Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread .jonah

I don't have CF10 installed to confirm, but have you tried re-setting 
the cookies without an expires? (e.g. session cookies.)

On 7/5/12 5:45 PM, Byte Me wrote:
> < used to associate requests to the session>>
> Are you saying that you have a different way to do this than the way I've 
> described above?
> Yes, the session remains on the server until it times out, but CF 10 does not 
> allow you to do what you have proposed. I did it in CF7 & 8 (never used 9) 
> for the last 7 years. The procedure I have used for the last 7 years is a 
> valid way to do this, I got it from the Web Application Construction Kit 
> written by Ben Forta & others.
>   If you have been able to set the cfid & cftoken cookies to expire when the 
> browser closes (with CF10), I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass 
> along the procedure you used. I understand that people are trying to help, 
> but has anyone actually used CF10 to verify the symptoms I've reported? thanks

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Byte Me

Are you saying that you have a different way to do this than the way I've 
described above?

Yes, the session remains on the server until it times out, but CF 10 does not 
allow you to do what you have proposed. I did it in CF7 & 8 (never used 9) for 
the last 7 years. The procedure I have used for the last 7 years is a valid way 
to do this, I got it from the Web Application Construction Kit written by Ben 
Forta & others.

 If you have been able to set the cfid & cftoken cookies to expire when the 
browser closes (with CF10), I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass 
along the procedure you used. I understand that people are trying to help, but 
has anyone actually used CF10 to verify the symptoms I've reported? thanks 

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Byte Me

Can't use j2ee session management, Hostek doesn't enable on my shared server. 

I assume you mean to set setClientCookies to no, which I'm already doing as it 
is part of the procedure for what I have been doing on CF7, then CF8 for the 
last 7 years. This procedure no longer works. 

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Dave Watts

> In CF 10 Administrator, go to "Server Settings" -->"Memory Variables" & 
> scroll down to "Session Cookie Settings". The
> "Session Cookie Settings" have complete control over the expires attribute 
> for cookie.CFID & cookie.CFToken. When
> you set them like this:   Cookie.cftoken = SESSION.CFToken> in
> OnSessionStart, the expires date gets set to the value set in "Session Cookie 
> Settings" (minimum setting is 2 minutes)
> & this setting cannot be turned off. I tried using 0 and -1 to see if that 
> would disable it from setting the expires attribute
> (for Cookie.cftoken & cookie.CFToken), it did not. In previous versions of 
> CF, if you did not set the expires attribute when
> you set cookie.CFID  and cookie.CFToken, these cookies would expire when you 
> closed the browser, this is no longer
> the case for cookie.CFID  and cookie.CFToken.

You can still do this, but you have to tell CF not to set the cookies
itself in the first place.

That said, you'd be better off following Jochem's suggestion to use
J2EE sessions instead.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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Re: PDF Populate and readBinary Data

2012-07-04 Thread Dave Watts

> Is it not true that as soon as I populate fields, if opens PDF right away. I 
> want to save a PDF with populated fields into binary and then use it for 
> later.

I guess I misunderstood what you were asking for, originally.

You can either have it written to the browser or you can write it to
the filesystem. I'm not sure what you mean by "use it for later", but
if you don't want to write it to the filesystem at the end of your
CFPDFFORM operation, you might be able to capture it with

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Jochem van Dieten

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Byte Me wrote:
> Anyone know how to force the session to end when the browser is closed when 
> using CF 10?

Strictly speaking that is impossible. The session will end a time X
after the last request.

What you can do is make sure the browser discards the cookie that is
used to associate requests to the session. The session on the server
does not disappear, the browser is just no longer associated with it.
The session will only disappear after the session timeout.
To do so, the easiest way is to enable J2EE session variables in your


Jochem van Dieten

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Byte Me

In CF 10 Administrator, go to "Server Settings" -->"Memory Variables" & scroll 
down to "Session Cookie Settings". The "Session Cookie Settings" have complete 
control over the expires attribute for cookie.CFID & cookie.CFToken. When you 
set them like this:   in OnSessionStart, the expires date gets set to the value set 
in "Session Cookie Settings" (minimum setting is 2 minutes) & this setting 
cannot be turned off. I tried using 0 and -1 to see if that would disable it 
from setting the expires attribute (for Cookie.cftoken & cookie.CFToken), it 
did not. In previous versions of CF, if you did not set the expires attribute 
when you set cookie.CFID  and cookie.CFToken, these cookies would expire when 
you closed the browser, this is no longer the case for cookie.CFID  and 

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread .jonah

Take a look at CFCOOKIE.

On 7/5/12 5:26 AM, Byte Me wrote:
> Anyone know how to force the session to end when the browser is closed when 
> using CF 10? In the CF Administrator, go to "Server Settings" -->"Memory 
> Variables" & scroll down to Session Cookie Settings. The Cookie Timeout 
> setting seems to have complete control over the expires attribute for cfid, 
> cftoken. You used to be able to force the session to end (when the browser 
> was closed) by putting this in OnSessionStart:  SESSION.CFID> , which set the Expires 
> attribute to: "When I close my browser". Does not seem to be the case anymore.

