Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Sean Gilligan wrote:
>> I've created an outline for the article and labeled it as DRAFT, but 
>> probably won't have time to do any more work till this weekend.  
> Are you still with us?

Yeah, I'm still here.  I've just gotten real busy.  I have some really 
basic notes from my first OpenJDK install that I could put into the doc 
quickly, but I wanted to do another full install to verify and add detail.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-05-04 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Go wild.

There are different sorts of wild animals in the world.  I may be more 
of a turtle than a hare on this one  -- I'm going to re-install CentOS 
and redo the install from scratch with my notes from last time.  I also 
posted on the general mailing list to see if anyone has any experience 
they want to share.

I've created an outline for the article and labeled it as DRAFT, but 
probably won't have time to do any more work till this weekend.  I'm 
glad you didn't make any of the other changes yet.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-05-04 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Sean Gilligan wrote:
>> the Java section or sub-tree should start with 
>> two articles to keep it simple and not create too much work (for me).  
> Do you have a suggestion for page URLs? 

For the new article:

The existing article should move (with a redirect) to:

Of course, these are just suggestions.  Alternatives to "Other"  are 
"Commercial",  "NonOpen",   "SunIBM", and "3rdParty".  I suppose we 
could also add a "Pre53" into the URL if we really want to emphasize 
that this is for past versions of CentOS.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-04-30 Thread Sean Gilligan
R P Herrold wrote:
> Sean, I think you are on the right track;  I would refactor 
> the java articles into a couple of them in a sub-tree, with 
> a chooser at the head, probably forming on pre/post 5.3, and 
> on Method A and Method B, to better handle sub issues, and aid 
> maintenance.

Thanks, Russ.  I think the Java section or sub-tree should start with 
two articles to keep it simple and not create too much work (for me).  
It will be an incremental improvement and we can always split things in 
to more articles later.

> The 'political' background on Java and the absence of a Four 
> Freedoms freely availabile test suite
... snip ...
> This opposition does not mean I oppose Java and its use; it is 
> just not FOSS.

This would be a reason for some to continue using the GCJ VM.  Thanks 
for the information.  This should (continue to) be addressed in the Wiki 
as it might direct different users to different HowTo's.  Perhaps 
someone will write a GCJ or pure-FOSS Java HowTo that could be added to 
the section.

>   I am pleased to see that the java application I 
> use (also using the AWT) 'just works' under 5.3 with the 
> addition of some fonts; when I have time I'll narrow down just 
> what I need in a minimal install.

I look forward to seeing that.

--- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-04-30 Thread Sean Gilligan
Phil Schaffner wrote:
> I have 
> built/rebuilt-from-SRPM a lot of Java packages over the years using the 
> HowTo or variations on that theme, so I'm chiming in anyway.

And I'm assuming that you're hoping those days are behind you?  Also, am 
I correct in assuming that almost nobody uses the Java VM from GCJ?

>> Russ Herrold added the "special note" on OpenJDK, hopefully he will 
>> chime in.
>> Sorry, again for the long-winded proposal.  To make a real quick summary 
>> of what I'm suggesting:
>> 1) Move the current HowTo to a new Java Section
>> 2) Create a new NowTo for OpenJDK on CentOS 5.3 and later
> Makes sense to me, but the older 5.x stuff should be moved out of the 
> main article to a footnote, or better yet to a "Legacy" [sub]page to 
> avoid confusion - if it is to be kept at all.

Yes, that's why I'm advocating a Java section and (initially) two 
HowTo's.  One for the older "legacy" approach, and one for the new 
OpenJDK approach.

> +1 with the caveat that plugins are not provided by the upstream 
> packages.  Sounds like a CentOSplus candidate, or we are forced to point 
> people to 3rd party repos for browser plugins that IMHO really ought to 
> be part of the core.

Thanks for the information.  The OpenJDK HowTo should have a section 
that addresses browser plugin issues.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Sean Gilligan wrote:
>> In "Wiki Access Request for Java How To's" I mentioned that I wanted to 
>> create a Java HowTo section on the wiki.  I'd like to provide a more 
>> detailed proposal for adding more Java documentation.
>> Proposed Changes
>> Sorry for the lengthy background info, but I think it helps explain what 
>> I want to do.
> Maybe someone with a bit better java background than I have would like to 
> chime in?

