Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [Make-wifi-fast] arstechnica confirms tp-link router lockdown

2016-03-12 Thread Jonathan Morton

> On 11 Mar, 2016, at 22:40, David Lang  wrote:

> Actually, devices show up in Windows "network neighborhood”.

Ah, you see, I tend to keep Windows off my network until the network itself is 
set up.  Also, there’s a Linux machine sitting between the LAN and the modem, 
which effectively blocks UPnP.  That’s probably why I haven’t noticed such 
subtleties - that, and they aren’t listed in the router manuals I’ve read to 
date.  Maybe I just have old routers.

> But the biggest barrier is probably that the web interface is
> cluttered with features you don't need, so there's a setup wizard you
> go through once, and you don't touch that even if you're curious
> because you're at risk of resetting it.

That’s a good observation, and suggests a design principle to follow in future.

> Just because they screwed up the WNDR3800 with too many different
> coloured lights, it doesn't invalidate the principle.

It’s not just the WNDR, and not just Netgear.  Every router I’ve seen has too 
many lights which provide too little information - and even I have to squint 
and read the manual to figure out what it’s telling me.

Except Apple.  Then you have *one* light which provides too little information 
- but at least I don’t have to read the manual to figure it out.  :-)

> You have a much larger display, which gives you room for help text and 
> images, not just a handful of characters.

You might assume that I’m thinking of a 16x2 character display.  I’m not - 
that’s too small to be user-friendly.

Rather, something like this, which gives 128x64 pixels (equivalent to 21x8 
characters with a 6x8 font) and the freedom to draw icons and choose fonts:

There are also small OLED displays which give a sharper, higher-contrast 
readout, but these are more expensive, lack the capacity of colour-coding 
anything, and appear to be so small that some people might have difficulty 
reading them despite the sharpness and high contrast.

The original Macintosh put a whole desktop environment on a tiny (by modern 
standards) 512x384 mono display.  We don’t even need *that* level of 
sophistication.  I’m confident 128x64 mono will be enough if carefully designed 
for - it is substantially more than a classic Nokia phone provided.

> A display is nicer than just LEDs, but it's also a lot more expensive.

Yes, it looks like a decent display+controller combination is more expensive 
than a mini-PCIe ath9k card (even discounting the markup associated with 
Adafruit providing a maker-friendly kit rather than raw devices).  It will 
therefore be a significant contributor to the BOM cost.  This is justifiable if 
it also contributes to the USP.  On the upside, with a status display we can 
reduce the number of LEDs and associated optical channels, perhaps all the way 
down to a single power light.

> I also don't like large glowing displays on devices. I frequently put tape 
> over the LEDs to tone things down as well (especially in bedrooms)

An RGB LED backlight can inherently be dimmed - and this could occur 
automatically when out of setup mode (keyboard disconnected) and the overall 
status is OK.  Also, since it illuminates a relatively large area, the colour 
can be discerned without high brightness in the first place.

> I don't know if you really can simplify the configuration the way you are 
> wanting to, but I'd say give it a try. Take OpenWRT and make a configuration 
> program that you think is better.

Yes, I probably should.

> You even have a nice browser based tool to start with (luci). If you can make 
> a browser based tool work well, then if your tool is better/easier, it can be 
> widely used, or you can then try hardware versions of it.

Since the entire point of my proposal is to get away from the “web interface” 
concept altogether, and I have an allergic reaction to “web technology” such as 
JavaScript (spit), that’s *not* what I’m going to do.  Instead, I’ll prototype 
something based around an emulation of the display linked above.

