Re: [CentOS-docs] What's the wiki software that centos uses?

2012-03-29 Thread Timothy Lee
Dear Christopher,

On 03/28/2012 02:02 PM, Christopher Meng wrote:

 What's the wiki software that centos uses?


CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-announce] CEEA-2012:0435 CentOS 6 gdm Update

2012-03-29 Thread Johnny Hughes

CentOS Errata and Enhancement Advisory 2012:0435 

Upstream details at :

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently 
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) 




Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { }
irc: hughesjr,

CentOS-announce mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problemas de actualización

2012-03-29 Thread Rubén González

Talvez a ninguno en la lista nos ha pasado tu problema específico pero no creas 
que no tiene solución:
Muchas veces el problema que surge nuevo para uno puede que ya le haya sucedido 
a otros y nunca está demás consultar en un buscador como google.
Mi sugerencia es que si por ejemplo pones no se ha encontrado ningún perfil 
para el usuario root en el buscador, te saldrán algunos enlaces que si los 
sigues puede que encuentres después de ir venciendo las dificultades esa 
solución que necesitas.
Mira yo lo he echo y he aquí uno de esos enlaces.

Cuando soluciones primero éste inconveniente, continúa con los que siguen 
apareciendo de idéntica manera y también prueba a intentar detener algún 
demonio (así es como se dice en Linux a un tipo especial de proceso informático 
no interactivo) ese dropboxd por ejemplo.

Estamos suscritos a la lista pero eso no quiere decir que siempre va ha estar 
aquí la solución, en algunos casos incluso seremos nosotros mismos con la ayuda 
de nuestro intelecto el que nos lleve a una solución.

No te olvides de documentar lo que vas haciendo para que des marcha atrás en 
caso de ser necesario o para compartirlo aquí y juntos todos lleguemos a un 
final feliz.

 Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 18:01:24 +
 Subject: [CentOS-es] Problemas de actualización
 Muy buenos días.
 Hace unos días envié un correo explicando el problema que tuve con un 
 servidor CentOS a la hora de instalar las actualizaciones que me solicito y 
 me respondieron que no hay marcha atrás con esas actualizaciones. También me 
 solicitaron que diera mas detalles del error que me manda así que les explico 
 mas a fondo cual es mi problema soy novato en utilizar Centos así que no 
 previne los problemas que me podía generar.
 Hace unos días se me encomendó revisar el reloj checador de la empresa en la 
 que estoy realizando mis estadías lo cual esta montado en un servidor Centos 
 que me dijeron que era la versión 5.3 lo cual ahora me aparece con la versión 
 5.8 y como soy nuevo manipulando este SO por lo tanto me pidió que instalara 
 actualizaciones porque tenia mucho tiempo de estar desconectado, acepte las 
 actualizaciones para que se instalaran pero a la hora de reiniciarse el 
 servidor, parece que carga bien el SO pero a la hora de que siga la pantalla 
 para logearme como root solo se queda en negro y solo se ve el puntero como 
 cargando pero el Disco Duro no se ve que trabaje. he intentado iniciar con el 
 Single User (1) y Emergency esto es lo que he echo;
 Oprimo cualquier tecla para que me envie al GNU GRUB version 0.97.
 este es es con el que arranca normalmente Centos(2.6.18-308.1.1.e5) tecleo la 
 letra a para editarlo con single user;
 grub append ro root=/dev/volGroup 00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet single user enter 
 y b para iniciarlo.
 ya en la otra imagen me aparece
 sh-3.2#  y lo inicio con startx
 y me aparece marcando me un error que dice asi;
 no se ha encontrado ningún perfil para el usuario root.
 /usr/bin/gnom-session:error while loading share 
 libreries:libdbus-1.so3:cannot open shared object file: no such file or 
 También he intentado cambiar la contraseña de root en el kernel editandolo 
 con 1, la reinicio y me marca el mismo error de usuario root.
 Al iniciar normalmente el SO y se carga, me marca error en estos dos 
 iniciando:/usr/bin/gnom-session:error while loading share 
 libreries:libdbus-1.so3:cannot open shared object file: no such file or 
 directory [fallo]
 iniciando dropboxd: unconfigured: /etc/dropbox [fallo].
 Espero que ahora si me haya explicado mejor y también que sea una cosa 
 sencilla que pueda repara fácilmente porque me están presionando con la 
 reparación. He querido restaurarlo con el DVD de instalación Centos 5.8 pero 
 me detengo hasta no recibir una buena accesoria de Uds y que me recomiende 
 que es la mejor solución.
 Les agradezco por leer mi correo y pues esperando una respuesta entendible de 
 Atte. Luis Alvarado.
 CentOS-es mailing list
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Error al montar directorio remoto NFS: mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

2012-03-29 Thread cheperobert
Hola a todos,
Estoy tratando de montar un direcctorio remoto en Centos 6.0, pero
tengo el siguiente error:

mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

Este es el comando:
mount -t nfs /home/user1

Les comento que he probado muchas opciones con el comando mount y
simpre me da el mismo error,
Cabe mencionar que el server remoto tiene el sistema NAS openfiler.

He buscado este error en la WEB y ver si encuentro algunos bug's en
Redhat y CentOS pero no he dado con algo que me indique cual es el
problema y la solucion, tambien recalco que estoy montando otro
directorio desde el mismo server remoto en un cliente Red Hat
Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 y no tengo problemas.

