.e. for multilib doc files.

 I have created a user called 'rpmbuilder' under my home dir, 
 and created the rpmbuild dirs under that.

If you make a different user to do builds you should rather give it its
own home dir. But you can just as well build using your default account.

 So what build dir shall I go for?

Whatever you prefer. Just using /usr/src/redhat is probably the easiest.
If you want to use a different path scheme you can override the default
settings in ~/.rpmmacros to suit your needs.
%_sourcedir %{_topdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%_binary_filedigest_algorithm 8

mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Keith,

(Oops, send out the previous mail before it was finished.)

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

/usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

 Is there a package I need to install and run to set 
 things up corectly?

redhat-rpm-config sets certain build macros. Although not strictly
required you should probably always install this packages. One thing I
stumbled on is that a new type of check summing is used nowadays for the
content of the rpms. If the correct macro isn't set you might run into
installation conflicts, f.e. for multilib doc files.

 I have created a user called 'rpmbuilder' under my home dir, 
 and created the rpmbuild dirs under that.

If you make a different user to do builds you should rather give it its
own home dir. But you can just as well build using your default account.

 So what build dir shall I go for?

Whatever you prefer. Just using /usr/src/redhat is probably the easiest.
If you want to use a different path scheme you can override the default
settings in ~/.rpmmacros to suit your needs.

For example, I use
%_sourcedir %{_topdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%_specdir   %{_sourcedir}
so the source files end up in their own directory and not all in the
same SOURCES dir.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:08:12 am Keith Roberts wrote:
 Is there a package I need to install and run to set 
 things up corectly?
 So what build dir shall I go for?

See the Fedora packaging guidelines, and install 'fedora-packager' from EPEL to 
get the tools that help you set up a normal user build environment.  This works 
quite well for the most part, and should work better in 6.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Lamar Owen wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Lamar Owen
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 On Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:08:12 am Keith Roberts wrote:
 Is there a package I need to install and run to set
 things up corectly?
 So what build dir shall I go for?

 See the Fedora packaging guidelines, and install 
 'fedora-packager' from EPEL to get the tools that help you 
 set up a normal user build environment.  This works quite 
 well for the most part, and should work better in 6.

I've done that now.

I had already installed the packages mentioned in the Centos 

These won't cause conflicts at all with each other?


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread mcclnx mcc
we have CENTOS 5.5 on X86.  I tried to create a raw partition (NOT FS) on a 
disk and it continue to show ext3.  How can I get ride of it?

===   procedures=

# parted /dev/sde
GNU Parted 1.8.1
Using /dev/sde
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) p

Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name  Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB   primary
 2  120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 primary2  
(parted) rm 2 
(parted) p

Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB 

(parted) mkpart prm2 120g 240g
(parted) p

Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB   primary   
 2  120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 prm2  

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:11:17 am Keith Roberts wrote:
 I had already installed the packages mentioned in the Centos 
 These won't cause conflicts at all with each other?

Don't know for sure, but in the case of RPMs I've built on CentOS 4 and 5 in 
the past they coexisted ok.  But I need to double check the wiki to make sure 
I'm doing it the same way 'recommended'; I've been building my own RPMs for 
different purposes for a long time (right now 12 years total, and it's been 11 
years since the start of my five year stint maintaining the PostgreSQL RPM set, 
some work of which you're still using if you're still using CentOS 3 or 4 in 
production), so I'm going to see things from a different point of view than 
someone who hasn't ever done it.

Try it out and see.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread Tommy E Craddock Jr

I use fdisk.  

fdisk /dev/sde

Hit p to see the list of partitions.  Press d to delete a partition.  Press n 
for a new partition.  

Hope that helps.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:12 AM, mcclnx mcc wrote:

 we have CENTOS 5.5 on X86.  I tried to create a raw partition (NOT FS) on a 
 disk and it continue to show ext3.  How can I get ride of it?
 ===   procedures=
 # parted /dev/sde
 GNU Parted 1.8.1
 Using /dev/sde
 Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
 (parted) p
 Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: gpt
 Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name  Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB   primary
 2  120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 primary2  
 (parted) rm 2 
 (parted) p
 Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: gpt
 Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB 
 (parted) mkpart prm2 120g 240g
 (parted) p
 Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
 Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
 Partition Table: gpt
 Number  Start   EndSize   File system  Name Flags
 1  17.4kB  120GB  120GB   primary   
 2  120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 prm2  
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:

 I had already installed the packages mentioned in the Centos

I assume you are referring to this wiki:

If not, I strongly recommend reading it through. Up front it warns you
to not do the build as root. It provides the details for setting up
the build environment which will help you understand the whole
process. Installing some rpms may be convenient but you may miss the
chance of learning. :-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Leonard den Ottolander
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 Hello Keith,

 (Oops, send out the previous mail before it was finished.)


 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

Right. I did su to root, and it work OK. But will chown 
those if I decide to use that branch of dirs.

 Is there a package I need to install and run to set
 things up corectly?

 redhat-rpm-config sets certain build macros. Although not strictly
 required you should probably always install this packages. One thing I
 stumbled on is that a new type of check summing is used nowadays for the
 content of the rpms. If the correct macro isn't set you might run into
 installation conflicts, f.e. for multilib doc files.

That's installed OK.

