RE: [OT] SSL Certificate Source

2004-02-09 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
I've used GeoTrust and Comodo - both great prices, both have provided great 
phone tech support when I've
needed that regarding moving servers and such.
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Re: Yet another OT Mail Relay move question

2004-02-06 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
It would be incoming.  I didnt think changing ports would be sufficient 
enough, that there'd be an issue with which program handled any incoming 
mail.  The people at IMail said it couldn't be done on one machine.  Never 
mentioned ports to me.

I'll need to do some more digging.

At 04:12 AM 2/6/04, you wrote:
>What pending mail? Incoming or outgoing? You should be able to run the two 
>mailservers simultaneously if you make sure to use different ports.
>That way you can have the postoffice server available on nonstandard ports 
>so that people can still retrieve their old mail.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 7:11 AM
>   Subject: Yet another OT Mail Relay move questionDoes anyone have any 
> experience in how to move pending email
>   to the new server?  (I've got fifty virtual domains...)
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Re: Way OT: Internet Backbone

2004-02-06 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
At 04:35 PM 2/3/04, you wrote:
>If you are serving North America then you should really host with
>AboveNet or UUnet in Vienna, VA. If you'd like more than one location,

>If you'd like the dirty details on why the above providers are the best
>and what makes those specific cities the best I am happy to spell that

Matt, Please - info - I'm about to sign with Navisite for my own rack at 
their Hudson St. facility here in
NY and then we are planning on bringing up our redundant rack in their 
Silicon Valley center...

Before I do though I'd greatly appreciate your dirty details!  (Didn't 
AboveNet go through a major
financial fiasco recently?  Navisite just went public this year...
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Yet another OT Mail Relay move question

2004-02-05 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
FINALLY I'm moving to IMail from Post.Office because my being listed on 
spam lists
has caused me massive difficulties.

Does anyone have any experience in how to move pending email
to the new server?  (I've got fifty virtual domains...)  THe IMail system
only allows importing if both are live servers and each on a different box.
My situation only allows me to have the new mail server
set up and running on the same server as the existing P.O.

Is there per chance a CF script I could run?  (one can only dream)...
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session variables, app variables, I'm LOST

2004-02-05 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
TWO similar issues

1. Order Numbers
I've got four sites with shopping cart systems I created.  They all rely on 
an on-the-fly order number creation system that gets passed in the URL 
because not all visitors have cookies enabled.

However I hate passing this in the URL. I've been reading a lot about 
session variables and application variables, server side, client 
side...  and I'm more confused than ever about what the right solution is 
for my situation.

With each new shopper I need a unique ID for the shopping session that 
becomes the order number.  This became glaringly more imortant recently 
when I found a search engine had listed a client site with an order number 
in the URL.   Fortunately that site didn't
have a preferred customer program so no billing information could have been 
gleaned, but still - serious stuff...

2.  MemberIDs
I've got two sites with preferred customer programs that use MemberIDs that 
when people sign in DO get stored in cookies.  Sometimes the cookies stick 
and others they dont, even on my own computer.  Lately sometimes in IE when 
I close my browser the cookie is stuck even though it's set to expire on 
browser closing...

So here again, what's a better way to store MemberID tracking that I can 
check for on each page load during that member's session?
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RE: OT-Firewall

2004-02-04 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
Until we upgraded to a multi-server rack system we were quite happy with 
our Linksys 4 port firewall/router
Under $100 and you can lock down ports , open up specific ports as needed 
for various serviceswith
a web interface (need to be logged into the server)...

At 12:13 PM 2/4/04, you wrote:
>OS - Single Web server running Win2kSP4
>Looking for software.
>   _
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RE: OT: Making Combo Box from

2004-02-01 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
Not sure what's required.  I'll keep my eyes out though cause I'd like to see
the full capability.