Algunos datos de interes:

En el cliente:
Centos 6.0
Kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.i686
mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.2.3)
Selinux desactivado

En el server Remoto:
openfiler 2.3
mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.1.4)

Gracias por su ayuda, mientras tanto seguire buscano como solucionarlo.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Error al montar directorio remoto NFS: mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

2012-03-29 Thread Claudio Pera
hola, creo que tendrías que fijarte que versión de NFS tiene activado el
filer, ya que muchas veces el cliente NFS tiene una versión de NFS anterior
a la del filer y el servidor (que creo por defecto activa la más alta) no
tiene activada esa versión de nfs, por lo tanto no puede montar los
recursos de netapp pues entre las versiones de NFS cliente y server no se
eso te lo puede decir el administrador del filer, y luego podrás activar la
versión de NFS que corresponda para tomar el recurso.
también deberías fijarte si el server tiene a tu cliente en la lista como
permitido para tomar los recursos de NFS que comparte.

espero te sirva, comentanos como fue.

El 29 de marzo de 2012 16:32, cheperobert escribió:

 Hola a todos,
 Estoy tratando de montar un direcctorio remoto en Centos 6.0, pero
 tengo el siguiente error:

 mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

 Este es el comando:
 mount -t nfs /home/user1

 Les comento que he probado muchas opciones con el comando mount y
 simpre me da el mismo error,
 Cabe mencionar que el server remoto tiene el sistema NAS openfiler.

 He buscado este error en la WEB y ver si encuentro algunos bug's en
 Redhat y CentOS pero no he dado con algo que me indique cual es el
 problema y la solucion, tambien recalco que estoy montando otro
 directorio desde el mismo server remoto en un cliente Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 y no tengo problemas.

 Algunos datos de interes:

 En el cliente:
 Centos 6.0
 Kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.i686
 mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.2.3)
 Selinux desactivado

 En el server Remoto:
 openfiler 2.3
 mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.1.4)

 Gracias por su ayuda, mientras tanto seguire buscano como solucionarlo.

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Error al montar directorio remoto NFS: mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

2012-03-29 Thread cheperobert
El día 29 de marzo de 2012 18:31, Carlos Restrepo escribió:
 El 29 de marzo de 2012 15:12, Claudio Pera escribió:

 hola, creo que tendrías que fijarte que versión de NFS tiene activado el
 filer, ya que muchas veces el cliente NFS tiene una versión de NFS anterior
 a la del filer y el servidor (que creo por defecto activa la más alta) no
 tiene activada esa versión de nfs, por lo tanto no puede montar los
 recursos de netapp pues entre las versiones de NFS cliente y server no se
 eso te lo puede decir el administrador del filer, y luego podrás activar la
 versión de NFS que corresponda para tomar el recurso.
 también deberías fijarte si el server tiene a tu cliente en la lista como
 permitido para tomar los recursos de NFS que comparte.

 espero te sirva, comentanos como fue.

 El 29 de marzo de 2012 16:32, cheperobert

  Hola a todos,
  Estoy tratando de montar un direcctorio remoto en Centos 6.0, pero
  tengo el siguiente error:
  mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
  Este es el comando:
  mount -t nfs /home/user1
  Les comento que he probado muchas opciones con el comando mount y
  simpre me da el mismo error,
  Cabe mencionar que el server remoto tiene el sistema NAS openfiler.
  He buscado este error en la WEB y ver si encuentro algunos bug's en
  Redhat y CentOS pero no he dado con algo que me indique cual es el
  problema y la solucion, tambien recalco que estoy montando otro
  directorio desde el mismo server remoto en un cliente Red Hat
  Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 y no tengo problemas.
  Algunos datos de interes:
  En el cliente:
  Centos 6.0
  Kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.i686
  mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.2.3)
  Selinux desactivado
  En el server Remoto:
  openfiler 2.3
  mount.nfs (linux nfs-utils 1.1.4)
  Gracias por su ayuda, mientras tanto seguire buscano como solucionarlo.
  CentOS-es mailing list
 CentOS-es mailing list

 Hola, revisa lo siguiente:

 1- El archivo /etc/exports correctamente configurado en el equipo que
 comparte el filesystem
 2- Que los servicios nfs y portmap esten corriendo en las dos maquinas
 3- Que no tengas firewalls activo en alguno de los dos nodos
 4- Las maquinas se hablan entre ellas?, es decir se responden ping?, se
 hablan por nombre de maquina e IP?

 si ejecutas la sentencia:  exportfs -ra   que mensaje te devuelve? (si no
 devuelve mensaje tu archivo /etc/exports esta correctamente configurado).

 Que mensaje te devuelve el comando showmount -e IP de la maquina servidor
 nfs ejecutado desde la maquina cliente?. Deberia mostrarte el directorio
 que esta compartiendo el servidor NFS.

Gracias por el tiempo que te has tomado en ayudarme, muy agradecido
por tu apoyo.
El día de mañana reviso y te comento.


 Carlos R!.
 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread brick

My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
/etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread Lars Hecking
brick writes:
 My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
 /etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?

 /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you which configuration Xorg is currently
 using, which devices are autodetected etc. If you need to change only
 particular parts of the config, you can drop a .conf file with the
 corresponding Section into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.

 E.g. if you needed a UK keyboard instead of the default US, you could use
 something along the lines of

# cd /etc/X11/corg.conf.d
# cat keyboard.conf
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbModel pc105
Option  XkbLayout gb

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread m . roth
Lars Hecking wrote:
 brick writes:

 My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
 /etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?

  /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you which configuration Xorg is currently
  using, which devices are autodetected etc. If you need to change only
  particular parts of the config, you can drop a .conf file with the
  corresponding Section into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.
The latest, most Wonderful (tm) version of xorg doesn't seem to require
one - it does it all at boot.

