Re: [CentOS] Is Oracle a real alternative to Centos?

2020-12-16 Thread Nate Duehr

-- Original Message --
From: "Matti Pulkkinen" 

As someone who is considering moving to OL, I wonder if you could elaborate 
clearly on what specific concerns you have, without the insinuation and 
analogy? Oracle's proposition [1] seems pretty straightforward to me.

That they'' eventually treat it to the same lawyers who've changed Java 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [CentOS-devel]

2020-12-16 Thread Nate Duehr

-- Original Message --
From: "Rainer Duffner" 

So, you will quickly be back to square one, unless you want to run stuff like 
Debian or Ubuntu, which are mainly Linux-kernel+some stuff nowadays, whereas 
RHEL + CentOS forms a complete system (with additional software that RedHat has 
developed or acquired over the years).

Been reading along and literally laughed out loud at this silliness.

The vast majority of that "system" was unavailable to CentOS, always, 
and WAS the "compromise" in running it.

Stuff like beating your head against getting Satellite running, or 
realizing RH hid away the meta-data from CentOS users to know what a 
security update was, versus a feature or bugfix, which went against what 
RHEL itself was SUPPOSED to do, but never really did... and couldn't 
control massive upstream ABI, API, or feature changes throughout the 
lifespan of the promised "support", even for paid RHEL.

This is definitely not true for most CentOS users and is hilarious.  
What "system"?  It NEVER existed on CentOS.  Can't even get patch 
management software to mesh up verion numbers between RHEL and CentOS.

We "put up with it all" for exactly one reason. It was a binary 
compatible re-spin of RHEL without closed/proprietary things.  That's 

The rest is just noise.  If it isn't a re-spin anymore... well, we'll 
"put up with" other oddities of projects that don't reverse their 
multi-year commitments to support things, and even stop having to 
"fight" with years-old packages.

The IT world wants "rolling" OSes and perma-garbage always-broken 
releases today, apparently.

Our first company meeting about who we dump CentOS for was this morning. 
 Flipping architectures is a year long project at least, so we're out.  
Didn't announce alternatives THE DAY IT WAS KILLED, we can't be bothered 

We literally don't have the time with piles of other commerical and 
cloud services following suit and capitalizing on WFH and everything 
else about Covid.  We already literally have to "fire" our firewall/VPN 
vendor for doing it, we're extremely annoyed with both Google and 
Microsoft and their changes, and we already have the continuous 
nightmare of literally EVERYONE releasing so many critical security bugs 
constantly and patching ramping toward daily... that everybody who makes 
that harder is flipped the bird and summarily tossed.

The good news: Covid business model changes at least highlighted who 
we're firing faster than any hemming and hawing as things deteriorate 
for years on any platform we use.  Whoever is reaching into our (not 
very deep) pockets will lose a hand this year, we have lost our patience 
for it.

RH and the so-called "CentOS Board" (majority of RedHat people) lost 
touch with what companies are already going through with multiple 
vendors bumping prices and lowering services.  Flipping distros will 
ultimately seem tame this year for corporate users.  We may have to 
switch entire cloud platforms and services to avoid the ultra-greedy 
companies.  But annoy us this year, we have zero patience.  We're done 
with it.

DUMP.  BYE.  You ticked us off in a long line of companies we have doing 
that.  Horrible timing for RH, but they'll survive on government graft 
and large contracts.  Go Big Blue.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Advice on partitioning a Dell MD1200 disk array

2012-09-04 Thread Nate Duehr

On Sep 4, 2012, at 5:10 AM, Tony Molloy  wrote:

> Just remember I'm due to retire at the end of this month so this will 
> be my last big job for the Dept. And due to financial constraints I 
> will not be replaced. So I will be handing this machine over to a co-
> worker who is basically a Windoze admin with only a basic knowledge of 
> Linux so nothing too fancy.  ;-)

Hand him the machine and tell him to load Windows on it or whatever he wants to 
maintain for the next X years, relax for 30 days and enjoy retirement.  It's 
his problem now.  :-) :-) ;-)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Strange device labeling in 6.3

2012-08-10 Thread Nate Duehr
On Aug 9, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Kahlil Hodgson  

> On 10/08/12 09:18, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> and that is why i use /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to
>> pin device-name / MAC and no mac-address in ifconfig-scripts since
>> many years
> +1
> Alternatively, with the biosdevname, you can pin the interface name to 
> the pci(e) slot. That way its a trivial exercise to get 'remote hands' 
> to swap out a dead nic -- no need to fiddle with the mac address.

And if you don't... 

Doing remote hands to swap a bad NIC with someone non-Linux qualified in 
another country, just became the seriously sucky part of your day.  BTDT.  Got 
the t-shirt.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Another NTP issue (fake leap second)

2012-08-02 Thread Nate Duehr
Yes, Java was grumpy.

Nate Duehr

On Aug 2, 2012, at 1:24 AM, Timo Schoeler  wrote:

> Hi list,
> just out of curiosity: Was anybody affected by this?
> Cheers,
> Timo
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] run fsck manually

2012-07-09 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jul 9, 2012, at 12:03 PM, wrote:

> Jerry Geis wrote:
>> Is there a way in centos to just go ahead and do this automatically?
>> /dev/sdal: Unexpected Inconsistency; [FAILED]
>> Run fsck Manually
>> (ie. Without –a or –p options)
>> ***An error occurred during the File system check
> a) fsck -y -C [-c] /dev/sda1 (-c will check for bad blocks; it will take a
> *while*; run it overnight, or over dinner, or over the next looong
> meeting)
> b) Buy new disk, *now*, insert, rsync over.

He's not asking what to type at that point, he's asking how to keep the kernel 
from stopping at that point and just do the (possibly destructive, but 
often-times all that gets damaged/moved to lost+found, is open logs that were 
open when the system went down) fsck.

(Unfortunately I do not know the answer as to how to tell the initial fsck just 
to go ahead and do the destructive fsck pass, without human intervention, as I 
wouldn't want it to do that, but I see where the communication misunderstanding 
is happening in the e-mail chain.)

He's saying the desktop machines are "throwaway" and he doesn't want to take 
the time to go over and look... do the fsck and if it trashes the filesystem, 
he'll just re-image the machine later.  Meanwhile, the user isn't confused by 
the fsck message or interrupted by it, if the machine finds filesystem problems 
at boot time.

I would assume this is often a desired behavior on machines that have poor AC 
power at remote sites.   Give the fsck a try if I'm not there.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Question about storage for virtualisation

2012-07-03 Thread Nate Duehr
Appreciate all the discussion, folks.  

Got some boxes that have some separate / and /usr, since we're a /usr/local 
religion shop. (GRIN...)  Someone long long ago, in a galaxy far, far away 
picked /usr as the split point, instead of /usr/local itself.  So...

Layers 8 and 9 of the OSI model, bite again... Religion and Politics. 

Guess we'll be moving to /opt or /usr/local being the separate mountpoint.  I'm 
sure this will be a happy internal discussion... hahaha... 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Question about storage for virtualisation

2012-06-29 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 26, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> I don't believe there's any more or less need to do so.  I would 
> strongly recommend that you not segregate / and /usr.  Fedora and future 
> versions of RHEL/CentOS will expect a unified / and /usr.

I may be behind, but this is the first I've heard of this...

Any good references as to WHY?! they want to break this decades old convention?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6.2-x86-64

2012-06-21 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 20, 2012, at 3:27 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

> As for partiality, no way, synaptic, adapted for rpms is by far the best 
> package manager I've used in the last 5 years since I bailed on fedora at 
> about 6 or so.

Understand that sentiment, Gene.  I like aptitude myself for Debian-based 
systems, but everyone has a favorite.

It sounds like you have much of your repo problem for RPM sources for the tools 
you want understood now.  I would caution that some repos out there are set up 
by individuals who are interested in fixing something, they make a few 
packages, and then they disappear when they lose interest.  

I suggested EPEL because it's a large project, based off of an even larger one 
(Fedora) and there's probably not going to be any major disruptions in it as 
far as interested-parties goes, so security and version updates of most 
packages in it should keep flowing unless upstream sources abandon them.

> I just pulled the clamav stuff, not terribly complete unless the utils are 
> part of the main package, but have not attempted an rpm -ivh on that kit 
> yet.  I got the huge majority of the stuff with FF, at 
> <>
> which I found via a google search.

Highly recommend adding reputable repos to your local system and then using yum 
search [packagename] or similar... I haven't seen the name choonrpms before, 
but I'd kinda want to know who they are before installing their packages.  Just 
a thought.  Take or leave.  (Someone who knows who they are, may be chuckling 
at that... I don't know... I haven't researched it.)

> I'm getting close to that in N. Central WV, phone and internet are on the 
> local cable, getting about 385k/sec dl speeds on average.  But I have kept 
> my own email corpus here since 1998, over 7Gb of it now, and old, probably 
> bad habits are hard to break.  Old being relative of course since I'm only 
> slightly younger than dirt at 77.  Retired (almost, I take a small plane 
> ride tomorrow to go look at a transmitter that is off the air) from the 
> local CBS affiliate as the CE from 1984.9 to 2002.6.

I will add my vote that even though running ones own mail server is a fun 
challenge, at some point in the past I decided to leave it to younger pros who 
get paid to wrangle with spammers and what-not, and now only run mail servers 
I'm paid to deal with.  (GRIN!)  

I migrated old mail that I thought I couldn't live without to the IMAP account 
and said goodbye to the time-suck that a modern mail server has become.  (I 
still operate mail servers for my employer, but at home... it's nice to just 
forget about it and read my mail. GRIN...)

