Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var [SOLVED]

2008-12-12 Thread Lanny Marcus
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 3:02 AM, MHR  wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 16:14 -0800, MHR wrote:
>>> I found it - there has to be a /var/lib/nfs directory with a few
>>> subdirectories under it.  Once I had created them all, I could run
>>> rpc.statd, and that unfroze everything.
>>> Thanks to all, esp. Bill for mentioning rpc - that was the clue for me.
>> Thanks I needed that! You know that one "Aw Shit" wipes out 1000 "'Atta
>> Boys". Now I have one in the bank - 999 to go!  ;-)
> So, like an idiot, after I had everything back up and running, I tried
> it again.  It _couldn't_ happen twice.
> It didn't.  The second time it trashed the root file system.  I
> managed to save the one hierarchy I needed the most, and tomorrow I'm
> reinstalling from scratch.
> Live and learn - I hope

Sorry! This may get you to run some Diagnostics from the manufacturer
of the Hard Drive in that box. Since it installed  OK, on your box at
home, it is something you probably/possibly could have thought would
have gone OK on your Workstation at work.
Brings up my earlier suggestion of trying it on VMWare Server. My
experience with stuff from RPMforge is that it works AOK, but, I've
never tried that particular package.

A gentle reminder to backup your Workstation. Years ago, a colleague
of mine was working in the Northeast. She hadn't backed up for a long
time (A *very* smart woman, but not to have backed up is *wrong*). One
day, there was a problem with her PC and a Tech came and reformatted
the hard drive. She lost months of work..
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var [SOLVED]

2008-12-12 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Mhr wrote on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:14:24 -0800:

> I found it

please, urgent or not, solved or not, please keep it in the thread next 
time. Thanks.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var [SOLVED]

2008-12-12 Thread William L. Maltby

On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 00:02 -0800, MHR wrote:

> > Thanks I needed that! You know that one "Aw Shit" wipes out 1000 "'Atta
> > Boys". Now I have one in the bank - 999 to go!  ;-)
> >
> So, like an idiot, after I had everything back up and running, I tried
> it again.  It _couldn't_ happen twice.
> It didn't.  The second time it trashed the root file system.  I

 Current Atta Boy account balance: 0

> managed to save the one hierarchy I needed the most, and tomorrow I'm
> reinstalling from scratch.
> Live and learn - I hope

As you might guess, I truly have empathy here.

> mhr


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var [SOLVED]

2008-12-12 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:35 PM, William L. Maltby
> On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 16:14 -0800, MHR wrote:
>> I found it - there has to be a /var/lib/nfs directory with a few
>> subdirectories under it.  Once I had created them all, I could run
>> rpc.statd, and that unfroze everything.
>> Thanks to all, esp. Bill for mentioning rpc - that was the clue for me.
> Thanks I needed that! You know that one "Aw Shit" wipes out 1000 "'Atta
> Boys". Now I have one in the bank - 999 to go!  ;-)

So, like an idiot, after I had everything back up and running, I tried
it again.  It _couldn't_ happen twice.

It didn't.  The second time it trashed the root file system.  I
managed to save the one hierarchy I needed the most, and tomorrow I'm
reinstalling from scratch.

Live and learn - I hope

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var [SOLVED]

2008-12-11 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 16:14 -0800, MHR wrote:
> I found it - there has to be a /var/lib/nfs directory with a few
> subdirectories under it.  Once I had created them all, I could run
> rpc.statd, and that unfroze everything.
> Thanks to all, esp. Bill for mentioning rpc - that was the clue for me.

Thanks I needed that! You know that one "Aw Shit" wipes out 1000 "'Atta
Boys". Now I have one in the bank - 999 to go!  ;-)

> mhr

Glad it helped out.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:29 PM, William L. Maltby
> /etc/hosts permissions OK? I ask because it should be worl-readable
> and you sudo'd it.
It is - I was overdoing it

> IIRC (it's been a long time), the RPC stuff needs to be running for nfs
> locks, status, etc. Are they? I can't confirm this because I don't have
> any nfs stuff running.
> But I don't recall whether server/clioent needs any/all on one or both.
> Anyway, that and portmap? Not sure. /etc/hosts/{deny,allow} come into
> play if portmap is in use.
> I don't recall dinking with the nfs service, so I ps'd it.
> rpc   2284 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 portmap
> rpcuser   2310 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 rpc.statd
> root  2356 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 rpc.idmapd
> Maybe that gives a clue?