That being said, I think this is a stupid idea. For example, most folks at
work I know of have two monitors, and I've yet to see any automatic
do-it-at-boot figure that out.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread Timothy Murphy wrote:

 The latest, most Wonderful (tm) version of xorg doesn't seem to require
 one - it does it all at boot.
 That being said, I think this is a stupid idea. For example, most folks at
 work I know of have two monitors, and I've yet to see any automatic
 do-it-at-boot figure that out.

But, as has been said, hasn't it just been replaced by /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
There seems to be a general movement to replace *.conf by *conf.d/ .
I'm not sure of the rationale behind this change.
Is is Linux-wide, or is it a RedHat speciality?

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to restrict reboot/poweroff from non-admins?

2012-03-29 Thread Theo Band
On 03/28/2012 09:38 PM, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
 Only console users (local users) are allowed to do that. It's configured
 using pam (I use Centos5.8 so forgive me if this is not the same for
 CentOS6). I tried to change settings in /etc/pam.d/ and that indeed works:


 I added as a second line :
 auth   sufficient
 # prevent normal users to reboot
 auth   required

 But still the user locally logged on to the machine (gnome session) can
 switch it off. So I think I also missed something.
 I can't test it right now, but reading 'man pam.d' made me wonder if
 'required'  in the 'auth required' in the example above
 should be replaced with  'requisite'.

Both methods should work. With requisite the following checks are not
done anymore (it fails right away). But even if the other tests succeed
(after a failing required) the final judgement is still fail. It a way
not to tell the reason authentication fails. This makes it a little bit
more difficult for an attacker.

Note that shutdown is not in the list of pam enabled applications. So a
user cannot poweroff, but he can still shutdown :-(
I read that /etc/shutdown.allow controls shutdown but I don't understand
what the gnome desktop actually calls. Apparently it is not

Anyone knows how to properly prevent any non root user (console and
remote) for powering off a machine?

I need this only for desktop users that switch of their machine by
accident. The machine is used as part of a compute grid as well.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mismatch in openssh latest rpm available at centos

2012-03-29 Thread Johnny Hughes
On 03/28/2012 08:05 PM, Vinay Nagrik wrote:
 Hello Group,

 The latest rpm in openssh is 5.8, however, the corresponding latest rpm
 available in centos 5.7  is only


 in 6.0 centos is


 I have following questions.

 1. I want to start from src.rpm and where can I get the src.rpm for

 2. Can I install openssh-5.3p1-20.el6.x86_64.rpm SAFELY with 5.7 centos
 without causing any problems.

If you rebuild it, if it rebuilds, and if you rebuild anything that
depends on the old one, then yes.  It may not build without newer
buildrequires being met though.  And now, every time there is an
upgrade, you have to remember to get the new one and rebuild again.  You
also have to track any changes of the new buildrequires that you had
to build.

 3. Which of these two rpms will be most compatible with latest openssh rpm
 version 5.8.

They are all compatible ... I don't think any is more compatible than

 Please let me know.  It is important for my work.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Unless you are going to look at the CVE website every day for ssh
vulnerabilities and roll in patches or get new code from openssh
directly for every one, then you want to stay with what is in the distro.

Red Hat uses backporting for security issues:

If you rebuild a new ssh, you will also have to rebuild any packages
that are built against the old openssh against the new openssh.

If you are concerned about security ... that is the whole purpose of
enterprise linux ... it backports security patches for 10 years while
maintaining consistent APIs/ABIs. 

If you want the latest packages on your machine, then you want Fedora
and not CentOS.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread Cal Webster
On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 09:57 +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
 brick writes:
  My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
  /etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?
  /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you which configuration Xorg is currently
  using, which devices are autodetected etc. If you need to change only
  particular parts of the config, you can drop a .conf file with the
  corresponding Section into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.
  E.g. if you needed a UK keyboard instead of the default US, you could use
  something along the lines of
 # cd /etc/X11/corg.conf.d
 # cat keyboard.conf
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Keyboard0
 Driver  kbd
 Option  XkbModel pc105
 Option  XkbLayout gb

If you know what you need, adding a separate conf file
in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ is the cleanest way to go. If you need some
type of custom setup, however, you can generate an xorg.conf using Xorg
-configure. The X server must not be running when you do this.

## Go to run level 3

init 3

## Generate xorg.conf

Xorg -configure

## The configuration file will be stored in root user's home (/root)

From there you can modify it as needed then move it to /etc/X11/ and
init 5 to test. You can test your changes by jumping in and out of run
level 5.

From Xorg(1) man page:


 When  this option is specified, the Xorg server loads all video
driver modules, probes for available hardware, and  writes  out an
initial xorg.conf(5) file based on what was detected.  This option
currently has some problems on some  platforms,  but  in most  cases  it
is  a  good way to bootstrap the configuration process.  This option is
only available when the server is  run as root (i.e, with real-uid 0).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mismatch in openssh latest rpm available at centos

2012-03-29 Thread m . roth
Johnny Hughes wrote:
 On 03/28/2012 08:05 PM, Vinay Nagrik wrote:

 The latest rpm in openssh is 5.8, however, the corresponding latest rpm
 available in centos 5.7  is only
 and in 6.0 centos is

 I have following questions.

 1. I want to start from src.rpm and where can I get the src.rpm for

 2. Can I install openssh-5.3p1-20.el6.x86_64.rpm SAFELY with 5.7 centos
 without causing any problems.

 If you rebuild it, if it rebuilds, and if you rebuild anything that
 depends on the old one, then yes.  It may not build without newer
 buildrequires being met though.  And now, every time there is an
 upgrade, you have to remember to get the new one and rebuild again.  You
 also have to track any changes of the new buildrequires that you had
 to build.

