Dealing With Spiders/Bots/Crawlers

2010-02-03 Thread Bob Hendren

I'm at an odd crossroads here. Up until now, I've kept my application 
off-limits to search engines. I've used a couple of techniques found on Ben 
Nadel's blog for giving them short sessions and such. Been working well.

With respect to human users, I've been VERY diligent about using 
URLSessionFormat to keep session variables across page requests with cookies 
disabled. Also been working well.

So here's my quandary - I now want open up my application to allow search 
engines to index. However, I've got session variables embedded everywhere in my 
URLs due to URLSessionFormat()! So what's going to occur is this: the robots 
will grab all of these URLs, index them, then pass them as hijacked sessions 
through their results and I won't be able to track new visitors!

I just ran across a recent mention by Michael Dinowitz of a technique for 
setting CFID and CFToken to 1 whenever it's a bot, mentioned here:

Bottom line: how can I make the URLs NOT pass the session management variables 
when it's a search engine?

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Dealing with Spiders/Bots/Crawlers

2010-02-03 Thread Bob Hendren

I'm at an odd crossroads here. Up until now, I've kept my application 
off-limits to search engines. I've used a couple of techniques found on Ben 
Nadel's blog for giving them short sessions and such. Been working well.

With respect to human users, I've been VERY diligent about using 
URLSessionFormat to keep session variables across page requests with cookies 
disabled. Also been working well.

So here's my quandary - I now want open up my application to allow search 
engines to index. However, I've got session variables embedded everywhere in my 
URLs due to URLSessionFormat()! So what's going to occur is this: the robots 
will grab all of these URLs, index them, then pass them as hijacked sessions 
through their results and I won't be able to track new visitors!

I just ran across a recent mention by Michael Dinowitz of a technique for 
setting CFID and CFToken to 1 whenever it's a bot, mentioned here:

Bottom line: how can I make the URLs NOT pass the session management variables 
when it's a search engine?

Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc.

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Dealing With Spiders/Bots/Crawlers

2010-02-03 Thread Bob Hendren

First, sorry for dual post earlier.

Second, not a stupid question about cookies, but just trying to deal with the 
possibility that a user has cookies turned off.  I'm using URLSessionFormat on 
all of my links to pass their session info around so the system isn't 
constantly treating them like a new user.

By the way, I say MY application because I wrote it, but it's a service we 
provide as a plugin to other websites.  So, we have to try and make things as 
open as possible for all of my users' users.

This may be a stupid question, but are cookies really not an option for
your site users?  I would only be passing session ids around the URL as
a last resort.  I mean, it _is_ 2010 and cookies are kind of the
standard for maintaining session.  (Note: they preclude the necessity of
putting session info in all your URLs)

There are other pitfalls with placing the session IDs in every URL other
than bot traffic:


Bottom line: how can I make the URLs NOT pass the session management
variables when it's a search engine? 

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

ColdFusion Client Variables - HITCOUNT

2009-09-03 Thread Bob Hendren

Here's an oldie but a goodie:

I long ago drank the Kool-Aid on Client variables being stored in a DB and 
disabling global client variable updates.  No problems there.  But I'm just 
wondering when exactly are HITCOUNT and LVISIT updated in this situation?  Is 
it on the first page of a return visit?  If so, exactly how does CF determine a 
'return' visit?

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

ColdFusion Client Variables

2009-09-02 Thread Bob Hendren

Here's an oldie but a goodie:

I long ago drank the Kool-Aid on Client variables being stored in a DB 
and disabling global client variable updates.  No problems there.  But 
I'm just wondering when exactly are HITCOUNT and LVISIT updated in this 
situation?  Is it on the first page of a return visit?  If so, exactly 
how does CF determine a 'return' visit?

Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc.
Phone/Fax: 800.867.4707

ListingWare Support:

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

RE: CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

2008-04-14 Thread Bob Hendren
I asked this over the weekend, but didn't see any responses.  Anyone have
ANY clues?  Thanks!

Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc.
800-867-4707 x 706

-Original Message-
From: Bob Hendren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 7:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

Has anyone experience trouble with CFMENU since the 8.0.1 Updater?  I've
noticed a few of things:
1)  The submenu indicator arrow appears beneath the display text in a
vertical menu in Internet Explorer.
2)  There seems to be an improperly nested DIV that causes a thick top
border in vertical format.
3)  The TYPE attribute for 'vertical' or 'horizontal' MUST be lowercase -
'Vertical/Horizontal' or 'VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL' cause it to render incorrect.
4)  If I use an image in a top-level CFMENUITEM, it will also try to display
that same image as part of a group of child CFMENUITEMs, so that if there
are 5 child items, a single image of the parent menu item will display once
for all 5 items.  (It's obviously not supposed to be there, because as you
mouseover the child menu items, the mouseover color appears over the image.)
5)  An underline now appears for the active menu item.  The behavior of
having a mouseover color for the active menu item is desired, and I supposed
I could live with the underline, but I'd rather not.
There could be others, but I was SO bummed!  The update fixed a couple of
things that were a problem, but introduced other issues!  I might be able to
solve a couple of these by tinkering with the YUI CSS, but a couple are
clearly beyond that.
One thing that DOES seem to be fixed is the odd behavior you got on a
horizontal menu, where it would be rendered vertically (mostly in IE) to
begin with, then resolve to horizontal - it was a weird and distracting
behavior, but seems OK now.
Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc. 
800-867-4707 x 706

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k


RE: CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

2008-04-14 Thread Bob Hendren
Bhakti -

Thanks for the reply.  I've gone through your responses and provided further
info of my own below, denoted by .

Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc.
800-867-4707 x 706

-Original Message-
From: Bhakti Pingale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:12 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

Hi Bob,

Please find my comments inline.
Hope these inputs help you.
Thanks for your feedback.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Hendren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 4:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

Has anyone experience trouble with CFMENU since the 8.0.1 Updater?  I've
noticed a few of things:
1)  The submenu indicator arrow appears beneath the display text in a
vertical menu in Internet Explorer. 

- Setting the menu width appropriately should solve this problem for you. I
am however not able to repro this one. May be you can give me some more

 Try viewing in IE and then another
browser.  The vertical menu on the left side has the submenu indicators
underneath the text.  A horizontal menu in a similar site is rendering
2)  There seems to be an improperly nested DIV that causes a thick top
border in vertical format. 

- We did a YUI upgrade in CF 8.0.1 because of which there have been small
little UI changes. This is one of them. 
I am not too sure if I have understood you perfectly, but I also see a
border added which can be removed.Under the
/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/yui/yui.css file, the line border-width (as
shown below) has to be changed to border-width:0 0 0 0;  

...yuimenu ul {

border:solid 1px #c4c4be;
border-width:1px 0 0 0;
padding:4px 0;


If this is not the one you are talking about then could you please explain
it again so that I can give you a workaround.
 This did fix the issue.

3)  The TYPE attribute for 'vertical' or 'horizontal' MUST be lowercase
'Vertical/Horizontal' or 'VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL' cause it to render incorrect.
-Agreed. I will log a bug for this one.

 OK, thanks.  I can live without images until fixed.
4)  If I use an image in a top-level CFMENUITEM, it will also try to display
that same image as part of a group of child CFMENUITEMs, so that if there
are 5 child items, a single image of the parent menu item will display once
for all 5 items.  (It's obviously not supposed to be there, because as you
mouseover the child menu items, the mouseover color appears over the

- This one is a known bug. I guess we have documented it.
5)  An underline now appears for the active menu item.  The behavior of
having a mouseover color for the active menu item is desired, and I supposed
I could live with the underline, but I'd rather not. 

- This again is because of the YUI upgrade. The workaround is as follows.

The css change is required to correct the underline issue

Under the /CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/yui/yui.css file, the line
text-decoration has to be taken off 

...yuimenuitem a.selected,
...yuimenubaritem a.selected {



 I did this, but it's still a problem.  If you View Source on that same web
site, you see the statement where the YUI CSS file is included, then
directly after it is a new STYLE statement that had never been there before.
That seems to be where the underline is coming from.  I found that if I took
all attributes except type=vertical out of the CFMENU declaration, the new
STYLE element went away and so did the underline.  However, the submenu
indicator issue from above still exists.

There could be others, but I was SO bummed!  The update fixed a couple of
things that were a problem, but introduced other issues!  I might be able to
solve a couple of these by tinkering with the YUI CSS, but a couple are
clearly beyond that.
One thing that DOES seem to be fixed is the odd behavior you got on a
horizontal menu, where it would be rendered vertically (mostly in IE) to
begin with, then resolve to horizontal - it was a weird and distracting
behavior, but seems OK now.
Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc. 
800-867-4707 x 706