But I will take a careful look at Luci to help generate a requirements 

 - Jonathan Morton

Cerowrt-devel mailing list

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] On building your own routers and the mass market

2016-03-12 Thread Outback Dingo
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 9:09 PM, Dave Taht  wrote:

> Changing the topic. I'd like the arstechnica discussion to remain
> political
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Paul Vixie  wrote:
> > Jonathan Morton wrote:
> >>> On 11 Mar, 2016, at 20:22, Luis E. Garcia  wrote:
> >>> Time to start building our own.
> >> A big project in itself - but perhaps a worthwhile one. We wouldn’t
> >> be able to compete on price against the Taiwanese horde, but price is
> >> not the only market force on the table. Firmware quality is a bit
> >> abstract and nebulous to sell to ordinary consumers, but there is one
> >> thing that might just get their attention.
> I  totally approve of people getting together and building things they
> think the market needs, or merely what they think they need.
> Ironically, in 1999, the designs I was shopping around for a "home
> wireless AP" were designed to plug into where the thermostat was in a
> house, had a touchscreen (and ran x-windows remotely), and sank
> without a trace past a VC's glazed eyes over and over again.  Then the
> wrt happened. in 2002... and 15 years later, Nest happened... sigh.
> The segment of "makers", the essential R&D, ultimately feeds into more
> polished products, and people should try making those too. There are
> billions of devices left to be built in the next decade, and plenty of
> room for innovation, and the best, not necessarily the cheapest, like
> tp-link - will win - and it's my hope that certain values we have here
> will propagate into the successful products. We're not particularly
> good at final products, however.
> ... I had a nice visit over at eero yesterday. Their CTO greeted me
> with a flash stick outstretched, containing their (debian-based) code.
> ;) I was very impressed that they went from kickstarter to a US-wide
> launch of their product(s), with enough people, and with a business
> model that makes sense (selling three 2-radio diversity meshed routers
> at a time to get better coverage (and improve margins)), that they
> seem to understand the need for remote updates deeply, AND the need to
> make things simple for ordinary users. They also seem to grok things
> we are really bad at, like getting finished products on shelves.
> ... and I'm going to order a couple, 'cause their wifi is not as good
> as it could be (nobody's is), and he said I could visit periodically
> with make-wifi-fast's upcoming fixes.
> > the cznic team has already done this.
> >
> >

Looks like a nice device, though can you buy one now, or is this another
smoke and mirrors, they did get a ton of funding. now lets see if they
deliver. Can you source the devices now?

> I am rooting for them, also, hard! They've made all the right choices
> technically and it's (aside from the wifi, currently) the best chipset
> possible from an open source perspective. They - unlike nearly all the
> home router makers and CPE vendors, have a perspective driven by the
> problems they've seen by being a registrar. They have money in the
> bank, and low costs, and an idealism about open design that seems
> rooted in the maker movement. I'd love to see this market
> arduinotized.
> It would be my hope, that with another year's worth of software
> development that their design would be suitable for more mass market
> CPE, particularly to ISPs in the fiber space. (And that they will be
> essentially first to have better wifi as I plan to get stuff working
> on that board as soon as I get one in my hot little hands).
> A huge percentage of the former "home router" market is going away as
> more and more ISPs bundle the router/wifi and other options into a
> single device. That concerns me a lot, and the only thing I can think
> of worth doing there is to join this org: and
> encourage others to also do so.
> Still, there has to be a lower cost option (for which I'm mostly
> chasing mediatek, and sad to have had to have dropped both netgear and
> tp-link from further consideration).
> - but who knows - with serious volumes, on a standardized platform
> that gets 100ks of deployments by ISPs, manufactured for the long
> term, the omnia's costs could drop significantly enough to be
> competitive with cheap crap, or, as in the raspberry pi market, a
> whole new segment using more standardized firmware will emerge.
> I'd really like to see more devices interoperate in the IoT, as well,
> things like making mdns scale better, ipv6 work with naming more
> right, etc - perhaps this new wave of folk entering the market  - and
> others exiting - might actually be able to pull more of the pieces
> together.
> >
> > --
> > P Vixie
> > ___
> > bufferbloat-fcc-discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Cerowr

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [Make-wifi-fast] Will full-duplex be possible on 802.11 wired air?