 3. Which of these two rpms will be most compatible with latest openssh
 rpm version 5.8.
 If you rebuild a new ssh, you will also have to rebuild any packages
 that are built against the old openssh against the new openssh.

 If you are concerned about security ... that is the whole purpose of
 enterprise linux ... it backports security patches for 10 years while
 maintaining consistent APIs/ABIs.

 If you want the latest packages on your machine, then you want Fedora
 and not CentOS.

Well... I can see it. We had to build a newer package for 5.x, because we
*had* to have PIV-II/pkcs11 support. That's *just* come in with 6.2, to be
able to log in with a smart card. Even so, there's a bug/enhancement (and
my manager has this in w/ Redhat, and it's been escalated) needed, that it
insists on showing the userlist of recent logins.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread Bob Hoffman
On 3/29/2012 10:06 AM, Cal Webster wrote:
 On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 09:57 +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
 brick writes:

 My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
 /etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?
   /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you which configuration Xorg is currently
   using, which devices are autodetected etc. If you need to change only
   particular parts of the config, you can drop a .conf file with the
   corresponding Section into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.

   E.g. if you needed a UK keyboard instead of the default US, you could use
   something along the lines of

 # cd /etc/X11/corg.conf.d
 # cat keyboard.conf
 Section InputDevice
  Identifier  Keyboard0
  Driver  kbd
  Option  XkbModel pc105
  Option  XkbLayout gb
 If you know what you need, adding a separate conf file
 in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ is the cleanest way to go. If you need some
 type of custom setup, however, you can generate an xorg.conf using Xorg
 -configure. The X server must not be running when you do this.

 ## Go to run level 3

 init 3

 ## Generate xorg.conf

 Xorg -configure

 ## The configuration file will be stored in root user's home (/root)

  From there you can modify it as needed then move it to /etc/X11/ and
 init 5 to test. You can test your changes by jumping in and out of run
 level 5.

  From Xorg(1) man page:


   When  this option is specified, the Xorg server loads all video
 driver modules, probes for available hardware, and  writes  out an
 initial xorg.conf(5) file based on what was detected.  This option
 currently has some problems on some  platforms,  but  in most  cases  it
 is  a  good way to bootstrap the configuration process.  This option is
 only available when the server is  run as root (i.e, with real-uid 0).


 CentOS mailing list

I thought it placed a conf file in the home directory of any user who 
brought up a x window/desktop?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mismatch in openssh latest rpm available at centos

2012-03-29 Thread Johnny Hughes
On 03/29/2012 09:56 AM, wrote:
 Johnny Hughes wrote:
 On 03/28/2012 08:05 PM, Vinay Nagrik wrote:
 The latest rpm in openssh is 5.8, however, the corresponding latest rpm
 available in centos 5.7  is only
 and in 6.0 centos is

 I have following questions.

 1. I want to start from src.rpm and where can I get the src.rpm for

 2. Can I install openssh-5.3p1-20.el6.x86_64.rpm SAFELY with 5.7 centos
 without causing any problems.
 If you rebuild it, if it rebuilds, and if you rebuild anything that
 depends on the old one, then yes.  It may not build without newer
 buildrequires being met though.  And now, every time there is an
 upgrade, you have to remember to get the new one and rebuild again.  You
 also have to track any changes of the new buildrequires that you had
 to build.
 3. Which of these two rpms will be most compatible with latest openssh
 rpm version 5.8.
 If you rebuild a new ssh, you will also have to rebuild any packages
 that are built against the old openssh against the new openssh.

 If you are concerned about security ... that is the whole purpose of
 enterprise linux ... it backports security patches for 10 years while
 maintaining consistent APIs/ABIs.

 If you want the latest packages on your machine, then you want Fedora
 and not CentOS.
 Well... I can see it. We had to build a newer package for 5.x, because we
 *had* to have PIV-II/pkcs11 support. That's *just* come in with 6.2, to be
 able to log in with a smart card. Even so, there's a bug/enhancement (and
 my manager has this in w/ Redhat, and it's been escalated) needed, that it
 insists on showing the userlist of recent logins.

And this can be the case ... they will roll back security items, but
there will be some new functionality that is not rolled back.

If you really need some new function, then yes, a rebuild is in order.

That entails all the things I outlined above though ... figuring out
what else you need to build first to use as a BuildRequires, figure
out what you have to build after because they depend on the built Share
libraries of the package (or one they depend on one of your Newer
BuildRequires that you needed).  Then you need to set up a method to
track all the out of band packages that you are adding so you keep
them up2date.

This can sometimes just be the package in question ... but sometimes it
can be a whole bunch of other packages too ... for example, if you built
a newer openssl, you would also need to rebuild all of these afterwards
(which build against openssl):

[hughesjr@localhost SRPMS]$ for srpms in $(ls *.src.rpm); do
is_openssl=$(rpm -qp --requires $srpms | grep openssl); if [
$is_openssl !=   ]; then echo $srpms; fi; done

Re: [CentOS] xorg.conf disappear

2012-03-29 Thread David G . Miller
 m.roth@... writes:

 Lars Hecking wrote:
  brick writes:
  My system is CentOS 6. I need to edit xorg.conf. But it can't be find in
  /etc/X11. Where is it? How can I get the default setting?
   /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you which configuration Xorg is currently
   using, which devices are autodetected etc. If you need to change only
   particular parts of the config, you can drop a .conf file with the
   corresponding Section into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.
 The latest, most Wonderful (tm) version of xorg doesn't seem to require
 one - it does it all at boot.
 That being said, I think this is a stupid idea. For example, most folks at
 work I know of have two monitors, and I've yet to see any automatic
 do-it-at-boot figure that out.