Installed Packages
Name   : redhat-rpm-config
Arch   : noarch
Version: 8.0.45
Release: 32.el5.centos
Size   : 128 k
Repo   : installed
Summary: CentOS specific rpm configuration files.
License: GPL
Description: CentOS specific rpm configuration files.

double-tabbing on rpm gives me:

[r...@karsites ~]# rpm
rpm rpmdev-diff rpmdev-sha384 
rpm2cpiorpmdev-extract  rpmdev-sha512 
rpmargs rpmdev-md5  rpmdev-sum 
rpmbuildrpmdev-newspec  rpmdev-vercmp 
rpmbuild-md5rpmdev-rmdevelrpms  rpmdev-wipetree 
rpmdb   rpmdev-setuptreerpmdiff 
rpmdev-bumpspec rpmdev-sha1 rpmelfsym 
rpmdev-checksig rpmdev-sha224   rpmfile 
rpmdev-cksumrpmdev-sha256   rpminfo

 I have created a user called 'rpmbuilder' under my home dir,
 and created the rpmbuild dirs under that.

 If you make a different user to do builds you should rather give it its
 own home dir. But you can just as well build using your default account.

Sorry, I meant I have created a new user account under the 
/home/rpmbuilder directory.

 So what build dir shall I go for?

 Whatever you prefer. Just using /usr/src/redhat is probably the easiest.
 If you want to use a different path scheme you can override the default
 settings in ~/.rpmmacros to suit your needs.

 For example, I use
 %_sourcedir %{_topdir}/%{name}-%{version}
 %_specdir   %{_sourcedir}
 so the source files end up in their own directory and not all in the
 same SOURCES dir.

That's a handy tip to know!

Thanks again.

I'll see how things go now.

Kind Regards,


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Akemi Yagi wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Akemi Yagi
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:

 I had already installed the packages mentioned in the Centos

 I assume you are referring to this wiki:

Thanks Akemi.

I was refering to this Centos wiki article:

The second part.

I'll read up on the link you sent me.

Thanks for that.

Is the link you sent me more relevant than the MaxRPM 

Kind Regards,


 If not, I strongly recommend reading it through. Up front it warns you
 to not do the build as root. It provides the details for setting up
 the build environment which will help you understand the whole
 process. Installing some rpms may be convenient but you may miss the
 chance of learning. :-)

 CentOS mailing list

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x86_64 - mplayer install problems

2010-12-16 Thread Nicolas Thierry-Mieg
Johan Scheepers wrote:
 good day,

 I have tried to install mplayer according to instructions from the
 following sites..:

 Then last..:

 [r...@johan ~]# yum install libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav
 lsdvd mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui compat-libstdc++-33
 flash-plugin gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly
 gstreamer-ffmpeg libquicktime

yum resolves deps for you. If you want to install mplayer just try:
yum install mplayer-gui

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Akemi Yagi wrote:

 I was refering to this Centos wiki article:

 The second part.

 I'll read up on the link you sent me.

That is a digest version of the SetupRpmBuildEnvironment page.

 Is the link you sent me more relevant than the MaxRPM

The CentOS wiki has been written for ... CentOS users. :-O  The info
in there is supposed to be enough for building rpms under CentOS. If,
on the other hand, you find something that is missing in the article,
please report to the centos-docs mailing list. It's a wiki, so
contributions from users are always welcomed.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Robert Heller
At Thu, 16 Dec 2010 17:00:23 +0100 CentOS mailing list 

 Hello Keith,
 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
  [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
  error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

Even better would be to create the directories under your home dir and
then include a line like:

%_topdir /home/rpmbuilder/src

in ~/.rpmmacros

  Is there a package I need to install and run to set 
  things up corectly?
 redhat-rpm-config sets certain build macros. Although not strictly
 required you should probably always install this packages. One thing I
 stumbled on is that a new type of check summing is used nowadays for the
 content of the rpms. If the correct macro isn't set you might run into
 installation conflicts, f.e. for multilib doc files.
  I have created a user called 'rpmbuilder' under my home dir, 
  and created the rpmbuild dirs under that.
 If you make a different user to do builds you should rather give it its
 own home dir. But you can just as well build using your default account.
  So what build dir shall I go for?
 Whatever you prefer. Just using /usr/src/redhat is probably the easiest.
 If you want to use a different path scheme you can override the default
 settings in ~/.rpmmacros to suit your needs.
 %_sourcedir %{_topdir}/%{name}-%{version}
 %_binary_filedigest_algorithm 8

Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 /
Deepwoods Software--
()  ascii ribbon campaign -- against html e-mail
/\   -- against proprietary attachments

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x86_64 - mplayer install problems

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Nicolas Thierry-Mieg
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x86_64 - mplayer install problems
 Johan Scheepers wrote:
 good day,

 I have tried to install mplayer according to instructions from the
 following sites..:

 Then last..:

 [r...@johan ~]# yum install libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav
 lsdvd mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui compat-libstdc++-33
 flash-plugin gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly
 gstreamer-ffmpeg libquicktime

 yum resolves deps for you. If you want to install mplayer just try:
 yum install mplayer-gui

I find smplayer is more stable than the mplayer-gui, which 
is a little bit odd, as it's a third party app, whereas 
mplayer-gui is from the developers of mplayer itself.

Kind Regards,


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread Drew
 fdisk /dev/sde

 Hit p to see the list of partitions.  Press d to delete a partition.  Press n 
 for a new partition.

Or you can just use t to change the filesystem type.


Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
--Marie Curie
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Replay problem

2010-12-16 Thread Dan Carl
On 12/16/2010 2:56 AM, sync wrote:
 Hi , guys :

 I have a problem about the sendmail replay . The following is my 

 I have installed the sendmail server on my laptop which installed  
 CentOS 5.5 x86 64,
 and I want to set up the sendmail replay.

