Hi all,
        Recently, after doing some maintenance on one of my servers
(Centos 5), I rebooted.  On reboot, it didn't find the SAN disks at all,
and after some poking around in maintenance mode, I discovered that it
couldn't find the Qlogic module.  It turns out that
/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/modules.alias, modules.dep and such were
all empty or just had their header comment lines.   moddep -a fixed
things up quickly enough once I figured out what was going on.

However, I'm kinda stumped as to how these files got nuked in the first
place.  It wasn't files being deleted completely, it's like they were
regenerated incorrectly.  Checking backups showed these files were last
changed (to their short form) on Feb 11; yum.log doesn't show any sign
of updates on that date, so presumably it wasn't something like a kernel
installation running amok.  

Does anyone have any theories as to what happened?   Random logical
guesses is fine ;-)


Craig Miskell,
Technical Support,
AgResearch Invermay
03 489-9279
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