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k


CF 8.0.1 Update and CFMENU

2008-04-12 Thread Bob Hendren
Has anyone experience trouble with CFMENU since the 8.0.1 Updater?  I've
noticed a few of things:
1)  The submenu indicator arrow appears beneath the display text in a
vertical menu in Internet Explorer.
2)  There seems to be an improperly nested DIV that causes a thick top
border in vertical format.
3)  The TYPE attribute for 'vertical' or 'horizontal' MUST be lowercase -
'Vertical/Horizontal' or 'VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL' cause it to render incorrect.
4)  If I use an image in a top-level CFMENUITEM, it will also try to display
that same image as part of a group of child CFMENUITEMs, so that if there
are 5 child items, a single image of the parent menu item will display once
for all 5 items.  (It's obviously not supposed to be there, because as you
mouseover the child menu items, the mouseover color appears over the image.)
5)  An underline now appears for the active menu item.  The behavior of
having a mouseover color for the active menu item is desired, and I supposed
I could live with the underline, but I'd rather not.
There could be others, but I was SO bummed!  The update fixed a couple of
things that were a problem, but introduced other issues!  I might be able to
solve a couple of these by tinkering with the YUI CSS, but a couple are
clearly beyond that.
One thing that DOES seem to be fixed is the odd behavior you got on a
horizontal menu, where it would be rendered vertically (mostly in IE) to
begin with, then resolve to horizontal - it was a weird and distracting
behavior, but seems OK now.
Bob Hendren
ListingWare, Inc. 
800-867-4707 x 706

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k


Re: Server performance problem since upgrading to CF8

2007-12-14 Thread Bob Hendren
Every since upgrading to CF8 I've been having a frustrating problem.  After
starting CF, it will run for a while (sometimes serveral hours, sometimes
less than an hour) at about 1% - 3% in terms of processor load.  (It's a 2
cpu - 4 core system.)  Then, all of a sudden, the processor load will jump
up to about 25% and stay there until CF is restarted. Pages then start
loading very sluggishly.  This never happened with CF7 and I haven't made
any code changes since upgrading.
Also, the CF code that this server runs is very light.

I have had this EXACT problem!  Have you found a solution?  A fire-breathing, 
quad-processor, dual core Dell that just locks up - weird!

Anyone seen this, or have any ideas.  BTW, I'm running the standard edition
of CF so I don't have access to the server monitor. 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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RE: ImageMagick - anyone use with CF?

2001-09-18 Thread Bob Hendren

I've used it with the CFEXECUTE tag, but that's about it.  Works great

Bob Hendren
President and CEO
Direct:  770-836-3231
Toll Free:  800-867-4707 ext. 102
Fax:  800-867-4707

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:50 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: ImageMagick - anyone use with CF?

 I found some references to an image manipulation toolset, called
 ( This looks like JUST the thing I need for a
 project I'm working on.

 However, on the site, there's no mention of it's usage with CF, or whether
 it's even a doable thing.

 Anyone out there in CF-Talk-land use ImageMagick with CF? If so, could you
 describe your experiences with it, both as far as interfacing with CF, and
 the toolset's abilities?

 Thanks in advance,
Get the mailserver that powers this list at

RE: What's the difference?

2000-04-19 Thread Bob Hendren

It is not 'wrong' to not provide the attribute scope, but if you don't,
you're leaving it up to CF to figure it out.  By providing it yourself, you
take away any doubt as to whether you're referring to URL.variablename or
Form.variablename, for example.

Bob Hendren
E-Commerce - Internetworking - Information Systems

-Original Message-
From: Jennifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: What's the difference?

I don't understand if you are saying that I'm wrong or if you are saying
that it won't find the variable if you don't put the attribute scope.
Either is totally possible, so please let me know, just for the record.

At 01:29 PM 4/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
The server does not implicitly look in the attribute scope.  The scope
search order is :

1) local
2) CGI
3) File
4) URL
5) Form
6) Cookie
7) Client

-Original Message-
From: Jennifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: What's the difference?

At 10:18 AM 4/19/00 -0700, you wrote:
 What's the difference between saying
 or just saying fuseaction?

Just saying fuseaction is supposed to take longer because the server has to
search the scopes to find the variable. With the variable scoped, it knows
where it look.

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RE: commenting a processing hog???

2000-04-19 Thread Bob Hendren

It will probably depend on if you're using CF or standard HTML comments
(three dashes vs. two at beginning and end of comment) and if there are
cfoutput/cfoutput blocks around the commented code also.  If you
practice putting cfoutput at the top of the document and /cfoutput at
the bottom, CF will have to look at every character.  Placing each CFOUTPUT
optimally and using CF comments (!---CF comment---) will help.

