
Following issue:
PG_DEGRADED_FULL Degraded data redundancy (low space): 1 pg backfill_toofull
    pg 1.285 is active+remapped+backfill_toofull, acting [118,94,84]

BUT:118   hdd 9.09470  0.89999 9.1 TiB  7.4 TiB  7.4 TiB  12 KiB  19 GiB 1.7 
TiB 81.53 1.16  38     up 

Even with adjusted backfillfull ratio of 0.94 nothing is moving (incl 
restarting the OSD).

This is dangerous because it blocks recovery. This happens because there's a 
bug in the PG distribution algo, due to improper balance my PG counts are all 
over the place and some OSD are half empty and a few are up to 90%. 
How do I fix this rebalance issue now? I already googled and only came up with 
adjusting ratio rates or restarting the OSD but nothing helps.
Thanks for help
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