Re: [CentOS] MIssing bell

2013-09-02 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On 01.09.2013 22:02, wrote:
 I have pcspkr loaded, I can play music over my boxes but the system beep
 or bell is missing.

Maybe you changed the system sounds in the gnome audio settings from 
default, like this:

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] lxde

2013-04-29 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Scott Robbins wrote:
 Anyway, ScientificLinux forums have a post about building lxde.  It
 is time consuming, but if you really want it
I googled for epel and lxde and found this repo:

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it!
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Disable notification in gnome

2013-02-15 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Hi all.

The Ghnome-notifications are annoying me.

it pops up, when firefox or transmission finished a download, when claws 
and sylpheed recieved a mail. balh. this is annoying. how can i disable 
the notofication per default for my user?
(the other users want to keep the notification)

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Disable notification in gnome

2013-02-15 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
John Doe wrote:
 Remove the notification area widget from your panel...?
I don't want to remove the whole traybar, only the annyoing
black-backgrounded popups

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 6.3 - which repos to use?

2013-01-30 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On 24.01.2013 23:26, Nux! wrote:
 If you'd like to try, I do maintain a desktop related repository meant
 to not conflict with @Base or EPEL (or Elrepo):
You are backporting pkgs from fedora to el6.
Imho you should supply your manpower to epel, because epel provides 
backported pkgs!

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Use of CentOS name and logo

2013-01-15 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On 15.01.2013 10:15, Giacomo Sanchietti wrote:
 We did not rebrand anaconda, so during installation (and first boot)
 CentOS logo and name will be visible. Is this a problem? Are there any
 legal issues? Do we need to rebrand all the distro?
Please read the commercial faq:,
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
The web is what you make of it
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] GnuTLS v3.1.6 on CentOS 6.3

2013-01-10 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On 10.01.2013 10:41, Bry8 Star wrote:

 on CentOS 6.3 (32-bit) current  default GnuTLS is version
 2.8.5-4.el6_2.2 gnutls.i686
This is correct!

 ( where can i get a src rpm for at-least trying it from a
 2nd/different directory ? )
yumdownloader --source gnutls
will download the src.rpm in the current directory

 Can someone kindly point to an article that will help to effectively
 upgrade to GnuTLS v3.1.1 or later+stable version, on CentOS 6.3
 (32-bit) ?
download a newer version from fedora and rebuild (maybe with new 
dependencies) it on your system and install it.
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] E17 on CentOS6?

2013-01-09 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On 09.01.2013 09:28, wwp wrote:
 but don't have a single clue about how to switch from my GNOME desktop
 to it once installed.
there will be a dropdownmenu at the bottom panel of gdm after you 
selected your user (before you type in your password) where you can 
switch installed desktops and windowmanagers.
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xoscope

2012-12-30 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Nux! wrote:
 I've added it to my repo nux-dextop:
I love your repo and installed fotoxx from it!

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-28 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Daniel J Walsh wrote:
 Not a great idea since every user will be allowed to read/write/execute in
 this directory.
I ran chown with root:users for data public in recursive mode and added
nobody to the group users, but via samba created files will own by
nobody:nobody instead of nobody:users, so it is not allowed for my
local user to write and read the files added via samba. So I decided to
access rwx to all. what is the trick in the smb.conf that the files
will owned by the group users? I'm working with the parameter create
mask = 777. I would rather work with 770 and the files should be owned
by the user nobody and the group users.

 I would just check if it works in permissive mode then we can blame this on
 SELinux, if not, then it is not SELinux problem.
Works on permissive mode with activated firewall, but i changed
security=share to security=user in the smb.conf as well. So the
access to the samba-share works now on enforcing mode, too.  

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven

Hi all.

I created a smb-share on my el6 for all windows-pcs in my
home-network (I'm the only Linux-User in my family) for sharing all the
stuff we have, like music and videos and documents. The share will be
shown on the other pcs (Windows XP), but they can't open it. The
error-message ist Share not found on our preferred language of course!

sh-4.1# cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.local
# This file is auto-generated by libsemanage
# Do not edit directly.


FIREWALL-CONFIG (Port 901 is for SWAT)
sh-4.1#  cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 901 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT 
# Completed on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012

SAMBA-CONFIG  Alice im Wunderland is the testfile I uploaded with
disabled Firewall and disabled SELinux 
sh-4.1# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit
(16384) Processing section [public]
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

workgroup = NETZWERK
server string = Samba Server Version %v
security = SHARE
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
cups options = raw

comment = hier kannn reinkopiert werden
path = /data/public
read only = No
create mask = 0777
guest only = Yes
guest ok = Yes
sh-4.1#  cat /etc/samba/smbusers 
# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
sh-4.1# ls -lisah /data/public
total 144M
1703938  12K drwxrwxrwx.  4 nobody users   12K Dec 27 13:39 .
1703937 4.0K drwxr-xr-x.  3 root   root   4.0K Dec 22 19:43 ..
1706985 144M -rwxrw-rw-   1 nobody nobody 144M Dec 27 13:39
Disney_ Alice im Wunderland (1951).mp4

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Earl A Ramirez wrote:
 Is the nmb service running?

sh-4.1# service nmb status
nmbd (pid  1863) is running...

