[CentOS-virt] Centos 7 and Openstack

2014-09-02 Thread Tom Bishop
Was wanting to go and kick the openstack tires and was wondering if
anyone has loaded up the RDO version.  Wasn't sure if any of the
issues that were seen early on have been corrected or what needs to be
done for installation on a centos 7 host?

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Can KVM and VirtualBox co-exist on same host?

2014-07-23 Thread Tom Bishop
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 1:46 AM, Arun Khan knu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia nka...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 8:45 AM, James B. Byrne byrn...@harte-lyne.ca 

 Is it possible, and if so advisable, to run KVM and VirtualBox guests on the
 same host system?

 Never tried it. It sounds like a  really, really bad idea.

 +1 the KVM and VBox modules would conflict.

 -- Arun Khan
 CentOS-virt mailing list

That is the easy answer, they do conflict but it does not mean you
cannot load them both up. You just cannot run them both at the same
time, in order to run one vs the other you need to remove some kernal
mods and insert some etc depending on which one you want to run.

So the answer is yes you can if you want to you just have to do some
work, here is a decent write up that goes into some detail but there
may be some better examples -

my .02 YMMV blah blah blah :)
CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Centos 7 KVM questions

2014-07-21 Thread Tom Bishop
Clean install of centos 7 and I have most things working, however the
default virbr0 interface is not getting any addressing.  The interface
in network manager just spins and spins and never gets an address.  I
thought at first it was something about firewalld which I am trying to
come up to speed with but I do not believe that is the issues.

I guess the questions that I have is what is the correct way to add
KVM and all of the virt packages to a minimal centos 7 installation.
I would like to understand bridged interfaces vs the nat interfaces
what what needs to be installed/configured.

Thanks in advance.
CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Centos 7 KVM questions

2014-07-21 Thread Tom Bishop
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Tom Bishop bisho...@gmail.com wrote:
 Clean install of centos 7 and I have most things working, however the
 default virbr0 interface is not getting any addressing.  The interface
 in network manager just spins and spins and never gets an address.  I
 thought at first it was something about firewalld which I am trying to
 come up to speed with but I do not believe that is the issues.

 I guess the questions that I have is what is the correct way to add
 KVM and all of the virt packages to a minimal centos 7 installation.
 I would like to understand bridged interfaces vs the nat interfaces
 what what needs to be installed/configured.

 Thanks in advance.

I think I have found the information, in the RHEL documentation -

but I have to chuckle that it appears they have not fully updated the
information beacause of this blurb:

To create a bridge (br0) based on the eth0 interface, execute the
following command on the host:

# virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0

what the heck is an eth0 interface, they already took that away too ;)
CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] OpenNebula on CentOS-6

2012-12-03 Thread Tom Bishop
Great News, thanks for all of the hard work!

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.org wrote:


 Some of you might have seen the email on the centos-devel list, for the
 rest I just wanted to point out that we've been working on getting
 opennebula ( http://www.opennebula.org/ ) rpms and contextualised images
 for opennebula available with a very low barrier to entry for CentOS.

 The 'win' with OpenNebula is that its easy to install, easy to get
 going, scales well and mostly stays our of your way to let you pick the
 technologies you want to run your cloud instance.

 And the CentOS buildsystem runs on it ( has done for a while now.. )

 is a link to the announcement upstream, but feel free to either followup
 here, on the centos-devel list or on the opennebula-users list.

 - KB

 Karanbir Singh
 +44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
 ICQ: 2522219| Yahoo IM: z00dax  | Gtalk: z00dax
 GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] New Tutorial - RHCS + DRBD + KVM; 2-Node HA on EL6

2012-01-03 Thread Tom Bishop
This is sweet, I am in need for doing something for a SMB and nothing is
out there that is affordable for small busineesses, will look into this.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Digimer li...@alteeve.com wrote:

 Hi all,

  I'm happy to announce a new tutorial!


  This tutorial walks a user through the entire process of building a
 2-Node cluster for making KVM virtual machines highly available. It uses
 Red Hat Cluster services v3 and DRBD 8.3.12. It is written such that you
 can use entirely free or fully Red Hat supported environments.

 * Full network and power redundancy; no single-points of failure.
 * All off-the-shelf hardware; Storage via DRBD.
 * Starts with base OS install, no clustering experience required.
 * All software components explained.
 * Includes all testing steps covered.
 * Configuration is used in production environments!

  This tutorial is totally free (no ads, no registration) and released
 under the Creative Common 3.0 Share-Alike Non-Commercial license.
 Feedback is always appreciated!

