Re: [CentOS] Program to ban sniffers

2009-06-21 Thread Jacques B.
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 1:03 AM, Joseph L. wrote:
Very carefully...

 Lol, you missed the point. It's impossible. I was bluntly suggesting the
 reply was not applicable nor on topic to the op's post. Port scanning
 and packet sniffing have nothing to do with each other...

 CentOS mailing list

Ahh, it all makes sense now that I re-read your earlier reply to the
OP with the benefit of this posting.  I thought you were asking for
yourself, not putting the question to the OP to cause reflection on
that technical problem.  When I saw sniff, I chalked it up to wrong
use of terminology figuring he meant port scan.  But you are correct
in not assuming that fact as I did.

Thanks for the clarification, and glad I was able to inject a bit of
humour into the thread in the process.

Jacques B
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Program to ban sniffers

2009-06-20 Thread Jacques B.
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Joseph L. wrote:
However if you are referring to packet sniffers there is no solid way of 
blocking them.

 How exactly would I sniff the packets from say my work computer between
 someone's home computer and work server?
 CentOS mailing list

Very carefully... as it sounds like you'd be potentially crossing
legal/ethical lines...  Why would you sniff from your home computer?
 If you are the sysadmin, then you sniff from the server and from home
you could ssh to your server to check logs of course.

On a more technical note, you have to be on the same subnet of either
the point of origin or the destination machine.  In other words at one
of the two choke points.  That is short of having some tool installed
on the other person's home computer which again crosses that line.
You obviously can't be at the home user's choke point because what
lawful authority would you have to be sniffing on that subnet owned by
his ISP?

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Program to ban sniffers

2009-06-20 Thread Jacques B.
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Bob wrote:
 So I have been reading the ssh attack thread and finally want to ask about

 I doubt there is a program like this, but I would love to have a program
 that listens at common ports that I do not use at all...and only allow that
 program to listen to it, especially the usual ssh port (using a different
 one for real ssh)...

 That program would then, upon receiving a 'sniff' or 'user' would then add
 that ip to the deny hosts lists..for either a long or short time.

 Using this would seem like a win as you can easily grab someone before they
 can get somewhere one hopes.
 Also, by opening up a few other ports that are unusual like 8561well, if
 someone sniffs that it could be a 3 day ban or a month...

 In other words, anyone hitting those ports that are not being used at all
 except by our sniff protector, would allow instant banning.

 So...does something like this exist?

 CentOS mailing list

A simple bash script run from a cronjob that looks for entries in
/etc/secure for traffic to those ports and then parses out the IP and
adds it to your host.deny might work.  But if you are looking to set a
date/time when it would expire, you could probably achieve this
through a comment at the end of the entry containing the expiry date
which your bash script would scan with a simple sed command looking
for any lines with an expiry date matching the system's current date
and removing those lines.

fail2ban was also suggested by a few and I believe that was one I
played with briefly a few years back and it worked but I wasn't using
it in the scenario you describe but rather simply scanning for
multiple failed ssh login attempts (not sure if it was looking for
failed ssh login attempts, or Failed attempts period regardless the
port being targeted) that resulted in a host.deny entry.  But of
course you can potentially lock yourself out (been there, done that)
which is a p.i.t.a.  You either have to wait until next day at the
office to remove your ban, or try and get another IP from your ISP via
disconnecting and reconnecting to your ISP.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] script help - '3rd last field'

2009-06-08 Thread Jacques B.
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Tom wrote:

 I need some logic to work out a value for me - this value is _always_
 the 3rd last field in a string seperated by '.' but the string could be
 5 or 6 fields long, e.g

 I need to find VALUE - if this were python or something i could do it
 but this has to be in shell -

 Any clues?

 CentOS mailing list

I am pretty sure there is a way in awk to figure out how many fields
you have, then take the total # of fields -3 each time to get the
third last one.  Just heading out the door and off hand can't remember
how it would be done.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] script question

2009-06-04 Thread Jacques B.
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Jerry wrote:
 I have this line:
             ALSA=`aplay --version`

 in a script. when I execute the script I get the message
  line 187: --version: command not found

 when I do aplay --version on the command line it works just fine.

 What is happening here, --version is a valid command line option?


