Re: [CentOS] OT: systemd Poll - So Long, and Thanks for All the fish.

2017-04-19 Thread James B. Byrne

On Mon, April 17, 2017 17:13, Warren Young wrote:

> Also, I’ll remind the list that one of the *prior* times the systemd
> topic came up, I was the one reminding people that most of our jobs
> summarize as “Cope with change.”

At some point 'coping with change' is discovered to consume a
disproportionate amount of resources for the benefits obtained.  In my
sole opinion the Linux community appears to have a
change-for-change-sake fetish. This is entirely appropriate for an
experimental project.  The mistake that I made many years ago was
inferring that Linux was nonetheless suitable for business.

To experimenters a ten year product cycle may seem an eternity. To
many organisations ten years is barely time to work out all the kinks
and adapt internal processes to automated equivalents.  And the
smaller the business the more applicable that statement becomes.

I do not have any strong opinion about systemd as I have virtually no
experience with it.  But the regular infliction of massively
disruptive changes to fundamental software has convinced us that Linux
does not meet our business needs. Systemd and Upstart are not the
cause of that.  They are symptoms of a fundamental difference of focus
between what our firm needs and what the Linux community wants.

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Do NOT transmit sensitive data via e-Mail
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James B.
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive  vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada  L8E 3C3

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [SPAM?] Re: kmod-jfs on Centos 6

2017-04-19 Thread H

On 04/18/2017 08:30 PM, wrote:

H wrote:

A  couple of days ago I submitted a request to ElRepo and kmod-jfs is now
available for CentOS 7 as well.

On 04/12/2017 12:58 AM, H wrote:

Thank you, installed it and it worked fine. Now I am looking for the
same for CentOS 7... It did not look like you have that in your

I don't know about this - at home, I'm running C 6. Would this let me talk
to my Barnes&(ig)Noble Nook?


On 3/13/2017 1:09 PM, Nux! wrote:

yum -y install

(that's for 64bit, adjust the url accordingly for 32bit)

it won't hose your system

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


- Original Message -

From: "H" 
To: "CentOS mailing list" 
Sent: Friday, 10 March, 2017 19:20:37
Subject: [CentOS] kmod-jfs on Centos 6
I am a bit of a noob with Linux and Centos but would like to be able
to access
an old external USB disk formatted JFS by OS/2. I have seen there is a
package on elrepo that ought to work with Centos 6 but am unsure how
to install
kmods without hosing my existing system...

If anyone would like to be so kind to give me a short how-to, I would
be very

Thank you.

CentOS mailing list

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I doubt that. I was looking to transfer files from old harddisks formatted 
using JFS under OS/2.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] anaconda/kickstart: bonding device not created as expected

2017-04-19 Thread Tris Hoar

On 18/04/2017 15:54, Frank Thommen wrote:


I am currently struggling with the right way to configure a bonding
device via kickstart (via PXE).

I am installing servers which have "eno" network interfaces.  Instead of
the expected bonding device with two active slaves (bonding mode is
balance-alb), I get a bonding device with only one active slave and an
independent, non-bonded network device.  Also the bonding device gets
its MAC address from the second instead of from the first device.

I appreciate any hint (or rtfm with the name of the correct fm ;-) on
how to achieve the desired setup through kickstart.  Please find the
used PXE and kickstart settings and resulting network configuration below.

I did this with CentOS 7.2.1511.  We cannot go further due to Infiniband
and lustre drivers which are currently only supported for this CentOS
7.x version



The used PXE configuration is

kernel centos-7/vmlinuz
append initrd=centos-7/initrd.img ip=dhcp nameserver=xx.xx.xx.xx
ksdevice=eno1 inst.repo=http://our.mirror.server/7/os/x86_64
inst.ks.sendmac inst.ks=http://our.kickstart.server/ks.cgi

and the network settings in the kickstart file are

network --device bond0 --bondslaves=eno1,eno2
--bondopts=mode=balance-alb --bootproto=dhcp --hostname=myhost --activate