 E-Mail:  digi...@alteeve.com
 Freenode handle: digimer
 Papers and Projects: http://alteeve.com
 Node Assassin:   http://nodeassassin.org
 omg my singularity battery is dead again.
 stupid hawking radiation. - epitron
 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Recommendations, please

2011-06-23 Thread Tom Bishop
Thank You Russ and Manuel Wolfshant, I don't know you well enough to call
you wolfy ;),  for your comments, greatly appreciated.  I support my home
stuff and a small install at my church.  Since Redhats' decision to go KVM
and since my install will be Centos I was/have been migrating over to it...I
actually cut my teeth on Xen and felt that it was more mature but for my
small needs KVM had gotten close enough for my meager needs to start using

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:19 AM, R P Herrold herr...@owlriver.com wrote:

 On Thu, 23 Jun 2011, Tom Bishop wrote:

  Russ if you have time can you elaborate more about why you are continuing
  go down the Xen path, I for one would love to hear the why's and what
  I can understand the hardware requirements, and I know xen is generally
  going to be faster but my small requirements have decided to start moving
  things to KVM since that is the direction of the upstream...would welcome
  your opinions if you have time available...Thanks in advance :)

 I wasn't hiding my reasoning -- part of my reasoning is soft
 and 'touchy, feely' but you asked ... ;)

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] SPICE Benchmark

2010-11-16 Thread Tom Bishop
Very Nice...Keep us up to date on future findings, very interesting

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Alexey Vasyukov vasyu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi folks.

 We finally finished our work on benchmarking SPICE and would like to share
 the results.

 Detailed report in English:

 The report provides benchmark results of SPICE network load for different
 types of workload. SPICE operation on limited low-speed network connection
 was also tested. The results were compared with similar tests for RDP.

 Testing was based on SPICE version 0.4.3. This version is not the latest
 one but it is used currently in RHEV-D 2.2 and also in RHEL6. So, we guess,
 the results are pretty useful.

 We are going to test SPICE 0.6 in nearest future because it has very
 interesting WAN improvements. So, we welcome any comments, critics or

 Best regards,
 Alexey Vasyukov

 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Conversion steps from Vmware server 2 to Centos KVM 5.5

2010-11-01 Thread Tom Bishop
So I have finally carved out some time and need to start converting my vm's
from Vmware server to KVM and I was wondering if anyone had the specfic
steps that need to be taken...I understand how to convert the disks
etc..what I am interested in is how to get them to use virtio ones which
means iw ill need to remake initrd...so if anyone has moved from vmware
server (aka the free one) to KVM and using the virtio drivers...if you have
the complete steps that would be great...Thanks...**
CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] performance differences between kvm/xen

2010-10-20 Thread Tom Bishop
Ok so I'd like to help, since most folks have Intel Chipsets, I have a AMD
4p(16 core)/32gig memory opteron server that I'm running that we can get
some numbers onbut it would be nice if we could run apples to apples...I
have iozone loaded and can run that but would be nice to run using the same
parametersis there any way we could list the types of test we would like
to run and the actual command with options listed and then we would have
some thing to compare at least  level the playing field...KB, any thoughts,
is this a good idea?

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.orgwrote:

 On 10/20/2010 12:35 PM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
  Being skeptical is the best approach in the absence of
  verifiable/falsifiable data. Today or tomorrow I'll get my hands on a new
  host system and although it is supposed to go into production immediately
  will probably find some time to do some rudimentary benchmarking in that
  regard to see if this is worth investigating further. Right now I'm

 That sounds great. I've got a machine coming online in the next few days
 as well and will do some testing on there. Its got 2 of these :

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310

 So not the newest/greatest, but should be fairly representative.

  planning to use fio for block device measurements but don't know any
  (and uncomplicated) network i/o benchmarking tools. Any ideas what tools
  could use to quickly get some useful data on this from the machine?

 iozone and openssl speed tests are always a good thing to run as a 'warm
 up' to your app level testing. Since pgtest has been posted here
 already, I'd say that is definitely one thing to include so it creates a
 level of common-code-testing and comparison. mysql-bench is worth
 hitting as well. I have a personal interest in web app delivery, so a
 apache-bench hosted from an external machine hitting domU's / VM's ( but
 more than 1 instance, and hitting more than 1 VM / domU at the same time
 ) would be good to have as well.

 And yes, publish lots of machine details and also details on the code /
 platform / versions used. I will try to do the same ( but will  limit my
 testing to whats already available in the distro )


 - KB
 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] performance differences between kvm/xen

2010-10-14 Thread Tom Bishop
I don't have any benchmarks per se just my recent testing of them

I think xen is still on top in terms of performance and featuresnow
having said that my experience in the past with kvm and my latest testing
with 5.5 and KVM I can say that KVM has made great strides with the virtio
drivers for the disk and nic, my latest vm's that I am using with those
drivers are very snappy and so far I am very pleased.I'm a big redhat
fan and think that KVM will only continue to get better and I believe at
some point will equal or pass xenI'm waiting for rhel6 to see what they
are going to be rolling out...I have not had any time to play with the beta
or look at fedora

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.orgwrote:

 hi guys,

 Just wondering if anyone has done any performance testing between kvm
 and xen on CentOS-5 ( using centos as host and vm in every case ) ?