Neat to run into another RF "geek".  Never made my living at it, but I maintain 
some Amateur Radio FM repeaters and some Public Safety FM and P-25 systems.  
Nothing high power, broadcast or TV, but as things are generally co-located on 
mountains... have seen many broadcast systems up close, and had the "5 cent 
tour" from the Station Engineers in the area.  

Be careful with that high-power stuff... but you know that already.  No tower 
climbing at 77... let one of us young whippersnappers do that silly stuff.  I'm 
about half your age, and I still don't really like it.  Just a necessary evil 
in volunteer organizations... strap on the safety gear, and get going.  

You mentioned a small plane... I do small planes for fun these days, and I'd 
much rather be doing that, than climbing a tower. (GRIN!)

> Thanks, I'll see if I can google that when I get back from the trip & get 
> over my aches & pains from crawling around in that elderly Harris 50kw 
> transmitter.

CBS does love their Harris stuff, eh?  I got to see the new solid state beast 
out here in Denver in person... 1KW modules, pop one out, pop one in... touch 
screen to gracefully fail one if you want to pull it... pretty amazing stuff.  
Paul (the Engineer here) really enjoys his broadcast radio and other radio 
toys.  That was one of the "five cent tours", seeing his new setup in a shared 
building with various other DTV systems co-located.  Newest site I've ever been 
in.  Nice setup.  Always interesting to see waveguide bigger than most sewer 
pipes and the associated filters.  Looks like an old steamworks for a 
steamship, but all "filled" with RF instead of water vapor... 

Enjoy your "retirement"... and 73 if you're a Ham... WY0X here.


p.s. Apologies to the list for the personal notes and digressing a bit... I 
don't think I know Gene well enough to send him private messages.  All the best.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6.2-x86-64

2012-06-20 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 20, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

> I found a yumex, which is not part of the 64 bit install, but it wants a 
> way older version of python-2.4 whereas we have 2.6.6-something after the 
> post install upgrade.
> 1st Question:
> Is there anything that can be done about this?  Or is there something 
> better, like a 64 bit synaptic to replace yumex?

You may be unfamiliar with CentOS in that many tools you might find "standard" 
on regular distros, aren't part of the upstream package list for "Enterprise" 
Linux.  As delivered from upstream, it's a fairly "stripped" distro.

Yumex is not packaged by upstream, so it's not part of CentOS proper.  

However, there are repositories that build packages to run under CentOS which 
aren't part of upstream or CentOS, such as EPEL:

yumex in particular, if you're partial to it, is available in various flavors, 
all ready to install.

> Mail problem:
> I've been using a fetchmail -> procmail system here for years to unload 
> kmail from its mail pulling duties, making it many times easier to use.
> Adjuncts to that are spamassassin, clamav, and mailfilter
> There appears not to be any 64 bit builds of clamav and mailfilter.

Many 32-bit packages run just fine on 64-bit CentOS via the use of 32-bit 

A quick look through a machine that has both stock CentOS software repositories 
and EPEL enabled shows that there are packages for all of the above, except 
mailfilter.  Mailfilter appears to be somewhat Debian-centric and the 
Debian-distro-derivatives all seem to have updated packages.  I've never used 
it, even though I'm a fan of both "camps" for various things.

Looking it over, it looks like it utilizes POP to go take a look at mail and 
dump spam prior to the POP transfer of whatever is left over?  Honestly, most 
folks have moved on to IMAP, long ago... IMHO.  YMMV.

The advent of large data pipes, even in residential service in most areas, and 
effective local filtering probably means that mailfilter is marginalized 
non-mainstream software, at best, these days.

Doing some quick Googling, mailfilter doesn't seem very popular at all with the 
RedHat-derivative camp.  The only distro that seems to have ever had it 
pre-packaged is Mandriva.  You might look at whatever changes they made to make 
their x86_64 package.  It's not in Fedora either...*?_csrf_token=1320052a8a44a38e84b472e63f9cba4db006ea38

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Swap Partition in CentOS 5.8

2012-06-20 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 18, 2012, at 5:55 PM, Woodchuck wrote:

[snipped swap/pagefile list of statements]

> Thanks to the list for any answers!

Nothing in your list was phrased as a question.  What are you trying to 
determine?  If the list of statements was accurate?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system date using ntp client is drifting

2012-06-04 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:42 PM, John R Pierce wrote:

> On 06/04/12 1:27 PM, Nate Duehr wrote:
>> Additionally, ntp will refuse to sync if it's too far out.  Use ntpdate 
>> [server IP] to force the issue first. If the machines have a bad CMOS 
>> battery and won't keep time, ntpdate package can be configured to force time 
>> sync (which is a bad hack) at boot-time.
> the standard EL5 /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd script does this automatically, 
> unless its been disabled via /etc/sysconfig/ntpd

Interesting.  I hadn't looked at the scripts in a while.  

The reason no one ever did it "in the old days" was for fear of an NTP server 
going out of whack.  ntpdate should be used sparingly and with knowledge that 
one is doing it... automating it is usually a bad idea.  (Especially by 
default.)  As I said in the original reply, it's a nasty hack.

IMHO, ntpdate package install should be just to get the tool installed, no 
automation.  If it's installing automated setting by default, that's not right. 
One should have to turn ON automated ntpdate at startup/shutdown after 
understanding the risk.

>> After getting the clock in sync, "hwclock --systohc" to push it into the 
>> CMOS clock.
> setting SYNC_HWCLOCK=yes  in said above config file will do this, too.

Was just giving him the way to do it in real-time.  The config file only does 
it at startup/shutdown, last I looked.  Haven't looked recently.

Sounds like there's been some goofy decisions made somewhere along the line for 
ntp and ntpdate... an NTP server can be compromised and date/time changed 
across an envrionment (or more likely, it can have some type of failure 
itself...) and the old tenets of ntp were there for a reason...

1. ntp doesn't sync if it's too far out of whack... 
2. ntpdate should be operated by hand... not automated... 

Oh well.  Those unwilling to learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat 
them, right?  (GRIN!)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system date using ntp client is drifting

2012-06-04 Thread Nate Duehr
On Jun 4, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a set of servers whose system time is drifting. I am running ntp
> client on CentOS 5.8. My config is here ->
> Anything i am missing?

Fire up ntpq, and type "peers" and see if they're seeing their upstream 
servers.  If not, hunt down the firewall or other filter problem.

Additionally, ntp will refuse to sync if it's too far out.  Use ntpdate [server 
IP] to force the issue first. If the machines have a bad CMOS battery and won't 
keep time, ntpdate package can be configured to force time sync (which is a bad 
hack) at boot-time.

After getting the clock in sync, "hwclock --systohc" to push it into the CMOS 

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Documentation question

2012-05-11 Thread Nate Duehr
Apologies if this is a FAQ or it's simply due to a lack of volunteers. 

I'm curious why the CentOS Documentation here:

...stops at CentOS 5.5.

And also why there is no:

*** Curiosity killed the cat. ***


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] screen brightness changes depending on which application is run

2012-04-12 Thread Nate Duehr
On Apr 11, 2012, at 11:29 PM, allan wrote:

> Is your monitor an LED type? It could have dynamic brightness. My tv does the 
> same thing - also annoying.

I have also seen that "feature" on an HP monitor with LED backlight.  I believe 
it was a feature one could turn off in the monitor's built-in OSD menu.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] screen brightness changes depending on which application is run

2012-04-09 Thread Nate Duehr
On Apr 8, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Jeff Cen wrote:

> Hi,
> I found my LCD screen brightness increase when I use firefox and other white 
> background editors and screen brightness decrease when I use dark background 
> applications, such as terminals with black background .  The change in screen 
> brightness depending on the applications has been annoying. 
> My centos version is ver 5.7 64 bit.  Has anyone seen a similar problem or 
> have a solution for that?  Thanks in advance.
> Jeff


Does your machine have an ambient light sensor?  

Light from the monitor, reflecting off of you, will often trigger changes in 
the amount of light the ambient light sensor is seeing.

Happens most with large changes like switching from a bright white (browser) 
background to a dark one, just as you describe in your symptoms.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Faster and faster

2012-03-27 Thread Nate Duehr

On Mar 27, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Piero wrote:

> Thanks for your hard work and great product,

Agreed, other than that I'm struggling to keep all the machines up! (GRIN!)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Can anyone talk infrastructure with me?

2012-01-26 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jan 26, 2012, at 4:59 PM, John R Pierce wrote:

> On 01/26/12 3:43 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
>> Yes, the cost for a T1 will seem very high.  It is antiquated telco
>> tech.  T1s are generally very reliable, but very very slow.
>> 1.5Mbps is not faster than 40Mbps.  There's nothing hidden in the way
>> they advertise speeds.
>> DSL and DOCSIS technologies have advanced and matured over the last
>> couple of decades.  T1 has not.  A T1 connection is the same now as it
>> has always been.
> a modern T1 (aka DS0) is likely delivered to the end premises over HDSL 
> using 2 pairs.   while its slower than those consumer oriented 
> technologies you mention, its far more reliable and has a guaranteed SLA 
> (service level agreement) you won't get from DOCsis (cable) or end user 
> ADSL, and tends to have very deterministic latencies...

Wow, that's just ... wrong.

There's nothing to "mature" in a T1.  It's a telco transport standard that is 
well-known, and utilized everywhere as part of the Bell System standards for 
multiplexing and demultiplexing from smaller circuits to larger and back down.  
Ratified by the ITU for decades.

"T1" is a channelized synchronous telecommunications circuit type first 
designed in the late 60s, updated in the 70s.  After removing framing bits, 
1.544 Mb/s.

"DS0" is a sub-channel of a T1 when broken up into frames.  Extended SuperFrame 
being the typical method these days.  24 of them at 64K per channel.

"HDSL" is a completely different technology than T1.  