At 05:51 PM 2/1/04, you wrote:
>Thanks, that works great.  Any way to have all of the typing in the select
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Alan Rafael Bleiweiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 6:26 PM
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Subject: Re: OT: Making Combo Box from 
>   Try this one - _javascript_.  I'm going to be implementing this shortly so I
>   don't yet know
>   if it's fully what you're looking for - should be adaptable...
>   At 05:11 PM 2/1/04, you wrote:
>   >Does anyone have code they would share to create the equivalent of a VB
>   >box?
>   >
>   >I'd like to give the user the ability to either select from a drop-down
>   >or to start typing and have the list move as the user types to the first
>   >that matches what has been typed so far.
>   >
>   >Thanks,
>   >Andy
>   >
>   >--
>   >[
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Re: OT: Making Combo Box from

2004-02-01 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
Try this one - _javascript_.  I'm going to be implementing this shortly so I 
don't yet know
if it's fully what you're looking for - should be adaptable...

At 05:11 PM 2/1/04, you wrote:
>Does anyone have code they would share to create the equivalent of a VB combo
>I'd like to give the user the ability to either select from a drop-down list
>or to start typing and have the list move as the user types to the first entry
>that matches what has been typed so far.
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Re: Sorry OT contracting agreement

2004-01-31 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
This may be of use to many people on the list...

I have online real world examples of three docs that are my own
boiler plate docs based on 9 years in the industry. Never once
have I failed to impress, meet requirements or have what's covered
turn into major scope creep, OR have a client fail to pay.
(Caveat - always have an attorney review your own working documents)

(that I use for sites valued at anywhere from as low as $1,000 up
to $500,000 - of course on the larger sites I'd also include appendixes
for flowcharts, data structure, etc...



At 03:13 PM 1/30/04, you wrote:
>Hey gang,
>I was wondering if anyone has a template type doc for independent
>contracting agreement or a contact I can look at and recreate?
>any help would be appreciated.
>Thanks in advance
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Flash Remoting with CF MX server ?SOT?

2004-01-23 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
I'm attempting to learn how to do dynamic textual content loaded into a 
Flash MX site I'm creating.

I know how to send Flash form data to CF for processing, but I'm lost with 
pulling data into Flash
(Like a list of corporate contacts, their email and phone info, grouped by 

I was going to go use LoadVars then someone said use XML files, so I 
started learning how to
create compliant XML files with CF MX... then I saw the (to me) completely 
INANE code I'd need to
teach myself in order to properly parse the XML file inside Flash...

THEN I was being led by the Flash community that the best way is Flash 
Remoting, but I ain't got the
$1,000 for the remoting software... AND I'm doing this site on the same box 
as the CF server and the database
(Small site on a shared server)...

Do I need to use remoting software?  (Rather than using cluge-y loadvars, 
loadvariables or XML parsing)?
DOES CF MX Server come with remoting?

Can anyone please provide me an example of how to implement this if it does?

Fields I need to loop through:

These need to be grouped by Department and then get posted onto a dynamic 
text movie clip so I can format them and make the email clickable...

Thanks for any help

At 08:04 PM 1/23/04, you wrote:
>I just finished a very basic coldfusion eclipse plug-in. The syntax
>highlighting and code completion are so-so, but better then nothing.
>It works on Mac, Linux, and Windows (with jre1.4)
>to activate code completion type 
>(the attribute part works from time to time - bad rule somewhere), and
>after you type a function it'll tell you the syntax for the function -
>cooler still it'll actually tell you the return type :)
>To install the plug-in do the following (after you download eclipse of
>1. Go to Help/Software Updates/Update Manager
>2. In the lower left box (marked Feature Update) right click (control
>click on Mac) select "new" then site bookmark
>3. add Name: cfeclipse URL: click finish
>4. that should have added a new item to the tree. In the tree, open the
>cfeclipse, then Other, then click on com.rohanclan.coldfusion-feature
>5. in the preview window (upper right) it should now list the plug-in
>details - click the button that says install now.
>When it's all done the framework will want to restart. After it has, the
>new plug-in will be associated with cfm, cfml, and cfc files. Just open
>any of those files and the plug-in will kick in.
>There is nothing fancy about the plug-in just yet - its just the editor.
>It only does syntax highlighting and code completion (mostly anyway),
>but hopefully as time allows it will do more.
>I am waiting for to give me a project space and I'll up
>load the code, if anyone wants to help they are more than welcome. I am
>doing it under LGPL.
>Luxuria immodica insaniam creat.
>Sanam formam viatae conservate!
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Re: Fresh Page Each Time??