Russ Herrold added the "special note" on OpenJDK, hopefully he will 
chime in.

Sorry, again for the long-winded proposal.  To make a real quick summary 
of what I'm suggesting:

1) Move the current HowTo to a new Java Section
2) Create a new NowTo for OpenJDK on CentOS 5.3 and later

The current HowTo describes various methods of installing Sun or IBM's 
commercial Java.

OpenJDK makes CentOS 5.3 the first version of CentOS to have a built-in 
Java that is fully compatible with Sun's latest Java.  This is a 
significant change from earlier releases and for most 5.3 users makes 
the previous HowTo obsolete.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] NOSPAM on personal home pages not working as expected

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Gilligan
Sean Gilligan wrote:
> I just setup a personal  home page and the template had a section that 
> I edited to look like this:
> [[MailTo(sean AT SPAMFREE msgilligan DOT com)]]
> I assumed it would use JavaScript to protect my e-mail address, but 
> when I view source on the page it's right there:
> Email:  href="";>

Oops, sorry -- I see that logged-in users (like me) can see the 
addresses directly, but non-logged in users can't.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] NOSPAM on personal home pages not working as expected

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
I just setup a personal  home page and the template had a section that I 
edited to look like this:
[[MailTo(sean AT SPAMFREE msgilligan DOT com)]]

I assumed it would use JavaScript to protect my e-mail address, but when 
I view source on the page it's right there:


Not a big issue, as I have a pretty good filter, but I thought I'd let 
the admins know.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Request for Personal Home Page

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Sean Gilligan wrote:
>> I see that I'm supposed to 
>> setup a Personal Homepage, but I'm not allowed to edit that page.
> Now you are.
Thanks!  I set up something pretty minimal: - should do for now...

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] Request for Personal Home Page

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
Hi Ralph,

In reviewing the wiki editing guidelines, I see that I'm supposed to 
setup a Personal Homepage, but I'm not allowed to edit that page.



CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] Proposal: Java HowTo Section

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
In "Wiki Access Request for Java How To's" I mentioned that I wanted to 
create a Java HowTo section on the wiki.  I'd like to provide a more 
detailed proposal for adding more Java documentation.

Summary of Current Java HowTo

Currently there is a single Java How To in the "Misc" section, called 
"HowTos/JavaOnCentOS".  Since I am new to CentOS the first thing I did 
was look in the Table of Contents for HowTos and didn't see "Java" 
listed.  Fortunately, I searched the page for "Java" and found the 
article.  For this reason, and more because I hope that there will soon 
be multiple Java HowTos, I think creating a Java section is a good idea.

The current HowTo is titled "HowTo Install Java on CentOS 4 and CentOS 
5" and its focus is on installing closed source Java Development Kit 
(JDK) versions from Sun and IBM on CentOS 4.x and 5.x with instructions 
that were tested on 4.7 and 5.2.  Section 2, called "Method One: A 
simple approach" links to an external page that details downloading the 
RPM version of the Sun JDK and installing it.Section 3, called 
"Method  Two:  a less simple  approach" begins with the warning "The 
following wiki section section needs a maintainer, as it is not actively 
maintained as of 11 Oct 2007.  JDK 1.6 section updated and verified by 
MikaelFridh 11 Jul 2008."Section 3.1, recommends the same approach 
as in Section 2 for desktop users, only developer and server systems 
should follow the steps in the rest of the section.  The rest of section 
3 explains how to download various non-RPM versions of Java from Sun and 
IBM, use jpackage-utils to build RPMs and then install them on your system.

Section 1, "Preliminary material" talks about licensing issues with Java 
that existed prior to OpenJDK.  It then has a "SPECIAL NOTE" that CentOS 
5.3 and alter have OpenJDK and talks briefly about how to install  OpenJDK.

There is no discussion (that I know of) talking about the GCJ version of 
Java.  I assume that is because almost nobody uses it...