"DOCSIS" is the name of the standard utilized to deliver data services over a 
Cable Modem.  

"ADSL" is a single-pair high speed connection that's very distance limited from 
the origination point.

"SLA" is a Service Level AGREEMENT.  The key word being AGREEMENT.  Your 
businesspeople are free to negotiate with any provider of ANY of the above 
technologies for anything they're willing to pay for.  TYPICAL SLA's might be 
as stated above, but it's a contract... negotiate whatever you like.

What you might want SLA's on when ordering IP bandwidth: 

- Maximum CONTINUOUS data rate upstream AND downstream simultaneously, and what 
thresholds are considered an OUTAGE on the SLA even if traffic is still flowing.

- Latency from your end of the circuit to a known point will never EXCEED "X" 
amount or it will be considered an outage under your SLA.

- Whether or not an UPSTREAM routing outage will be considered an SLA OUTAGE by 
your local carrier/ISP in terms of your bill. (In other words, how many 
backbone connections do they have and can they route around a problem, or are 
you stuck waiting for their one piddly edge router to be fixed in the case of 
fly-by-night providers.)

- In the case of a cable cut, are trucks rolled 24/7, or only during business 

Etc etc etc... there's more.  Read up.

SLA's are themselves a playground for lawyers and businesspeople to dicker 

Now the real world: 

- Any company relying on a single IP connection via a single route... is so far 
down the food chain they're not going to get service during a larger scale 
outage anyway.  

And... remember...

- An SLA just gives you a refund of your money for the outage.  It doesn't keep 
you in business if the service provider doesn't keep their side of the bargain.

- If you have something that must be connected to the Internet 24/7 or you're 
out of business... buy more than one connection.  An SLA won't matter at all 
when the backhoe cuts the only path out of your building.  

- Or... host it in a data center that has far more than one backbone connection 
via more than one physical route.

Let's not mix all the technical details up with the business ones.  That 
posting was the most misleading post I've read in quite a while, and shows a 
lot of the misconceptions out there.  

*** ANY of the above technologies can deliver a certain number of bits, at a 
certain latency, a certain direction, across a certain type of physical media, 
to some network at the other end. ***

Whether that upstream provider has oversubscribed upstream connectivity, has 
latency issues, doesn't respond to fix their circuits in the middle of the 
night, pays you back for outages, scratches your back at the beach after 
signing that multi-million dollar bandwidth contract with giant SLA attached 
large enough to fund their entire fleet of trucks for a year... 

That's all up to the contract...
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS CVE "database"?

2011-10-08 Thread Nate Duehr
Appears it's back up, just as a follow-up.

On Oct 8, 2011, at 12:01 AM, Nate Duehr wrote:

> Was working on a project tonight to document CVE fixes applied to servers, 
> and noted that RedHat has completely jacked up their website.
> In the past, I've usually just used their website for links to their CVE 
> list, as well as links to their Errata to look up specifics for CentOS 
> machines.
> It sure looks like these links are either permanently gone from the public 
> pages to be hidden internally only available to Subscribers, or... 
> RedHat's Marketing folks have completely destroyed what was once a valuable 
> information-filled website.
> Either way... the question now becomes...
> Is there something similar to RedHat's CVE listings by year and number hosted 
> by anyone in the CentOS community or by CentOS itself for CentOS?  I haven't 
> had much luck with my GoogleFu tonight.
> Thanks, 
> Nate
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS CVE "database"?

2011-10-07 Thread Nate Duehr
Was working on a project tonight to document CVE fixes applied to servers, and 
noted that RedHat has completely jacked up their website.

In the past, I've usually just used their website for links to their CVE list, 
as well as links to their Errata to look up specifics for CentOS machines.

It sure looks like these links are either permanently gone from the public 
pages to be hidden internally only available to Subscribers, or... 

RedHat's Marketing folks have completely destroyed what was once a valuable 
information-filled website.

Either way... the question now becomes...

Is there something similar to RedHat's CVE listings by year and number hosted 
by anyone in the CentOS community or by CentOS itself for CentOS?  I haven't 
had much luck with my GoogleFu tonight.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Intel ICH10R on CentOS 5.4

2010-06-09 Thread nate
Hey there..

I was wondering if anyone could share experiences they have had
with the Intel ICH10R SATA controller? I tried looking around
but all I could find were RAID references, I have no interest
in using the RAID functionality just basic SATA JBOD. Wondering
if there are any gotchas for performance, drivers, quality etc.

I normally don't touch anything that is not hardware RAID though
this is a special project.. And even if I get demo gear I won't
have enough time to put it through real paces(likely need weeks)
before a decision needs to be made.

I don't see anything that is causing alarm but just curious if
anyone else has experiences.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clients obtaining dhcp addys slowly

2010-05-11 Thread nate wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is unusual for me to observe.
> I've a dhcp server running on Centos 5.3 and it takes a while to
> answer clients asking for an address.

You happen to be running STP at the edge switch ports? If so then
disable it.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] tracing the source of a sector error from smartd

2010-05-10 Thread nate
n number 1
100  Not_testing
200  Not_testing
300  Not_testing
400  Not_testing
500  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.


/var/log/messages has tons of entries that say

Device: /dev/sdc, 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors

Since it's only 1 disk out of 72 I suspect it's the disk at fault
rather than something with smartd..

Any ideas?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Benchmark Disk IO

2010-05-05 Thread nate
Matt Keating wrote:
> What is the best way to benchmark disk IO?
> I'm looking to move one of my servers, which is rather IO intense. But
> not without first benchmarking the current and new disk array, To make
> sure this isn't a full waste of time.

You can do a pretty easy calculation based on the #/type of drives
to determine the approx number of raw IOPS that are available, since
it's I/O intensive your probably best off with RAID 1+0, which further
simplifies the calculation, parity based raid can make it really

7200 RPM disk = ~90 IOPS
1 RPM disk = ~150-180 IOPS
15000 RPM disk = ~230-250 IOPS
SSD = 

Otherwise, Iozone is a neat benchmark. SPC-1 is a great benchmark
for SQL-type apps though it's very high end and designed for testing
full storage arrays not a dinky server.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iostat on multipath disks

2010-05-03 Thread nate
Wahyu Darmawan wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> How can I get info for my disks on multipath disks?
> I mean, usually I use 'iostat' for internal disks, however I need to know
> status of my multipathig devices, cause I'm monitoring stress test for my
> application..

iostat works fine for devices running on top of device-mapper MPIO,
I run it often..


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iSCSI / GFS shared web server file system

2010-04-22 Thread nate
James wrote:

> That was my impression from reading through the docs anyways. I've never
> set it up.

my impression is GFS requires shared storage, I believe there
are ways around it, but take a look at this for setting up GFS
for use with NFS

I think it'd be much easier if you just replicate the data between
the servers with rsync or something. GFS sounds like way overkill
for a couple of web servers.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Caching synchronous writes

2010-04-22 Thread nate
John R Pierce wrote:
> Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>>> I think what you want is a proper storage array with mirrored write
>>> cache.
>> Which is what we have with ZFS + SSD-based ZIL for far less money than
>> a NetApp.
> not unless you have a pair of them configured as an active/standby HA
> cluster, sharing dual port disk storage, and some how (magic?) mirroring
> the cache pool so that if the active storage controller/server fails,
> the standby can take over wthout losing a single write.

OT too but really thought this was a good post/thread on ZFS

"ZFS is designed for high *reliability*"
"You want something  completely different. You expect it to deliver

And availability is something ZFS doesn't promise. It simply can't
deliver this."



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] setting up 3 network cards

2010-04-22 Thread nate
Les Mikesell wrote:

> That's only necessary if he wants it to act as a router.  The machine
> itself should be able to access 3 subnets simultaneously and route
> through routers on each.

oh ok, must've read the post wrong, haven't slept much this week


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] setting up 3 network cards

2010-04-22 Thread nate
Jerry Geis wrote:

> Is there something "special" about setting up 3 network cards that may help?
> What  should I look into?

enable ipforwarding?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Caching synchronous writes

2010-04-22 Thread nate
Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> The "delayed allocation" features in ext4 (and xfs, reiser4) sound
> interesting.  Might give a little performance boost for synchronous
> write workloads

Doesn't delayed allocation defeat the purpose of a synchronous write?

I think what you want is a proper storage array with mirrored write


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Logserver recommendations

2010-04-16 Thread nate wrote:

> I'd like to hear of people who have used both Splunk and/or prelude in an
> environment with, say, 500 voice a few opinions.

I use Splunk with a few hundred systems and it works alright, using
it right can take some time though creating the reports and stuff,
but it does make searching and reporting very easy.

Splunk licenses based on the amount of indexed data it collects per
day, so you should know how much data your going to index before
you buy, and of course give plenty of headroom.

I have a friend who works over at T-mobile who is one of the biggest
Splunk customers in the world they do something well over 1TB of new
data per day, and it works ok for them(off the record it sucks but
it sucks FAR less than everything else they have tried).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 12-15 TB RAID storage recommendations

2010-04-13 Thread nate
Eero Volotinen wrote:

> err. you can get hitachi sms 100 with sata drives for about 9000e
> including 3 year maintenance.

Yes, and you get what you pay for with that..

As I mentioned earlier myself I won't go back to crap storage
after seeing the light..

Even Hitachi AMS 2k series doesn't compare.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 12-15 TB RAID storage recommendations

2010-04-13 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>>Unless you have a good storage system..
>>a blog entry I wrote last year:
>>Another one where I ripped into Equallogic's claims:
> Lol, Nate...
> The op was looking at spending a few grand, not a few million
> you show off:)

million? Nowhere close to that, you can get a 12-15TB system(raw)
in the ~$130-150k range (15k RPM). If you want SATA instead
say $80k.