 That is to say . If my linux account called test and his mail address 
 when he get the new mail, then the server send the mail to the company 
 mail server ,
  the new mail address is
confused on what your trying to accomplish here.
Googling smarthost should provide some answers.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread mcclnx mcc
Sorry .   This way NOT work due to disk large than 2TB.  That is reason I use 
parted instead of fdisk.

# fdisk /dev/sde

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sde'! The util fdisk 
doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 382536.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

WARNING: The size of this disk is 3.1 TB (3146466197504 bytes).
DOS partition table format can not be used on drives for volumes
larger than 2.2 TB (2199023255040 bytes). Use parted(1) and GUID 
partition table format (GPT).

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/sde: 3146.4 GB, 3146466197504 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 382536 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sde1   1  267350  2147483647+  ee  EFI GPT

--- 10/12/16 (四),Tommy E Craddock Jr 寫道:

 寄件者: Tommy E Craddock Jr
 主旨: Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration
 收件者: CentOS mailing list
 日期: 2010年12月16日,四,上午11:21
 I use fdisk.  
 fdisk /dev/sde
 Hit p to see the list of partitions.  Press d to
 delete a partition.  Press n for a new partition. 
 Hope that helps.
 On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:12 AM, mcclnx mcc
  we have CENTOS 5.5 on X86.  I tried to create a
 raw partition (NOT FS) on a disk and it continue to show
 ext3.  How can I get ride of it?
  ===   procedures=
  # parted /dev/sde
  GNU Parted 1.8.1
  Using /dev/sde
  Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of
  (parted) p           
  Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
  Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
  Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
  Partition Table: gpt
  Number  Start   End   
 Size   File system  Name   
  1      17.4kB  120GB 
 120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 
  (parted) rm 2           
  (parted) p           
  Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
  Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
  Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
  Partition Table: gpt
  Number  Start   End   
 Size   File system  Name 
  1      17.4kB  120GB 
  (parted) mkpart prm2 120g 240g     
  (parted) p           
  Model: DELL PERC 5/E Adapter (scsi)
  Disk /dev/sde: 3146GB
  Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
  Partition Table: gpt
  Number  Start   End   
 Size   File system  Name 
  1      17.4kB  120GB 
 120GB   240GB  120GB  ext3 
  CentOS mailing list
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts

On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Robert Heller wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Robert Heller
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 At Thu, 16 Dec 2010 17:00:23 +0100 CentOS mailing list 

 Hello Keith,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

 Even better would be to create the directories under your home dir and
 then include a line like:

 %_topdir /home/rpmbuilder/src

 in ~/.rpmmacros


Will try that as well.

Why is better to use a new user account under 

than the default that rpm installs source rpms to?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Akemi Yagi wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Akemi Yagi
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:

 I had already installed the packages mentioned in the Centos

 I assume you are referring to this wiki:

 If not, I strongly recommend reading it through. Up front it warns you
 to not do the build as root. It provides the details for setting up
 the build environment which will help you understand the whole
 process. Installing some rpms may be convenient but you may miss the
 chance of learning. :-)

Is there a tutorial on how to create your own third party 
repository for Centos please?

That's something I've been meaning to do for a long time.

Now I have cloud hosting, the download bandwidth and usage 
is no longer an issue.


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:

 Is there a tutorial on how to create your own third party
 repository for Centos please?

 That's something I've been meaning to do for a long time.

 Now I have cloud hosting, the download bandwidth and usage
 is no longer an issue.

Here :)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Replay problem

2010-12-16 Thread Les Mikesell
On 12/16/10 2:56 AM, sync wrote:
 Hi , guys :

 I have a problem about the sendmail replay . The following is my condition:

 I have installed the sendmail server on my laptop which installed  CentOS 5.5
 x86 64,
 and I want to set up the sendmail replay.

 That is to say . If my linux account called test and his mail address is,
 when he get the new mail, then the server send the mail to the company mail
 server ,
   the new mail address is

I assume you mean relay instead of replay, but your example requires the 
to be re-written so maybe you mean forwarding.  For known users you can manage 
this with aliases.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos 5.5 x64 bit issues on sun blade X6270 SERVER MODULE

2010-12-16 Thread sylvan . dcunha

Dear All,

I have managed perfectly fine to install centos 5.5 x64 on a new sun blade  
x6270 server module .i had to install in text mode since GUI install mode  
was not working

Actually this machine is going to replace my current working very low  
hardware server
the server is used as my primary dns, mail server , webmail server also  
running Mailscanner, mailwatch etc.

Also I want to use this new sun blade server as a virtual machine using xen

i have installed xen and uts fine

but i have a issue with the diplay driver

I did run system-config-network and selected the card as ast-ASpeedTech  
chipsets since my lspci says i have a
20:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics  
Family (rev 10)

now I run startx and i get the below error
X Window System Version 7.1.1
Release Date: 12 May 2006
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-53.el5 x86_64 Red Hat, Inc.
Current Operating System: Linux kmundns 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue  
Nov 9 13:35:30 EST 2010 x86_64

Build Date: 17 November 2010
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.1.1-48.76.el5_5.2
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Thu Dec 16 21:17:19 2010
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
dlopen: /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ wrong ELF class:  

(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/
(EE) Failed to load module ast (loader failed, 7)
(EE) No drivers available.