 Karanbir Singh
 London, UK   | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
 ICQ: 2522219 | Yahoo IM: z00dax  | Gtalk: z00dax
 GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] performance differences between kvm/xen

2010-10-14 Thread Tom Bishop
When you get the numbers please share, as I for one would be very
interestedI have read some on the web but nothing as of late.I just
don't have the time right now to go benchmark anything

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.orgwrote:

 On 10/14/2010 07:48 AM, Tom Bishop wrote:
  I think xen is still on top in terms of performance and featuresnow

 that is indeed what it 'feels' like, but I'm quite keen on putting some
 numbers on that.

  having said that my experience in the past with kvm and my latest
  testing with 5.5 and KVM I can say that KVM has made great strides with
  the virtio drivers for the disk and nic, my latest vm's that I am using
  with those drivers are very snappy and so far I am very pleased.I'm

 I will try and get a machine up with centos dom0 and do some metrics.

 - KB
 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Latest KVM for 5.5...

2010-10-02 Thread Tom Bishop
Looking at switching over from vmware and need to stand up a kvm install, I
really would like to wait for rhel6 but not sure when it may show upbut
what I would like to know what is the latest KVM that I can run with 5.5 and
what are the best management tools to use, I looked at the wiki but it also
referenced the redhat doc'swould like to run the para virt drivers if
possibleany information would be great, Thanks...:)
CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] Vmware Server 2 and KVM....

2010-08-16 Thread Tom Bishop
I am finally starting to pull the plug on vmware 2 and want to start
migrating to KVM, what I would like to know and I have searched but not
found anything conclusive.  Is it possible to run Vmware server 2 and KVM at
the same time, I am running Centos 5.5 x64 on a 16 core 32g memory
machinethe reason I would like to do this is that it would allow me to
convert the vm's one at a time and do it in more of a phased approach,
otherwise I may have to try to do it all at the same timeI dont have
many VM's maybe 6 or 7 but would be nice if I could do them one at a
timeThanks in advance
CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Vmware Server 2 and KVM....

2010-08-16 Thread Tom Bishop
Just so you guys don't think I'm off my rocker...well not totally anyway ;)
I did come across this post in fedora forum that got me to think it might

Currently, I have *VMware* *Server* 2.0 and *KVM* on the *same* headless
machine with 4G mem, AMD 4400+. It's running for a small business,
therefore, I don't mind the performance. However, *2* win2k advance servers
on the *VMware* *server* 2.0, *2* win2k advance servers, a XP desktop and a
m0n0wall firewall on the *KVM* are both running fantastically.

I'm a fedora fan, but the PC *server* which I set up is running on Debian
Lenny (Proxmox, *you* guys might have heard).

I believe that *KVM* is better, though, I don't have any benchmark on them.

So was just wondering if anyone had tried to do this with centoslooks
like I will give it a go, all of my clients are Linux.centos of various
flavors...I'll report back what I find out...

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:03 AM, compdoc comp...@hotrodpc.com wrote:

 At the same time on the same server? I don’t see how…

 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Vmware Server 2 and KVM....

2010-08-16 Thread Tom Bishop
I put together a simple conversion method I used at work to move from
vmware to KVM - happy t opost the instructions if needed.

That would be good I have read several things but would be nice to see.
I'm not sure how much vmware server 2 makes use of the hardware extensions
but thought I would give it a try and see what happens

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:05 AM, James Hogarth james.hoga...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 16 August 2010 15:55, Tom Bishop bisho...@gmail.com wrote:
  Just so you guys don't think I'm off my rocker...well not totally anyway
  I did come across this post in fedora forum that got me to think it might
  Currently, I have VMware Server 2.0 and KVM on the same headless machine
  with 4G mem, AMD 4400+. It's running for a small business, therefore, I
  don't mind the performance. However, 2 win2k advance servers on the
  server 2.0, 2 win2k advance servers, a XP desktop and a m0n0wall firewall
  the KVM are both running fantastically.
  I'm a fedora fan, but the PC server which I set up is running on Debian
  Lenny (Proxmox, you guys might have heard).
  I believe that KVM is better, though, I don't have any benchmark on them.
  So was just wondering if anyone had tried to do this with centoslooks
  like I will give it a go, all of my clients are Linux.centos of
  flavors...I'll report back what I find out...

 In theory it'll work if you make sure none of your vmware clients are
 trying to use VMI ... it's when multiple hypervisors try to take
 control of the hypervisor interface/instructions of a smv/vmx CPU that
 things get messy... without VMI the vmware guests will be fully
 virtualised and not trying to make use of the HVM extensions of
 course that could effect performance a bit but might not be noticeable
 over a short term

 I put together a simple conversion method I used at work to move from
 vmware to KVM - happy t opost the instructions if needed.

 CentOS-virt mailing list

CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-virt] KVM management tools.....

2010-01-12 Thread Tom Bishop
Looking at what my best options for managing KVM via a gui.  Running Centos
5.4 and have several machines and want to migrate off of vmware server 2.x.
So far it appears that the management tools haven't quite cought up to
Vmware but are gaining and closing.  I have been looking at convirt, and
others.  I like what I see in Ovirt but I'm not sure it is available for
centos 5.4, or is it?  Is there anyone running ovirt in centos?  Also, what
are folks using for their management tools for KVM, Thanks.
CentOS-virt mailing list