2016-03-12 Thread Erkki Lintunen
Last week or so I had a short peek on the lists and read something alike
'half-duplex makes wifi feel slow [in addition to the point in
discussion and when compared to wired]'. Now couldn't find the message
to reply to the sited one but going on with this one. 

Half-duplex brought me to a news item national IT press was buzzing
about few months ago: Taneli Riihonen's doctoral dissertation "Design
and Analysis of Duplexing Modes and Forwarding Protocols for OFDM(A)
Relay Links" [1].

1 "Taneli Riihonen - List of Publications"

The fuss news media made out of the research was, that the methods
Riihonen found will solely speed up 5G cellular networks. Amusingly I
saw a picture a news outlet run out, where Taneli Riihonen was standing
and in the background a slide showed text "OFDM". I thought what the
heck, this isn't just about 5G, who cares about 5G. Then forgot the news
and now got flashback.

This might be old news/tidbits for the list, but one can't never be
sure, so passing on as in the back of my head are Dave Täht's words that
a lot of new research and reading old was made for accomplishment in
current state of bufferbloat in wired connections.

Getting to the on-the-air-timings spoken about below, the methods Taneli
Riihonen found in his dissertation used statistical methods for time
slotting the "shout out" and "listen to" for duplexing on the air.
Intuitively this brings me to expect that the dissertation might give
ideas how to measure timings for tx and rx, and, in the best case
readily usable, tools how they have proved their theory in the theses.

Sorry I haven't even glimpsed the 300 pages thesis. I'm only basing on
slides linked to in the same paragraph as the thesis on the above
web-page. Unfortunately the slides are in finnish.


* Aaron Wood  [2016-02-09 06:17:57 +0800]:

> I've often wanted the same thing:  What's the time-length of given packets
> (using various transmission rates), and the inter-packet delays, etc.  What
> _is_ 100% channel utilization, in terms of packets per second of a given
> size/rate?
> From a pcap file full of radio-tap-level packets, can the channel usage be
> computed?  (none of the tools I looked at a few years ago could give me a
> channel usage indication from an analysis of actual packets (with rates and
> timestamps)).
> -Aaron
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Dave Täht  wrote:
> > Much more readable than the spec!
> >
> >
> >
> > I still keep hoping for a comprehensive list (or a tool) for timings for
> > every possible operation across all the 802.11 standards. Trying to
> > figure out how long things take "on the wire" makes my brain spin.
> >
> > ___
> > Cerowrt-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >

> ___
> Make-wifi-fast mailing list

Cerowrt-devel mailing list

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [Make-wifi-fast] Will full-duplex be possible on 802.11 wired air?

2016-03-12 Thread Dave Taht

Someone, georgia tech I thought, had actually gone and built a chip to
do it. Can't find the link.

I have no doubt that we can construct ever more efficient devices,
what I have grave doubts about is given the billions of existing
devices pee-ing on the spectrum that there will be no way to actually
make an impact.

For christmas, I gave an  unhappy chromecast user the wired dongle.
Stuffing stockings full of that sort of stuff, repacing wifi for wired
wherever possible,
seems like the sanest option. I've been thinking of begging the
landlords around me to let me wire up their buildings and tenants for
ethernet, from 6pm onwards wifi is getting towards unusable.


In terms of complexity in serving multiple stations - as opposed to
full duplex...

The number of DSPs in the 802.11ac mac is well over 400, and MU-mimo,
as defined in the standard - really difficult to implement and use
effectively. The first MU-mimo capable chips (wave 2) are shipping
now, but

Not for the last time, I wish we'd got UWB off the ground. Only needed
236 notches cut out of the spectrum a decade ago to make the existing
spectrum holders happy.

Dave Täht
Let's go make home routers and wifi faster! With better software!