Fatal server error:
no screens found
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0
after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

then i did change the driver to vesa and running startx shows me as below

xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.16448

X Window System Version 7.1.1
Release Date: 12 May 2006
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-53.el5 x86_64 Red Hat, Inc.
Current Operating System: Linux kmundns 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue  
Nov 9 13:35:30 EST 2010 x86_64

Build Date: 17 November 2010
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.1.1-48.76.el5_5.2
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Thu Dec 16 21:10:35 2010
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(EE) VESA(0): No valid modes
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
no screens found
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0
after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

i really apprecite if someone out there would help me and advise

Thanks and Regards


I really need the graphic to setup virtual machine since in GUI is quite  
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] /dev/null permission changes figured out

2010-12-16 Thread Joe Pruett
a while back i reported an issue where /dev/null was getting set to 600
perms after a system update.  i finally figured out what it is.  i don't
care about failed logins and have limited space on some servers, so i
symlinked /var/log/btmp to /dev/null.  the initscripts package does a
chmod 600 /var/log/btmp, so voila /dev/null gets changed.

so now i know why it happened just to me.  i now need to figure out a
better way to deal with btmp.  any ideas from the list?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x64 bit issues on sun blade X6270 SERVER MODULE

2010-12-16 Thread m . roth wrote:
 I did run system-config-network and selected the card as ast-ASpeedTech
 chipsets since my lspci says i have a
 20:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics
 Family (rev 10)
 (==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
 dlopen: /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ wrong ELF class:
 (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/
 (EE) Failed to load module ast (loader failed, 7)
 (EE) No drivers available.

Ok, so the driver in /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ is actually a 32-bit
driver, not a 64 bit one. Something's wrong there, and that shouldn't
 then i did change the driver to vesa and running startx shows me as below
 (==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
 (EE) VESA(0): No valid modes
 (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
Try deleting /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then fire up system-config-display.
Let it generate a completely new one. Then you might look at that file in
your favorite editor, and see if it makes sense.

Unless you've got more than one monitor, it should have one monitor, one
screen, and one videocard.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread Nataraj
On 12/16/2010 09:10 AM, Drew wrote:
 fdisk /dev/sde

 Hit p to see the list of partitions.  Press d to delete a partition.  Press 
 n for a new partition.
 Or you can just use t to change the filesystem type.

Your disk has a gpt partition on it.  Was it previously installed on an
Apple Mac computer?  You can of coarse use GPT partitions on any
computer, but because of the immaturity of the gpt partitioning
utilities, they can be more troublesome (though supposedly everyone is
moving toward gpt because of support for larger disks).  (I wonder if
Dells Perc controllers use GPT partitions? - I don't know...)

parted tries to be more intelligent by reading the content on the disk
and determining what kind of filesystem is on partition.  If you really
know what your doing and don't have other existing data on the disk, you
could zero out the old partition table and/or the content of existing
old partitions and you'll probably have fewer partitioning problems. 
(You can't use fdisk with GPT partitions).

To zero out just the GPT partition table and first several sectors of
the disk, use something like dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=8 of /dev/dev/sdX
You can also zero out single partitions on the disk, or the beginnings
of partitions.

Otherwise leave out the count and zero the whole disk or whole partition.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread mcclnx mcc
if disk large than 2TB, fdisk will not work correctly.

--- 10/12/16 (四),Drew 寫道:

 寄件者: Drew
 主旨: Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration
 收件者: CentOS mailing list
 日期: 2010年12月16日,四,下午12:10
  fdisk /dev/sde
  Hit p to see the list of partitions.  Press d to
 delete a partition.  Press n for a new partition.
 Or you can just use t to change the filesystem type.
 Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be
 --Marie Curie
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 5.5 x64 bit issues on sun blade X6270 SERVER MODULE

2010-12-16 Thread m . roth wrote:
 here in the readme it does mention 64 bit

What does it say about 64 bit systems? As I said, it sounds like you've
got the driver in the wrong directory. You might check for the driver in
the 32-bit directory, and what does file say about it? You REALLY, REALLY
need to get the right proprietary driver in the right place.

 as you said I delete the xorg.conf file and ran system-config-display
 selected vesa gives the same error

 here below is my xorg.conf file

Where's the monitor section?
For example, mine has a stanza
Section Monitor
 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
Identifier Monitor0
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  DELL 2007FP
HorizSync   30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0

which is not right for yours, unless you happen to have the same make and
model monitor, but there ought to be one.

 Section Device
 Identifier Videocard0
 Driver vesa

 Section Screen
 Identifier Screen0
 Device Videocard0

This ought to have a line like below.
  Monitor   Monitor0

 DefaultDepth 24
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 24

Please stop replying directly to me - keep it onlist, so others can jump in.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] /dev/null permission changes figured out

2010-12-16 Thread Benjamin Franz
On 12/16/2010 10:29 AM, Joe Pruett wrote:
 a while back i reported an issue where /dev/null was getting set to 600
 perms after a system update.  i finally figured out what it is.  i don't
 care about failed logins and have limited space on some servers, so i
 symlinked /var/log/btmp to /dev/null.  the initscripts package does a
 chmod 600 /var/log/btmp, so voila /dev/null gets changed.

 so now i know why it happened just to me.  i now need to figure out a
 better way to deal with btmp.  any ideas from the list?

Put a logrotate config for /var/log/btmp in /etc/logrotate.d that 
rotates it once a day and use 'rotate 0' to just throw them away.

See 'man logrotate' for the configuration syntax.

Benjamin Franz

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] /dev/null permission changes figured out

2010-12-16 Thread Benjamin Franz
On 12/16/2010 11:14 AM, Benjamin Franz wrote:
 On 12/16/2010 10:29 AM, Joe Pruett wrote:
 a while back i reported an issue where /dev/null was getting set to 600
 perms after a system update.  i finally figured out what it is.  i don't
 care about failed logins and have limited space on some servers, so i
 symlinked /var/log/btmp to /dev/null.  the initscripts package does a
 chmod 600 /var/log/btmp, so voila /dev/null gets changed.

 so now i know why it happened just to me.  i now need to figure out a
 better way to deal with btmp.  any ideas from the list?

