
I just noticed on my small Octopus cluster that the ceph-mgr on a mgr/mon node 
uses 3.6GB of resident memory (RES) as you can see below from the top output:

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
   2704 167       20   0 5030528   3.6g  35796 S   6.6  47.2  23:08.18 ceph-mgr
   2699 167       20   0 1291504 884796  23672 S   4.6  11.1  13:23.63 ceph-mon

Is there a way to limit the memory usage of ceph-mgr just like one can do with 
ceph OSD (osd_memory_target)?

I tried something like mgr_memory_target but that parameter does not exist.

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