I would have expected to get a bonding device with eno1 and eno2 as
slave devices, the bonding device inheriting the MAC address from eno1
(otherwise DHCP won't work).  Instead the result is a bonding device
with eno2 as - sole - slave device and eno1 as a single active device
with the main IP address of the host:

bond0: flags=5187  mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::42f2:e9ff:fec7:b5f1  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
ether 40:f2:e9:c7:b5:f1  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
RX packets 29  bytes 5274 (5.1 KiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 39  bytes 3486 (3.4 KiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

eno1: flags=4163  mtu 1500
inet xx.xx.xx.xx  netmask  broadcast xx.xx.xx.xx
inet6 fe80::42f2:e9ff:fec7:b5f0  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
ether 40:f2:e9:c7:b5:f0  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 4303  bytes 798163 (779.4 KiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 1686  bytes 481585 (470.2 KiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
device interrupt 16

eno2: flags=6211  mtu 1500
ether 40:f2:e9:c7:b5:f1  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 29  bytes 5274 (5.1 KiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 39  bytes 3486 (3.4 KiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
device interrupt 17

The ifcfg-files look basically ok, but there are two for the eno1 device.

ifcfg of the bonding device:

$ cat ifcfg-bond0
# Generated by parse-kickstart
NAME="Bond connection bond0"

ifcfg of the two slave devices

$ cat ifcfg-bond0_slave_1
# Generated by parse-kickstart
NAME="bond0 slave 1"

$ cat ifcfg-bond0_slave_2
# Generated by parse-kickstart
NAME="bond0 slave 2"

ifcfg of eno1 (which physically has the MAC address 40:f2:e9:c7:b5:f0,
which is the same as ifcfg-bond0_slave_1

$ cat ifcfg-eno1
# Generated by dracut initrd

Hi Frank,

This is from my satellite kickstart where I'm building the bond at the 
point of PXE booting, and using static (I'm working on doing this with 
DHCP and tagged VLANs but currently cant get to the hardware needed 
since messing up the BMC config :( )

LABEL linux
KERNEL boot/RedHat-7.3-x86_64-vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=boot/RedHat-7.3-x86_64-initrd.img 
ks= ks.device=bootif network ks.sendmac 
bond=bond0:eno1,eno2:mode=802.3ad vlan=bond0.10:bond0 

Then in the KS we have
network  --bootproto=static --device=link --gateway= --ip= 
--nameserver=, --netmask=

It should be fairly simple to convert that to use DHCP as you just need 
to change the IP line in the kernel parameters and ensure you have 
--device=link in the kicksta

Re: [CentOS] OT: systemd Poll - So Long, and Thanks for All the fish.

2017-04-19 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 5:21 AM, James B. Byrne  wrote:
> On Mon, April 17, 2017 17:13, Warren Young wrote:
>> Also, I’ll remind the list that one of the *prior* times the systemd
>> topic came up, I was the one reminding people that most of our jobs
>> summarize as “Cope with change.â€
> At some point 'coping with change' is discovered to consume a
> disproportionate amount of resources for the benefits obtained.  In my
> sole opinion the Linux community appears to have a
> change-for-change-sake fetish. This is entirely appropriate for an
> experimental project.  The mistake that I made many years ago was
> inferring that Linux was nonetheless suitable for business.
> To experimenters a ten year product cycle may seem an eternity. To
> many organisations ten years is barely time to work out all the kinks
> and adapt internal processes to automated equivalents.  And the
> smaller the business the more applicable that statement becomes.
> I do not have any strong opinion about systemd as I have virtually no
> experience with it.  But the regular infliction of massively
> disruptive changes to fundamental software has convinced us that Linux
> does not meet our business needs. Systemd and Upstart are not the
> cause of that.  They are symptoms of a fundamental difference of focus
> between what our firm needs and what the Linux community wants.

Apple has had massively disruptive changes on OS X and iOS. Windows
has had a fairly disruptive set of changes in Windows 10. About the
only things that don't change are industrial OS's.

When it comes to breaking user space, there's explicit rules against
that in Linux kernel development. And internally consistent API/ABI
stability is something you're getting in CentOS/RHEL kernels, it's one
of the points the distributions exist. But the idea that Windows and
OS X have better overall API stability I think is untrue, having
spoken to a very wide assortment of developers who build primarily
user space apps.