Few million and you can get a world record breaker array with
more than a thousand drives(15k RPM) and loaded with all the
software they have.

The capabilities of the system is the same from the low end
to the high end the only difference is scale really.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 12-15 TB RAID storage recommendations

2010-04-13 Thread nate
John R Pierce wrote:

> well, IF your controller totally screams and can rebuild the drives at
> wire speeds with full overlap, you'll be reading 7 * 2TB of data at
> around 100MB/sec average and writing the XOR of that to the 8th drive in
> a 8 spindle raid5 (14tb total).   just reading one drive at wirespeed is
> 2000,000MB / 100MB == 20,000 seconds, or about 5.5 hours, so thats about
> the shortest it possibly could be done.

More likely your looking at 24+ hours, because really no disk system
is going to read your SATA disks at 100MB/second. If your really lucky
perhaps you can get 10MB/second.

With the fastest RAID controllers in the industry my own storage
array(which does heavy amounts of random I/O) averages about
2.2MB/second for a SATA disk, with peaks at around 4MB/second.

Our previous storage array averaged about 4-6 hours to rebuild
a RAID 5 12+1 array with 146GB 10k RPM disks, on an array that was
in excess of 90% idle. Rebuilding a 400GB SATA-I array often
took upwards of 48 hours.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 12-15 TB RAID storage recommendations

2010-04-13 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:

> Rebuild times especially on busy arrays with large discs take lots of
> time...

Unless you have a good storage system..

a blog entry I wrote last year:

Another one where I ripped into Equallogic's claims:

Just checked my array again, nearly 200,000 RAID arrays on it,
makes for a massively parallel many:many RAID rebuild for fast
recovery times with *no* service impact.

Course this stuff may be out of the OP's budget, but just keep in
mind that there are such systems on the market.

IBM XIV is another such system, though it's scalability is too
limited to be useful IMO (~180 drives max).

You'd have to pull my toenails out with a rusty pair of pliers
before I go back to crap storage.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Question about dhcpd.leases

2010-04-08 Thread nate
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> How comes these machines never appear in dhcpd.leases ? Do the
> respective leases only find their way into /var/log/messages ?

I'd expect because the addresses are hard coded, there is no
reason to keep track of them. the leases file from what I understand
is used to determine which IPs are in use by what so dhcpd can
opt to hand out IPs that are not in use. On top of that dhcpd
pings the unused IPs to make sure it doesn't hand out IPs that
may of been taken without authorization.

For hard coded addresses the dhcp response will be the same every
time, and if you have duplicate MAC addresses on your layer 2
network you have bigger things to worry about.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Release 6?

2010-04-01 Thread nate
MHR wrote:
> but I just don't like to do it.  30 systems?  Yoik!

Out of ~300 ..

> As for moving from 4 to 5, that's not a trivial thing at all - and
> it's not an "upgrade" per se unless you have LOTS of faith in the
> process.  I always reinstall across releases, and that's a royal pain
> (though usually worth it for the new features, like a newer GNOME and
> all that goes with it).

Funny thing is for me the hardest part is getting the downtime to
do the work, the OS reinstall is easy, the apps already support it
and cfengine automatically configures the systems with everything
they need. I can re-install a system and get the apps re-installed
in ~30 minutes, but it's a real headache for the apps guys to take
the apps down and/or move customers off those systems to other
systems. And I'm not in *that* big of a hurry I have other things
I am working on of course..

I came across a system a few days ago that had an uptime of
over 1000 it is

[r...@us-mon001 ~]# uptime
 19:22:02 up 1012 days,  4:24,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.20, 0.26
[r...@us-mon001 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)

Part of me doesn't want to re-install it..(I have no immediate
plans to..)

You know your missing a kernel update or two when your uptime
gets over 3 years.

> BTW, certain specific upgrades would be really nice.  For one thing,
> Google's Chrome browser is now available for Linux, but you have to
> have a newer version of (I think it was) gtk that's not available on
> RH/C 5 at all - yet. While I'm sure it's a nice browser I don't trust
google with my information..

> Ah, well, patience in this particular arena pays off - we get the best
> support and solid reliability for free, so a little wait, or even a
> long one, is worth it in my book.

Me too..


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Release 6?

2010-04-01 Thread nate
MHR wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 9:25 AM, nate  wrote:
>> I *just* finished upgrading to CentOS 5.4 6 days ago.
> How many people got trampled in the rush?

You might be surprised how many outages it takes to co-ordinate
such an upgrade in a medium-large environment(and nobody including
me likes to take *everything* down at once though we did have
such an outage a few weeks ago to move a storage array I upgraded
about 30 systems on that day). The fully redundant systems are
easy to upgrade of course but there are lots of systems that are
not fully redundant(and can't be made as such due to application

I tried doing some online upgrades for some of our more important
systems(minus reboot for kernel) but something in the update
wrecked havok on our NFS cluster the systems are very active doing
NFS stuff 24/7. The NFS cluster recovered automatically but each
time it took about 3 hours. I don't know what the upgrade might
of restarted that would of impacted NFS activity. Since the
upgrade there has been no repeats of the issue but during the
upgrade within 30 minutes of upgrading active NFS clients(while
they were doing stuff) caused immediate headaches on the cluster.

I suspect it's the first OS "upgrade" my company has done at
least on linux.  Looking through my inventory of systems these
are getting a bit stale RHEL3/4:

  1 AS release 3 (Taroon Update 3)
  5 AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)
  6 AS release 4 (Nahant Update 3)
 36 AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
  1 AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6)

I don't count RHEL4->CentOS v5 as an upgrade since it is a complete
re-install. For the most part those will get upgraded when
the systems are retired I think.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Release 6?

2010-04-01 Thread nate
Niki Kovacs wrote:

> Recently a friend of mine complained his Debian stable system was "too
> conservative", given the somewhat outdated software. I told him not to
> mind, since Debian is bleeding edge compared to my OS of choice.

Maybe your friend needs another distro, of course everyone knows
it's conservative for a reason. I've been a Debian user for 12
years now, and still run it exclusively on my own systems. Though
I use CentOS/RHEL for "work" stuff. For those 12 years I've run
stable throughout except for about a year in ~2001 when I ran
testing for a little while. Even on my desktops I run stable. If
the hardware is too new(desktops/laptops only) I run Ubuntu
since it has a similar package selection.

I *just* finished upgrading to CentOS 5.4 6 days ago.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Cron and Cluster

2010-03-30 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> I need an idea on how to accomplish this: I have a cluster that I only want
> to run cron jobs on when its active.

What kind of cluster? the term cluster can mean almost
anything these days.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Disable specific LUN on a SCSI bus

2010-03-30 Thread nate
Lorenzo Quatrini wrote:
> This is what I'm doing right now; but I was searching for a way of
> doing it earlier on startup.
> I'm playing with a non partitionable DS4300 FC, and I would like to
> avoid LUN contention.

Since it appears to be a SAN of sorts, another option may be to
use the blacklist setting for dm-multipath, or if it's a fiber
attached system you may be able to mask it at the controller
itself using the vendor tools for the controller.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Disable specific LUN on a SCSI bus

2010-03-30 Thread nate
Lorenzo Quatrini wrote:
> Hi all,
> do you know if there is a way at boot time do disable specific LUN's on a
> bus of a particular controller?

What do you need to do this for?

How about just echoing the command to /proc/scsi/scsi

echo "scsi remove-single-device X X X X" >/proc/scsi/scsi

get the values for the various X's from /proc/scsi/scsi e.g.
Host: scsi0 Channel: 01 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: MegaRAID Model: LD 0 RAID1   69G Rev: 521S
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

would be 0 1 0 0


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] VMWare vs. KVM - recommendations?

2010-03-29 Thread nate
MHR wrote:

> Recommendations?

What are you going to use it for? If your looking for something
to act like vmware workstation, e.g. primarily for running a
desktop OS on top of X11 then I would stick to vmware server
2. Or more ideally VMware workstation, it has a TON of
desktop optimization thingies which may be useful if your
running XP as a guest.

I use vmware server 2 on a pair of debian systems(only use
CentOS at work and there I only use ESX as my hypervisor),
without any issues. The system I'm on now uses vmware server
2 to run another copy of debian to use as a VPN client to my
company(the vpn software screws with the routing table). No
issues going to 1080p resolution(running on a 47" phillips
1080p TV). My other vmware server 2 system is running that
because the hardware is too old to run anything better(circa

No problems..


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kickstart 8TB partition limit?

2010-03-25 Thread nate wrote:

>  No filesystem is specified be cause want to use xfs, which kickstart does
> not
>  support out of the box. This is under 5.2, but the 5.3/5.4 relnotes do not
>  indicate that this problem has been fixed. Or has it?

partition manually using %pre or %post ?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Multipath and iSCSI Targets

2010-03-19 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> Just started messing with multipath against an iSCSI target with 4 nics.
> What should one expect as behavior when paths start failing? My lab setup
> was copying some data on a mounted block device when I dropped 3 of 4 paths
> and the responsiveness of the server completely tanked for several minutes.
> Is that still expected?

Depends on the target and the setup, ideally if you have 4 NICs you
should be using at least two different VLANs, and since you have 4 NICs
(I assume for iSCSI only) you should use jumbo frames.

With my current 3PAR storage arrays and my iSCSI targets each system
has 4 targets but usually 1 NIC, my last company(same kind of storage)
I had 4 targets and 2 dedicated NICs(each on it's own VLAN for routing
purposes and jumbo frames).

In all cases MPIO was configured for round robin, and failed over
in a matter of seconds.

Failing BACK can take some time depending on how long the path was
down for, at least on CentOS 4.x (not sure on 5.x) there was some
hard coded timeouts in the iSCSI system that could delay path
restoration for a  minute or more because there was a somewhat
exponential back off timer for retries, this caused me a big
headache at one point doing a software upgrade on our storage array
which will automatically roll itself back if all of the hosts do
not re-login to the array within ~60 seconds of the controller coming
back online.