I get (psg = ps -ef | grep -i):

[mrich...@swordfish ~]$ psg rpc
rpc   5786 1  0 14:32 ?00:00:00 portmap
root  593711  0 14:32 ?00:00:00 [rpciod/0]
root  593811  0 14:32 ?00:00:00 [rpciod/1]

> Showmounts might help you out (server side only?).
I'm listed there (it's 'showmount' though :-).

I am now certain that this is an nfs issue, but I haven't a clue where
to look.  I noticed that my backup system had a
/var/lock/subsys/nfslock file, so I touched it over here.  I think
it's running a little faster, but it's still like tar whenever one of
my home dir files gets touched (which is a lot, since most apps use
their . files for local storage).

Any nfs gurus here?


Thanks to everyone so far

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread William L. Maltby

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 14:46 -0800, MHR wrote:

> [mrich...@swordfish ~]$ sudo cat /etc/hosts
> # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
> # that require network functionality will fail.
>   localhost localhost.localdomain
> ::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
>   swordfish

/etc/hosts permissions OK? I ask because it should be worl-readable
and you sudo'd it.


> During startup now, the only process that fails is NFS statd, which
> probably fits right into the above, but I know zip about this area.

IIRC (it's been a long time), the RPC stuff needs to be running for nfs
locks, status, etc. Are they? I can't confirm this because I don't have
any nfs stuff running.

But I don't recall whether server/clioent needs any/all on one or both.

Anyway, that and portmap? Not sure. /etc/hosts/{deny,allow} come into
play if portmap is in use.

I don't recall dinking with the nfs service, so I ps'd it.

rpc   2284 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 portmap
rpcuser   2310 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 rpc.statd
root  2356 1  0 05:36 ?00:00:00 rpc.idmapd

Maybe that gives a clue?

Showmounts might help you out (server side only?).

> Any suggestions?  This wasn't happening before, and it doesn't happen
> on my backup machine at all (surprise!).



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Toby Bluhm  wrote:
> MHR wrote:
> Gnome at one time (RH9 days I think) was painfully slow to start after a
> hostname change, until it udpated itself in all places - or whatever it
> was doing. Is your hostname & /etc/hosts still intact? If it's been up
> for a while, I would expect it to resolve itself already. That's how it
> used to was anyway.

All that looks ok so far.

> Nothing in the log files? top show anything of interest?

Just this, in /var/log/messages:

Dec 11 14:38:07 swordfish kernel: statd: server localhost not
responding, timed out
Dec 11 14:38:07 swordfish kernel: lockd: cannot monitor
Dec 11 14:38:07 swordfish kernel: lockd: failed to monitor
Dec 11 14:38:37 swordfish kernel: statd: server localhost not
responding, timed out
Dec 11 14:38:37 swordfish kernel: lockd: cannot monitor
Dec 11 14:38:37 swordfish kernel: lockd: failed to monitor
Dec 11 14:42:06 swordfish kernel: statd: server localhost not
responding, timed out
Dec 11 14:42:06 swordfish kernel: lockd: cannot monitor
Dec 11 14:42:06 swordfish kernel: lockd: failed to monitor

This happens a lot. is our internal /home nfs machine, so
that might be involved (slow access to /home can cause a lot of
problems).  I don't know why localhost would be a problem.  Here's my
/etc/hosts and ifconfig output:

[mrich...@swordfish ~]$ sudo cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.   localhost localhost.localdomain
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost   swordfish
[mrich...@swordfish ~]$ ifc
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1C:C0:1F:5E:38
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::21c:c0ff:fe1f:5e38/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:31680 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:28897 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:25685445 (24.4 MiB)  TX bytes:15109432 (14.4 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:363 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:363 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:33380 (32.5 KiB)  TX bytes:33380 (32.5 KiB)

sit0  Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
  NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

vmnet8Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:C0:00:08
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::250:56ff:fec0:8/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:82 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

During startup now, the only process that fails is NFS statd, which
probably fits right into the above, but I know zip about this area.