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Erkki Lintunen  wrote:
> Last week or so I had a short peek on the lists and read something alike
> 'half-duplex makes wifi feel slow [in addition to the point in
> discussion and when compared to wired]'. Now couldn't find the message
> to reply to the sited one but going on with this one.
> Half-duplex brought me to a news item national IT press was buzzing
> about few months ago: Taneli Riihonen's doctoral dissertation "Design
> and Analysis of Duplexing Modes and Forwarding Protocols for OFDM(A)
> Relay Links" [1].
> 1 "Taneli Riihonen - List of Publications"
> The fuss news media made out of the research was, that the methods
> Riihonen found will solely speed up 5G cellular networks. Amusingly I
> saw a picture a news outlet run out, where Taneli Riihonen was standing
> and in the background a slide showed text "OFDM". I thought what the
> heck, this isn't just about 5G, who cares about 5G. Then forgot the news
> and now got flashback.
> This might be old news/tidbits for the list, but one can't never be
> sure, so passing on as in the back of my head are Dave Täht's words that
> a lot of new research and reading old was made for accomplishment in
> current state of bufferbloat in wired connections.
> Getting to the on-the-air-timings spoken about below, the methods Taneli
> Riihonen found in his dissertation used statistical methods for time
> slotting the "shout out" and "listen to" for duplexing on the air.
> Intuitively this brings me to expect that the dissertation might give
> ideas how to measure timings for tx and rx, and, in the best case
> readily usable, tools how they have proved their theory in the theses.
> Sorry I haven't even glimpsed the 300 pages thesis. I'm only basing on
> slides linked to in the same paragraph as the thesis on the above
> web-page. Unfortunately the slides are in finnish.
> -Erkki
> * Aaron Wood  [2016-02-09 06:17:57 +0800]:
>> I've often wanted the same thing:  What's the time-length of given packets
>> (using various transmission rates), and the inter-packet delays, etc.  What
>> _is_ 100% channel utilization, in terms of packets per second of a given
>> size/rate?
>> From a pcap file full of radio-tap-level packets, can the channel usage be
>> computed?  (none of the tools I looked at a few years ago could give me a
>> channel usage indication from an analysis of actual packets (with rates and
>> timestamps)).
>> -Aaron
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Dave Täht  wrote:
>> > Much more readable than the spec!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I still keep hoping for a comprehensive list (or a tool) for timings for
>> > every possible operation across all the 802.11 standards. Trying to
>> > figure out how long things take "on the wire" makes my brain spin.
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Cerowrt-devel mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Make-wifi-fast mailing list
> ___
> Cerowrt-devel mailing list
Cerowrt-devel mailing list

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [bufferbloat-fcc-discuss] arstechnica confirms tp-link router lockdown

2016-03-12 Thread Dave Taht
You can acquire the 802.11ac specs easiest merely by attending an IEEE
802.11 wg meeting once, and joining to get the ongoing work, and many
specs are now increasingly available via:

The meeting schedule is here:

What is generally coming down the pike (802.11ax, ad, ak, etc) is
often quite fascinating, but I have to admit, I am burnt out on going
to SDO (standards organization) meetings personally, and yet I long to
have a member or members of this group attending IEEE 802.11
regularly. (is anyone here doing so?)

I like to think that my talk there in sept 2014 is proving influential
(a public version, I gave last august, here:  ) , but hardware design
cycles are long, meetings sometimes mind-numbingly tedious (like all
meetings, most of the work takes place in the hallways), sometimes
horrifying (lots of people trying to reinvent layer3 at layer 2), and
breakthrough technologies are only slowly adopted, particularly when
there are major patent holders in the room.

I've been meaning to go to next week's meeting, but couldn't raise the
funds or allocate the time to go. I still felt going to china would
have been worth while. If anyone here wants to hop on a plane??

Dave Täht
Let's go make home routers and wifi faster! With better software!