If your iSCSI storage system is using active/passive controllers
that may increase fail over and fail back times and complicate
stuff, my arrays are all active-active.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL max clustering package?

2010-03-17 Thread nate
John R Pierce wrote:

> that may be OK for an order processing system, but it could be a serious
> problem for something like a banking system where you are dispersing cash.

Hopefully no such systems run on MySQL anyways :)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL max clustering package?

2010-03-17 Thread nate
Neil Aggarwal wrote:

> Our goal is to create redundancy.  We want either system to be able
> to work if the other is not available.  Designating one database
> as a write db and the other as a read defeats that.

Depending on the requirements splitting out can greatly improve
scalability though, potentially using something like mysql
proxy and perhaps even a load balancer.

The write systems can still be clustered/multi-master replication
but if the bulk of your work is reads then load balancing many
independent databases for reads can improve performance and
even improve availability.

But it really depends on the workload.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL max clustering package?

2010-03-17 Thread nate
JohnS wrote:

> I have always heard the replication of MySQL could not keep up with lots
> of writes.

I don't think MySQL replication has an issue with number of writes,
at least with regular replication(can't speak to multi master stuff),
all replication is is the DB sending the raw query to the other
system to execute, so provided the other system(s) your replicating
to are at least as fast as the system doing the real work the others
should have no trouble keeping up.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CPU Upgrade

2010-03-16 Thread nate
Kevin Kempter wrote:

> OS? Or will CentOS simply see the second chip once I reboot and just work?

No changes, you're already running a SMP kernel since you have
4 cores now, so no changes.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL max clustering package?

2010-03-16 Thread nate
jchase wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what the scoop is on this? I read that CentOS was
> releasing the enterprise/cluster capable MySQL in the CentOS-Plus repo's
> but I don't see it there. I don't want to use the packages (if
> they are even available -- didn't they stop supplying the binaries for this
> to the public)?
> I'm trying to setup failover, load balancing clustering of MySQL.I'm a bit
> confused on what the current story is for doing this.

Last I recall MySQL max wasn't really mysql but based on some other
DB(SAP DB?).. Mysql by itself has built in "clustering" though
there can be significant limitations in it depending on your


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Whether need to run CentOS Certification test suite to get the CentOS logo

2010-03-16 Thread nate
zhang hualan wrote:

> But I'm still not sure whether CentOS have certification test suite and we
> need to run it first, such as we can get Redhat "hardware certified logo" if
> we pass the RedHat Certification test suite,eg V7.

I say forget about certifying specifically with CentOS, certify with
RHEL. CentOS strives to be RHEL compatible. If your product works
with RHEL and not CentOS then it's a bug in CentOS(unless your
someone like Oracle whom specifically looks for RHEL during


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing additional software from CD

2010-03-13 Thread nate
Al Sparks wrote:
> I installed CentOS w/o Gnome, or X-Windows.
> I'd like to install that stuff from the CD.  I don't want to try and install
> individual RPM's.  What can I run off the CD that allows me to use the
> standard package manager (or whatever it's called)?

from /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Media.repo

# CentOS-Media.repo
# This repo is used to mount the default locations for a CDROM / DVD on
#  CentOS-5.  You can use this repo and yum to install items directly off the
#  DVD ISO that we release.
# To use this repo, put in your DVD and use it with the other repos too:
#  yum --enablerepo=c5-media [command]
# or for ONLY the media repo, do this:
#  yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=c5-media [command]

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Motherboards for HPC applications

2010-03-09 Thread nate
Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:

> Wow, pretty cool system. Can you tell about the pricing?

I don't think I can, but it is competitive with Dell and HP
as an example while the innovation put into the cloud rack
is far beyond anything Dell or HP offer to mere mortals.
Closest HP offers is the "SL" series of systems which are
pretty decent, though offer roughly half the density as
SGI for our particular application.

Dell is coming out with something new soon

I've seen them, and honestly aren't all that creative, very
similar to Supermicro Twin. They are decent for CPU and
memory intensive stuff, but not as good for (local) I/O
intensive. They seem pretty proud about these systems though
considering Supermicro has had similar stuff on the market
for quite some time now there isn't much to get excited about

SGI(formerly Rackable) has been pretty aggressive in patenting
their designs, which is probably what lead to vendors like
Supermicro building their "Twin" systems.

Dell has a custom design division which they can probably do
some pretty crazy things but I'm told they have a ~1,500
server minimum to get anything from that group.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Motherboards for HPC applications

2010-03-08 Thread nate
Gordon McLellan wrote:

> If your application can't support GPU based processing, I think
> Peter's suggestion is most fitting.  Load up a rack of dual socket
> 5520 servers from Dell or HP and then save some money by building your
> own shared-storage to feed the cluster.  The big vendors crank out
> very inexpensive dual socket xeon servers, the only area they really
> seem to be price gouging in right now is storage.

For me I have been working on spec'ing out a "HPC" cluster to run
Hadoop on large amounts of data and fell in love with the SGI
Cloud Rack C2.

I managed to come up with a configuration that had roughly 600
CPU cores, 1.2TB of memory and 300 1TB SATA disks in a single rack
and consumes ~16,000 watts of power with 99% efficient rack level
power supplies and N+1 power redundancy, rack level cooling as well.
Very cost effective as well at least for larger scale deployments,
assuming you have a data center that can support such density.

My current data center does not support such density so I came up
with a configuration of 320 CPU cores, 640GB memory, and 160x1TB
disks that fit in a single 24U rack, and consumes roughly 8,000
watts(208V 30A 3-phase) and weighs in at just under 1,200 pounds
(everything included).

Systems come fully racked, cabled & ready to plug in. Systems
are built with commodity components wherever possible(MB/ram/CPU/HD),
only custom stuff is the enclosure, cooling, and power distribution,
which is how they achieve the extreme densities and power


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] compilers a security risk?

2010-03-07 Thread nate
Geoff Galitz wrote:

> Making the bar higher, even in little increments, is a basic tenant of
> systems security.  Never dismiss the power of baby steps.

Keep in mind diminishing returns with those baby steps.. Of the
~500-600 systems I've worked on over the past 10 years the only ones
that were confirmed to be compromised were ones that were placed directly
on the internet(not by me), and wasn't kept up to date with patches.
I think I worked on 3 such systems.

- keep up to date on patches
- if on the internet, lock ssh down to ssh key auth only, try to
  run a tight firewall on other ports.
- don't allow untrusted local accounts
- Run only well tested programs(especially when it comes to webapps) with
  a good track record wherever possible
- If at all possible do not put any server directly on the internet
  (98% of my systems reside behind load balancers, which is a form
   of firewall since only ports that are specifically opened are
   allowed through)

To-date I haven't needed things like NIDS/HIDS (too many false
positives), or things like SElinux(PITA). After this long, and so
many systems I don't think luck plays a big role at this point. The
servers I manage for my employer receive roughly 2 billion web hits
per day.

If you can manage those things, the chance of being compromised is
practically zero, barring some remote evil organization that has
bad guys specifically out to get you.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] is it possible to recover LVM drive from accidental Fdisk?

2010-03-06 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know if it's possible to recover an LVM partition from a drive
> that was fdisked? I accidently fdisk'd the wrong drive (had to fdisk a lot
> of 160GB drivers from old servers and one still has important data on that
> client now wants) by running fdisk /dev/sdc & deleting the partitions. The
> drive is still in a another machine and hasn't been rebooted yet, but
> there's no no partition on it.

re-create the original partition table, which is just a map, as long
as you haven't formatted or overwritten data everything should still
be there

Also suggest if your not already doing it set your LVm partitons to
type 8e so it's obvious they are LVM

[r...@dc1-mysql001b:~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdc

Disk /dev/sdc: 2197.9 GB, 2197949513728 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 267218 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1   1  267218  2146428553+  8e  Linux LVM


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] compilers a security risk?

2010-03-06 Thread nate
Dave Stevens wrote:

> I don't have enough experience to assess the security issues. Does
> anyone have an opinion on this? It would be simple and feasible to
> allocate another domain as suggested above.

Unless your running an obscure platform having a compiler on the
system shouldn't be a big deal, if you can upload source code,
you can upload a precompiled binary


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] New to VM

2010-03-03 Thread nate
David Milholen wrote:
> I have managed these for so long on just a couple of machines but
> technology is changing and we are growing as a company and I have heard
> and read great things that can be done with VM.

Really depends on how much usage the systems get, if you are migrating
from physical systems to virtual systems look at the CPU, load, and
i/o(if linux use iostat). I run vmware server on a 5-year old system
which has 2 VMs on it, runs apache, mysql, mail services, dns, and
a bunch of other small things. Works fine, though my typical CPU
usage on the *host* is 5%. Running off a pair of 250GB SATA drives
connected to a 3Ware 8006-2 RAID card. Dual Xeon 3Ghz, 6GB ram, 32-bit.

In my experience most systems like the ones your using hosting
the apps you mention are idle 99%+ of the time, making them perfect
VM candidates.

> I have another ibm Eserver with a couple of scsi 15k 50GB drives and 4
> GB of memory that I can configure from scratch to do VM or what ever I need.
>  I guess I should start by asking how VM is configured and How does
> allocate resources on the server?

Resource allocation depends on the VM technology your using, myself
I am a long time VMware fan/user, so I stick to their stuff, but
no matter what it really depends on how much load your system  will
be under.

>From a VMware perspective, this PDF is informative, but probably
well beyond the scale your operating at, you can get an idea as
to the complexity that "virtualization" entails.