Running FC-16 from an external hard disk that I carry back and forth between
home and work.  FC-16 boots just fine on two different laptops each with an
external monitor attached.  On the work system Xorg auto-detects the monitor
configuration and just works.  On my older laptop at home I have to run xrandr
to get it to sort out which display is where.  The work laptop is all Intel
including the video and the home laptop has an AMD CPU and ATI graphics plus the
display geometries are different for both the laptops and the external monitors.

I appreciate that this is with FC-16 instead of CentOS but you may find that the
autoconfiguration will work this well when RHEL/CentOS 7 gets built based on FC.
 It's really nice to just be carrying the external disk between work and home
instead of the laptop.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] process accounting on 5.7

2012-03-29 Thread Alan McKay
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 8:57 AM, John Doe wrote:

 Indeed, I looked too fast and missed the IDs...
 So, why not just something like this:
 dump-acct /var/account/pacct | awk -F\| '
 { total_cpu += $4; cpu[$5] += $4;
   total_ram += $7; ram[$5] += $7 }
 END { for (x in cpu) {
   print x int((cpu[x]*100)/total_cpu)%
 int((ram[x]*100)/total_ram)%; } } '
 Or just 'sa -m'?

Thanks, yeah I can definitely do that - just wanted to see if there was
something already out there which had a few bells and whistles.

But that raw data above should be good enough for my use

“Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
 - Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread Prabhpal S. Mavi

Dear Friends Greetings,

i am CentOS User for some years now, have installed and configured
squirrelmail number of times without issues.

but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login interface.
of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from
epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either.

i can login also, after login this is how i see the inside interface.

id anyone has come across the same? any solution?
here is what i see on squirrelmail login page:

bgcolor=#ff border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
SquirrelMail Logo
SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
By the SquirrelMail Project Team
 bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=350
bgcolor=#dcdcdcSquirrelMail Login  bgcolor=#ff 
bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=100% width=30%Name: 
width=70%  width=30%Password:  width=70% 

Thanks / Regards
Prabhpal S. Mavi

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread m . roth
Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:

 Dear Friends Greetings,

 i am CentOS User for some years now, have installed and configured
 squirrelmail number of times without issues.

 but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login interface.
 of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from
 epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either.

 i can login also, after login this is how i see the inside interface.

 id anyone has come across the same? any solution?
 here is what i see on squirrelmail login page:

 bgcolor=#ff border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 SquirrelMail Logo
 SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
 By the SquirrelMail Project Team
  bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=350
 bgcolor=#dcdcdcSquirrelMail Login  bgcolor=#ff 
 bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=100% width=30%Name: 
 width=70%  width=30%Password:  width=70% 

Please note that this is a traditional mailing list, and the HTML was
chopped off - we only do plain text.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread Michael Peterson
Prabhpal S. Mavi,

Can you provide a URL to use to view what it actually looks like?
Is it on an external server?

I installed squirrelmail from the tar.bz2 file available from their web
site at the link.

Here is a link to the page where it can be viewed from.

Michael Peterson

 Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:

 Dear Friends Greetings,

 i am CentOS User for some years now, have installed and configured
 squirrelmail number of times without issues.

 but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login interface.
 of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from
 epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either.

 i can login also, after login this is how i see the inside interface.

 id anyone has come across the same? any solution?
 here is what i see on squirrelmail login page:

 bgcolor=#ff border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 SquirrelMail Logo
 SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
 By the SquirrelMail Project Team
  bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=350
 bgcolor=#dcdcdcSquirrelMail Login  bgcolor=#ff 
 bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=100% width=30%Name: 
 width=70%  width=30%Password:  width=70% 

 Please note that this is a traditional mailing list, and the HTML was
 chopped off - we only do plain text.


 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread John R Pierce
On 03/29/12 12:12 PM, Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:
 but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login interface.
 of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from
 epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either.

EPEL has its own mail lists and support, its not considered part of CentOS.

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread Prabhpal S. Mavi
Dear Michael,

thanks for your response, here is the like to squirrelmail web interface.
i feel that if it is installed from source, it is later difficult to
uninstall when upgrading, that is why i prefer rpm. please correct if i am

Thanks / regards

 Prabhpal S. Mavi,

 Can you provide a URL to use to view what it actually looks like?
 Is it on an external server?

 I installed squirrelmail from the tar.bz2 file available from their web
 site at the link.

 Here is a link to the page where it can be viewed from.

 Michael Peterson

 Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:

 Dear Friends Greetings,

 i am CentOS User for some years now, have installed and configured
 squirrelmail number of times without issues.

 but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login
 of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from
 epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either.

 i can login also, after login this is how i see the inside interface.

 id anyone has come across the same? any solution?
 here is what i see on squirrelmail login page:

 bgcolor=#ff border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 SquirrelMail Logo
 SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6
 By the SquirrelMail Project Team
  bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=350
 bgcolor=#dcdcdcSquirrelMail Login  bgcolor=#ff 
 bgcolor=#ff border=0 width=100% width=30%Name: 
 width=70%  width=30%Password:  width=70% 

 Please note that this is a traditional mailing list, and the HTML was
 chopped off - we only do plain text.