 Put a logrotate config for /var/log/btmp in /etc/logrotate.d that
 rotates it once a day and use 'rotate 0' to just throw them away.

 See 'man logrotate' for the configuration syntax.

The man page for lastb says if you just complete delete /var/log/btmp 
the system shouldn't recreate it on its own.

That is the simplest answer.

Benjamin Franz

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] use parted to create raw paration????

2010-12-16 Thread Lamar Owen
On Thursday, December 16, 2010 02:03:23 pm mcclnx mcc wrote:
 if disk large than 2TB, fdisk will not work correctly.

For GPT, use gdisk as a substitute for fdisk.  gdisk 0.6.10 is available for 
CentOS 4 and 5 in the RPMforge third-party repository.  The version in Fedora 
14 is 0.6.13, for comparison.  Output on my laptop:
[r...@localhost ~]# gdisk /dev/sda -l
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.6.13

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Disk /dev/sda: 976773168 sectors, 465.8 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): 11223344----AABBCCDD
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 976773134
Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
Total free space is 525717 sectors (256.7 MiB)

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
   1  40  409639   200.0 MiB   EF00  EFI System Partition333
   2  409640   386210423   184.0 GiB   AF00  MixBusSL333
   3   386473984   402104319   7.5 GiB 8200  LinuxSwap33
   4   402104320   484024319   39.1 GiB0700  F14
   5   484024320   861511679   180.0 GiB   0700  LinuxHome33
   6   861511680   976510983   54.8 GiBAF00  Interchange
[r...@localhost ~]# 

Don't know why the repeated 3s are there.  
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
 Hello Keith,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

NO. Never do this.

Use a personal .rpmmacros file to reset your personal working
directories, so you can compile locally.

   %_topdir /home/username/rpm
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Bowie Bailey
On 12/16/2010 3:20 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
 Hello Keith,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
 [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
 error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those
 NO. Never do this.

 Use a personal .rpmmacros file to reset your personal working
 directories, so you can compile locally.

%_topdir /home/username/rpm

Here are the steps I use:

mkdir $HOME/rpm
mkdir $HOME/rpm/SOURCES
mkdir $HOME/rpm/SPECS
mkdir $HOME/rpm/BUILD
mkdir $HOME/rpm/SRPMS
mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS
mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386
echo %_topdir$HOME/rpm  $HOME/.rpmmacros

You may also want an x86_64 directory depending on what you are building.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Nico,

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:20 -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander
  /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
  as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those
 NO. Never do this.

Why would that be a problem?


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Robert Heller
At Thu, 16 Dec 2010 15:34:33 -0500 CentOS mailing list 

 On 12/16/2010 3:20 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
  Hello Keith,
  On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:
  [rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
  error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
  /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
  as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those
  NO. Never do this.
  Use a personal .rpmmacros file to reset your personal working
  directories, so you can compile locally.
 %_topdir /home/username/rpm
 Here are the steps I use:
 mkdir $HOME/rpm
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/SOURCES
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/SPECS
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/BUILD
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/SRPMS
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS
 mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386
 echo %_topdir$HOME/rpm  $HOME/.rpmmacros
 You may also want an x86_64 directory depending on what you are building.

Some packages will want a i486, i586, i686, and/or athlon directory. 
Oh, you will need a noarch directory also.


Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 /
Deepwoods Software--
()  ascii ribbon campaign -- against html e-mail
/\   -- against proprietary attachments

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] /dev/null permission changes figured out

2010-12-16 Thread Stephen Harris
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:17:22AM -0800, Benjamin Franz wrote:

 The man page for lastb says if you just complete delete /var/log/btmp 
 the system shouldn't recreate it on its own.

And if, for some reason, the system _does_ try to recreate then you
could use mknod to make it a device node that matches /dev/null
  mknod /var/log/btmp c 1 3


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread m . roth
Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
 Hello Nico,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:20 -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander
  /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
  as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of
  those directories.

 NO. Never do this.

 Why would that be a problem?

One possibility: suppose someone cracks in as the user that owns those
directories. They could then install whatever they want in there... and
the next time you built and installed something, it could carry their


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
 Hello Nico,

 On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:20 -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander
 /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
 as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of
 those directories.

 NO. Never do this.

 Why would that be a problem?

 One possibility: suppose someone cracks in as the user that owns those
 directories. They could then install whatever they want in there... and
 the next time you built and installed something, it could carry their

That's a good point, bu if they get in as root, they can 
access any build branch they want to, under any user 


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] MySQL repositores

2010-12-16 Thread Ruslan Sivak
Hash: SHA1

Are there any repositories for CentOS 5.5 that keep the latest MySQL

After enabling everything I can think off (CentOS, rpmforge, epel), I'm
still only seeing 5.0.77-4.el5_5.4.

5.5 came out yesterday and 5.1 has been around for a while.

I don't want to manually install from the mysql site for obvious reasons.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL repositores

2010-12-16 Thread Eero Volotinen
2010/12/16 Ruslan Sivak
 Hash: SHA1

 Are there any repositories for CentOS 5.5 that keep the latest MySQL

 After enabling everything I can think off (CentOS, rpmforge, epel), I'm
 still only seeing 5.0.77-4.el5_5.4.

 5.5 came out yesterday and 5.1 has been around for a while.

 I don't want to manually install from the mysql site for obvious reasons.

