Re: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

2008-02-13 Thread Alfred von Campe

On Feb 12, 2008, at 21:57, William L. Maltby wrote:

Check BIOS settings? For memory, CAS etc. the same? Disk hardware the
same and specified identically?

Pretty much all the same.  They are standard Lenovo desktops, with a  
3.4 GHz Core 2 Duo and 3 GB of memory (the BIOS doesn't let the OS  
address more than 3 GB).

Presumming that nothing is found there, install system accounting
packages and run some SAR reports. You may see a clue in them.

I will try that next.

Any tweaks on the old system you forgot to apply on the new?  

buffer flush interval changes, etc?

Nope, it's a vanilla kickstart install.  I am using the same scripts  
(with only slight variations) to build both the 4.x and 5.x systems.   
I didn't do anything to tune the 4.x systems.  That's one of the  
things I like about CentOS (and RHEL for that matter): they just work  
out of the box.  A build (make/gcc) is typically CPU bound.  I don't  
understand how it can get only 11% of the CPU.  That's unheard of.

Any other noticeable things on there that may cause it? Presume the
slowdown is caused by a process that you are not looking at. Hangs
while some other process is waiting or tying up the CPU. Try running

There is nothing else running on the systems at the time.  I have  
lots of terminal windows open on the 4.x system, but I am ssh'ed into  
the 5.x system and nobody else is logged in.  If anything, the 4.x  
system should be slower since there are many more things running on it.

I notice an execve shows on the new one that is not in the old. One  


The execve is in the other as well, just a few lines further down  
(i.e., it didn't make the cut when I did the head strace.log).

What does swapon -s show?

CentOS 4.6:
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 partition   4095992  
210592  -1

CentOS 5.1:
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 partition   3047416  
120 -1

Is the system seeing the same amount of memory available or have
BIOS settings in one reduced available?

CentOS 4.6:
MemTotal:  3113612 kB
MemFree: 24868 kB
Buffers: 23164 kB
Cached:2428508 kB
SwapCached: 136108 kB
Active:1685808 kB
Inactive:  1257004 kB
HighTotal: 2226560 kB
HighFree: 1088 kB
LowTotal:   887052 kB

CentOS 5.1:
MemTotal:  3114452 kB
MemFree:   2722528 kB
Buffers: 84592 kB
Cached: 174804 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
Active: 187084 kB
Inactive:   137220 kB
HighTotal: 2226560 kB
HighFree:  1972860 kB
LowTotal:   887892 kB

If all new equipment on the new one, open her up and reseat all
connections, PCI cards and mem sticks. Make sure all power connectors
are well seated to MB and drives.

I will double check that.  I may also try to install 4.6 on the HW  
that is currently running 5.1 and see if there is a problem.  With my  
kickstart scripts I can have the system up and running in less than  
30 minutes.  That is probably the best next step to rule out any HW  
issues.  I'll do that as soon as I get into the office.

Front side bus and memory speeds set the same in BIOS?

Should be.

That's all I can think of that may be even remotely related ATM

Thanks for all the excellent suggestions, Bill.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

2008-02-13 Thread Nicolas Sahlqvist
On Feb 13, 2008 5:35 PM, Masters IT Gmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having the same problem about performance issue, well perhaps it is
 because I have slow memory, I have  a P4 HT with 256mb DDR 400 and HD 40
 today I reinstalled the -OS Centos 5.1 final with gnome. I don´t know if
 is okay to have only 4 megs of ram free. Perhaps I need more ram because I
 am using gnome I ask because is the first time I probe linux in my desktop
 pc, I note that is acting slow what do you think?

 There are some ways to free up some memory in order to better adjust my os
 with a minimum amount of ram like 256mb. This pc is for learning, so I
 know if it deserves buying more memory but your experience is more than

 Thanks in advance.

 George from Uruguay.


I'm fairly confident your system is swapping and thereby causing the issue,
you can check it out with dstat for example. A old 40 GB harddrive is not
improving the situation, I'm sure iostat (part of the sysstat RPM package)
will tell you by showing a high await value. You need at least 512 MB to run
just Gnome in a resonable paste, you may want to consider some lightweight
window manager such as xfce4, blackbox etc.

- Nicolas
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

2008-02-13 Thread nate
Masters IT Gmail wrote:
 I am having the same problem about performance issue, well perhaps it is
 because I have slow memory, I have  a P4 HT with 256mb DDR 400 and HD 40 gb,
 today I reinstalled the -OS Centos 5.1 final with gnome. I don´t know if it
 is okay to have only 4 megs of ram free. Perhaps I need more ram because I
 am using gnome I ask because is the first time I probe linux in my desktop
 pc, I note that is acting slow what do you think?

I think you should have at least double the memory of what you have.
Even 512MB is light for a modern GNOME desktop (I recently re-built
an older Athlon 1300 w/512MB ram for my mother and 512MB wouldn't
get the system responsive enough for me to use on a regular basis,
though she was used to slower computers anyways so it was still an

Or don't use gnome, there are plenty of other window managers out
there(I'm a fan of Afterstep for example) that provide less things
but at the same time use far less resources.