 CentOS mailing list

 CentOS mailing list

Thanks / Regards
Prabhpal S. Mavi
Sent Through .Net Domain From iPhone

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ugly login screen - squirrel

2012-03-29 Thread m . roth
Prabhpal S. Mavi wrote:
 Dear Michael,

 thanks for your response, here is the like to squirrelmail web interface.
 i feel that if it is installed from source, it is later difficult to
 uninstall when upgrading, that is why i prefer rpm. please correct if i am

Ah. Ok, you've got a permissions problem, it looks like.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RAID-10 vs Nested (RAID-0 on 2x RAID-1s)

2012-03-29 Thread Tim Nelson

I'm about to embark on a new installation of Centos 6 x64 on 4x SATA HDDs. The 
plan is to use RAID-10 as a nice combo between data security (RAID1) and speed 
(RAID0). However, I'm finding either a lack of raw information on the topic, or 
I'm having a mental issue preventing the osmosis of the implementation into my 

Option #1:
My understanding of RAID10 using 4 drives (now known as a,b,c,d) is:

a+b - RAID1 (md0)
c+d - RAID1 (md1)

md0+md1 - RAID0 (md3)

This is of course simplified as /boot needs to be on RAID1 (last I checked Grub 
couldn't boot from anything other than RAID1).

Option #2:
I've also found the kernel provides a direct method of RAID10 without the 
manual assignment of the arrays as noted above. I performed a test 
installation, selecting RAID10 as the type in the installer, and it works but 
I'm just not seeing the distinction between what disks/partitions are actually 
the mirror or stripe portion of the array. Details:

[root@c6r10tester ~]# mdadm --detail /dev/md1
Version : 1.1
  Creation Time : Thu Mar 29 16:14:17 2012
 Raid Level : raid10
 Array Size : 36695040 (35.00 GiB 37.58 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 18347520 (17.50 GiB 18.79 GB)
   Raid Devices : 4
  Total Devices : 4
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

  Intent Bitmap : Internal

Update Time : Thu Mar 29 16:28:49 2012
  State : active
 Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

 Layout : near=2
 Chunk Size : 512K

   Name : c6r10tester:1  (local to host c6r10tester)
   UUID : be38645d:4d3c8b77:0f6df687:08016c6a
 Events : 51

Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
   0   830  active sync   /dev/sda3
   1   8   191  active sync   /dev/sdb3
   2   8   352  active sync   /dev/sdc3
   3   8   513  active sync   /dev/sdd3

Am I overthinking this? Does the kernel handle the mirror/stripe configuration 
under the hood, simply presenting me with a magical RAID10 array? Or, is this 
something different and I really should be performing the RAID creation 
manually as noted in option #1?

Help me CentOS-Kenobi, you're my only hope.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] my spammer list

2012-03-29 Thread Bob Hoffman
Thanks to some nice people on here and other forums I have pretty much 
finalized my whole mail system on centos 6.x.

With all the checks, greylisting, dev/null of any 8+ spam level SA, I 
still get a few mails.

It seems like everytime I enable a new protectant, the mail stops 
spamming for a few hours...then the spammers decide I am worthy of using 
better methods against me..and more come. LOL.

I am down to just 10-15 a day.
Anything that gets through all that I set up now goes to a spammers list 
that I add to the access file of postfix.

that is the link to my list. I am trying to sort them out into 
political, real estate, bulk spammers, etc.
The worst part is the bulk emailers are not on any black list. It is 
very hard to find their mail MX until they actually send you one.
Many will be blocked, then a new alternate of theirs comes through.

I could not find a list of bulk commercial spammers so I thought I would 
start one. As I progress it will become more defined, but right now a 
big list with some categories after it.

Hope it helps.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID-10 vs Nested (RAID-0 on 2x RAID-1s)

2012-03-29 Thread John R Pierce
On 03/29/12 2:49 PM, Tim Nelson wrote:
 Am I overthinking this?


 Does the kernel handle the mirror/stripe configuration under the hood, simply 
 presenting me with a magical RAID10 array?


 Or, is this something different and I really should be performing the RAID 
 creation manually as noted in option #1?

no.   :)

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID-10 vs Nested (RAID-0 on 2x RAID-1s)

2012-03-29 Thread S.Tindall
On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 16:49 -0500, Tim Nelson wrote:

 [root@c6r10tester ~]# mdadm --detail /dev/md1
 Version : 1.1
   Creation Time : Thu Mar 29 16:14:17 2012
  Raid Level : raid10
  Layout : near=2
  Chunk Size : 512K

 Am I overthinking this? Does the kernel handle the mirror/stripe 
 configuration under the hood, simply presenting me with a magical RAID10 
 array? Or, is this something different and I really should be performing the 
 RAID creation manually as noted in option #1?

Two resources to look at are:

 1) Wikipedia Linux MD RAID 10

 2) mdadm manpage section for --layout= (the raid10 part)

  Finally, the layout options for RAID10 are one of ’n’, ’o’ or ’f’...