Performance of bare metal hypervisors like VMware ESX will
dramatically outperform the hypervisors that run on top of
another OS(I think they call them "type 2") like VMware server.
But bare metal hypervisors have very strict hardware requirements.
I use VMware server on my own system since the hardware is not
supported by ESX.

At my full time job I run dozens of ESX systems on real hardware,
with a proper SAN and networking infrastructure.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Recover RAID

2010-03-03 Thread nate
Jeff Sadino wrote:
> Ok, I'm learning a lot about raids and what to do, and what not to do.
> Looking at some info I had before, md1 was 200GB in size, which makes sense,
> but it was only 39GB full.  The way I repartitioned drive 1, I probably
> overwrote only about 11GB.  Does that make it any easier to recover any
> amount of the raid?  Is there some sort of "recover lost partitions" option
> in Linux or gparted?

The partition is just a map, if you can re-create the partition
exactly the way it was before, the data should still be there if
it wasn't overwritten.

But as far as I know there isn't a backup stored of the partition
table, if the disk is exactly the same as the other member, then you
can try duplicating the partition setup using the first disk as
a guide.

I don't know whether or not it will help restore a RAID 0 set,
but may be worth a shot since the situation probably can't get
much worse.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SSH Remote Execution - su?

2010-03-03 Thread nate
Tim Nelson wrote:
> YESS. It prevents the tty error from showing up and asks me for a password
> as expected. BUT, how do I then automate the entering of the password?
> John Kennedy mentioned using expect which I've used before but found it to
> be 'finnicky'. I may have to look at it again...
> Changing settings such as sudo configuration or ssh config may be daunting
> since I have a large number of systems(150+) that would need to be modified.
> :-/

Just login as root with ssh keys?

If you needed to somehow block brute force cracking attacks against
the root account either globally disable password auth, or it appears
you can use the option "PermitRootLogin without-password" to restrict
remote root logins via SSH to keys only. I haven't tried this option


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] DHCP client not working with Windows DHCP / dynamic DNS server

2010-03-02 Thread nate
Florin Andrei wrote:

> Is there anything else I can do on my side to make it happen? Any
> particular options in dhclient.conf or something like that?

See the man page ?

   The client now has some very limited support for doing DNS
updates  when  a  lease  is  acquired. This is prototypical, and
probably doesn't do what you want.   It also only works if you
happen to have control over your DNS server, which isn't very

   To make it work, you have to declare a key and zone as in
the DHCP server (see  dhcpd.conf(5)  for details).   You also need
to configure the fqdn option on the client, as follows:

 send fqdn.fqdn "";
 send fqdn.encoded on;
 send fqdn.server-update off;

   The fqdn.fqdn option MUST be a fully-qualified domain name.
You MUST define a zone statement for the zone to be updated.
The fqdn.encoded option may need to be set to on or  off,
depending  on the DHCP server you are using.


On my company's windows network the IT guy just assigns static
IPs via MAC addresses to those that want a fixed IP and create
a DNS name associated with it.

Myself I've never liked dynamic DNS, never used it, I like my
zone files organized(and plain text, no binary crap) and I
suspect dynamic DNS would screw it all up. I've seen how
horribly polluted zones can get on windows networks with
dynamic DNS, overlapping names, multiple DNS entries for the
same IP etc.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Temperature sensor

2010-02-26 Thread nate
Dominik Zyla wrote:

> You have right. While you checking sensors from few machines, you can
> see the trend. Gotta think about changing the way of temperature  monitoring
> here.

Myself I wouldn't rely on internal equipment sensors to try to
extrapolate ambient temperature from their readings. Most equipment
will automatically spin their fans at faster RPMs as the temperature
goes up which can give false indications of ambient temperature.

I do monitor the temperature of network equipment, but also have
dedicated sensors for ambient readings. Already saved us some pain
once, opened up a new location in London last year and the ambient
temperature at our rack in the data center was 85+ degrees F. The
SLA requires temperature be from 64-78 degrees. Alarms were going off
in Nagios.

The facility claimed there was no issue, and opened up some more
air vents, which didn't help. They still didn't believe us so they
installed their own sensor in our rack. The next day the temperature
dropped by ~10 degrees, I guess they believed their own sensor..

People at my own company were questioning the accuracy of this
sensor(there was only one, I prefer 2 but they are cheap bastards),
but I was able to validate the increased temperature by comparing
the internal temp of the switches and load balancers were
significantly higher than other locations. Though even with the
ambient temperature dropping by 10+ degrees, the temperature of
the gear didn't move nearly as much.

The crazy part was I checked the temperature probes at my former
company(different/better data center) and the *exhaust* temperature
of the servers was lower than the *input* temperature from this
new data center. Exhaust temperature was around 78-80 degrees,
several degrees below the 85+.

It seems the facility in London further improved their cooling
in recent weeks as average temperature is down from 78 to about
70-72 now, and is much more stable, prior to the change we
were frequently spiking above 80 and averaging about 78.

Also having ambient temperature sensors can be advantageous in
the event you need to convince a facility they are running too
hot(or out of SLA), as a tech guy myself(as you can probably
see already) I am much less inclined to trust the results of
internal equipment sensors than a standalone external sensor
which can be put on the front of the rack.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Temperature sensor

2010-02-26 Thread nate
Bowie Bailey wrote:
> Does anyone know of a cheap temperature sensor that will work with
> Linux?  I don't need a fancy monitoring appliance, I just want a simple
> sensor that I can connect to one of my monitoring servers to let me know
> if the server room is getting hot.

I don't know what your idea of cheap is, but I use Servertech PDUs
exclusively and their Smart and Switched models are network aware and
have optional temperature/humidity probes which you can query via
SNMP. This is handy because you then have sensors essentially built
into each and every rack. Pretty simple to have nagios query the
SNMP value and alert. Also am having cacti graph the data as well.
Most of the servertech PDUs the sensors plug directly into the PDU,
on some of them it requires an add-on module. Each PDU typically
supports 2 sensors, the cables are about 10 feet.

About 5 years ago at a company I deployed a Sensatronics model E4
which has up to 16 probe inputs, and they have sensors with cables
up to something like 300 feet. Monitorable by a simple http server
and I believe it has SNMP as well.

They have fancier monitoring appliances as well with alerting and
stuff though they weren't out when I was using their stuff.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rack configurator?

2010-02-25 Thread nate
Alan McKay wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Does anyone know of a rack configurator that runs on CentOS?   It does
> not have to even be very fancy - immediately I'm just looking for an
> easy way to keep track of what is in my racks, and being able to have
> a visual of it.   Maybe juggle stuff around.   Bonus if it does power
> calculations based on model numbers and so on - or data I punch in for
> each model.   But really right now some kind of very specific CAD or
> Draw tool that is specific to this purpose.  Or a template for a more
> general tool.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Desperately need help with multi-core NIC performance

2010-02-24 Thread nate
Pete Kay wrote:
> Hi
> So is that the limit?  I have heard people being able to run like 10K
> call channels before max out CPU cap.

I would verify the network throughput of your system to make sure
the NIC/switch/etc are functioning normally, I use iperf to do
this, really simple tool to use just need two systems.

On a good network you should be able to sustain roughly 900+Mbit/s
with standard frame sizes and iperf on a single gigE link(hopefully
with no tuning)

sample run:

Client connecting to pd1-bgas01, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:   205 KByte (default)

[  3] local port 54559 connected with port 5001
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.06 GBytes912 Mbits/sec

there are lots of options you can use to configure iperf to
simulate various types of traffic.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Recommended PCIe SATA/SAS Controller?

2010-02-24 Thread nate
Tim Nelson wrote:
> Greetings all-
> I need to purchase a PCIe SATA or SAS controller(non-raid) for a Supermicro
> 2U system. It should be directly bootable. Any recommendations? The system
> will be running CentOS 5.4 as an LTSP system. Thanks!

I've had good luck with a ATTO SAS PCIe HBA using with a tape
library. The driver for this particular card wasn't included
with CentOS at the time but might be with the latest version.

The drivers are open source, I have no past experience with
ATTO it was recommended to me by a tape backup software vendor
for their performance and stability under linux.

I am using the
"ExpressSAS H644
  Low-Profile 4-Internal/4-External Port 6Gb/s SAS/SATA
  PCIe 2.0 Host Adapter"


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] unattended fsck on reboot

2010-02-18 Thread nate wrote:
> It was dumping large amounts of data into his home directory... which was
> NFS mounted from the server I needed to reboot.

That's why I like HA clusters, our NFS cluster runs on top of
CentOS, and if we needed to reboot a node it would have minimal
impact, the other system takes over the IPs and MAC addresses.

To-date the only time we've rebooted the NFS systems have been
software updates(3 of them in the past year or so).

At my previous company I was planning on trying to "roll my own"
nfs cluster on RHEL but never got round to it before I left
the company


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] unattended fsck on reboot

2010-02-17 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:

> Is it "absolutely" necessary to run this on servers? Especially since they
> don't reboot often, but when they do it takes ages for fsck to finish -
> which on web servers causes extra unwanted downtime.
> Or is there a way to run fsck with the server running? I know it's a bad
> idea, but is there any way to run it, without causing too much downtime? I
> just had one server run fsck for 2+ hours, which is not really feasible in
> our line of business.

For me at least on my SAN volumes I disable the fsck check after X
number of days or X number of mounts. Of all the times over the years
where I have seen this fsck triggered by those I have never, ever seen
it detect any problems.

I don't bother changing the setting for local disks as it is usually
pretty quick to scan them. You must have a pretty big and/or slow
file system for fsck to take 2+ hours.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Login timed out after 60 seconds

2010-02-11 Thread nate
Paul Heinlein wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to lengthen that timeout
> value from 60 to, say, 180. This isn't the first time I've wanted to
> kill a runaway process and been unable to get a console because of
> that timeout.