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Wayne Workman
> Earlier today I was reading over the IC  wiki articles our there. I can't
> say I understand a lot of it but they all start with a common thing.
> Specifications. And I won't pretend to be an expert in defining those
> either. But I'd say the 802.11ac specs would likely be what we are after -
> and 100% GPLv3 non-negotiable.
> On Mar 12, 2016 2:18 PM, "Adrian Chadd"  wrote:
>> On 12 March 2016 at 11:14, Henning Rogge  wrote:
>> > On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Wayne Workman
>> >  wrote:
>> >> I understand that Broadcom was paid to develop the Pi, a totally free
>> >> board.
>> >>
>> >> And they already make wireless chipsets.
>> >
>> > The question is how easy would it be to build a modern 802.11ac
>> > halfmac chip... the amount of work these chips do (especially with 3*3
>> > or 4*4 MIMO) is not trivial.
>> It's not that scary - most of the latency sensitive things are:
>> * channel change - eg background scans
>> * calibration related things - but most slow calibration could be done
>> via firmware commands, like the intel chips do!
>> * transmit a-mpdu / retransmit
>> * transmit rate control adaptation
>> * receiving / block-ack things - which is mostly done in hardware anyway
>> * likely some power save transition-y things too
>> If you're doing STA mode, then you have more things to do - eg bgscans
>> with active traffic, TDLS, P2P, etc.
>> If you're doing hostap mode or heck, even mostly-dumb ibss mode -
>> where there's no requirement for off-channel traffic - the firmware is
>> mostly just a transmit/receive engine and some power save stuff.
>> And honestly - know how many cycles a modern CPU has? If you don't
>> care about hyper-optimising for power consumption (ie, you're not a
>> phone), then I bet you could get away with ath9k model hardware. Those
>> same lower end CPUs can do 200kpps on an ethernet NIC right now. The
>> reordering and retransmit stuff could be handled in firmware, but
>> that's about it - and again, only if you wanted to do it on some
>> anenmic SoC or you cared about power.
>> People keep talking about "oh god, these things do so much now" - but
>> that's because people are thinking about phones or those L2-cache-less
>> anemic older SOCs that are massively memory bandwidth constrained.
>> Newer stuff is much less terrible.
>> -adrian
> ___
> bufferbloat-fcc-discuss mailing list
Cerowrt-devel mailing list

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [Make-wifi-fast] arstechnica confirms tp-link router lockdown

2016-03-12 Thread David Lang

On Sat, 12 Mar 2016, Jonathan Morton wrote:

quick note, your quotes mixed things I said with things Alan said

But the biggest barrier is probably that the web interface is
cluttered with features you don't need, so there's a setup wizard you
go through once, and you don't touch that even if you're curious
because you're at risk of resetting it.

That’s a good observation, and suggests a design principle to follow in future.

I think this is a significant factor.

Just because they screwed up the WNDR3800 with too many different
coloured lights, it doesn't invalidate the principle.

It’s not just the WNDR, and not just Netgear.  Every router I’ve seen has too 
many lights which provide too little information - and even I have to squint 
and read the manual to figure out what it’s telling me.

Except Apple.  Then you have *one* light which provides too little information 
- but at least I don’t have to read the manual to figure it out.  :-)

some of the lights are fairly obvious, others less so.

You have a much larger display, which gives you room for help text and images, 
not just a handful of characters.

You might assume that I’m thinking of a 16x2 character display.  I’m not - 
that’s too small to be user-friendly.

Rather, something like this, which gives 128x64 pixels (equivalent to 21x8 
characters with a 6x8 font) and the freedom to draw icons and choose fonts:

a 6x8 font on a 2.7" screen is unreadable for many people, this is about an 11pt 
font on something that is not at your optimum reading distance.

There are also small OLED displays which give a sharper, higher-contrast 
readout, but these are more expensive, lack the capacity of colour-coding 
anything, and appear to be so small that some people might have difficulty 
reading them despite the sharpness and high contrast.

OLEDs do color as well.

The original Macintosh put a whole desktop environment on a tiny (by modern 
standards) 512x384 mono display.  We don’t even need *that* level of 
sophistication.  I’m confident 128x64 mono will be enough if carefully designed 
for - it is substantially more than a classic Nokia phone provided.

don't ignore the DPI, it's not just the number of pixels, it's the size of the 
resulting characters.

A display is nicer than just LEDs, but it's also a lot more expensive.