Try iuscommunity repo:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts

On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Bowie Bailey wrote:

From: Bowie Bailey
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

On 12/16/2010 3:20 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:

Hello Keith,

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:08 +, Keith Roberts wrote:

[rpmbuil...@karsites sox]$ rpm -iv ./sox-12.18.1-1.src.rpm
error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

/usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of those

NO. Never do this.

Use a personal .rpmmacros file to reset your personal working
directories, so you can compile locally.

   %_topdir /home/username/rpm

Here are the steps I use:

   mkdir $HOME/rpm
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/SOURCES
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/SPECS
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/BUILD
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/SRPMS
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS
   mkdir $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386
   echo %_topdir$HOME/rpm  $HOME/.rpmmacros

You may also want an x86_64 directory depending on what you are building.

I've done something similar now.

Here's what I have got so far:

[r...@karsites rpmbuilder]# ls -la
total 60
drwx-- 10 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 17:54 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root   root   4096 Dec 16 14:09 ..
-rw---  1 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder  208 Dec 16 15:22 
-rw-r--r--  1 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder   33 Jan 22  2009 
-rw-r--r--  1 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder  176 Jan 22  2009 
-rw-r--r--  1 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder  124 Jan 22  2009 

drwxrwxr-x  2 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 14:11 BUILD
drwxr-xr-x  3 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Aug 12  2002 .kde
drwxrwxr-x  2 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 15:21 .mc
drwxr-xr-x  4 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec  9 23:44 
-rw-r--r--  1 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder   34 Dec 16 17:54 

drwxrwxr-x  9 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 17:51 RPMS
drwxrwxr-x  2 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 14:11 

drwxrwxr-x  2 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 14:11 SPECS
drwxrwxr-x  2 rpmbuilder rpmbuilder 4096 Dec 16 14:11 SRPMS
[r...@karsites rpmbuilder]#


[r...@karsites home]# tree -Af -a rpmbuilder
├── rpmbuilder/.bash_history
├── rpmbuilder/.bash_logout
├── rpmbuilder/.bash_profile
├── rpmbuilder/.bashrc
├── rpmbuilder/.kde
│   └── rpmbuilder/.kde/Autostart
│   └── rpmbuilder/.kde/Autostart/.directory
├── rpmbuilder/.mc
│   ├── rpmbuilder/.mc/Tree
│   ├── rpmbuilder/.mc/history
│   └── rpmbuilder/.mc/ini
├── rpmbuilder/.mozilla
│   ├── rpmbuilder/.mozilla/extensions
│   └── rpmbuilder/.mozilla/plugins
├── rpmbuilder/.rpmmacros
├── rpmbuilder/BUILD
├── rpmbuilder/RPMS
│  ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/athlon
│  ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/geode
│   ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/i386
│   ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/i486
│   ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/i586
│  ├── rpmbuilder/RPMS/i686
│   └── rpmbuilder/RPMS/noarch
├── rpmbuilder/SOURCES
├── rpmbuilder/SP
└── rpmbuilder/SRPMS

18 directories, 9 files

I also did a directory comparison using Kdif3, on 
/usr/src/redhat and /home/rpmbuilder. Then made the 
directories structures for rpmbuilder the same as redhat's - 
plus my extra files of course.

Thanks for all the input so far.


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5___
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Akemi Yagi wrote:

 To: CentOS mailing list
 From: Akemi Yagi
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Keith Roberts wrote:

 Is there a tutorial on how to create your own third party
 repository for Centos please?

 That's something I've been meaning to do for a long time.

 Now I have cloud hosting, the download bandwidth and usage
 is no longer an issue.

 Here :)



Thanks for those links Akemi.

Something else to gen up on :)


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Mark,

On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 16:21 -0500, wrote:
 One possibility: suppose someone cracks in as the user that owns those
 directories. They could then install whatever they want in there... and
 the next time you built and installed something, it could carry their

How would that be more of an issue using /usr/src/redhat than any other

And seeing that most builds start with either installing a srpm or
building directly in which case that srpm is also being freshly
installed how is this enabling an attacker to deliver a payload?


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD

2010-12-16 Thread Robert Heller
At Thu, 16 Dec 2010 21:26:19 + (GMT) CentOS mailing list wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, wrote:
  To: CentOS mailing list
  Subject: Re: [CentOS] Building packages using RPMBUILD
  Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
  Hello Nico,
  On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 15:20 -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Leonard den Ottolander
  /usr/src/redhat and sub dirs are owned root.root. If you want to build
  as a normal user (and you should!) you should fix the ownership of
  those directories.
  NO. Never do this.
  Why would that be a problem?
  One possibility: suppose someone cracks in as the user that owns those
  directories. They could then install whatever they want in there... and
  the next time you built and installed something, it could carry their
 That's a good point, bu if they get in as root, they can 
 access any build branch they want to, under any user 

If they get in as root, you are totally hosed and probably need to do a
wipe and re-install.  


Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 /
Deepwoods Software--
()  ascii ribbon campaign -- against html e-mail
/\   -- against proprietary attachments

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL repositores

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Ruslan Sivak wrote:

 From: Ruslan Sivak
 Subject: [CentOS] MySQL repositores
 Hash: SHA1

 Are there any repositories for CentOS 5.5 that keep the latest MySQL

 After enabling everything I can think off (CentOS, rpmforge, epel), I'm
 still only seeing 5.0.77-4.el5_5.4.

 5.5 came out yesterday and 5.1 has been around for a while.

 I don't want to manually install from the mysql site for obvious reasons.


You can install it for Centos from remi repo.