I poked around a bunch but couldn't find a config that can be
adjusted.. I do see that the particular message comes from /bin/login

# strings login | grep -i timed
Login timed out after %d seconds

which seems to be part of the util-linux package, so perhaps poke
around in the source, maybe there is a .h file that you can adjust
with a higher value and rebuild it.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Syslog for chroot-jailed SFTP users?

2010-02-10 Thread nate
Sean Carolan wrote:

> In our environment the chroot jail is /home/username.  Does this mean
> we need a /home/username/dev/log for each and every user?   If the
> daemon is chroot'd to /home/username wouldn't this be the case?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller

2010-02-09 Thread nate
nate wrote:

> Perhaps RAID 6, as I've never heard of RAID 5 with two parity (two
> parity is dual parity which is RAID 6).

Forgot to mention my own personal preference on my high end SAN at
least is for RAID 5 with a 3:1 parity ratio, or a max of 5:1 or 6:1,
really never higher than that unless activity is very low.

The RAID controllers on my array are the fastest in the industry,
and despite that, in the near future I am migrating to a parity
ratio of 2:1 to get (even)better performance, that brings me to
within about 3-4% of RAID 1+0 performance for typical workloads.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller

2010-02-09 Thread nate
Fernando Gleiser wrote:

> yes, ita bunch of 12 7k2 RPM disks organized as 1 hot spare, 2 parity disks,
> 9 data disks in a RAID 5 configuration. is 9/2 a "high ratio"?

Perhaps RAID 6, as I've never heard of RAID 5 with two parity (two
parity is dual parity which is RAID 6).

RAID 6 performance can vary dramatically between controllers, if it
were me unless you get any other responses shortly I would test other
RAID configurations and see how the performance compares

RAID 1+0
RAID 5+0 (striped RAID 5 arrays, in your case perhaps 3+1 * 4 w/no hot
 spares? at least for testing)
RAID 5+0 (5+1 * 2)

RAID 1+0 should be first though, even if you don't end up using it
in the end, it's good to get a baseline with the fastest configuration.

I would expect the RAID card to support RAID 50, but not all do, if it
doesn't one option may be to perform striping using LVM at the OS


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller

2010-02-09 Thread nate
Fernando Gleiser wrote:
> we're having a weird disk I/O problem on a 5.4 server connected to an
> external SAS storage with an LSI logic megaraid sas 1078.

Not sure I know what the issue is but telling us how many disks,
what the RPM of the disks are, and what level of RAID would probably

It sounds like perhaps you have a bunch of 7200RPM disks in a RAID
setup where the data:parity ratio may be way out of whack(e.g. high
number of data disks to parity disks), which will result in very
poor write performance.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best way to backup virtual machines from Citrix XenServer.

2010-02-08 Thread nate
Simon Billis wrote:

> Good quality storage (which usually comes at a price) will provide the
> functionality that is needed to backup the VM's either as a complete VM
> image or files from the VM filesystem. Entry level storage from suppliers
> such as Equallogic/Dell comes with this functionality and it is possible to
> have the storage up and attached to servers within 10 mins from un-boxing it
> (but do allow a little longer to understand it ;-) .)

Suggest reading this interesting piece "3 years of equallogic" before
thinking about using it's snapshot stuff -

Of course not all snapshot solutions are created equal, equallogic's
appears to be especially poor in this regard.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread nate
cally connects to Array 2 and has it
send all of the data up to the point Array 1 went down, I think
you can get as close as something like a few milliseconds from
the disaster that took out Array 1, and get all of the data to
Array 3.

Setting it up takes about 30 minutes, and it's all automatic.

Prior to this setting up such a solution would cost waay
more, as you'd only find it in the most high end systems.

It's going to be many times cheaper to get a 2nd array and replicate
than it is to try to design/build a single system that offers 100%

Entry level pricing of this particular array starts at maybe $130k,
can go probably as high as $2-3M if you load it up with software(more
of half the cost can be software add ons). So it's not in the same
league as most NetApp, or Equallogic, or even EMC/HDS gear.
Their low end stuff starts at probably $70k.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] VMWare ESXi & CentOS5.4

2010-02-05 Thread nate
Thom Paine wrote:

> Any thoughts to this, or should I just put on CentOS 5.4 and be done
> with it? I know it's like asking what everyone's favourite colour is,
> but maybe a few replies will give me some ideas.

I like the VM approach because it gives a foolproof to snapshot the
guest and do testing/rollbacks easily, also the hardware configuration
is usually significantly simpler as it's abstracted, and it makes
the server more portable, easier to move to another system as a whole.

Where performance is a real big concern I use native hardware, but
those cases are fairly rare.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread nate wrote:

> Except that VMware is *based* on RHEL. Why would you *not* have a
> Linux-based console?

A common misconception. The linux based console is a VM in itself,
and is used for management purposes only, it runs on top of the


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread nate
Les Mikesell wrote:

> Have you investigated any of the mostly-software alternatives for this like
> openfiler, nexentastor, etc., or rolling your own iscsi server out of
> opensolaris or centos?

I have and it depends on your needs. I ran Openfiler a couple years
ago with ESX and it worked ok. The main issue there was stability. I
landed on a decent configuration that worked fine as long as you
didn't touch it(kernel updates often caused kernel panics on the
hardware which was an older HP DL580). And when Openfiler finally came
out with their newer "major" version the only upgrade path was to
completely re-install the OS(maybe that's changed now I don't know).

A second issue was availability, Openfiler(and others) have replication
and clustering in some cases, but I've yet to see anything come close
to what the formal commercial storage solutions can provide(seamless
fail over, online software upgrades etc). Mirrored cache is also a
big one as well.

Storage can be the biggest pain point to address when dealing with
a consolidated environment, since in many cases it remains a single
point of failure. Network fault tolerance is fairly simple to address,
and throwing more servers to take into account server failure is
easy, but the data can often only live in one place at a time. Some
higher end arrays offer synchronous replication to another system,
though that replication is not application aware(aka crash consistent)
so you are at some risk of data loss when using it with applications
that are not aggressive about data integrity(like Oracle for example).

A local vmware consulting shop here that I have a lot of respect for
says in their experience, doing crash consistent replication of
VMFS volumes between storage arrays there is about a 10% chance one
of the VMs on the volume being replicated will not be recoverable,
as a result they heavily promoted NetApp's VMware-aware replication
which is much safer. My own vendor 3PAR released similar software
a couple of weeks ago for their systems.

Shared storage can also be a significant pain point for performance
as well with a poor setup.

Another advantage to a proper enterprise-type solution is support,
mainly for firmware updates. My main array at work for example is
using Seagate enterprise SATA drives. The vendor has updated the
firmware on them twice in the past six months. So not only was the
process made easy since it was automatic, but since it's their
product they work closely with the manufacturer and are kept in the
loop when important updates/fixes come out and have access to them,
last I checked it was a very rare case to be able to get HDD firmware
updates from the manufacturer's web sites.

The system "worked" perfectly fine before the updates, I don't know
what the most recent update was for but the one performed in August
was around an edge case where silent data corruption could occur on
the disk if a certain type of error condition was encountered, so
the vendor sent out an urgent alert to all customers using the same
type of drive to get them updated asap.

A co-worker of mine had to update the firmware on some other Seagate
disks(SCSI) in 2008 on about 50 servers due to a performance issue
with our application, in that case he had to go to each system
individually with a DOS boot disk and update the disks, a very time
consuming process involving a lot of downtime. My company spent almost
a year trying to track down the problem before I joined and ran some
diagnostics and fairly quickly narrowed the problem down to systems
running Seagate disks(some other systems running the same app had
other brands(stupid dell), of disks that were not impacted).

A lot of firmware update tools I suspect don't work well with RAID
controllers either, since the disks are abstracted, further
complicating the issue of upgrading them.

So it all depends on what the needs are, you can go with the cheaper
software options just try to set expectations accordingly when
using them. Which for me is basically - "don't freak out when it
blows up".


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread nate
Drew wrote:
>> When you talk about the free version are your referring to Vmware server
>> or is there a free version of Esxi? The website is a little misleading
>> with "free trail" and such.
> ESXi is free to use. ESX / vSphere is the paid version.

A common confusion point. While there is a free license available
for ESXi and not for ESX, you can pay for ESXi to unlock additional
functionality(such as live migration, HA, DRS etc) and still keep
the "thin" hypervisor footprint that ESXi offers.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-05 Thread nate
Bo Lynch wrote:

> Whats your thoughts on Vmware server over esxi?
> Really do not want to have to budget for Virtualization if I do not have to.

Depends on the hardware, ideally esxi, though it is very
picky about hardware.

And you should budget for it, storage will be a big concern if
you want to provide high availability. A good small storage
array(few TB) starts at around $30-40k.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Clustering

2010-02-04 Thread nate
Bo Lynch wrote:

> Right know we have about 30 or so linux servers scattered through out or
> district. Was looking at ways of consolidating and some sort of redundancy
> would be nice.
> Will clustering not work with certain apps? We have a couple mysql dbases,
> oracle database, smb shares, nfs, email, and web servers.

Maybe your looking for putting them in a virtual environment,
to cluster applications like that is fairly complex, Oracle has it's
own clustering(RAC), MySQL has clustering(with some potentially serious
limitations depending on your DB size), NFS clustering is yet another
animal, and samba clustering, well CIFS is a stateful protocol so
there really isn't a good way to do clustering there at least with
generic samba, that I'm aware of, if a server fails the clients
connected to it will lose their connection and potentially data if
they happened to be writing at the time.