What does happen, in kernel ABI changes can break your driver, as
there's no upstream promise for ABI compatibility within the kernel
itself. The effect of this is very real on say, Android, and might be
one of the reasons for Google's Fuscia project which puts most of the
drivers, including video drivers, into user space. And Microsoft also
rarely changes things in their kernel, so again drivers tend to not

Chris Murphy
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos 7 and nvme

2017-04-19 Thread jsl6uy js16uy
Hello all, and hope all is well
Has anyone installed / on an nvme ssd for Cent 7? Would anyone know if that
is supported?
I have installed using Arch Linux, but at the time, mid last year, had to
patch grub to recognize nvme. Arch is obviously running a much more recent
Not afraid todo some empirical leg work. Just asking if anyone had tried

thanks all for any/all help
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] PUPPET - group IDS

2017-04-19 Thread Ian Diddams
hope thus comes under the remit of this mailking list...

We use puppet, and Im trying to come up with "code" that will create two user 
accounts with a shared groiup ID
user1 with UID 1000user 2 with UID 1001
but I would like them BOTH to share the GID of 2000
I've tried the following
accounts::groups:    jointgroup:        gid: '2000'
    user1:        uid: '1000'        gid: '2000'        home: '/home/user1'     
   shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
    user2:        uid: '1001'        gid: '200'        home: '/home/user2'      
  shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
But when I trfy and use this puppet agent -tv complains when trying to create 
user2 that GID 2000 is slready used .

how may I manage this?
(Obvs I could have all users with their own GID and add users to a seperate 
group m... but this is just tidier to my mind?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] PUPPET - group IDS

2017-04-19 Thread Paul Heinlein

On Wed, 19 Apr 2017, Ian Diddams wrote:

hope thus comes under the remit of this mailking list...

We use puppet, and Im trying to come up with "code" that will create two user 
accounts with a shared groiup ID
user1 with UID 1000user 2 with UID 1001
but I would like them BOTH to share the GID of 2000
I've tried the following
accounts::groups:    jointgroup:        gid: '2000'
    user1:        uid: '1000'        gid: '2000'        home: '/home/user1'     
   shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
    user2:        uid: '1001'        gid: '200'        home: '/home/user2'      
  shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
But when I trfy and use this puppet agent -tv complains when trying to create 
user2 that GID 2000 is slready used .

how may I manage this?

I haven't used the "allowdupe" option, so I don't know if it works for 
GIDs, but supposedly this works:

  user { 'user1':
uid => 1000, gid => 2000, ...,
allowdupe => true

  user { 'user2':
uid => 1001, gid => 2000, ...,
allowdupe => true

In YAML-ese, I guess you'd just add

allowdupe: 'true'

Paul Heinlein <> <>
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 7 and nvme

2017-04-19 Thread Jonathan Billings
On Apr 19, 2017, at 4:25 PM, jsl6uy js16uy  wrote:
> Hello all, and hope all is well
> Has anyone installed / on an nvme ssd for Cent 7? Would anyone know if that
> is supported?
> I have installed using Arch Linux, but at the time, mid last year, had to
> patch grub to recognize nvme. Arch is obviously running a much more recent
> kernel.
> Not afraid todo some empirical leg work. Just asking if anyone had tried
> already

I installed RHEL 7.3 (same kernel as CentOS7) and it worked fine except for the 
fact that ‘efibootmgr’ defaults to using /dev/sda, and the disk is called 
/dev/nvme0n1, so doing stuff like changing the default boot back to Windows 
(dual boot) didn’t work without some tweaking.