My Experience, Priorities and Motivations
I've been doing server-side Java development and deployment on Linux 
since 2001, initially on Red Hat and then on Fedora.  My approach has 
been the following:

1. Install Fedora Linux
2. Install Sun JDK RPM ("Method One: A simple approach" in current HowTo)
3. Install my custom Tomcat RPM (currently using Tomcat 6)
4. Install WARs into Tomcat

I am now experimenting with (and hoping to convert completely) to the 
following approach:

1. Install CentOS 5.3+
2. Install OpenJDK
3. Install CentOS-bundled tomcat5 and supporting RPMS
4. Install WARs into Tomcat

I am hoping this new approach works well enough for me to convert 
entirely to the new tool-chain, and am interested in improving both the 
software and the documentation on CentOS.  I don't have unlimited time 
to devote to this, and I may have to rethink steps #2 or #3 in the 
tool-chain if I run into intractable problems.  I suppose it's possible 
I might end up updating and possibly contributing my Tomcat 6 RPM if I 
find problems with the tomcat5 RPM in CentOS.  Preliminary tests have 
found no problems.

I'm also interested in using and contributing to the Java development 
tool-chain on CentOS, but that will have to wait as I don't want to get 
spread any thinner.

The Community's Priorities
Since I'm new to the CentOS community, I don't really know what people's 
priorities are.  I suspect, though, that they're not too different from 
mine.  If the current documentation is any indication, I see the same 
movement from installing the closed-source JDKs to using OpenJDK on 
CentOS 5.3 and later.  It's sad in many ways that it took Sun so long to 
get a good Java included in Linux distributions, but I'm pretty sure 
that most people these days are going to want to focus their efforts 
around OpenJDK.

I'd love to hear any input on this.  Should I post something on the main 
CentOS list?

Proposed Changes

Sorry for the lengthy background info, but I think it helps explain what 
I want to do.

I'd like to see a "Java" section on the main HowTo page that looks like 

X. Java
  * OpenJDK on CentOS 5.3 and later (new 'Draft' How To)
  * Closed-source Java  on CentOS 4 through CentOS 5.2  (updated version 
of the current How To)
  * Install and configure Tomcat on CentOS 5.3 + OpenJDK (not yet, but 
hopefully soon...)
  * Deploy Rails WARs to CentOS (soon...)
  * etc.

I'm not sure if the proposed new title for the current HowTo is the 
best  title, but it do think it is fairly descriptive of what the 
current document covers.  ("Closed-source" could be replaced with "3rd 
Party" or some other adjective that covers the IBM and Sun versions)  
I'm willing to update that document so that it provides pointers to the 
new OpenJDK  How To and other minor changes, but I will 

Re: [CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> I've added you to and
>, I'll probably elevate
> status when you wrote something on there :)

Thank, Ralph.  I've made some minor changes to both those docs as I read 
them over.

Phil and I were actually talking about me making changes to 
CreateLocalMirror, not CreateLocalRepos.  Can I get write access to that 
one, too?

As for the Java stuff, I would like to re-organize things a little and 
I'll start a new thread for that proposal.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
Karanbir Singh wrote:
> I think you should use cobbler for a bit :)
I see.  I'll be in touch as I move forward.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] drafts tag

2009-04-28 Thread Sean Gilligan
Karanbir Singh wrote:
> 'must contain a banner on the top indicating its a draft 
> article'
As I'm gearing up to write some docs, I've been thinking some kind of 
'draft' indication would be a good idea.  Perhaps draft docs could even 
be placed in a separate directory.

-- Sean
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] How do I find xyz.rpm for CentOS?

2009-04-25 Thread Sean Gilligan
Alan Bartlett wrote:
> no top posting, use bottom posting only

Sorry,  I have to confess to being a top-poster, I'll remember not to do 
it on CentOS lists.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] How do I find xyz.rpm for CentOS?

2009-04-25 Thread Sean Gilligan
JohnS wrote:
> Post this in the general centos list next time.

Sorry.  I'm new to CentOS and I'm trying to learn things through the 
docs and I would really like to help improve them as I learn.  I'll post 
actual questions to the general list, but when I get answers I'll try to 
improve the documentation either directly or by posting on this list. 

> yum search package_name --enablerepo=*\repo_name

Thanks, I didn't know about the --enablerepo option to yum.

-- Sean
CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] How do I find xyz.rpm for CentOS?

2009-04-25 Thread Sean Gilligan
My next question is:  "How do I find out if a particular package is 
available in one of the repositories?"

FAQ/General #8 is "Where can I get package XyZ.rpm for CentOS?" and it 
links to the  Repositories page. 

What I'm looking for is links to directories of each repository or 
(better still) a unified directory and/or search utility.

