[CentOS] Network Diagnostics

2020-01-07 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
In our smallest office, we have a Dell CentOS 7 system, a
Windows system and an HP 8610 printer, all hard-wire Ethernet
connected with a Linksys router. The router provides Internet
connection. All of the network-connected systems get their
IP address from the router at power up.

Successful network connection of the printer at power up
has recently started taking much longer than usual.  The
display on the front of the printer indicates that it is
initially attempting wireless connection even though this
feature is turned off.  Ethernet connection is eventually
achieved and the printer functions normally on the network
but just for a few minutes.

After about five minutes, the printer drops its Ethernet
connection and appears to be attempting wireless connection
once again.  During this period, network connectivity is
disrupted for the other systems on the network. They are
not able to communicate with each other or access the
Internet through the router.  Turning off the printer
restores network connection for the other systems.

One of our personnel at another office suggested using
Wireshark to check out the network when the printer is
having difficulty.  Wireshark was apparently not on this
system so we installed it using yum install.  The tail
end of the apparently successful installation process
is shown below.  Unfortunately, we cannot seem to find
Wireshark on the system.

Is it possible that Wireshark was not actually installed
or do we just not know how to locate and use it?

Is this printer networking issue a known problem and is
Wireshark the right tool to diagnose the problem?


  wireshark.x86_64 0:1.10.14-16.el7 

Dependency Installed:
  libsmi.x86_64 0:0.4.8-13.el7  

[user@computer ~]$
[user@computer ~]$ which wireshark
/usr/bin/which: no wireshark in 
[user@computer ~]$ 

Recent successful installations:

[user@computer ~]$ 
[user@computer ~]$ which mplayer
[user@computer ~]$ which ffmpeg
[user@computer ~]$ 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] System Time

2020-03-08 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
A few years ago, one of our interns was curious about system
time keeping features in computer systems.  This intern was
also the proud owner of an inexpensive Radio-Controlled Clock.
The intern wondered why computer motherboards were not just
equipped with a chip like the ones in the RCC so that their
system time would always be correct.

I posted a question about this on the CentOS email list and
received more responses than those postings about problems
with the new Firefox release.  I must have really struck a
very sensitive system time nerve.

This large response was a bit of a surprise and included a
bunch of time related horror stories.  It became clear why
using an RCC chip on motherboards would NOT be a good idea.
GPS network time servers seemed to be a preferred choice.

All of our bedrooms have Radio-Controlled Clocks. At 5:30
this morning, half of the clocks displayed the correct time.
The other half of the clocks were incorrectly showing a time
one hour ahead. Maybe this is one more piece of evidence to
reject using an RCC time base for computers, at lease in thestate of Arizona.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] rpm command option

2020-05-05 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
We located an application recommended by one of customers
for sharing certain data.  It was available for installation
using a few different methods.  Using yum was also recommended
for the installation.  The install instructions began with
what appeared to be a fairly typical command as indicated
below (with the URL slightly altered).

sudo rpm --import https://rpm.x.com/rpmrepo.key

To our junior employee assigned to perform the install
on a test system, it seemed like a good idea to do some
checking on the rpm option --import indicated in those
instructions.  They did not find the --import in any of
the 14 pages of the CentOS 7 man page for rpm.

Some Google searches indicated that the --import option
does exist.  The repo setup and application installation
all went well and took only about three minutes. The app
is also working as intended.

Is there some good reason for --import being left out of
the manual page?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Firefox Issue

2018-09-17 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
We have several small networks, some of which have only four systems
that are usually a mix of Windows 7 and CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 machines.
All of these systems are Internet connected and updated regularly when
yum finds packages available.  Information about one of the CentOS 6
machines is included below.  This system experienced a Firefox issue.

[user@computer]$ uname -a
Linux computer 2.6.32-754.3.5.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 14 20:46:41 UTC
2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Several weeks ago, one of the Firefox updates did something unusual.
It changed the browser-stored home page to https://www.centos.org/ from
the original home page file:///usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html.  This
original home page had been in place since 2014, and had survived all
Firefox updates for a little over four years.

Last week, someone left one browser running and the system went into
power save mode.  To wake the system up we used the standard method of
a quick push of the power button on the front of the Dell tower system.
Although the system seemed to be running, the monitor and mouse never
came to life.  We also could not ssh into the system from any other
computer on the network.

We decided to use a steady push on the power button to shut the system
down.  After powering up again, the system seemed to run normally, but
the browser home page was back to file:///usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html.

Has anyone else experienced such an issue with Firefox recently?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Address Codes

2018-10-30 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
One of our summer interns has stayed on during the school
year to work some weekends on special assignments. This past
weekend, her assignment was to draft, and try out, procedures
for scanning all incoming regular mail including the envelopes.
This is a new effort for us because previous mail handling was
done by another organization.

Most of our incoming mail is from other businesses that create
printed address labels.  Many of these labels also have a type
of bar code below the address.  Is there a Linux utility or
standard application that will read and translate these codes.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Firefox Video Capability

2018-11-13 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
One of our summer interns has stayed on during the school
year to work some weekends on special projects. This past
weekend, her assignment was to trouble shoot problems with
Firefox when trying to view various on-line training videos.

At some web sites, the video associated with the page will
not play and we get the messages shown below.  The Download
statement is actually a link and was used to download this
rpm file: adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm.