 CentOS mailing list

I tested it (mind you on a Fedora system as I don't have my CentOS
partition booted) and it works fine.  You can test it by doing a very,
very short bash file with only that command in it along with the
#!/bin/bash and see if that works.  If that works, then you know that
it should work.  Other trouble shooting steps would be to make sure
that line 187 is indeed that line (that should be your first trouble
shooting step really).  As someone else pointed out, what is line 187?
 Run the command:
head -n 188 your_script | tail -n 3

That will output lines 186-188 so that you have some context (in case
the line before is causing grief for some reason as a result of a
missing quote or some such thing).  If indeed that is the offending
line then copy/paste those lines to this group so that others can look
at the exact syntax.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] script question

2009-06-04 Thread Jacques B.
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Stephen wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 10:11:37AM -0400, Jacques B. wrote:

 head -n 188 your_script | tail -n 3

 That will output lines 186-188 so that you have some context (in case

 sed -n 186,188p your_script




Got to learn sed, got to learn sed ...


Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Ping and traceroute...

2009-01-23 Thread Jacques B.
On 1/23/09, John Doe wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 Right now, we are blocking pings and traceroutes to our website.
 But, in order for our members to test the connection when they are 
 experiencing slow browsing, we are thinking about unblocking them...
 Are there still any security issues (flooding, etc...) in enabling them or is 
 that an old problem fixed a long time ago?


Can't help you on that specific question.  However do you have the
luxury of having your members coming from a block of IPs so you could
open pings to that block only.  Even if it included more than just
your members (i.e. all pings from a particular ISP or geographical
area) at least it would reduce your visibility thus reduce your
vulnerability should it be an issue.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] init script question

2008-12-12 Thread Jacques B.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Davide Cittaro wrote:
 Hi all, is there a function (or variable) I can use in a custom init script
 that identifies the init script name? i.e. I'm porting some init scripts
 from gentoo, where the $SVCNAME variable identifies the init script name
 within the script itself...

 Davide Cittaro
 Cogentech - Consortium for Genomic Technologies
 via adamello, 16
 20139 Milano
 tel.: +39(02)574303007

 CentOS mailing list

Do you mean like $0?  That gives you the current script name.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Unix/Linux Training Online

2008-09-17 Thread Jacques B.
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a bit off topic but I was interested in taking some online
 classes.  I currently have an associates degree in electronics tech
 from about 15 years back but was wanting to expand on that and learn
 more about linux. has a somewhat affordable online
 certificate course in UNIX/linux admin.  The downside is I do not know
 if there credits would ever transfer if I wanted to build on that.
 Has anyone taken there course or know anyone that did?  Is it worth a
 hoot?  Is there a better option?  Is a simple certificate worth that
 much anyway?

 CentOS mailing list

I've taken their course.  It's not too bad a course I suppose.  I'm
not a sysadmin.  Had I been one I might have put to use the skills
learned on how to set up a secondary DNS for example.  The module on
bash/perl scripting was good for me as was the one on networking.  The
first two would be basic for most people who've been around Linux CLI
for any amount of time.  Unless you want/need the certificate, I'd
simply look at the course description and do the one(s) that you feel
you need.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Message size rejected

2008-07-06 Thread Jacques B.
On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 06 July 2008 17:26:05 Scott Silva wrote:
 That is one of the biggest of my beefs about windows. It allows any
 computer noob to shoot themselves in the foot very easily. That can be a
 plus or a negative. The biggest negative is that there are now millions of
 computers on the internet that have run out on their free 2 months of virus
 scanner updates, and are now owned by someones bot network, while the
 clueless user keeps plugging along wondering why the darn machine is so
 I guess the positive is that it is easy for Grandma and Grandpa on the
 other side of the country to get pics of the grandkids.

 I just wish that PC manufacturers would just contract with one of the free
 virus scanner companies like Grisoft, instead of putting in Norton with a
 60 day cripple point. Most users will just ignore the update message until
 it stops because they don't know it is really necessary software. A free
 virus scanner with updates will beat a heave commercial soft with no
 updates anytime.

 I fail to see what any of this has to do with my question.  As it happens she
 is not a computer newbie and she has had an AV contract since the Win3.1
 days.  However, that's totally irrelevant.  She simply hadn't realised just
 how big a pdf with two large graphics and embedded fonts would be.