Of course, I'm willing to help update pages once I get wiki write access

-- Sean

Alan Bartlett wrote:
> On 25/04/2009, Sean Gilligan  wrote:
>> The 'contrib' repository is mentioned on FAQ/General #13:
>>  but not on the AdditionalResources/Repositories page:
> Thanks Sean. Now mentioned.
> Alan.
> ___
> CentOS-docs mailing list

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-25 Thread Sean Gilligan

Phil Schaffner wrote:

On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 12:25 -0700, Sean Gilligan wrote:

I noticed this wiki page
( was recently added.
I believe using Cobbler is a valid alternative approach for this,

Please feel free to add a Cobbler summary and/or pointers to the above
page in the alternatives section which already includes mrepo, lftp, and



I'm still waiting for write-access to the Wiki.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] contrib repository not mentioned on AdditionalResources/Repositories

2009-04-25 Thread Sean Gilligan
The 'contrib' repository is mentioned on FAQ/General #13:

but not on the AdditionalResources/Repositories page:
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-24 Thread Sean Gilligan

Karanbir Singh wrote:

On 04/24/2009 08:25 PM, Sean Gilligan wrote:

That's really cool! I'd love to help with testing and documentation. I'm
also interested in sharing Cobbler configurations publicly, but I'm not
sure what that entails.

There is a small app I wrote many years back to handle kickstarts, I am 
sure that could be expanded into something that can be used to share 
cobbler / puppet / kickstart configs. Something that should move up in 
the priority list for sure.


I'm pretty sure the cobbler web interface allows you to share cobbler 
and kickstart configs - would you integrate with that?  (I haven't 
looked at it for a while and it may be designed for use inside a 
firewall.  I'm not familiar with puppet.)

I noticed this wiki page
( was recently added. I
believe using Cobbler is a valid alternative approach for this, right?

not really - but there is a definite overlap in interest there. Cobbler 
uses reposync under the hood - which is something that should absolutely 
be on that page, since thats what it does.

Cobbler on the other hand is a much wider and a much more focused tool 
on provisioning, not so much about management and maintenance.


I set up a local mirror of a Fedora 6 yum repo about 2 years ago and it 
was not simple (for me).  About a year ago I did it for Fedora 8 with 
cobbler and it was very simple.  My recollection was that Cobbler was a 
superset of setting up a local repo and, given the ease of use, a better 

I hope to be setting up cobbler on CentOS 5.3 shortly, so that should 
refresh my memory.

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-24 Thread Sean Gilligan

Karanbir Singh wrote:

On 04/24/2009 08:05 PM, Sean Gilligan wrote:

In addition to Java, I have an interest in virtualization and also
Cobbler ( and at some point I might
want to create a Cobbler How To (I've set Cobbler up on Fedora in the
past, but want to move this to CentOS, as well)

Sounds good to me - this bit specially, I'm working on getting cobbler 
and a complete system management stack into the main centos repos, so 
this could sync in well there.

That's really cool!  I'd love to help with testing and documentation.  
I'm also interested in sharing Cobbler configurations publicly, but I'm 
not  sure what that entails.

I noticed this wiki page 
( was recently added.  I 
believe using Cobbler is a valid alternative approach for this, right?

-- Sean

CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] Wiki Access Request for Java How To's

2009-04-24 Thread Sean Gilligan

My name is Sean Gilligan (wikiname: SeanGilligan) and I'd like to 
contribute to the CentOS wiki.

Initially I'd like to do some documentation for Java (OpenJDK) on CentOS 
5.3.  I've used Fedora for years, but am getting tired of the 
obsolescence that keeps happening.  I'm also very excited about having 
an integrated Java that I can use for actual server deployments.  I like 
to document install processes and have been doing it on an internal 
(Fedora-hosted MoinMoin) wiki for some years now.  I'm excited about 
contributing to and benefiting from the CentOS community.

In addition to Java, I have an interest in virtualization and also 
Cobbler ( and at some point I might 
want to create a Cobbler How To (I've set Cobbler up on Fedora in the 
past, but want to move this to CentOS, as well)

To start, I'd like to add a Java section to the HowTo  page, moving the 
current Java HowTo into that section and creating a few new ones.  The 
first one I have is regarding Tomcat deployment of Grails 
( applications.  I'd also like to contribute to a 
CentOS 5.3/OpenJDK specific Java and/or Tomcat HowTo.



CentOS-docs mailing list