RE: JRun (Problems starting cfusion Server)

2003-10-19 Thread Nathan Strutz
Yep, strangest thing, it puts in that "-server" option, both on windows and
linux installs. You have to go track down that config file, probably
jvm.config in your %installdir%\runtime\bin folder, or for J2EE it could be
just in the \bin folder... well track it down, take out the -server
argument, save and start 'em up.

-nathan strutz

-Original Message-
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JRun (Problems starting cfusion Server)

I am having problems starting "cfusion"  on Win2k J2EE Configuration.

This happened after i changed the classPath Setting for "cfusion" server.

Here is the error.

E:\JRun4\bin>JRun -start cfusion
Unrecognized option: -server
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Anyone know how i can resolve this?

Joe Eugene

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RE: anyone no what i do with this?

2003-10-19 Thread cf
thanks Dave! Thats a good thing too know!

what would the proper cfm code be?


would that be ok?


>> im trying to convert an asp site to cfm and im going through
>> an xml output and i come across this code
>> Response.Write ""
>> not sure what the CDATA is??
>> what do i do with it?
>> is it ok to just do this?
>> or can i take it out?
> The CDATA is an XML type that allows you to tell the XML parser not to
> try to parse its contents. This allows you to safely include XML
> metacharacters (<,> and so on) in your data. So, you probably don't want
> to take it out of the code.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444
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JRun (Problems starting cfusion Server)

2003-10-19 Thread Joe Eugene
I am having problems starting "cfusion"  on Win2k J2EE Configuration.

This happened after i changed the classPath Setting for "cfusion" server.

Here is the error.

E:\JRun4\bin>JRun -start cfusion
Unrecognized option: -server
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Anyone know how i can resolve this?

Joe Eugene

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RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread cf
oops, cut all my message out, grrr

i think this is the problem
MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);

of course its asp, so we change it to cfm but its the =page, deal i think
thats messed up

so i output my cfm on the message.cfm page in xml which works fine
but its calling for it to be like messages.cfm?=page1
im not sure what to do the with the out put of the xml

if u want the files, i will send them to u

> LOL, right on!
> i think i have it all but this on page that loads the xml
> here is original code
> ___
> var sstr="..";
> var MsgList = new XML();
> 	MsgList.ignoreWhite=true;
> 	MsgList.>
> 	MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);
> attachMovie("msgLoading","loading",1);
> 	loading.>
> 		this.text="Loading"+sstr.substr(0,random(8));
> 	}
> function xmlfunc(success){
> 		if (success){
> 			AdminLog=this.firstChild.attributes.AdminLog;//¹ÜÀíÔ±µÇ½±êʶ
> 			createEmptyMovieClip("msglistLayer",1);
> 			var theMc=eval("msglistLayer");
> 			iCount=this.firstChild.childNodes.length;//±¾Ò³ÁôÑÔÏÔʾÊýÄ¿
> 			for(var i=0;i
> 			theMc.attachMovie("MsgItem","msg",1);
> 			var theMc=eval("theMc.msg");
> theMc._y=21;
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RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread cf
LOL, right on!

i think i have it all but this on page that loads the xml

here is original code
var sstr="..";
var MsgList = new XML();
	MsgList.load (_root.URLpreFix+"message.asp?page="+_root.curPage);

function xmlfunc(success){
		if (success){
			var theMc=eval("msglistLayer");
			for(var i=0;i
			var theMc=eval("theMc.msg");

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RE: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

2003-10-19 Thread Donnie Bachan
Stacy Young wrote:
"Honestly, you'd be crazy not to use 6.1...the speed and scalability
factors alone justify the upgrade! There are some minor idiosyncrasies,
as with any software...but overall I'm very happy with 6.1"

I second that. I was not at all happy with 6.0 and held off the upgrade 
until now. There are still some issues with respect to COM but I am sure it 
will be rectified soon (we hope!). I would highly recommend the upgrade.

