
I have a couple questions regarding the IO on OSD via librados.

1. How to check which osd is receiving data?

2. Can the write operation return immediately to the application once the
write to the primary OSD is done? or does it return only when the data is
replicated twice? (size=3)

3. What is the I/O size in the lower level in librados, e.g., if I send a
100MB request with 1 thread, does librados send the data by a fixed
transaction size?

4. I have 4 OSS, 48 OSDs, will the 4 OSS become the bottleneck? from the
ceph documentation, once the cluster map is received by the client, the
client can talk to OSD directly, so the assumption is the max parallelism
depends on the number of OSDs, is this correct?


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