Of course if you try to run stuff like firefox, open office etc
you'll still run into a memory wall pretty quick. Opera is a good
choice for low memory systems. I'm sure there are others as well.



CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

2008-02-13 Thread Masters IT Gmail
Thanks nate! Know I really understand how this Works, okay maybe a little
more than yesterday, hehe. So I am going to buy some extra memory in order
to keep with my Linux study, thanks for all I really appreciate you help.

-Mensaje original-
de nate
Enviado el: Miércoles, 13 de Febrero de 2008 02:54 p.m.
Asunto: RE: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

Masters IT Gmail wrote:
 I am having the same problem about performance issue, well perhaps it is
 because I have slow memory, I have  a P4 HT with 256mb DDR 400 and HD 40
 today I reinstalled the -OS Centos 5.1 final with gnome. I don´t know if
 is okay to have only 4 megs of ram free. Perhaps I need more ram because I
 am using gnome I ask because is the first time I probe linux in my desktop
 pc, I note that is acting slow what do you think?

I think you should have at least double the memory of what you have.
Even 512MB is light for a modern GNOME desktop (I recently re-built
an older Athlon 1300 w/512MB ram for my mother and 512MB wouldn't
get the system responsive enough for me to use on a regular basis,
though she was used to slower computers anyways so it was still an

Or don't use gnome, there are plenty of other window managers out
there(I'm a fan of Afterstep for example) that provide less things
but at the same time use far less resources.

Of course if you try to run stuff like firefox, open office etc
you'll still run into a memory wall pretty quick. Opera is a good
choice for low memory systems. I'm sure there are others as well.



CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Strange performance issues under CentOS 5.1

2008-02-12 Thread William L. Maltby
On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 21:15 -0500, Alfred von Campe wrote:
 I am still running CentOS 4.6 on our production systems, but I am  
 starting to plan the upgrade to CentOS 5.1.  I have one test system  
 running 5.1 that is the exact same hardware configuration as my 4.6  
 test system.  One of our builds runs about 6 times slower on the 5.1  
 system, even though is uses less overall CPU time.  I first suspected  
 something wrong with the disk, but the results from bonnie++ show  
 that the 5.1 system is slightly faster:
Version  1.03   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential  
 Input- --Random-
-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- -- 
 Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec % 
 CP  /sec %CP
centos4.6   16G   35933  10 21301   5
 46507   6  41.8   0
Version  1.03   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential  
 Input- --Random-
-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- -- 
 Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec % 
 CP  /sec %CP
centos5.1   16G   42015  14 21179   5
 49863   4  91.6   0
 Then I ran the build with /usr/bin/time --verbose, and here are the  
 results (first 4.6 then 5.1):
  Command being timed: make
  User time (seconds): 32.15
  System time (seconds): 3.52
  Percent of CPU this job got: 99%
  Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:35.88
  Command being timed: make
  User time (seconds): 22.05
  System time (seconds): 3.11
  Percent of CPU this job got: 11%
  Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 3:31.35
 As you can see from the above, there is a lot of idle time on the 5.1  
 system.  Finally, I ran the build with strace -c, and here are the  
 top ten lines of that output (again, 4.6 first and then 5.1):
 % time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
 -- --- --- - - 
   53.81   16.804147   54916   30658 waitpid
   34.75   10.853461   82851   131   wait4
5.291.650844   9177706154581 open
1.610.503701  15 34408   read
0.910.283706  15 18607   write
0.600.185894  12 14919 10364 stat64
0.520.163340  10 16495  9079 access
0.470.146933   7 20581   mmap2
 % time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
 -- --- --- - - 
   60.07   15.173924   52687   28858 waitpid
   38.509.724412   83831   116   wait4
0.540.135194   7 19199 10705 access
0.360.090850  54  1681  1334 execve
0.270.067686   5 14423 10570 stat64
0.110.027676   1 24832   read
0.090.022339   0155810135765 open
0.030.007617 15948   unlink
 Any suggestions as to what could possible be causing this?  I am  
 fresh out of other ideas to try.

Check BIOS settings? For memory, CAS etc. the same? Disk hardware the
same and specified identically?

Presumming that nothing is found there, install system accounting
packages and run some SAR reports. You may see a clue in them.

Any tweaks on the old system you forgot to apply on the new? Elevator,
buffer flush interval changes, etc?

Any other noticeable things on there that may cause it? Presume the
slowdown is caused by a process that you are not looking at. Hangs
while some other process is waiting or tying up the CPU. Try running

I notice an execve shows on the new one that is not in the old. One says

What does swapon -s show?

Is the system seeing the same amount of memory available or have
BIOS settings in one reduced available?

If all new equipment on the new one, open her up and reseat all
connections, PCI cards and mem sticks. Make sure all power connectors
are well seated to MB and drives.

Front side bus and memory speeds set the same in BIOS?

That's all I can think of that may be even remotely related ATM

 snip sig stuff


CentOS mailing list