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Re: PDF Populate and readBinary Data

2012-07-04 Thread Ria Ragam

Thanks for your response.
Is it not true that as soon as I populate fields, if opens PDF right away. I 
want to save a PDF with populated fields into binary and then use it for later.

> > I have an interactive PDF form, trying to populate data into fields 
> and then read the populated pdf as binary. Can I do it
> > without writing to temporary folder?
> Since CFPDFFORM accepts a byte array (a variable containing a PDF, 
> for
> example), yes.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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Re: PDF Populate and readBinary Data

2012-07-04 Thread Dave Watts

> I have an interactive PDF form, trying to populate data into fields and then 
> read the populated pdf as binary. Can I do it
> without writing to temporary folder?

Since CFPDFFORM accepts a byte array (a variable containing a PDF, for
example), yes.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

PDF Populate and readBinary Data

2012-07-04 Thread Ria Ragam

Hi All,

I have an interactive PDF form, trying to populate data into fields and then 
read the populated pdf as binary. Can I do it without writing to temporary 

Thanks in Advance... 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Russ Michaels

if you do not set any expiry on a cookie it becomes a session cookie and
will die when the browser is closed thus ending the users session.
however this will not kill the session on the server as that
requires something to be sent back to the server to tell it to kill the
session, such as the user logging out, so the session variables will simply
expire as normal, the user simply wont be able to reconnect to that session

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Byte Me  wrote:

> Anyone know how to force the session to end when the browser is closed
> when using CF 10? In the CF Administrator, go to "Server Settings"
> -->"Memory Variables" & scroll down to Session Cookie Settings. The Cookie
> Timeout setting seems to have complete control over the expires attribute
> for cfid, cftoken. You used to be able to force the session to end (when
> the browser was closed) by putting this in OnSessionStart:  Cookie.cfid = SESSION.CFID> , which
> set the Expires attribute to: "When I close my browser". Does not seem to
> be the case anymore.

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In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread Byte Me

Anyone know how to force the session to end when the browser is closed when 
using CF 10? In the CF Administrator, go to "Server Settings" -->"Memory 
Variables" & scroll down to Session Cookie Settings. The Cookie Timeout setting 
seems to have complete control over the expires attribute for cfid, cftoken. 
You used to be able to force the session to end (when the browser was closed) 
by putting this in OnSessionStart:  , which set the Expires attribute to: "When I 
close my browser". Does not seem to be the case anymore. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

RE: CF 10 and Sharepoint

2012-07-04 Thread Kevin Parker

I should just add a caveat to this that I have not used cfsharepoint so
can't really speak to it so this may not be of much help but just a few

Over the years I have not been a MS fan but there are two things they have
done that I do like and one of them is SharePoint (2007 and later - 2003 was

SharePoint handles editing (office docs) and versioning (anything) OOTB. It
was designed to do that and I think does it very well. As big a fan of CF
that I am, the question is what value does CF add to what you want to do if
you are already using SharePoint. I disagree that the interface is counter
intuitive but accept that things might be different for different users. I
suppose you could use CF to generate documents (I'm not sure if SharePoint
can - maybe Excel files as SharePoint is a spreadsheet on steroids) and then
use SharePoint as the document store (its very good at that). You should be
able to still retrieve the docs from your system with CF as you can see
SharePoint lists as folder of documents etc but I'm not sure what capability
cfsharepoint gives in this regard and where the value add might be in this
regard given SharePoint's capabilities.

Kevin Parker


-Original Message-
From: Shannon Rhodes [] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012 00:53
To: cf-talk
Subject: CF 10 and Sharepoint

We are upgrading our apps to CF10, and have an opportunity to rebuild our
primary application (even in a diff language if we so choose).  We also use
Sharepoint 2010 for our intranet.  The app in question involves a lot of
document workflow (uploads/approvals), and the request has been made to (1)
auto-generate documents based on other known information, (2) provide
redlining and version histories.  That sounds like Sharepoint.  I don't
think it's realistic to try to fit the entire app into Sharepoint, since my
impression of Sharepoint is that it works great for what it was built for
but woe to those daring to customize much (and personally I dislike the
interface and find a lot of the functionality counterintuitive).

Has anyone attempted to integrate Sharepoint functionality into your CF app?
I understand the cfsharepoint tag does allow you to manipulate Sharepoint
lists, but would that include providing document versioning and editing?
Does Sharepoint even handle approval/rejection of documents?  Is there a
point at which it no longer makes sense to keep the app in CF if I have to
make heavy use of Sharepoint...should we at least look seriously at moving
to ASP.Net instead?  Interested in those who have walked the path.  Thanks! 

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