Hi, all.

I'd like to introduce this open source email server solution here,
hope it can help people who need mail server solution.

Project: http://code.google.com/p/iredmail/

iRedMail is:
   * Mail server solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux and CentOS
     5.x, support both i386 and x86_64.
   * A shell script set, used to install and configure all mail server
     related software automatically.
   * Open source project (GPL v2).

Main Components:
   * Apache (2.2.3, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * PHP (5.1.6, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * MySQL (5.0.45, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * OpenLDAP (2.3.27, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * Postfix (2.3.15)
   * Dovecot (1.1.3)
   * Amavisd (2.6.1)
   * SpamAssassin (3.2.5, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * ClamAV (0.94)
   * Policyd (1.82, +patches)
   * Pysieved (1.0)

Features (http://code.google.com/p/iredmail/wiki/Features):

* Fast Deployment
   * Deploy full-featured mail solution in less than 2 minutes.

* Multi-platform Support
   * OS: RHEL/CentOS
   * Version: 5.x (5.0, 5.1, 5.2)
   * Arch: i386, x86_64

* Popular and standard protocols, mail user agent support
   * HTTP (access mailbox via web browser), HTTPS
   * SMTP, SMTPS, Submission
   * POP3, POP3S

* Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus
   * SPF (Sender Policy Framework) support.
   * DKIM support.
   * Greylist, Blacklist, Whitelist.
   * Blacklist HELO.
   * HELO Randomization Prevention (HRP).
   * Spamtrap.

* Sender & Recipient Throttling

* Recipient and Deliver Restrictions
   * Enable/Disable deliver.
   * Enable/Disable recipient;
   * Enable/Disable POP3;
   * Enable/Disable IMAP;

* Web Mail:
   * Roundcube Web Mail (0.1.1)
   * SquirrelMail (1.4.15)
   * Horde WebMail (1.0.2)

* Mail Server Management:
   * No limits on the number of domains or users.
   * Simple mail backup and monitor (per-user and per-domain).
   * Web based interface to manage
       * mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases.
       * MySQL database, LDAP.
   * Per-domain and per-user sent and recivied mail backup.
   * Provide mail statistics for mail server that produces daily,
     weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of received, sent, bounced and
     rejected mail.

Help needed:
   * PostfixAdmin improvement:
       - Add per-user and per-domain bcc feature, etc.
       - Ability to edit whitelist, blacklist in policyd's database.
   * Roundcube plugin:
       - Per-user blacklist (Implemented with policyd with 'rcpt_acl'

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

- eBooks, Free eBooks, RapidShare Download, Free eBooks Download, Fast
 and Reliable: http://www.ufindbook.com/

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