Any suggestions?  This wasn't happening before, and it doesn't happen
on my backup machine at all (surprise!).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Scott Silva  wrote:
> WOW... We have to actually "work" on our workstations!
> There is a DVD player in the breakroom if we need it.   ;-P

It WAS work related.  Honest!  You do believe me, don't you?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Scott Silva
on 12-11-2008 1:01 PM Rob Townley spake the following:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Lanny Marcus 
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, MHR 
>>  wrote:
> unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.
>>> Hm - well, _I_ never do that, and I rather doubt that yum >did, either,
>> Since you got it from rpmforge, I assume it was an rpm and not a tar file.
>>> but I suppose that would depend on what's in libdvdcss.  >I find it
>>> hard to believe that it wasn't something else more >subtle with k3b,
>>> but, again, who knows?
>> Or, more probably, with the libdvdcss
>>> 1) I did ask on the rpmforge list.  Waiting to hear back from there, too.
>>> 2) I am just now beginning to really appreciate >virtualization.
>> A bunch of the gurus on this list use it. If I had a box with more
>> RAM, I would try it.
>>> Still, past experience told me this would not be a >problem.  I guess
>>> that would best be described as naive
>> I think since it works OK on your Desktop at home, that's not so
>> naive. But, the HW is different and something may be awry on the HW on
>> your Workstation at work. Or, there may have been a power glitch,
>> while you were installing the SW. Is your Workstation on a UPS? Been
>> using K3b for a long time here and never a disaster, like you
>> experienced today.
>> ___
>> CentOS mailing list
> Virtualization is great and all, but not sure that watching a dvd on a
> virtual machine would work so well.
WOW... We have to actually "work" on our workstations!
There is a DVD player in the breakroom if we need it.   ;-P

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Toby Bluhm
MHR wrote:
> It doesn't.  It seems, though, that it is GNOME that is painfully slow
> to start any thing up, and when it is doing so, it hampers everything
> else to some extent.  Slow as in it takes minutes to load programs
> instead of milliseconds

Gnome at one time (RH9 days I think) was painfully slow to start after a 
hostname change, until it udpated itself in all places - or whatever it 
was doing. Is your hostname & /etc/hosts still intact? If it's been up 
for a while, I would expect it to resolve itself already. That's how it 
used to was anyway.

Nothing in the log files? top show anything of interest?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Jeff
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:01 PM, MHR  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:29 PM, MHR  wrote:
>> I managed to get a partial solution running.  I rebooted from my
>> installation DVD and started to run an upgrade, but when it got to the
>> reboot part, I booted back to the DVD and ran 'linux rescue'.  I'm not
>> entirely sure what it did besides mangle my /etc/fstab (lost the nfs
>> /home mount), but I just happened to have a backup, so I remounted
>> /home and now everything seems to be working.
>> The system is deathly slow in some areas.  OOo and Evolution take
>> forever to do the simplest things, although Seamonkey and the xterms
>> are working just fine.  I'm going to reboot again to see if that makes
>> any difference.
> It doesn't.  It seems, though, that it is GNOME that is painfully slow
> to start any thing up, and when it is doing so, it hampers everything
> else to some extent.  Slow as in it takes minutes to load programs
> instead of milliseconds