Yes, it looks like a decent display+controller combination is more expensive 
than a mini-PCIe ath9k card (even discounting the markup associated with 
Adafruit providing a maker-friendly kit rather than raw devices).  It will 
therefore be a significant contributor to the BOM cost.  This is justifiable if 
it also contributes to the USP.  On the upside, with a status display we can 
reduce the number of LEDs and associated optical channels, perhaps all the way 
down to a single power light.

don't forget that you also have to have buttons/switches to go along with the 
display. don't assume that people are going to have a spare USB keyboard around 
to plug in.

There is a substantial population who's only computers are tablets, phones, TVs, 
and other non-traditional devices, but who need wifi to use them.

If I'm going to drag out a full size keyboard, I sure don't want to be trying to 
squint at a 2.7" screen.

I also don't like large glowing displays on devices. I frequently put tape over 
the LEDs to tone things down as well (especially in bedrooms)

An RGB LED backlight can inherently be dimmed - and this could occur 
automatically when out of setup mode (keyboard disconnected) and the overall 
status is OK.  Also, since it illuminates a relatively large area, the colour 
can be discerned without high brightness in the first place.

I don't know if you really can simplify the configuration the way you are 
wanting to, but I'd say give it a try. Take OpenWRT and make a configuration 
program that you think is better.

Yes, I probably should.

You even have a nice browser based tool to start with (luci). If you can make 
a browser based tool work well, then if your tool is better/easier, it can be 
widely used, or you can then try hardware versions of it.

Since the entire point of my proposal is to get away from the “web interface” 
concept altogether, and I have an allergic reaction to “web technology” such 
as JavaScript (spit), that’s *not* what I’m going to do.  Instead, I’ll 
prototype something based around an emulation of the display linked above.

But I will take a careful look at Luci to help generate a requirements 

my point is that you can use a browser interface to mock-up what you would do on 
your local display without having to build custom hardware. Yes, it would mean 
you have to work with javascript/etc to build this mockup, but it would let you 
create a bitmap image with buttons/etc that will work the same way that your 
physical device would, but be able to tinker with things that would require 
hardware changes if it wa

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [bufferbloat-fcc-discuss] arstechnica confirms tp-link router lockdown

2016-03-12 Thread David Lang

On Sat, 12 Mar 2016, Wayne Workman wrote:

I understand that Broadcom was paid to develop the Pi, a totally free board.

No, Broadcom created a video processor with an embedded ARM cpu. An engineer who 
works at Broadcom got permission to create a board based on this chip outside of 
Broadcom on his own time. This board was the original Pi.

Broadcom does not develop the Pi or special chips for the Pi. The Pi designers 
watch what Broadcom makes available and makes use of those chips in their 

David Lang
Cerowrt-devel mailing list

Re: [Cerowrt-devel] [bufferbloat-fcc-discuss] arstechnica confirms tp-link router lockdown

2016-03-12 Thread David Lang

On Sat, 12 Mar 2016, Adrian Chadd wrote:

On 12 March 2016 at 11:14, Henning Rogge  wrote:

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Wayne Workman

I understand that Broadcom was paid to develop the Pi, a totally free board.

And they already make wireless chipsets.

The question is how easy would it be to build a modern 802.11ac
halfmac chip... the amount of work these chips do (especially with 3*3
or 4*4 MIMO) is not trivial.

It's not that scary - most of the latency sensitive things are:

* channel change - eg background scans
* calibration related things - but most slow calibration could be done
via firmware commands, like the intel chips do!
* transmit a-mpdu / retransmit
* transmit rate control adaptation
* receiving / block-ack things - which is mostly done in hardware anyway
* likely some power save transition-y things too

you are ignoring MU-MIMO, the ability to transmit different signals from each 
antenna so that the interference patterns from the different signals result in 
different readable data depending on where the receiver is in relation to the 
access point is not a trivial thing.

But it's one of the most valuable features in the spec.

David Lang
Cerowrt-devel mailing list