"Cannot Play Video"

"The latest version of Adobe Flash is
required to play this video."

"Download the free Flash player here."

The intern did not install this rpm because doing so outside
of yum did not seem like a good idea.  We also do not really
know how the Adobe Flash utility is called up by Firefox and
whether or not the installation would solve the problem or
possibly cause other problems.

This problem is not happening on our Windows 7 machines, but
not everyone here has a Microsoft machine to use.  On Windows,
the Firefox occasionally updates itself when launched so that
might explain the difference.  The training videos always do
play on Windows 7 systems when the web pages are brought up.

We also noticed that on Windows 7 there are no Firefox
related processes remaining after closing all Firefox browsers.
This is not the case on our CentOS 6 systems as indicated in
the output below.

Is this video viewing issue a common problem, and if it is,
can someone provide some direction to correct it.


[user@computer ~]$ ps -elf | grep firefox

0 S user 3872 1  0  80   0 - 68607 poll_s Nov08 ?
00:00:00 /usr/lib64/firefox/bundled/libexec/at-spi-bus-launcher

0 S user 8178  8149  0  80   0 - 25832 pipe_w 19:42 pts/2
00:00:00 grep firefox

[user@computer ~]$ 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Disk Performance Issue

2019-06-24 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
We have a very old Dell desk top machine that has been running
CentOS 6 for the past five years.  It received a new, 1 TB disk
and additional memory before the OS installation.  It has been
the primary Linux machine in our smallest and most remote field
office.  It has been updated at least once a week and has all
current dates installed.

Boot-up this morning lasted about six times as long as usual.
Disk access, as indicated by the disk activity light, is almost
continuous and for extended periods of time when ever something
is done that requires the disk.  Everything observed happens
whether or not the machine is connected to our network. All of
our files appear to be accessible if one is patient.

One theory put forward is that some application is running that
uses up CPU and disk bandwidth.  Another theory is that thereare disk errors, 
mostly corrected by EDCS features. We do not
see any rogue applications and error logs show no disk issues.

This is a mysterious issue that we hope to circumvent by putting
a new disk and installing CentOS 7 from DVD.  Our hope is that
the current disk can be mounted externally on the new CentOS
system using a USB to SATA adapter and that data can be moved
off of the old disk. 

Advice regarding this issue and any possible diagnostic methods
will be greatly appreciated.

df -k output:
Filesystem    1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
   51475068  12110896  36742732  25% /
tmpfs   1928152   176   1927976   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1    487652    211073    250979  46% /boot
  905124888 246856176 612284356  29% /home

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] mplayer

2019-06-25 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
We recently installed CentOS 7 from DVD.  Our install selection was the
GNOME desktop option. yum update yielded about 465 megabytes of updates
all of which were successful with no warnings.  The multi media option
was not chosen because KDE was listed. GNOME was not apparent in the
software list for the multi media workstation install.

Google searches led us to instructions for installing mplayer.  The repo
update appears to be successful as indicated below. Dependency resolution
at the time of mplayer installation yielded twelve errors.

Are there other packages that could be installed prior to another attempt
at mplayer installation that might provide the missing items?  Might these
errors have been avoided by choosing the multi media workstation install?



[user@computer ~]$ yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Determining fastest mirrors
 * base: centos-distro.cavecreek.net
 * epel: mirrors.sonic.net
 * extras: centos-distro.cavecreek.net
 * nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro
 * updates: centos-distro.cavecreek.net
repo id    repo name   status
base/7/x86_64  CentOS-7 - Base 10,019
epel/x86_64    Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64  13,237
extras/7/x86_64    CentOS-7 - Extras  419
nux-dextop/x86_64  Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use  1,603
updates/7/x86_64   CentOS-7 - Updates   2,137
repolist: 27,415
[user@computer ~]$

--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libgnutls.so.26()(64bit)
Error: Package: ffmpeg-libs-2.6.8-3.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libopenjpeg.so.2()(64bit)
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libcdio.so.10()(64bit)
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libcdio_cdda.so.0(CDIO_CDDA_0)(64bit)
Error: Package: librtmp-2.4-0.3.20110811gitc58cfb3e.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libgnutls.so.26()(64bit)
Error: Package: ffmpeg-libs-2.6.8-3.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libgnutls.so.26()(64bit)
Error: Package: faac-1.28-2.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libmp4v2.so.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libcdio_paranoia.so.0()(64bit)
Error: Package: ffmpeg-libs-2.6.8-3.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libgnutls.so.26(GNUTLS_1_4)(64bit)
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libcdio_paranoia.so.0(CDIO_PARANOIA_0)(64bit)
Error: Package: librtmp-2.4-0.3.20110811gitc58cfb3e.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libgnutls.so.26(GNUTLS_1_4)(64bit)
Error: Package: mplayer-1.1-33.20150505svn.el6.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
   Requires: libcdio_cdda.so.0()(64bit)
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
[root@root user]#
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] gedit font size

2019-07-07 Thread Chris Olson via CentOS
We recently installed CentOS 7 on a system. We chose the GNOME
desktop install option and have used yum to install all of the
available updates.  The first run of yum update yielded about
450 megabytes of items to be installed or updated. All of the
updates have been successful.

One issue with our new CentOS system is that some users want
to use gedit, but the displayed font size is extremely small.
Internet searches for a way to increase font size have not
yielded any useful information.

Is there a standard method to make the gedit font size larger?


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