Are you sure your hard disk is healthy?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Rob Townley
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Lanny Marcus  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, MHR  wrote:
 unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.
>> Hm - well, _I_ never do that, and I rather doubt that yum >did, either,
> Since you got it from rpmforge, I assume it was an rpm and not a tar file.
>> but I suppose that would depend on what's in libdvdcss.  >I find it
>> hard to believe that it wasn't something else more >subtle with k3b,
>> but, again, who knows?
> Or, more probably, with the libdvdcss
>> 1) I did ask on the rpmforge list.  Waiting to hear back from there, too.
>> 2) I am just now beginning to really appreciate >virtualization.
> A bunch of the gurus on this list use it. If I had a box with more
> RAM, I would try it.
>> Still, past experience told me this would not be a >problem.  I guess
>> that would best be described as naive
> I think since it works OK on your Desktop at home, that's not so
> naive. But, the HW is different and something may be awry on the HW on
> your Workstation at work. Or, there may have been a power glitch,
> while you were installing the SW. Is your Workstation on a UPS? Been
> using K3b for a long time here and never a disaster, like you
> experienced today.
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Virtualization is great and all, but not sure that watching a dvd on a
virtual machine would work so well.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:29 PM, MHR  wrote:
> I managed to get a partial solution running.  I rebooted from my
> installation DVD and started to run an upgrade, but when it got to the
> reboot part, I booted back to the DVD and ran 'linux rescue'.  I'm not
> entirely sure what it did besides mangle my /etc/fstab (lost the nfs
> /home mount), but I just happened to have a backup, so I remounted
> /home and now everything seems to be working.
> The system is deathly slow in some areas.  OOo and Evolution take
> forever to do the simplest things, although Seamonkey and the xterms
> are working just fine.  I'm going to reboot again to see if that makes
> any difference.

It doesn't.  It seems, though, that it is GNOME that is painfully slow
to start any thing up, and when it is doing so, it hampers everything
else to some extent.  Slow as in it takes minutes to load programs
instead of milliseconds

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Rob Townley  wrote:
> Was SELINUX in enforcing mode?  Rebuilding directories and files that
> previously had mandatory labels seems like it would cause problems
> until labels were reapplied.

I have SELinux turned off.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Rob Townley
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:56 PM, MHR  wrote:
> I am running CentOS 5/2 (latest updates) with the GNOME DE on a 32-bit
> machine (at work).
> I have k3b installed, and I was trying to copy a DVD earlier this
> morning, but k3b said it couldn't read encrypted DVDs.
> So, I installed libdvdcss from rpmforge and restarted k3b.  It hung
> the system.  I rebooted, and / had been damaged.  After running e2fsck
> from the repair prompt, I rebooted and a whole slew of errors
> revolving around various /var directories that did not ecist occurred.
> I have been trying to repair /var, and so far with a fair modicum of
> success, but I've hit an interesting wall - two, actually.
> 1) The gdm refuses to come up.  It claims that "Server Authorization
> directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm, but this does not
> exist"
> However:
> # ll -d /var/gdm
> drwxrwx--T 2 root gdm 4096 Dec 11 10:31 /var/gdm
> # ll /var/gdm
> total 8
> -rw-r- 1 root root 45 Nov 26 10:47 :0.Xauth
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63 Dec 11 09:14 :0.Xservers
> This is identical to my backup system (which is not surprising - I set
> up the dir and copied the files from here - was that a bad idea?).
> 2) The following daemons fail to start: auditd, NFS statd, avahi and
> HAL.  I've tried to pin down why the avahi daemon won't start because
> it keeps logging permissions errors trying to create the pid file
> /var/run/avahi-daemon//pid, but the setup of /var /var/run and
> /var/run/avahi-daemon are all identical to this (backup) machine.  Any
> suggestions?
> Or is there a better, more comprehensive repair facility available?
> BTW, OT: Does anyone know why this might have happened?  I have all
> this installed at home, no problems whatsoever (libdvdcss works
> seamlessly with all my DVD tools, including k3b).
> Thanks!
> mhr
> ___
> CentOS mailing list

Was SELINUX in enforcing mode?  Rebuilding directories and files that
previously had mandatory labels seems like it would cause problems
until labels were reapplied.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Lanny Marcus
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, MHR  wrote:

>>> unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.
> Hm - well, _I_ never do that, and I rather doubt that yum >did, either,

Since you got it from rpmforge, I assume it was an rpm and not a tar file.

> but I suppose that would depend on what's in libdvdcss.  >I find it
> hard to believe that it wasn't something else more >subtle with k3b,
> but, again, who knows?

Or, more probably, with the libdvdcss

> 1) I did ask on the rpmforge list.  Waiting to hear back from there, too.
> 2) I am just now beginning to really appreciate >virtualization.