In any case it sounds like clustering isn't want your looking for, I
would look towards putting the systems in VMs with HA shared storage
if you want to consolidate and provide high availability.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] best parallel / cluster SSH

2010-02-04 Thread nate
Alan McKay wrote:

> I was actually going to start another "configuration management redux"
> thread as a follow up to a thread I started a few months ago.

As Les mentioned, it's far more common in that situation to use
ssh key authentication and a for loop, if your ssh key has a pass
phrase use a ssh agent.

I still use it quite often even though I do have a fairly extensive
cfengine setup, sometimes I need something done right now such
as a mass restart and can't wait for cfengine to run on each host.

If you have servers say

web01 -> web30

sample script to restart apache -

for i in `seq -w 1 30`; do ssh r...@web${i} "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"; done


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Block network at logoff on workstation

2010-02-03 Thread nate
David McGuffey wrote:

> I was wondering how to best block all network access to it when I log
> off...then unblock it when I log on. Changing iptables requires root
> does running ifdown and ifup scripts.

You could use sudo to call them.. But I don't really understand your
concern, if your behind two pretty tight firewalls then there shouldn't
be anything to worry about. Myself I just have one firewall(OpenBSD),
no local firewall on my system(at home).

If your physically at the system(which I assume you are since your
blocking network access while your not logged on), perhaps simply
pulling the network cable out of the system is simplest.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] atime, relatime query

2010-02-03 Thread nate
Rob Kampen wrote:

> I do not agree - every read of the db will update the filesystem with
> noatime missing, thus specifying noatime does give performance
> improvements - the size of the files does not matter as much - rather
> the number of reads vs writes.

Interesting, didn't think about that aspect, I dug around and at least
for MySQL and Postgresql noatime doesn't appear to provide any
noticeable benefit(it may be a measurable one in some cases)

If your doing a ton of reads and only have a few files, it's likely
there isn't going to be many atime updates as the file is kept open
for an extended period of time(e.g. scanning a table with 100k rows).

For DB performance there's a lot more useful areas to spend time
tuning. As DBAs often say you can get 10% more performance tuning
the OS and getting better hardware, and you can get 1000% better
performance by tuning the queries and data structures, or something
like that :)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] atime, relatime query

2010-02-03 Thread nate
Rajagopal Swaminathan wrote:

> But in a production db server, which is backed up by HP DP, is it
> advisable to mount with noatime?

noatime typically helps when dealing with lots of files, most DB servers
have a small number of files that are large in size, so noatime is
likely not to provide any noticeable improvement I think.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Logrotate in CentOS 5.4 more brutal (to httpd at least) than in 5.3?

2010-02-03 Thread nate
Matthew Miller wrote:

> That said, *both* of them are too brutal, in that they'll kill any open
> connections. Signal USR1 (or service httpd graceful) is much nicer, since it
> lets any open connections complete. The downside is that these old
> connections might get written to the _rotated_ log instead of the new one,
> but to me that's a small price to pay.

I've always used copytruncate for httpd logs and logrotate, never
bothered to send signals to apache at all...

sample config -

"/path/to/logs/*www*log" {
rotate 1

olddir /path/to/archivedir

DATE=`date --date=Yesterday +%y%m%d`
cd /path/to/archivedir
for FOO in `ls *.1`
mv $FOO `echo $FOO | cut -f1 -d.`.$DATE.log
gzip -9 *.$DATE.log
sleep 60
logger "[LOGROTATE] Rotated these logs: `echo



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] glibc updates and rebooting

2010-02-01 Thread nate
R-Elists wrote:
> i forgot...
> is it necessary to reboot after glibc* yum updates on 4.x and 5.x or any
> centos for that matter...

Should not be, but as with all library updates applications that
are running when the update is applied won't get the update until
they are restarted. Often times the updates are so minor that
restarts are not critical.

Often times rebooting is the easiest method for the update to
fully take effect or you can manually restart stuff.

I'm not sure if RPM automatically restarts services when system
libraries change(I haven't seen it do this myself). In Debian by
contrast for example when you update glibc, it will scan for
running services that use it and will prompt you to restart them
as part of the upgrade process.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Lockup using stock r8169 on 4.8 in gigabit mode during heavy transfer on lan

2010-01-29 Thread nate
Jason Pyeron wrote:

> Ideas?

realtek sucks(massive evidence on the net over the past 10+ years),
get a real NIC(no pun intended).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos/Linux Disk Caching, might be OT in some ways

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Ross Walker wrote:

> Even directio by itself won't do the trick, the OS needs to make sure
> the disk drives empties it's write cache and currently barriers are
> the only way to make sure of that.

Well I guess by the same token nobody in their right mind
would run an Oracle DB without a battery backed write cache :)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:

> nate, why not? Is it simply unavoidable at all costs to mount on system on
> another, over a WAN? That's all I really want todo

If what you have now works, stick with it.. in general network
file systems are very latency sensitive.

CIFS might work best *if* your using a WAN optimization appliance,
I'm not sure how much support NFS gets from those vendors.

iSCSI certainly is the worst, block devices are very intolerant of

AFS may be another option though quite a bit more complicated, as
far as I know it's a layer on top of an existing file system that
is used for things like replication

I have no experience with it myself.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:

> let's keep the question simple. WHICH filesystem would be best for this type
> of operation? SMB, NFS, or iSCSI?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:

> let's keep the question simple. WHICH filesystem would be best for this type
> of operation? SMB, NFS, or iSCSI?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos/Linux Disk Caching, might be OT in some ways

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Les Mikesell wrote:

> I wonder if the generally-horrible handling that linux has always done
> for fsync() is the real reason Oracle spun off their own distro?  Do
> they get it better?

Anyone in their right mind with Oracle would be using ASM and direct
I/O so I don't think it was related.

"The file system cache should be used to buffer non-Oracle I/O only.
Using it to attempt to enhance the caching of Oracle data just wastes
memory, and lots of it. Oracle can cache its own data much more
effectively than the operating system can. "

Which leads me back to my original response, forget about file
system cache if you want performance go for application level
caching whether it's DB caching or other caching like memcached
mentioned by someone.

Oracle did it because they wanted to control the entire stack.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

2010-01-28 Thread nate
Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to get some input from people who have used these options for
> mounting a remote server to a local server. Basically, I need to replicate /
> backup data from one server to another, but over the internet (i.e. insecure
> channels)

NFS and CIFS and iSCSI are all terrible for WAN backups(assuming
you don't have a WAN optimization appliance), tons of overhead.
Use rsync over SSH, or rsync over HPNSSH. I transfer over a TB of
data a day using rsync over HPNSSH across several WANs.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Installing an SSL Cert

2010-01-26 Thread nate
ML wrote:

> Since I have a domain that will be collecting data and processing payments.
> Where can I find instructions on how to install the certificate?

Depends on what web server software your running looks like godaddy
has quite a few sets of instructions

> Do I have to run another domain or sub domain for the store? Or can I just
> run the whole domain on https?

You can run the whole domain on http and https, normally what sites
would do is run the normal site in http, then have redirect/rewrite
rules setup so when a user goes to a part of the site that should
be "secure" then the site automatically sends them to the secure
version of that page.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Xen, Amazon, and /proc/cmdline

2010-01-26 Thread nate
Kurt Newman wrote:

> Is it /sbin/init?  I can't seem to find any reference of that in any man
> pages.  Essentially, I'm trying to short-circuit this boot process to
> execute a run level of my choosing, and not be forced to use 4.

it's probably the kernel itself calling the value defined in

For example when I go to single user mode I often specify
init=/bin/bash on the command line, which I'd expect would take
/sbin/init completely out of the loop.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Auto exit lftp on bash script

2010-01-26 Thread nate
Alan Hoffmeister wrote:
> Em 26/01/2010 16:54, Akemi Yagi escreveu:
>> lftp -u user,password -e "mirror --reverse --delete --only-newer
>> >  --verbose /var/bkp /test_bkp"
> Already tryed the && exit, but no sucess...

try ncftpput instead?

"The purpose of ncftpput is to do file transfers from the
command-line without entering an interactive shell. This lets
you write shell scripts or other unattended processes that can
do FTP. It is also useful for advanced users who want to send
files from the shell command line without entering an interactive
FTP program such as ncftp. "


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos/Linux Disk Caching, might be OT in some ways

2010-01-25 Thread nate
Noob Centos Admin wrote:

> The web application is written in PHP and runs off MySQL and/or
> Postgresql. So I don't think I can access the raw disk data directly,
> nor do I think it would be safe since that bypasses the DBMS's checks.

This is what I use for MySQL (among other things)

key_buffer = 50M
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 8M
table_cache = 1000
sort_buffer_size = 8M
read_buffer_size = 4M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
thread_cache = 40
query_cache_size = 256M

innodb_buffer_pool_size=20G <-- assumes you have a decent amount of ram,
this is the max I can set the buffers with 32G of RAM w/o swapping
innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT <-- this turns on Direct I/O
set-variable = tmpdir=/var/lib/mysql/tmp <- force tmp to be on the SAN
rather than local disk

Running MySQL 5.0.51a (built from SRPMS)


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: reliable secondary dns provider

2010-01-25 Thread nate
Eero Volotinen wrote:
> Sorry about a bit offtopic, but I am looking reliable (not free)
> secondary dns provider.

My company uses Dynect as primary and seconary though they can
do secondary as well

We also use their DNS based global load balancing as well.

So far 100% uptime(about 7-8 months of usage). Thousands of queries
per second.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos/Linux Disk Caching, might be OT in some ways

2010-01-24 Thread nate
Noob Centos Admin wrote:
> I'm trying to optimize some database app running on a CentOS server
> and wanted to confirm some things about the disk/file caching
> mechanism.

If you want a fast database forget about file system caching,
use Direct I/O and put your memory to better use - application
level caching.


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