Installed Packages
Name   : mysql
Arch   : i386
Version: 5.1.48
Release: 1.el5.remi.1
Size   : 2.3 M
Repo   : installed
Summary: MySQL client programs and shared libraries.
License: GPLv2 with exceptions
Description: MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL 
database server. MySQL is a
: client/server implementation consisting of a 
server daemon (mysqld)
: and many different client programs and 
libraries. The base package
: contains the MySQL client programs, the client 
shared libraries, and
: generic MySQL files.



In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL repositores

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts

On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Ruslan Sivak wrote:

From: Ruslan Sivak
Subject: [CentOS] MySQL repositores

Hash: SHA1

Are there any repositories for CentOS 5.5 that keep the latest MySQL

After enabling everything I can think off (CentOS, rpmforge, epel), I'm
still only seeing 5.0.77-4.el5_5.4.

5.5 came out yesterday and 5.1 has been around for a while.

I don't want to manually install from the mysql site for obvious reasons.

# Name   : remi-release
# Arch   : noarch
# Version: 5
# Release: 7.el5.remi   │
# Size   : 1.8 k
# Repo   : installed
# Summary: YUM configuration for remi repository
# URL:
# License: GPL
# Description: This package contains yum configuration for 
the remi RPM
#: Repository, as well as the public GPG keys 
used to sign them.

#: The repository is not enabled after 
installation, so you must

#: use the --enablerepo=remi option for yum.

# install the REMI repo config files
rpm -ivh


In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5___
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] two cents or not two cents

2010-12-16 Thread Sean
Hello Producers

Longevity of Support is an attractive drawcard for CentOS if it means 
the exact opposite of Fedora's short support cycle that does not 
provide updating of infrastructural libraries for very long, libraries 
which newer versions of applications (like Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera 
etc) depend on and which wont install unless the libraries are also 
newer versions? But is that what it means -- ie that those 
infrastructural libraries (libpango, libcairo etc) are continuously 
updateable to fairly recent versions?

If so, the problem is in reconciling that meaning with the reputation of 
CentOS to only support older versions of applications (eg Firefox-1.5, 
Thunderbird-1.0 etc). It does reconcile, of course, if  the implications 
are merely that the CentOS user must compile and install the later 
versions of such applications from source, rather than having the luxury 
of pre-packaged binaries. It doesn't reconcile if there is some other 
critical reason why newer such applications just wont install. But which?

I ask here because the profusion of vague mission statements and 
'target-enduser-profile' claims that litter the internet re '*nix 
distros' seldom actually address those real issues. And hopefully 
someone can enlighten. My complex production  developement desktop 
takes months to fully port to a new OS (or OS-version), so OS updates to 
get library updates (ala Fedora philosophy) becomes increasingly untenable.

Then there is a further question, I'm afraid. Since CentOS also does 
specifically target the profile of a so-called 'enterprise/server-user' 
what does that actually entail. Does it mean concrete security 
strictures which bolt down non-'root' users or does it merely mean the 
availability of SELinux (but which can be turned OFF)? For instance, 
(with SELinux OFF), can a user still:
(a) su root via Kterm anytime?
(b) Access services-admin anytime via Menu+Pam to control printers, 
modems, daemons etc?
(c) compile
(d) have 6 to 8 desktops running
(e) call up 'konquerorsu.desktop' (root-konqueror with embedded root-Kterm)
(f) have normal cron scheduling
.. maybe more, 
but that's a start.

Thanks for listening.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] two cents or not two cents

2010-12-16 Thread Keith Roberts
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Sean wrote:

 From: Sean
 Subject: [CentOS] two cents or not two cents
 Hello Producers

 Longevity of Support is an attractive drawcard for CentOS if it means
 the exact opposite of Fedora's short support cycle that does not
 provide updating of infrastructural libraries for very long, libraries
 which newer versions of applications (like Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera
 etc) depend on and which wont install unless the libraries are also
 newer versions? But is that what it means -- ie that those
 infrastructural libraries (libpango, libcairo etc) are continuously
 updateable to fairly recent versions?

 If so, the problem is in reconciling that meaning with the reputation of
 CentOS to only support older versions of applications (eg Firefox-1.5,
 Thunderbird-1.0 etc). It does reconcile, of course, if  the implications
 are merely that the CentOS user must compile and install the later
 versions of such applications from source, rather than having the luxury
 of pre-packaged binaries. It doesn't reconcile if there is some other
 critical reason why newer such applications just wont install. But which?

 I ask here because the profusion of vague mission statements and
 'target-enduser-profile' claims that litter the internet re '*nix
 distros' seldom actually address those real issues. And hopefully
 someone can enlighten. My complex production  developement desktop
 takes months to fully port to a new OS (or OS-version), so OS updates to
 get library updates (ala Fedora philosophy) becomes increasingly untenable.

You might be interested in giving my ALI scripts a whirl on 
a spare machine (even an old laptop)  to start with, so you 
get used to how they work.

I wrote these especially to deal with doing a fresh linux 

I can set up the services I want running in under 10 
seconds. Beats sitting there doing it manually for 3 days!

The general idea is that you modify the installer scripts to 
work with a particular system - just do it one time. Then 
you can replay the scripts as often as you want, to 
re-install your system.

Please let the list know if they help with your 
installation/update woes.

BTW. Some applications such as Firefox need to be updated to 
their latest versions, otherwise websites will not work with 
an older version. I had these issues with running an 
old version of FF on Fedora 8. I went from F8 to F12 using 
my ALI scripts without any problems.

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.