I set nmb like smb my system-config-services
It starts automaticly on boot.

The nmb service is started once, usually when the system is booted, runs in the 
background and wakes up when needed.
This service is enabled.
This service is running.
Starts and stops the Samba nmbd daemon used to provide NetBIOS name services.
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xoscope

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Mark LaPierre wrote:
 Is xoscope available in any available CentOS repo? is a cool website to search software in listed repositories. says no for xoscope :-(

Listed repositories for CentOS 6 (RHEL 6)
ATrpms: i386 (3160), x86_64 (2880)
ATrpms Bleeding: i386 (94), x86_64 (109)
ATrpms Testing: i386 (194), x86_64 (173)
Atomic: i386 (560), x86_64 (436)
CentALT: i386 (205), x86_64 (208)
CentOS: i386 (4774), x86_64 (3429)
CentOS Extras: i386 (17), x86_64 (16)
CentOS Plus: i386 (63), x86_64 (45)
CentOS Updates: i386 (803), x86_64 (703)
ELRepo: i386 (188), x86_64 (197)
ELRepo Extras: i386 (98), x86_64 (88)
ELRepo Kernel: i386 (31), x86_64 (16)
ELRepo Testing: i386 (27), x86_64 (29)
EPEL: i386 (6803), x86_64 (4036)
EPEL Testing: i386 (505), x86_64 (293)
Google Chrome: i386 (3), x86_64 (3)
JPackage 5.0: i386 (2664)
JPackage 5.0 Updates: i386 (23)
JPackage 6.0: i386 (4056)
JPackage 6.0 Devel: i386 (1258)
KBS Extras: i386 (0), x86_64 (0)
KBS Extras Testing: i386 (0), x86_64 (0)
Les RPM de Remi: i386 (882), x86_64 (245)
Les RPM de Remi Testing: i386 (10), x86_64 (8)
LinuxTECH: i386 (412), x86_64 (411)
LinuxTECH Backports: i386 (22), x86_64 (22)
LinuxTECH Testing: i386 (21), x86_64 (26)
NauLinux Extras: i386 (37), x86_64 (30)
NauLinux School: i386 (532), x86_64 (439)
Nux Dextop: i386 (778), x86_64 (684)
Nux Dextop Testing: i386 (64), x86_64 (60)
Nux Misc: i386 (31), x86_64 (17)
PUIAS: i386 (439), x86_64 (381)
PUIAS Computational: i386 (546), x86_64 (889)
PUIAS Unsupported: i386 (933), x86_64 (491)
PUIAS Updates: i386 (23), x86_64 (23)
RPM Fusion Free Updates: i386 (180), x86_64 (148)
RPM Fusion Free Updates Testing: i386 (33), x86_64 (22)
RPM Fusion Nonfree Updates: i386 (34), x86_64 (27)
RPM Fusion Nonfree Updates Testing: i386 (0), x86_64 (0)
Repoforge (RPMforge): i386 (4512), x86_64 (2219)
Repoforge (RPMforge) Testing: i386 (113), x86_64 (60)
Russian Fedora Fixes: i386 (43), x86_64 (33)
Russian Fedora Fixes Updates: i386 (9), x86_64 (6)
Russian Fedora Fixes Updates Testing: i386 (0), x86_64 (0)
Russian Fedora Free: i386 (208), x86_64 (163)
Russian Fedora Free Updates: i386 (225), x86_64 (159)
Russian Fedora Free Updates Testing: i386 (126), x86_64 (94)
Russian Fedora Nonfree: i386 (19), x86_64 (12)
Russian Fedora Nonfree Updates: i386 (14), x86_64 (12)
Russian Fedora Nonfree Updates Testing: i386 (0), x86_64 (0)
Scientific Linux Cyrillic Edition: i386 (33), x86_64 (19)
Webtatic: i386 (216), x86_64 (209)
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Daniel J Walsh wrote:
 You did run restorecon on /data?  restorecon -R -v /data
No, only on /data/public

sh-4.1$ restorecon -R -v /data
restorecon:  unable to read directory /data

I configured my smb with this (german) tutorial:

But i tried to configure a writeable access to guests, so i didn't add
a new user in samba and run chown to nobody:nobody instead of
root:users and chmod to ogu+rwx!

 Does it work in permissive mode?
Just tested with enforcing. Should i switch to permissive mode?

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] gftp ?

2012-12-07 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
 Just tried to install gftp, and no package found.
 Where is it? is a cool website to browse a lot of el repos online for software
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] howto integrate Google Drive

2012-12-06 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Hi all,

I'm using the google drive service to share documents etc.
google provides a tool for windows and mobiles as well to integrate the
google drive as a virtual drive that you can handle with your file
manager. But google doesn't offer any solution for linux outside the
android mobile os.
can I integrate a remote access to my google drive in my el6 gnome
system, to handle files in nautilus as a normal remote access folder
like ssh and ftp and webdav etc. pp.?

Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
written on my mobile
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] howto integrate Google Drive

2012-12-06 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
On Thu, 06 Dec 2012 11:15:18 +0100 Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
 Check Grive:
It seems this is what I'm looking for.
Thank you very much
Ibrahim Arastirmacilar Yurtseven
CentOS mailing list