Donnie Bachan
Phone: (718) 217-2883
ICQ#: 28006783
"Nitendo Vinces - By Striving You Shall Conquer"

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RE: sweet guestbook!! but......

2003-10-19 Thread Jim Davis
What code, specifically, is tripping you up?  Post it on up!  We'll slap
its ass and call it Charlie.

Jim Davis

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: sweet guestbook!! but..

I have this amazing guestbook in flash & asp which i would like to
to flash and coldfusion.
im ok with converting most of the asp stuff but the xml is throwing me

there are only 7 asp pages to convert with a total of 281 lines of code
this is a fabulous gb.

anyone interested in helping me convert it, of course you get a great
as well.

has everything there just need to change some code & only 1 page is
trippin me up

any takers?


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RE: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

2003-10-19 Thread Jim Davis
The CF market definitely is split at least as far as versions are
concerned.  Many larger clients (my company included) seem to be in
holding pattern with CF 4.5 while most smaller shops seem to be
upgrading at least to 5 if not MX.

Some comments:

1) Most hosts that actually care about CF have upgraded to MX (although
many still offer 5 as well).  There were a LOT of hosts a few years ago
that lept into CF hosting (badly) and simply never bothered supporting
it properly - so they're still sitting on CF 4.5 because they bought it.
But there are a lot of hosts that spend the effort and do quality CF
hosting - and all of them are using modern versions.

2) A few years ago there were only a very few places to talk CF - CFTalk
being the premier place.  CFTalk has diversified itself (there are now
more than a dozen separate groups at House of Fusion) and many other
places have risen up: the official Macromedia Forums have taken a turn
for the better (and are very active), alt.comp.lang.coldfusion is
moderately active and there are no less than several dozen web-site
specific forums enjoying active use on CF.  In short the user base has
grown and the number of places to talk has grown - so everything's just
evening out.

3) The big reason for lukewarm acceptance of CF that I think you're
missing is that both MS and Sun have been putting tremendous muscle into
the exact same market space: ASP (and .NET) and JSP (and J2EE) are
eating up huge chucks of market share.  The fact that CF is still alive
and kicking (and gaining customers) is a testament to it: in the face of
these giant competitors it's actually doing rather well.  In fact it's
taking a "join 'em" attitude and actively supporting its competition -
making it a more attractive choice to those on the fence.

4) I'm not sure how you could argue about the pricing of MX - it's
comparable to CF 4.5 and significantly cheaper than most enterprise
application servers.  It's also the most complete solution out of the
box by far - all told it's a steal.

5) For my part MX offers a huge truckload of "what we need".  From the
advocacy side the simple fact that it's certified J2EE makes selling it
easier.  From the technical side this opens up tremendous flexibility
(CF supports more extension standards than any other option hands down).
>From a language standpoint CFCs, while still somewhat immature (but
improve greatly in 6.1) are fantastic as are the improvements to UDFs
(CFML-based functions answer pretty much all the complaints about UDFs
in 5.0).  There are also countless less obvious improvements in the
language (thread-safe shared scopes being one of my favorites).  Lastly
if performance is an issue then MX is a huge boon: the performance
enhancement is so great in some applications that you may be able to
extend hardware life significantly simply by upgrading from 4.5 or 5 to
MX 6.1.

Jim Davis

-Original Message-
From: Nick Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

I have been distracted from spending much time keeping up with CF within

the last couple of years. We upgraded to 5.0 and then I disappeared. I
find myself with a huge void in knowledge of releases beyond 5.0.
a void of just how productive, i.e., functionality versus problems, 5.0
Furthermore, it appears that a sizeable number of hosting services
at 4.5.1. Assuming that hosting services are driven by their customers 
desires, this makes a good case that a lot of developers didn't see
value in anything beyond 4.5.1 to push for the later versions/releases.

