Re: [CentOS] When no MTA is installed, How to send an email with a cronjob?

2013-07-21 Thread Ben Mohilef
> Hi,
> When no MTA is installed, How to send an email with a cronjob?
> I have below entrty in my cronjob?
> my /etc/cron.d/backup file looks like this.
> 15 11 * * * root /root/scripts/
> Can I send this email via SMTP server?

The following script works for us to send notifications to a mobile "server"
that can not process very long text messages. Unless you have perfect control 
over who is allowed to use this script and what is being sent, it is VERY bad 
security practice. Replace the bracketed setup stuff (inside <> ) with the 
appropriate sources and destinations. "$argv" passess the raw data to be 
transmitted. Depending on what's in the  message, you may have to modify 
the 3rd through 6th lines.YMMV.

> #!/usr/bin/expect
> set idx [string first \{ $argv]
> set argv [string replace $argv $idx $idx]
> set idx [string last } $argv]
> set argv [string replace $argv $idx $idx]
> spawn telnet25
> set send_slow {1 .01}
> set timeout 180
> expect {
> -re "Escape character is" {
> exp_send -s "helo \n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "220" {
> exp_send -s "mail from: \n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "250.*ender" {
> exp_send "rcpt to:\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "250.*ecipient" {
> exp_send -s "data\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "354" {
> exp_send -s "Subject: \n\n"
> exp_send -s "$argv\n"
> exp_send -s ".\n"
> puts "sending\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "Message" {
> exp_send -s "quit\n"
> }
> -re "221" {
> puts "done\n"
> }
> }

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Flash No Longer Supported on RHEL 4

2011-02-16 Thread Ben Mohilef
>From RHSA Announce:

[RHSA-2011:0259-01] Critical: flash-plugin - 1-Month End Of Life Notice

> The flash-plugin package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 contains multiple
> security flaws and should no longer be used. This is the 1-month
> notification of Red Hat's plans to disable Adobe Flash Player 9 on Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux 4.
> The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having critical
> security impact.

Adobe's security caveats apply to Linux as well as Windows.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 63, Issue 2

2010-05-16 Thread Ben Mohilef
I have been unable to find firefox-3.0.19-1 in the 5.5 os or the 5.5 updates.  
Is is being handled separately or was it overlooked in the transition between 
5.4 and 5.5 ?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] via vb 8001 : vt1211 driver

2009-12-29 Thread Ben Mohilef
I could find no precompiled driver that worked. However, I found GNU-GPL code 
for one that works 
nicely on the Point Clark Networks' site. The instructions are for ClearOS 5.4 
which is similar to 

Roll your own driver with instructions and vt1211.c code at

Install kernel-devel and start at Paragraph #3.

Works nice on my little M1 mini-itx epia box.  Until elrepo or Redhat or 
Centos supports a 
vt1211.ko  for RHEL/Centos 5.4, you will have the privilege of recompiling and 
reinstalling it every time 
you update the kernel ( about a 3 minute adventure ). 



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing R on CentOS 5

2009-12-08 Thread Ben Mohilef
> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
> R-core-2.10.0-2.el5.x86_64 from R-project has depsolving problems -->
> Missing Dependency: perl(File::Copy::Recursive) is needed by package
> R-core-2.10.0- 2.el5.x86_64 (R-project)

If you don't want to use the epel repository, then you will need to get
from Dag's Repositories accessible at (among others) 

His repository has a rich and  up to date collection of perl



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Via EPIA m10000 Nemehiah

2009-11-23 Thread Ben Mohilef
> I dont seem to have any problems ( use this machine as a cheap h/w
> random number generator, so its always under load ~ 1 )

Same board, same model.  Thanks for the information.

This looked and felt like an acpi induced problem. I discovered that acpid was 
turned on for some 
reason, so I turned off the acpid daemon and it has behaved well for the last 
day.  Are you booting 
yours with acpi=off  as well  ??