 CentOS mailing list

Have you considered a file transfer service such as
File size might still be an issue I guess as they limit it to 100 MB
for their free account.  There's another thought.  Why not create
yourself a gmail account or other such online account that is as
forgiving as possible on file size and have her send it to that
account.  Probably the easiest solution of all, Honey, use this email
address instead: .

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Message size rejected

2008-07-06 Thread Jacques B.
 Have you considered a file transfer service such as
 File size might still be an issue I guess as they limit it to 100 MB
 for their free account.  There's another thought.  Why not create
 yourself a gmail account or other such online account that is as
 forgiving as possible on file size and have her send it to that
 account.  Probably the easiest solution of all, Honey, use this email
 address instead: .

 Jacques B.

Further to my last message, allows up to 600 MB files on
the free account.  As for an alternate email address, Gmail imposes 20
MB, but LycosMail offers 3 gigs of storage, and unlimited attachment
size (of course you must not exceed your 3 gig total I would expect).
So create a lycos mail account and have her send it there.  Easy for
you, easy for her.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: command for brand of monitor

2008-07-03 Thread Jacques B.
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Jerry Geis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 / Is there a linux command that would tell me what model of monitor is
 // presently attached to my computer?
 // Thought about automating different setups based on the monitor
 // connected. X config files basically.
 // // Could be done with different kickstart files - but would like to
 not go
 // there if I dont have to.
 // // Jerry
 // ___
 // CentOS mailing list
 // CentOS at

 yum did not find xresprobe, tried downoading source and compiling that went
 no-where also.

 I see the monitor type being printed when anaconda is installing.
 How can I execute the same command it does so I can get the monitor


 CentOS mailing list

Wouldn't kudzu do that?  Can't test it as I'm not near a Linux machine
right now.  -p will only probe and print to the screen (as you can
also use kudzu to configurehardware according to the man pages).

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] African IP addresses list

2008-07-01 Thread Jacques B.
 for someone who
wishes to contact them thus allowing anyone the ability to contact
them in this fashion (one which a scammer is not likely to use because
it's a manual, tedious process vs email shotgun approach).

If your company does potentially do business with any part of the
world, then this is obviously not a good solution.  In addition to all
this you will want to train your employees to recognize a potential
scam either via email or phone.  These days with VoIP it is no longer
cost prohibitive for someone to run phone scams from half way across
the world.

My 2 cents as well.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Copy of own messages

2008-06-29 Thread Jacques B.
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 5:20 AM, AnneWilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For some reason I'm no longer seeing copies of my own messages.  I've checked and the preferences setting
 is still fine.  Does anyone know what the problem might be?  Thanks

 CentOS mailing list

I believe Google is responsible for that one.  I never see my own
messages sent to a list (appear in my INBOX) until someone replies to
it.  Until then it's only in SENT ITEMS.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Strange behavior from grep

2008-03-28 Thread Jacques B.
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Mário Gamito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thank you for your answer.

  After a little more research, I found out that the line containing the
  word 'gamito' is huge and yet it scrolls so fast in the screen that I
  can barely see it.

  I tried redirecting the output of the grep to a file and that huge
  line went in to it.

  So, I've tried a double grep:

  $ grep 'gamito' file | grep 'gamito'

  but without success.

  Well, my question now is, how do I get the word 'gamito' alone from the file 

  Any help would be appreciated.

  Warm Regards,
  Mário Gamito

I'm not a sed user but I believe that would do it for you.  Someone
else can no doubt fill the blanks.  I believe you could also do it
with awk as it also accepts a regular express in its syntax.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Securing SSH

2008-03-26 Thread Jacques B.
   3. Install some brute force protection which can automatically ban an IP
   on say 5 / 10 failed login attempts
   The only software I know that could do this isn't supported anymore
   (trisentry) or is too confusing and I don't know it yet (snort).

  denyhosts is pretty widely used.  You could probably also make use of

I used it a while back and it worked well except the time I locked my
own IP out somehow (or perhaps some bot infected PC from my ISP that
had that IP previously took care of that for me, not sure as I didn't
dig deeper).