One other observation is that CFTALK seems to be less active than it
to be. That could be for several reasons, including that 1. 4.5.1 is a
mature and sound product now, eliminating a lot of potential 
problems/questions. 2. If the users are in fact staying with 4.5.1 then 
those same users are more experience and naturally have few questions.
Fewer people are starting to use CF?

I know that those, whose business depends on selling new
have to pitch improvements and advantages. But, it would appear the
place is at best luke warm to recent and current CF Migration.

I assuming that the reasons are:

1. To many problems?
2. Benefits gained with newer products couldn't justify the prices?
3. Or, possible something I am missing?

My own observation, as shallow as it may be, is that the MX really
offer much of what we need, and the price is too high. But, I don't know

what I don't know. That is why I am asking.

Anyone care to comment?




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RE: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

2003-10-19 Thread Stacy Young
Honestly, you'd be crazy not to use 6.1...the speed and scalability
factors alone justify the upgrade! There are some minor idiosyncrasies,
as with any software...but overall I'm very happy with 6.1



From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 19, 2003 10:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

I think the difference between 4.5.1 is HUGE, the advantages are HUGE:

1. Speed and Stability of the Server (although early versions of MX were
2. Compiled vs Interpreted pages
3. XML integration
4. Web Service Integration
5. Flash Remoting
6. CFC's are awesome
7. UDF's are a huge advantage over 4.5.1 also

I guess there is lots and lots of other stuff, but for me those are the



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Re: OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

2003-10-19 Thread Brook Davies
I think the difference between 4.5.1 is HUGE, the advantages are HUGE:

1. Speed and Stability of the Server (although early versions of MX were not!)
2. Compiled vs Interpreted pages
3. XML integration
4. Web Service Integration
5. Flash Remoting
6. CFC's are awesome
7. UDF's are a huge advantage over 4.5.1 also

I guess there is lots and lots of other stuff, but for me those are the key's.


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Storing a COM object in the application scope?

2003-10-19 Thread Brook Davies
I have a COM object that is called often. Would I run into problems if I 
stored it in the application scope? Would I need to lock calls to it?


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OT - Some Catch Up on CF Migration?

2003-10-19 Thread Nick Baker
I have been distracted from spending much time keeping up with CF within 
the last couple of years. We upgraded to 5.0 and then I disappeared. I now 
find myself with a huge void in knowledge of releases beyond 5.0. (Actually 
a void of just how productive, i.e., functionality versus problems, 5.0 is) 
Furthermore, it appears that a sizeable number of hosting services remained 
at 4.5.1. Assuming that hosting services are driven by their customers 
desires, this makes a good case that a lot of developers didn't see enough 
value in anything beyond 4.5.1 to push for the later versions/releases.

One other observation is that CFTALK seems to be less active than it used 
to be. That could be for several reasons, including that 1. 4.5.1 is a more 
mature and sound product now, eliminating a lot of potential 
problems/questions. 2. If the users are in fact staying with 4.5.1 then 
those same users are more experience and naturally have few questions. 3. 
Fewer people are starting to use CF?

I know that those, whose business depends on selling new versions/releases, 
have to pitch improvements and advantages. But, it would appear the market 
place is at best luke warm to recent and current CF Migration.

I assuming that the reasons are:

1. To many problems?
2. Benefits gained with newer products couldn't justify the prices?
3. Or, possible something I am missing?

My own observation, as shallow as it may be, is that the MX really doesn't 
offer much of what we need, and the price is too high. But, I don't know 
what I don't know. That is why I am asking.

Anyone care to comment?



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RE: anyone no what i do with this?

2003-10-19 Thread Dave Watts
> im trying to convert an asp site to cfm and im going through 
> an xml output and i come across this code
> Response.Write ""
> not sure what the CDATA is??
> what do i do with it?
> is it ok to just do this?
> or can i take it out?

The CDATA is an XML type that allows you to tell the XML parser not to try
to parse its contents. This allows you to safely include XML metacharacters
(<,> and so on) in your data. So, you probably don't want to take it out of
the code.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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