This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] two cents or not two cents

2010-12-16 Thread Michael R. Dilworth
I'm sorry (I know don't feed the trolls), but recently 
there have been quite a few remarks resembling this. 
Also, I'm beginning to believe the remark made earlier
by ???, which roughly stated Each time a new release 
is due, the flame wars erupt.

Just what part of CentOS is a Mirror or Redhat OS do 
you miss?

Now please, return to the rpm building and raid/lvm 
discussions, as I find them very interesting and


 -Original Message-
 From: []on
 Behalf Of Sean
 Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:46 PM
 Subject: [CentOS] two cents or not two cents
 Hello Producers
 Longevity of Support is an attractive drawcard for CentOS if it means 
 the exact opposite of Fedora's short support cycle that does not 
 provide updating of infrastructural libraries for very long, libraries 
 which newer versions of applications (like Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera 
 etc) depend on and which wont install unless the libraries are also 
 newer versions? But is that what it means -- ie that those 
 infrastructural libraries (libpango, libcairo etc) are continuously 
 updateable to fairly recent versions?
 If so, the problem is in reconciling that meaning with the reputation of 
 CentOS to only support older versions of applications (eg Firefox-1.5, 
 Thunderbird-1.0 etc). It does reconcile, of course, if  the implications 
 are merely that the CentOS user must compile and install the later 
 versions of such applications from source, rather than having the luxury 
 of pre-packaged binaries. It doesn't reconcile if there is some other 
 critical reason why newer such applications just wont install. But which?
 I ask here because the profusion of vague mission statements and 
 'target-enduser-profile' claims that litter the internet re '*nix 
 distros' seldom actually address those real issues. And hopefully 
 someone can enlighten. My complex production  developement desktop 
 takes months to fully port to a new OS (or OS-version), so OS updates to 
 get library updates (ala Fedora philosophy) becomes increasingly untenable.
 Then there is a further question, I'm afraid. Since CentOS also does 
 specifically target the profile of a so-called 'enterprise/server-user' 
 what does that actually entail. Does it mean concrete security 
 strictures which bolt down non-'root' users or does it merely mean the 
 availability of SELinux (but which can be turned OFF)? For instance, 
 (with SELinux OFF), can a user still:
 (a) su root via Kterm anytime?
 (b) Access services-admin anytime via Menu+Pam to control printers, 
 modems, daemons etc?
 (c) compile
 (d) have 6 to 8 desktops running
 (e) call up 'konquerorsu.desktop' (root-konqueror with embedded root-Kterm)
 (f) have normal cron scheduling
 .. maybe more, 
 but that's a start.
 Thanks for listening.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Antwort: MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e -- Centos support.

2010-12-16 Thread Lisandro Grullon
The centos has support for this controller by default, I just had to do
some tweaking in the actual controller in order to see the virtual
console. I think it was my mistake all along to get this thing going, my
box is flying using Vmware ESX 4.1, the nxt step is to configure centos,
redhat, windows 2008 R2, debian, ubuntu and all the other goodies I am
testing, opps almost forgot Solaris 11 express and Opensolaris.  Testing
time for me. Lisandro

 Pasi Kärkkäinen 12/16/10 10:27 AM 
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 03:44:19PM +0100, Timo Schoeler wrote:
 thus Lisandro Grullon spake:
  Thank u timo,
  I will test this further when I get home. I have been having
nightmares getting this card working from an OS iso, it appears that the
card is very new and the drivers have not been integrated into the
distributions or kernel. The alternative is to load the driver via
console using any of the modules supply by LSI. Thank you again Timo for
your guidance. Lisandro
 You're welcome.
 Ah, and welcome to the world of proprietary drivers. This is something
 that the OpenBSD guys do right: They ignore them. ;)

I don't think LSI has proprietary drivers.. they provide the sources,
and also pre-compiled driver disks for some linux distros.

I assume RHEL/CentOS 5.5 does not (yet) contain a driver for that HBA,
so they're making it easier to use that HBA.

In the future (maybe in RHEL/CentOS 5.6) the driver is probably included
in the distro, out-of-the-box.

-- Pasi

  Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
  -Original Message-
  From: Timo Schoeler 
  Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:33:22 
  To: CentOS mailing list
  Reply-To: CentOS mailing list 
  Subject: Re: [CentOS] Antwort:  MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e -- Centos
  thus Lisandro Grullon spake:
  Thank u andrea for the response, but unfortunately  a floppy its
  an option in my box. Can u guide me using a usb flash drive. Much
  appreciated. Lisandro
  Should work similar to writing to a FDD.
  Maybe you have to experiment if plugging the stick into the machine
  *before* booting or when anaconda requests the driver disk works --
  have seen machines behave differently in this regard.
  Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
  -Original Message- From: Andreas Reschke
  Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:06:13 To: CentOS mailing
  list Reply-To: CentOS mailing list
   Subject: [CentOS] Antwort:  MegaRAID SAS
  9280-24i4e -- Centos support.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Intel NIC

2010-12-16 Thread Helmut Drodofsky
actual Intel Ethernet cards PCI-E
-  Are normal recognized by Centos 5.5 Live CD
-  Not recognized by 5.2
Because of vmware, I will use 5.2
Update kernel?
Update Modules? What Module? 
Thanks for help
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Intel NIC

2010-12-16 Thread Laurent Wandrebeck
On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:44:46 +0100
Helmut Drodofsky wrote:

 actual Intel Ethernet cards PCI-E
 -  Are normal recognized by Centos 5.5 Live CD
 -  Not recognized by 5.2
 Because of vmware, I will use 5.2
Can't you use Xen or KVM ? That way, you,ll have an up to date OS.
If not possible, updating kernel may be sufficient to make vmware work…
or break.

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