Thanks again. 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Via EPIA m10000 Nemehiah

2009-11-22 Thread Ben Mohilef
Does anyone else have one of these on 24/7 running RHEL 5.4 or Centos 5.4 ??
That box mysteriously stops ( no crash data, it just stops) hours or days after 
boot, with or without X. 
Cntl-Alt-Delete reboots it without power cycling.  The usual diagnostics  
(memtest and fsck) return no 
errors. Works great until it freezes. No evidence of  kernel oops anywhere.

If others report the same issues we will scrap the board. Otherwise I will 
continue to investigate what 
is happening, since it is no fun to pull the board out and replace with an atom 
processor and it is not 

The hard disk in it came from an Athlon M board that died an untimely death 
this week. Service 
cpufreq reports "unavailable" so I am assuming that it is turned off. Could the 
cpu freqquency control  
be doing something  without tellling us? 

We havea power monitor on it so I can discern if it dies with max cpu activity 
or not. Also I am leaving 
it run "top" without screensaver so I can see if a particular load or program 
is borking it.   Am I missing 
something obvious here? 



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] VMware Server 2.0.1 On CentOS 5

2009-10-29 Thread Ben Mohilef
> However, other than this issue which may be fixed in 2.0.2 (I still
> had a problem but haven't spent much time investigating), the
> combination works fine. 

The upgrade to VMware Server 2.0.2 on 5.4 has not gone well for me. The 
XP shutdown command hangs. XP Task Manager then shows nothing 
running any significant cpu load then totally hangs the guest and a forced 
reboot is required. The forced reboot generates a "Communication Error" . 
Restarting vmware fails until all processes related to  vmware are killed, is re-run and the server restarted. Upgrading Vmware tools finally 
succeeded after several tries with only cryptic messages that the 
"Installation failed". I haven't tried a guest shutdown since the tools were 
fixed so I don't know if this is or is not related. Not a trace of information 
any of the  logs. Will pursue this further tonight. Server 2.0.1 and it's 
predecessors have run flawlessly for me the last few years.

In addition, my tea is cold and my little toe hurts. There - I've done all my 
whining for the day.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] VMware Server 2.0.1 and Centos 5.4

2009-10-20 Thread Ben Mohilef
Upgrade to RHEL 5.4's glibc has rendered vmware-hostd  inoperable in 
some systems. I don't know if Centos 5.4 has the same conflict between 
glibc and VMware Server as RHEL (no reason it shouldn't). 

If you run VMware Server 2.0.1 make a copy of /lib64/ (or /lib/libc- before upgrading to 5.4. If you encounter this problem follow dirkgf 's 
instructions in 

from which I quote:
> Re: vmware-hostd crashes repeatedly after upgrade to RHEL 5.4 Sep 5,
> 2009 7:49 AM
> just for reference in case somebody else is having this issue. We seem to have
> been able to resolve the problem for us. Following the steps we performed.
> * Log on to your VMware host.
> * Create the directory /usr/lib/vmware/lib/
> * Log on to an RHEL 5.3. machine. Grab /lib64/ (or
>   /lib/ in case you're running an 32 Bit host) and copy it to 
> the
>   VMware host into /usr/lib/vmware/lib/
> * Rename the file within /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ to
> * Open /usr/sbin/vmware-hostd and add
> /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I just added an
> "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/vmware/lib/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> before the last line. * Restart your vmware services (or just the host)
> Downgrading libc might be also an option, but I'd like to keep the host
> unchanged other

Works for me on a x86_64 system which exhibited similar symptoms. I 
agree with his last line because I don't know what else retaining the old glibc 
wold break.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RealTek 8168B (Rev 02) NON Issue

2009-06-09 Thread Ben Mohilef
Thanks for the feedback. Problem was not with the chip, problem was a 
managed switch to which the box was inadvertently connected. Replaced 
switch with hub, tried with both ElRepo and Realtek drivers,  can see TCP 
packets now from other computers. Labelled data cables better so mistake 
won't happen again. Nice to know that the switch did exactly what it was 
supposed to do.

