multiple cfdivs bound to URLs throwing strange errors

2010-02-27 Thread crippe crippe

I just got an error from CF9 that the variable FileExists does not exist. Yeh, 
like the built in CF function FileExists. Weird! And it is not the only one. I 
am getting really strange errors when invoking methods of application scoped 
cfc's. Here's the scenario, but I have no idea what is going on (although I've 
been rewriting my entire application to try to fix it).

I have a custom CF9 App that runs entirely off Application.cfc. The bulk of the 
work is in the OnRequest Function by instantiating application scoped request 
handling CFC's and passing all request data and accessors for APP, CGI, and 
Session vars. Any CFC's that have properties are instantiated via CreateObj() 
to ensure I have a unique copy for the request. Other cfc's are passed info to 
their methods and expected only to return results. The application name in 
Application.cfc is dynamic based on the results of a query on cgi.server_name 
to ensure each client has their own copy of the application (based on 
account_ID, so: = AppName_1, etc.)

Everything was working fine until I made several http calls in a single page 
via cfdivs with url binds. I have a page with 5 cfdivs all bound to the same 
URL as the actual page they are on (so control_panel.cfm has 5 cfdivs bound to 
control_panel.cfm with different URL vars to return different parts of the 
page.) When I run this page, especially if I flush the app and/or refresh it 
several times I start getting strange errors like FileExists() is undefined. 
75% of the time the page runs with no errors, but occassionally it will throw a 
really strange CF error, like telling me one of my app vars is undefined. What 
it feels like is happening is that the CFC that accesses app_vars (whose "get" 
method is called 25-30 times/page), which is saved in the app scope, but 
accessed via a request pointer ( request.appAccessor..get("varName") tries to 
access application vars, while another page request may be refreshing the app 
vars or calling that same "get" method that this request is calling and an 
error is thrown that the var is not defined (although all setting of app vars 
is locked exclusively and all retrieval is also locked read-only and at no 
point do I set Application = structNew() or anything).

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I'm hoping there is some basic 
technique that I am missing for keeping cfc's and their method invocations from 
interfering with others running in the request/session/app/server.

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Re: (OT) Air for Mobile Devices

2010-02-27 Thread Dave Watts

> Anyone here participating in an Air for Mobile forum somwhere
> they'd care to recommend? Pretty quite over at the HOF AIR list.

It's not mobile-specific, but the AIR-Tight list has a very high
signal-to-noise ratio:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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2010-02-27 Thread Eric Hoffman

Has anyone ever integrated the SSO from their site to Uservoice?   All
examples are in other languages, so kind of understand it, but thought I
would not re-invent the wheel if its a known process.   Didn't find in the
Google though.




Eric Hoffman

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(OT) Air for Mobile Devices

2010-02-27 Thread Jon Sala

Anyone here participating in an Air for Mobile forum somwhere
they'd care to recommend? Pretty quite over at the HOF AIR list.

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RE: CF Builder Beta 3 and RDS

2010-02-27 Thread Andrew Scott

Works fine here.

Double check your host Name, port, username and password settings. And that
RDS is switched on.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, 27 February 2010 9:20 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CF Builder Beta 3 and RDS

Hi list, in
CF Builder Beta 3 I can not
make a RDS-Connect to a CF 8 Server.

There are two connect-options:
a) JRun
b) Other

I tried both options, and I can not make a valid
Do I need CF 9 for this ?
As far as I can remember with CFB beta 2 it worked.


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
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CF Builder Beta 3 and RDS

2010-02-27 Thread cf-talk

Hi list, in
CF Builder Beta 3 I can not
make a RDS-Connect to a CF 8 Server.

There are two connect-options:
a) JRun
b) Other

I tried both options, and I can not make a valid
Do I need CF 9 for this ?
As far as I can remember with CFB beta 2 it worked.


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
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