Jonathan Billings 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 7 and nvme

2017-04-19 Thread jsl6uy js16uy
Thanks much for the update sir! We are locked on a ver, ver == repo/pkg
time slice, within the Cent7u2 release run, but this could be a reason to
push the pointer forward in our infra
I can live with those headaches
Thanks again
Will report back if we do anything above normal tweaking

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Jonathan Billings 

> On Apr 19, 2017, at 4:25 PM, jsl6uy js16uy  wrote:
> > Hello all, and hope all is well
> > Has anyone installed / on an nvme ssd for Cent 7? Would anyone know if
> that
> > is supported?
> > I have installed using Arch Linux, but at the time, mid last year, had to
> > patch grub to recognize nvme. Arch is obviously running a much more
> recent
> > kernel.
> > Not afraid todo some empirical leg work. Just asking if anyone had tried
> > already
> I installed RHEL 7.3 (same kernel as CentOS7) and it worked fine except
> for the fact that ‘efibootmgr’ defaults to using /dev/sda, and the disk is
> called /dev/nvme0n1, so doing stuff like changing the default boot back to
> Windows (dual boot) didn’t work without some tweaking.
> --
> Jonathan Billings 
> ___
> CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] PUPPET - group IDS

2017-04-19 Thread Leroy Tennison
I'm not familiar with the syntax you're using but the below worked for me using 
'puppet apply grp-usr.pp' on my laptop where grp-usr.pp contained:

group { 'poc':
ensure  =>  present,
gid =>  '1002'

user { 'one':
ensure  =>  present,
uid =>  '1005',
gid =>  '1002',
require =>  Group['poc']

user { 'two':
ensure  =>  present,
uid =>  '1006',
gid =>  '1002',
require =>  Group['poc']

The run produced no errors and

grep poc /etc/group




egrep 'one|two' /etc/passwd

producing (with a couple of extraneous entries):


- Original Message -
From: "Paul Heinlein" 
To: "centos" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 4:20:08 PM
Subject: Re: [CentOS] PUPPET - group IDS

On Wed, 19 Apr 2017, Ian Diddams wrote:

> hope thus comes under the remit of this mailking list...
> We use puppet, and Im trying to come up with "code" that will create two user 
> accounts with a shared groiup ID
> eg 
> user1 with UID 1000user 2 with UID 1001
> but I would like them BOTH to share the GID of 2000
> I've tried the following
> accounts::groups:    jointgroup:        gid: '2000'
> accounts::users:
>     user1:        uid: '1000'        gid: '2000'        home: '/home/user1'   
>      shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
>     user2:        uid: '1001'        gid: '200'        home: '/home/user2'    
>     shell: '/bin/bash'        password: ''
> But when I trfy and use this puppet agent -tv complains when trying to create 
> user2 that GID 2000 is slready used .
> how may I manage this?

I haven't used the "allowdupe" option, so I don't know if it works for 
GIDs, but supposedly this works:

   user { 'user1':
 uid => 1000, gid => 2000, ...,
 allowdupe => true

   user { 'user2':
 uid => 1001, gid => 2000, ...,
 allowdupe => true

In YAML-ese, I guess you'd just add

 allowdupe: 'true'

Paul Heinlein <> <>
CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] nameserver issue

2017-04-19 Thread Fred Smith
Hi all!

This question is, at best, somewhat peripheral to Centos, but I'm
hoping to be forgiven, and that someone here can give me a clue.

I've just brought up a nameserver on my household LAN, bind9 on a
Raspberry Pi.

The connection with Centos is this: my main desktop is C7, and its
hardwired network is also manual, not dhcp. I've edited the ipv4 config
(in NM) and changed the DNS settings from (the router) to (the RPi). I've also manually tweaked /etc/resolv.conf
to contain instead of 

works fine. until I fire up a vpn. having done that, looking in 
/etc/resolv.conf (while the vpn is connected) it has reverted to

after shutting down the vpn, remains in resolv.conf

what am I overlooking here?

now the not-so-Centos-related question:
I've changed the dhcp settings in my router so it should deliver to the dhcp clients instead of And it does,
sorta. all the systems that use DHCP, now are configured with two
DNS server addresses,, and And I have no 
clue why is still showing. Both windows and Linux systems
are showing this behavior.

Clues appreciated!

and thanks in advance.
 Fred Smith -- -
   But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
 While we were still sinners, 
  Christ died for us.
--- Romans 5:8 (niv) --
CentOS mailing list