Sorry for the unnecessary noise.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RealTek 8168B (Rev 02) Issue

2009-06-08 Thread Ben Mohilef
It is an D945GCLF2 with a 330.

> use the r8169 driver

That driver has issues with the counters, resolved with the ElRepo and 
Realtek drivers. Ifconfig shows no dropped packets with the latter two 

> website, it has been working fine, and I regularly check my tcpdump,
> dmesg even states that it enter promiscuous mode and exits > device
> eth0 entered promiscuous mode > device eth0 left promiscuous mode only

The dmesg statement comes from a printk statement in the  driver. I 
modified the driver to force the register to  always load
I surrounded it with printk statements so I know that it is entering and 
the rx setting. It acts like this variable is never being written to the chip 
register. Hmmm, I think I need to look at their code some more to make 
sure they ARE writing to the register.

Despite the kernel messages, the chip does not enter the promiscuous 
mode. If you have a second box talking to a third address, do you see that 
TCP traffic in TCPDump. Another way to check it is using iptraf.  

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RealTek 8168B (Rev 02) Issue

2009-06-07 Thread Ben Mohilef
The 8168B (02) NIC works well except that it does not go into promiscuous 
mode despite advertising itself in that mode after being so directed with 
ifconfig. Unfortunately, the little box is destined to be an IDS monitor, so 
function is essential. The board is an Intel Atom  330 run as x86_64, the nic 

We tried three drivers: the one in the 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 kernel yields a 
count of dropped packets (known problem), and the drivers from Realtek 
El Repo. None solve the promiscuous problem (although they fix the funny 
dropped counter issue).

Apparently the chip has no MII capability either. 

Anyone have any idea as how to make this chip do the promiscuous mode 
thing other than adding another nic card ?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 5.3 Update Problem clamav-milter

2009-04-05 Thread Ben Mohilef
> Starting Clamav Milter Daemon: clamav-milter: unrecognized option 
> `--local'
> ERROR: Unknown option passed
> ERROR: Can't parse command line options
> The config of /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter
> --config-file=/etc/clamd.conf
> --local
> --max-children=10
> --outgoing
> --quiet
> "

It sounds like you did an update to clamav-0.95.  

You must now do the configuration in /etc/clamav-milter.conf.  Leave the 
sysconfig as CLAMAV_FLAGS=" " . Read the man pages for both 
clamd.conf and clamav-milter as they have both changed, although the conf 
files are pretty well documented by themselves. Make sure the sockets in 
the clamd.conf file is correctly referenced in the clamav-milter.conf file and 
the milter socket is compatible with what you put in your file. 

The clamav folks completely rewrote the milter in 0.95 to require sendmail-
13 or higher. For anyone with an old (RHEL/Centos 3.9) distro,  clamav-
milter-0.95  does not work with sendmail-12. I built and the installed  the 
sendmail-13 rpm from the RHEL4 (Centos4 should also work) src.rpm 
before building and installing the clamav-0.95 rpm on one old machine. It is 
now receiving and filtering mail happily (allthough oblivious to its scheduled 
July date with the hardware recycler). Clamdtop even works with Centos 3.9.

Someone may want to put sendmail-13 in the Centos 3.9 centosplus 
directory. A "clamav-0.95-for-sendmail-13" could also be put in the rpmforge 
updates for EL3, although there are probably few customers for that item.  

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] gecko-libs dependency resurfaces

2008-07-17 Thread Ben Mohilef
In doing an update of centos 5.2 this morning, I observed that the old 
gecko-libs dependency issue caused yum update to fail because it was  
required by  nspluginwrapper (x64_86), devhelp, yelm and firefox. Also, a 
firefox (x64_86) showed the red hat splash screen rather than centos.

Manual installation of affected rpms using --nodeps (I don't advise this)  did 
not apear to impair the performance of any of the affected packages.  

Is everyone seeing this or do we have something missing in our 



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Probably OT: Has anyone else seen SeaMonkey 'pop' without warning?