2004-01-16 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
What Diner's care about - how's the grapevine?

Ghost from the past.

At 05:47 AM 1/16/04, you wrote:
>I need to be certain that a user is served up a fresh page every time they
>click a link instead of getting cached pages.
>We've looked into PRAGMA NO CACHE, but I don't think that's a solution.
>Anyone have creative ideas on this?
>Sincerely yours,
>Jim Gurfein
>, Inc.
>914.921.3200 Ext 101
>914.921.9190 fax
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Re: ecommerce store and real store inventory

2004-01-13 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
To do this in real time, they'd need to connect to the same datasource (at 
least for the inventory aspects).

That means you better ensure they have best of breed world class layered 
security going on in between the web front end and their back end brick and 
mortar system.

How big is the company? Is it just one retail physical location?  Do they 
have POS tracking into their current inventory system?  Check to find out 
whether their current POS system, if it IS doing real time inventory, has a 
CF accessible database sitting there.

At 05:51 PM 1/13/04, you wrote:
>ok group. Here is one I can't seem to find information on.
>I have been asked if a real world store that has a Cold Fusion based
>webstore could tie their inventory to the website. If an item sells out in
>the store, it would not be available on the website until restocked. They
>have a CF Based website now and are willing to change their in-house
>inventory system. Anyone else run into this idea?
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MS Access password

2004-01-12 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
I've got a new client with an existing site using MS Access.  The problem 
is the original developer put a password lock on the database - the guy is 
no longer reachable - doesn't return calls, email or written letters.

I need to either know how to get passed the password or a CF snippet to 
learn the data table names, column names and data types.  Or can I just do 
an import from within SQL server 2000 without that password?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - otherwise I need to charge the 
client a lot of money to build this from scratch.
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Re: Safari Navigation Bug and general speed issues

2004-01-12 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
For some reason my code didn't get included in the first email.  Here's a 
link to the code in question...

At 05:06 PM 1/12/04, you wrote:
>Two questions.
>I've got a site with over 1000 products.
>In that site, when bringing up any category my code (see below) shows 10
>products per page with a Next / Previous function.  On IE and Netscape on
>the PC this works (though very slowly for large categories).  On Macs IE
>and Safari,
>clicking the NEXT button shows seven of the previous page's ten and only
>three new products, all of which are at the bottom of the list.
>1.  WHAT in my code is causing this to fail on Macs?
>2.  How can I re-code this to be much more efficient regardless of visitor
>I'm running CF MX 6.1 on a Windows 2000 server.
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Re: Safari Navigation Bug and general speed issues

2004-01-12 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
Uh, how come my pasted code didn't get included in this post?

At 05:06 PM 1/12/04, you wrote:
>Two questions.
>I've got a site with over 1000 products.
>In that site, when bringing up any category my code (see below) shows 10
>products per page with a Next / Previous function.  On IE and Netscape on
>the PC this works (though very slowly for large categories).  On Macs IE
>and Safari,
>clicking the NEXT button shows seven of the previous page's ten and only
>three new products, all of which are at the bottom of the list.
>1.  WHAT in my code is causing this to fail on Macs?
>2.  How can I re-code this to be much more efficient regardless of visitor
>I'm running CF MX 6.1 on a Windows 2000 server.
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Safari Navigation Bug and general speed issues

2004-01-12 Thread Alan Rafael Bleiweiss
Two questions.

I've got a site with over 1000 products.

In that site, when bringing up any category my code (see below) shows 10 
products per page with a Next / Previous function.  On IE and Netscape on 
the PC this works (though very slowly for large categories).  On Macs IE 
and Safari,
clicking the NEXT button shows seven of the previous page's ten and only 
three new products, all of which are at the bottom of the list.

1.  WHAT in my code is causing this to fail on Macs?
2.  How can I re-code this to be much more efficient regardless of visitor 

I'm running CF MX 6.1 on a Windows 2000 server.


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