The key to understanding your setup is mdadm --detail Layout: near=2.
The cited Wikipedia reference for a standard near layout describes
your situation.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mismatch in openssh latest rpm available at centos

2012-03-29 Thread Ross Walker
On Mar 29, 2012, at 11:39 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

 On 03/29/2012 09:56 AM, wrote:
 Johnny Hughes wrote:
 On 03/28/2012 08:05 PM, Vinay Nagrik wrote:
 The latest rpm in openssh is 5.8, however, the corresponding latest rpm
 available in centos 5.7  is only
 and in 6.0 centos is
 I have following questions.
 1. I want to start from src.rpm and where can I get the src.rpm for
 2. Can I install openssh-5.3p1-20.el6.x86_64.rpm SAFELY with 5.7 centos
 without causing any problems.
 If you rebuild it, if it rebuilds, and if you rebuild anything that
 depends on the old one, then yes.  It may not build without newer
 buildrequires being met though.  And now, every time there is an
 upgrade, you have to remember to get the new one and rebuild again.  You
 also have to track any changes of the new buildrequires that you had
 to build.
 3. Which of these two rpms will be most compatible with latest openssh
 rpm version 5.8.
 If you rebuild a new ssh, you will also have to rebuild any packages
 that are built against the old openssh against the new openssh.
 If you are concerned about security ... that is the whole purpose of
 enterprise linux ... it backports security patches for 10 years while
 maintaining consistent APIs/ABIs.
 If you want the latest packages on your machine, then you want Fedora
 and not CentOS.
 Well... I can see it. We had to build a newer package for 5.x, because we
 *had* to have PIV-II/pkcs11 support. That's *just* come in with 6.2, to be
 able to log in with a smart card. Even so, there's a bug/enhancement (and
 my manager has this in w/ Redhat, and it's been escalated) needed, that it
 insists on showing the userlist of recent logins.
 And this can be the case ... they will roll back security items, but
 there will be some new functionality that is not rolled back.
 If you really need some new function, then yes, a rebuild is in order.
 That entails all the things I outlined above though ... figuring out
 what else you need to build first to use as a BuildRequires, figure
 out what you have to build after because they depend on the built Share
 libraries of the package (or one they depend on one of your Newer
 BuildRequires that you needed).  Then you need to set up a method to
 track all the out of band packages that you are adding so you keep
 them up2date.
 This can sometimes just be the package in question ... but sometimes it
 can be a whole bunch of other packages too ... for example, if you built
 a newer openssl, you would also need to rebuild all of these afterwards
 (which build against openssl):
 [hughesjr@localhost SRPMS]$ for srpms in $(ls *.src.rpm); do
 is_openssl=$(rpm -qp --requires $srpms | grep openssl); if [
 $is_openssl !=   ]; then echo $srpms; fi; done

[CentOS] Linux on touch screen device

2012-03-29 Thread Nataraj
I have poked around in google and have seen a number of youtube videos,
but my question is whether anyone really has linux running on any kind
of tablet or tablet PC device in such a way that the touch screen can be
used productively and it won't take a month to get it running? 
Initially the two applications that are of most interest to me would be
a good web browser (maybe chromium) and thunderbird.  I would also like
to have a decent on screen keyboard which could be used to ssh to
servers in an emergency.

I've seen instructions for booting linux on various devices, but many
people doing this are using keyboards and not touchscreens.

Do applications like thunderbird have to be modified in order to work
well with a touch screen or is just getting a working driver for the
touchpad sufficient?

If anyone has any experience with this I would appreciate knowing what
hardware your running on and what linux distro/desktop environment you
use.  I've been interested in devices like the ASUS EP121 which is a
dual core I5, so it wouldn't be necessary to have an ARM distribution. 
Also the newest Asus transformer prime (arm) which I think is about 2
months away sounds interesting.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID-10 vs Nested (RAID-0 on 2x RAID-1s)

2012-03-29 Thread Luke S. Crawford
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 04:49:26PM -0500, Tim Nelson wrote:
 Am I overthinking this? Does the kernel handle the mirror/stripe 
 configuration under the hood, simply presenting me with a magical RAID10 
 array? Or, is this something different and I really should be performing the 
 RAID creation manually as noted in option #1?

I used to do something very similar to option 1, save that I used LVM to 
do the striping.  I now use the md raid10 array.  Rebuilds are dramatically
faster under the 'just let md handle the raid10' option.   
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] my spammer list

2012-03-29 Thread Nataraj
On 03/29/2012 03:00 PM, Bob Hoffman wrote:
 Thanks to some nice people on here and other forums I have pretty much 
 finalized my whole mail system on centos 6.x.

 With all the checks, greylisting, dev/null of any 8+ spam level SA, I 
 still get a few mails.

 It seems like everytime I enable a new protectant, the mail stops 
 spamming for a few hours...then the spammers decide I am worthy of using 
 better methods against me..and more come. LOL.

 I am down to just 10-15 a day.
 Anything that gets through all that I set up now goes to a spammers list 
 that I add to the access file of postfix.

 that is the link to my list. I am trying to sort them out into 
 political, real estate, bulk spammers, etc.
 The worst part is the bulk emailers are not on any black list. It is 
 very hard to find their mail MX until they actually send you one.
 Many will be blocked, then a new alternate of theirs comes through.

 I could not find a list of bulk commercial spammers so I thought I would 
 start one. As I progress it will become more defined, but right now a 
 big list with some categories after it.

 Hope it helps.
 CentOS mailing list
You won't be able to track them easily because they hop around from
network to network.  Sometimes I can recognize them by seeing the same
spams repeatedly, also, different IP addresses connecting and guessing
passwords for the same list of users.  But I rarely get those anymore
since I have blocked pop/imap logins from outside of the US.

You can report them to and that may help to provide some
incentive for ISPs to kick spammers off their network.