2008-01-08 Thread Ben Mohilef
> Shortyl after installing 1.1.7 on my 5.0 (and even since 5.1), I
> noticed that every so often, 
> seemingly at random, although it appears most frequently when I
> click on something that wants 

I have also experienced this problem and characterized it briefly by 
unscientific trial and error (FWIW). I found that whenever it dies it is trying 
to open a new window per javascript ALERT or CONFIRM directives. This 
happens intermittently and NONrepeatably on both 32 and 64 bit flavours of 
5.1 and no other js commands seem to be related (including whether a 
flash file is or is not being displayed). This started late last year. It was 
so much of a nusiance that I bothered to see what updates coincided with it 
then and I would just be guessing if I looked back now.

The problem seems to lie in the code by which FF/SM open windows in 
those two javascript commands.  I run Adblock, noscript, NViIDIA's 
proprietary drivers, kde and permissive selinux.  Nothing of interest appears 
in /var/log/ or dmesg coincident with the failure.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Samba Upgrade on Centos 3 Resolved

2007-12-10 Thread Ben Mohilef
>> and provide us with the bug number there?
>> Thanks,
>> Ralph
>Red Hat Bug 389021  opened on 11-17-07.

RedHat released updates for samba late last week:

They fixed the linux-linux directory panic issue with this update as well as a 
couple of new security issues. 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] [more] Samba Upgrade on Centos 3

2007-11-19 Thread Ben Mohilef
> FWIW, Gentoo bug number is 199450.  

Debian Tag 451839

and (the important one) 
Samba bug 5087

Discussion if this situation on the samba list dated 11-16 just appeared on 
Nabble (watch the wrap):[EMAIL PROTECTED]:-DO-NOT-REPLY--Bug-5087--Crash-of-smbd-

Apparently their QA never tested a unix-unix situation. I suspect a  fully 
tested fix will be coming 
shortly from since they seem very aware of the issues.

BTW, there are no known exploits  with the old version, so if you are 
running mixed use samba 
it is probably safe to revert to the old rpms. YMMV.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba Upgrade on Centos 3

2007-11-18 Thread Ben Mohilef
Content-type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="Alt-Boundary-3379.18435061"

 > Can you file a bug at Or even better at
> and provide us with the bug number there?
> Thanks,
> Ralph

Red Hat Bug 389021  opened on 11-17-07.

Near identical wildcard problem reported 11-16-07 after security update in 
Gentoo. See:
FWIW, Gentoo bug number is 199450.  

Unlike the ubuntu version of this problem, neither the RHEL3 nor the Gentoo 
bugs segfault nmbd. 

The updated RHEL5 CLIENT does not exhibit the problem. The RHEL3 CLIENTS 
exhibit the problem 
after Centos3 or RHEL5 samba SERVER updates. All this is reversible by 
installing the old rpms 
respectively. The Gentoo issue is similarly reversible.

This looks like this could be a null pointer dereference issue caused by the 
samba security patch. Bug 
reports probably need to be upgraded a notch from low priority since a lot of 
people apparently have 
mixed linux-win networks and use linux-to-linux samba transfers.




--Alt-Boundary-3379.18435061";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

 > Can you file a bug at Or even better 

> and provide us with the bug number there?


> Thanks,


> Ralph


Red Hat 

Bug 389021  opened on 11-17-07.

Near identical wildcard problem reported 11-16-07 after security update in 
Gentoo. See:

FWIW, Gentoo bug number is 199450.  

Unlike the ubuntu version of this problem, neither the RHEL3 nor the Gentoo 
bugs segfault nmbd. 

The updated RHEL5 CLIENT does not exhibit the problem. The RHEL3 CLIENTS 
exhibit the problem 
after Centos3 or RHEL5 samba SERVER updates. All this is reversible by 
installing the old rpms 
respectively. The Gentoo issue is similarly reversible.

This looks like this could be a null pointer dereference issue caused by the 
samba security patch. Bug 
reports probably need to be upgraded a notch from low priority since a lot of 
people apparently have 
mixed linux-win networks and use linux-to-linux samba transfers.






CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Samba Upgrade on Centos 3

2007-11-16 Thread Ben Mohilef

> After today's samba update, Centos 3 boxes can not use samba to 
> communicate with each other, although Windows and the Centos 3 boxes
> see each other correctly as do RHEL5 and the Centos3 boxes. The du 

Upon further investigation, samba can only no longer use wildcards of any type 
or do 
things like 'ls' . Doing
ls /mnt/SHARE/  
works fine whereas
ls /mnt/SHARE/* 
gives an invalid result.

I wonder if there is still is a compilation option (there was a few years ago) 
enable/disable wildcards which is either turned off or has been disabled?

If one knows the complete file name on a Centos 3 share then one has no 
Windows boxes (and Linux boxes other than Centos 3) work fine and that is the 
way most 
admins use samba so this is hardly a crisis. ( Unlike the Ubuntu people who 
report that 
nmbd is segfaulting on their boxes and apparently have a different problem). 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Samba Upgrade on Centos 3

2007-11-16 Thread Ben Mohilef
After today's samba update, Centos 3 boxes can not use samba to 
communicate with each other, although Windows and the Centos 3 boxes 
see each other correctly as do RHEL5 and the Centos3 boxes. The du 
command works well, but ls, cp, cat ,etc produces the error:
PANIC: push_ascii - dest_len == -1
in the server log and 
smb_trans2_request: result=-5, setting invalid
in the client.

A similar (but more serious) set of problems was reported in Ubuntu early 
this morning after their update.

Is any one else experiencing this problem with samba and Centos 3 after 
the update?



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] A Working 64 bit Browser Plugin - at Last!!

2007-11-07 Thread Ben Mohilef

Upon installing 64 bit firefox on RHEL 5/Centos5/SAL5 , the first problem 
everyone seems to complain about is no working java plugin. A patched 
plugin from the  Blackdown Project was available, but it was 
written against the vulnerable JRE 1.4.2.

I too gave up on this until I discovered Red Hat's "iced tea" project.  The 
latest incantation for Fedora Core 8 loaded well on a RHEL5 box using 


Then do:

alternatives --config java
and select the new 1.7 JRE.

Usually FC8 stuff doesn't install well on RHEL5/Centos5/SAL5 boxes. 
However, these worked like a charm SO FAR. 
[ Note, if you try these, uninstall all of your firefox extensions first 
some of them have the potential to create the infamous XBL error message 
for non-root users].  After installation, navigate to Sun's java site and test 
using their applets to make sure you installed correctly.

YMMV.  May cause loss of some functionality elsewhere in the system. If 
you browse for more then four continuous hours you may have contracted 
site fixation disease, contact your physician at once.



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Centos 5 OpenOffice 2.0.4-

2007-06-28 Thread Ben Mohilef
Content-type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="Alt-Boundary-19583.13106888"

I noticed that there are no rpms in Centos 
5  update.  So I tried to build openoffice 2.0.4- (sans language 
packs) on a x86_64 from RH 5 source rpm. The build bombed after an hour 
elapsed and it used up about 10 GB of space with an error about missing 

So I just blew it off, erased the files written by the build and decided to 
until the rpm showed up in the updates. I don't want to repeat that exercise 
if 2.0.4- is destined to show up in the updates. 

If not, does anyone have any idea  what java it needs (or what changes 
have be made to the spec file) to successfully build the rpm.

Thanks for any information on this problem.

--Alt-Boundary-19583.13106888";>"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">

I noticed that there are no rpms in Centos 
5  update.  So I tried to build openoffice 2.0.4- (sans 
packs) on a x86_64 from RH 5 source rpm. The build bombed after an hour 
elapsed and it used up about 10 GB of space with an error about missing 

So I just blew it off, erased the files written by the build and decided to 
until the rpm showed up in the updates. I don't want to repeat that exercise 
if 2.0.4- is destined to show up in the updates. 

If not, does anyone have any idea  what java it needs (or what changes 
have be made to the spec file) to successfully build the rpm.

Thanks for any information on this problem.



CentOS mailing list