One thing I did was set up hosts.deny for ranges of IPs that I knew I
would never come from (i.e. overseas), obtaining them from IANA.  A
bit tedious, but you may deem that option to be worth your while.
Alternatively if you only ever come from a given range of IPs (your
ISP), then you could deny all in hosts.deny and then in hosts.allow
only allow your ISP's range of IPs.  But if ever on the road you'll
not be able to connect unless you happen to have your home system set
up for SSH which would then allow you to SSH to the office from it.
The idea being that a person coming from an IP outside of your ISP
wanting access to your office PC would have to know that it only
allows connection from certain IPs and then seek out a machine on that
IP - your home PC - which could be compromised to in turn launch an
attach against the office PC from it.  The inconvenience to you of
having to first go through your home PC to get to the office PC would
only apply when away from your ISP connection.  Of course if you are
on the road alot then this may not be an attractive option.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] md raid1 - no speed improvement

2008-03-23 Thread Jacques B.
On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Kieran Clancy

  I have two 320 GB SATA disks (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb) in a server running
  CentOS release 5.

  They both have three partitions setup as RAID1 using md (boot, swap,
  and an LVM data partition).


  When I do tests though, I find that the md raid1 read performance is
  no better than either of the two disks on their own


  Kieran Clancy.

As a few already pointed out, RAID 1 is mirroring.  So whatever gets
written to the first drive also gets written to the second drive as
well.  It provides redundancy, not performance.  I've used RAID 5 in
the past to achieve performance with redundancy.  But of course it has
to be stripped across drives and not partitions.  I saw a case where
someone implemented RAID 1 by partitioning the drive into two and
setting up the two partitions as RAID 1.  So drive performance took a
drastic nose dive and redundancy was practically worthless as the
mirror resided on the same drive.

With only two drives, your options are RAID 0 or RAID 1 (see  RAID 0 will cause
the two drives to be treated as one big drive (or each combination of
partitions to be treated as larger partitions).  The data would be
stripped across the two drives (for each respective partition) which
would give you a performance increase.  However there would be no
fault tolerance.  If something crashed, your data is gone.  And data
recovery on a RAID where the data is stripped across drives is no easy
task vs a standalone drive.  So if redundancy is an important factor
you will want a good backup system in lieu of another RAID level which
offers fault tolerance.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] bash - safely pass untrusted strings?

2008-02-27 Thread Jacques B.
Here's a little script that I have to play around with positional
parameters.  I'm pretty certain I did not author this one but got it
either off the web or ina  book.  I added a line of comment in it but
I don't believe I made any other contributions to it.

Jacques B.

# Invoke this script with several arguments, such as
# ./scriptname one two three four five;six\ seven eight 'nine ten'


if [ ! -n $1 ]
  echo Usage: `basename $0` argument1 argument2 etc.
  exit $E_BADARGS


index=1  # Initialize count.

echo Listing args with \\$*\:
for arg in $*  # Doesn't work properly if $* isn't quoted.
  echo Arg #$index = $arg
  let index+=1
done # $* sees all arguments as single word.
echo Entire arg list seen as single word.


index=1  # Reset count.
 # What happens if you forget to do this?

echo Listing args with \[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
for arg in $@
  echo Arg #$index = $arg
  let index+=1
done # $@ sees arguments as separate words.
echo Arg list seen as separate words.


index=1  # Reset count.

echo Listing args with \$* (unquoted):
for arg in $*
  echo Arg #$index = $arg
  let index+=1
done # Unquoted $* sees arguments as separate words.
echo Arg list seen as separate words.

exit 0
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] bash - safely pass untrusted strings?

2008-02-26 Thread Jacques B.
  Unless I'm terribly mistaken (again?), the only way I've been able to
  see loop thru a list of files work reliably is with find using
  the -print0 option, in cahoots with xargs.

  Is there any other way?


If I understand you correctly, you are referring to the problem caused
by spaces in filenames?  Steve mentioned the environment variable IFS
(individual field separator if memory serves me correctly).  By
default it's space, tab, or newline.  You can change that in your
script to be newline only in order to process file names with spaces
in it, and then change it back afterwards (so save the value of $IFS
at the beginning of the script to something like Default_IFS and then
just prior to exiting the script reassign that value back to IFS to
return it to its original state).  If that's what you are looking at
doing I'm sure someone here can fill in the blanks on that one.  If
not when I get to the office tomorrow I can have a look at some of my
scripts where I had to do that and post sample code for you.

Jacques B.
CentOS mailing list