The way that I finally got rid of all the residual spam that makes it
through greylisting, SPF, spamassassin, clamav is to handout unique mail
addresses and use black/whitelists.  So for example if I assign an email
address for incoming mail from a mailing list and then setup a whitelist
entry that only allows that address to receive email from the
mailservers that serve that mailing list and then blacklist all other
incoming mail to that address it is very effective.  With a decent
whitelist/blacklist tool it's fairly easy to implement.  I used to get
literally hundreds of spams a day and now I probably average about 2 per

You can also get on the spamassassin mailing list and add more plugins
and work on tuning the spamassassin config.   You can also play with
sa-learn.  For me though the black/whitelisting works quite well.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] my spammer list

2012-03-29 Thread Bob Hoffman
On 3/29/2012 11:26 PM, Nataraj wrote:
 On 03/29/2012 03:00 PM, Bob Hoffman wrote:
 Thanks to some nice people on here and other forums I have pretty much
 finalized my whole mail system on centos 6.x.

 With all the checks, greylisting, dev/null of any 8+ spam level SA, I
 still get a few mails.

 It seems like everytime I enable a new protectant, the mail stops
 spamming for a few hours...then the spammers decide I am worthy of using
 better methods against me..and more come. LOL.

 I am down to just 10-15 a day.
 Anything that gets through all that I set up now goes to a spammers list
 that I add to the access file of postfix.

 that is the link to my list. I am trying to sort them out into
 political, real estate, bulk spammers, etc.
 The worst part is the bulk emailers are not on any black list. It is
 very hard to find their mail MX until they actually send you one.
 Many will be blocked, then a new alternate of theirs comes through.

 I could not find a list of bulk commercial spammers so I thought I would
 start one. As I progress it will become more defined, but right now a
 big list with some categories after it.

 Hope it helps.
 CentOS mailing list
 You won't be able to track them easily because they hop around from
 network to network.  Sometimes I can recognize them by seeing the same
 spams repeatedly, also, different IP addresses connecting and guessing
 passwords for the same list of users.  But I rarely get those anymore
 since I have blocked pop/imap logins from outside of the US.

 You can report them to and that may help to provide some
 incentive for ISPs to kick spammers off their network.

 The way that I finally got rid of all the residual spam that makes it
 through greylisting, SPF, spamassassin, clamav is to handout unique mail
 addresses and use black/whitelists.  So for example if I assign an email
 address for incoming mail from a mailing list and then setup a whitelist
 entry that only allows that address to receive email from the
 mailservers that serve that mailing list and then blacklist all other
 incoming mail to that address it is very effective.  With a decent
 whitelist/blacklist tool it's fairly easy to implement.  I used to get
 literally hundreds of spams a day and now I probably average about 2 per

 You can also get on the spamassassin mailing list and add more plugins
 and work on tuning the spamassassin config.   You can also play with
 sa-learn.  For me though the black/whitelisting works quite well.


 CentOS mailing list

mostly down to just the bulk commercial spammers. Usually spam dev/null 
them but decided to disable spam assassin and go after a nice list. Only 
got two mails in the last 12 hours, so it is cool.
I get lots of political and real estate spammers due to the jobs I have 
had and my mail being on their lists...a list you can never get off. So 
listing them was the perfect thing.
so without spamassassin, going good so far. Almost nothing.

when I get one or two a day I just add them to the

I am happy to not have hundreds a day happy.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Linux on touch screen device

2012-03-29 Thread 夜神 岩男

--- On Fri, 2012/3/30, Nataraj wrote:

 I have poked around in google and have seen a number of youtube videos,
 but my question is whether anyone really has linux running on any kind
 of tablet or tablet PC device in such a way that the touch screen can be
 used productively and it won't take a month to get it running? 
 Initially the two applications that are of most interest to me would be
 a good web browser (maybe chromium) and thunderbird.  I would also like
 to have a decent on screen keyboard which could be used to ssh to
 servers in an emergency.
 I've seen instructions for booting linux on various devices, but many
 people doing this are using keyboards and not touchscreens.
 Do applications like thunderbird have to be modified in order to work
 well with a touch screen or is just getting a working driver for the
 touchpad sufficient?
 If anyone has any experience with this I would appreciate knowing what
 hardware your running on and what linux distro/desktop environment you
 use.  I've been interested in devices like the ASUS EP121 which is a
 dual core I5, so it wouldn't be necessary to have an ARM distribution. 
 Also the newest Asus transformer prime (arm) which I think is about 2
 months away sounds interesting.

Lots of people do this and lots of (most?) commercial tablet/smartphone systems 
are based on Linux or a close cousin (Android and iOS come to mind...).

As far as non-commercial DIY tablet distros, there are distros and special 
interest groups within larger distros that focus on this type of deployment.

But none of them are CentOS, so I'm not sure why you pinged this mailinglist -- 
though I think you'd probably find that CentOS installs just fine in most 
cases, just remember to build whatever graphcs driver you need or your 
experience might not be good.

Go ask over at Fedora, Ubuntu and maybe Mint. Also check out MeeGo and whatnot.

As a side note, there is nothing magical about a touchscreen. Touchscreens are 
just pointing devices like mice and touchpads as far as Linux is concerned, but 
in this case it is a touchpad that you can see through to a screen on the other 
side (there is a special case of location logic, of course, so the pointer 
doesn't continue from last location, but this is a normal case handled by X). 
So nothing special happens in an application to make it work with a 
touchscreen because a touchscreen is just creating mouse events the same way 
your normal mouse would do. The only problem with touchscreens is that small 
icons are smaller than your finger (well, mine anyway) and so you have to make 
the desktop a little cartoony to make things work right. Gnome Shell in Fedora 
is actually not too bad to use with a touchscreen, though it sucks horribly 
with a mouse IMO, and KDE with large widgets is pretty easy as well.

CentOS mailing list