3 questions:

1.   I'd like to use xfs devices with a separate log device in a ceph cluster. 
What's the best way to do this?  Is it possible to specify xfs log devices in 
the [osd.x] sections of ceph.conf? 
            host = delta
            devs = /dev/sdx
            osd mkfs options xfs = -d su=131072,sw=8 -i size=1024 -l 

            host = epsilon
            devs = /dev/sdy
            osd mkfs options xfs = -d su=131072,sw=8 -i size=1024 -l 

2.    Is this the correct syntax for the line without the log device options?
                     osd mkfs options xfs = -d su=131072,sw=8 -i size=1024

3. For osd journal devices. I assume there's a 1:1 relationship between osds 
and journal devices.  The section in sample.ceph.conf seems to imply a single 
Should there be an osd journal entry in each [osd.x] section of ceph.conf? 

            ; This is where the osd expects its data
            osd data = /data/$name
            ; Ideally, make the journal a separate disk or partition.
            ; 1-10GB should be enough; more if you have fast or many
            ; disks.  You can use a file under the osd data dir if need be
            ; (e.g. /data/$name/journal), but it will be slower than a
            ; separate disk or partition.
            ; This is an example of a file-based journal.
            osd journal = /data/$name/journal
            osd journal size = 1000 ; journal size, in megabytes

On my cluster (deployed with ceph-deploy) the data is in /var/lib/ceph/osd. Not 
/data/$name as in the sample file. Directory organization on my cluster:
        ceph-0  ceph-10  ceph-12  ceph-14  ceph-16  ceph-18  ceph-2   ceph-21  
ceph-3  ceph-5  ceph-7  ceph-9
        ceph-1  ceph-11  ceph-13  ceph-15  ceph-17  ceph-19  ceph-20  ceph-22  
ceph-4  ceph-6  ceph-8


        ls /data
        ls: cannot access /data: No such file or directory
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