A bunch of the gurus on this list use it. If I had a box with more
RAM, I would try it.

> Still, past experience told me this would not be a >problem.  I guess
> that would best be described as naive

I think since it works OK on your Desktop at home, that's not so
naive. But, the HW is different and something may be awry on the HW on
your Workstation at work. Or, there may have been a power glitch,
while you were installing the SW. Is your Workstation on a UPS? Been
using K3b for a long time here and never a disaster, like you
experienced today.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
I managed to get a partial solution running.  I rebooted from my
installation DVD and started to run an upgrade, but when it got to the
reboot part, I booted back to the DVD and ran 'linux rescue'.  I'm not
entirely sure what it did besides mangle my /etc/fstab (lost the nfs
/home mount), but I just happened to have a backup, so I remounted
/home and now everything seems to be working.


The system is deathly slow in some areas.  OOo and Evolution take
forever to do the simplest things, although Seamonkey and the xterms
are working just fine.  I'm going to reboot again to see if that makes
any difference.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread MHR
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Lanny Marcus  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Robert Nichols
>  wrote:
>> A common cause of failures like that is damaged directory permissions
>> near the top of the filesystem hierarchy, often as a result of
>> unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.

Hm - well, _I_ never do that, and I rather doubt that yum did, either,
but I suppose that would depend on what's in libdvdcss.  I find it
hard to believe that it wasn't something else more subtle with k3b,
but, again, who knows?

> Mark: If you trace it back to the libdvdcss package from rpmforge,
> notify them about it. Strange that it works OK for you at home and you
> hosed your Workstation at work, but that's Murphy's Law. Good luck
> getting it working! Possibly try this again, under VMWare, when you
> are relaxed and want to see if it can be recreated. Lanny

1) I did ask on the rpmforge list.  Waiting to hear back from there, too.

2) I am just now beginning to really appreciate virtualization.
Still, past experience told me this would not be a problem.  I guess
that would best be described as naive

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Lanny Marcus
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Robert Nichols
> MHR wrote:
>> I am running CentOS 5/2 (latest updates) with the GNOME DE on a 32-bit
>> machine (at work).
>> I have k3b installed, and I was trying to copy a DVD earlier this
>> morning, but k3b said it couldn't read encrypted DVDs.
>> So, I installed libdvdcss from rpmforge and restarted k3b.  It hung

> A common cause of failures like that is damaged directory permissions
> near the top of the filesystem hierarchy, often as a result of
> unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.

Mark: If you trace it back to the libdvdcss package from rpmforge,
notify them about it. Strange that it works OK for you at home and you
hosed your Workstation at work, but that's Murphy's Law. Good luck
getting it working! Possibly try this again, under VMWare, when you
are relaxed and want to see if it can be recreated. Lanny
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

2008-12-11 Thread Robert Nichols
MHR wrote:
> I am running CentOS 5/2 (latest updates) with the GNOME DE on a 32-bit
> machine (at work).
> I have k3b installed, and I was trying to copy a DVD earlier this
> morning, but k3b said it couldn't read encrypted DVDs.
> So, I installed libdvdcss from rpmforge and restarted k3b.  It hung
> the system.  I rebooted, and / had been damaged.  After running e2fsck
> from the repair prompt, I rebooted and a whole slew of errors
> revolving around various /var directories that did not ecist occurred.
> I have been trying to repair /var, and so far with a fair modicum of
> success, but I've hit an interesting wall - two, actually.
> 1) The gdm refuses to come up.  It claims that "Server Authorization
> directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm, but this does not
> exist"
> However:
> # ll -d /var/gdm
> drwxrwx--T 2 root gdm 4096 Dec 11 10:31 /var/gdm
> # ll /var/gdm
> total 8
> -rw-r- 1 root root 45 Nov 26 10:47 :0.Xauth
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63 Dec 11 09:14 :0.Xservers

A common cause of failures like that is damaged directory permissions
near the top of the filesystem hierarchy, often as a result of
unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.

Bob Nichols "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
 Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list