Bob Hendren
E-Commerce - Internetworking - Information Systems

-Original Message-
From: Mike Amburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 4:15 PM
To: Cf-Talk
Subject: commenting a processing hog???

in the past, we encouraged developers to comment their code as often as
possible. however, after running a few tests between a page with a lot
(20-30 lines of comments) of comments aginst the same page without the
comments, the performance of the latter is about a 100% gain.

i was under the impression that you could add as many lines of comment as
you wanted without affecting performance at all. is this incorrect?


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Scriptable Advanced Security Administration, Part Deux

2000-04-14 Thread Bob Hendren

It's not clear yet, but I'm starting to see a vague outline in the fog...

Here is the answer I received on Allaire's Forums:

You can script advanced security using the CFADMINSECURITY tag.
Unfortunately, this tag has not yet been documented.  You can figure it out
fairly easily, though by calling it in a template and not passing any
attributes to it.  This will give you a list of attributes.  You should be
able to take it from there with some experimentation.

You can also see that the tag exists if you log into the CF Administrator
and go to the Basic Security tab.  You will see the tag listed as one that
you can disable from the administrator.

I took the advice and created a dummy page and played with the tag.  What
I've been able to do so far is extract the required attributes for each type
of ACTION attribute.  You can play with it from there.  Obviously, you'll
have to understand something of the Advanced Security concepts for this to
work.  Here is what I found.  Good luck!

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RE: Automatically Processing Email in CF

2000-04-12 Thread Bob Hendren

My opinion is that the CFSCHEDULE method is going to be the best.  Not many
POP servers are going to have the ability to perform a command when a
message is received, which is what you are saying you'd like to do.  I had
great luck with creating a script that ran every 15 minutes and checked
mailboxes for content and then acted on them.  It never seemed to tax the
server and the volume ranged from 10-15 per day up to 200-250 per day.  My
one caution is to make sure you consider ALL of the possible results in
contents of the message, i.e., looking for the subject, the body, certain To
or From, etc.

Bob Hendren
E-Commerce - Internetworking - Information Systems

-Original Message-
From: Leong Yew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 9:55 PM
Subject: Automatically Processing Email in CF


I've got an unresolved question regarding e-mail processing. Does anyone
know how to set up a particular POP3 mailbox so that every time it receives
a message a particular ColdFusion script is executed?

Some individuals suggested (at Allaire's discussion forum) the use
CFSCHEDULE/CFPOP to schedule CF to check POP3 mailbox periodically as the
only way. I'm not convinced. Besides that unnecessarily uses up system
resources especially if that mailbox receives only a few messages a day. If
I'm on a shared virtual hosting plan is there anyway I can specially
configure the mail server to monitor for incoming email and then run the CF

Thanks in advance.

Leong Yew

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RE: Automatically Processing Email in CF

2000-04-12 Thread Bob Hendren

This is a good solution, but to me there are a couple of issues:

Does this have to be a real-time execution or can it be near-real-time?  If
it has to be real-time, then Ron's suggestion will have to be used.  You
just have to hope that the mail system you're using supports it.

That leads to the second issue - the mail system supporting it.  It has to
be one capable of the command execution and the method described below can
get convoluted.  The CFSCHEDULE method will be portable to any POP server,
again assuming that it doesn't have to be real-time (unless you set the
schedule to check every minute!).

So, as usual, more than one way to skin an email message!  Just pick what

Bob Hendren
E-Commerce - Internetworking - Information Systems

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: RE: Automatically Processing Email in CF

 I've got an unresolved question regarding e-mail processing.
 Does anyone
 know how to set up a particular POP3 mailbox so that every
 time it receives
 a message a particular ColdFusion script is executed?

 Some individuals suggested (at Allaire's discussion forum) the use
 CFSCHEDULE/CFPOP to schedule CF to check POP3 mailbox
 periodically as the
 only way. I'm not convinced. Besides that unnecessarily uses up system
 resources especially if that mailbox receives only a few
 messages a day. If
 I'm on a shared virtual hosting plan is there anyway I can specially
 configure the mail server to monitor for incoming email and
 then run the CF

It depends on your mailserver, but most (SendMail, Imail for sure) have
what's called "program aliases", which are addresses that trigger a
command-line executable when a message is received to them. The quick
and dirty way to trigger a ColdFusion template is to hit a shortcut file
to IE with a ColdFusion URL. When a message hits that program alias,
you'll see a little IE window pop up, and your ColdFusion script will be
run. (As a side note, these program aliases write the entire message
file to disk, and pass that filename as the first parameter to whatever
application is called.)

The better way is to script something with Perl or write a little
executable with Delphi that hits the ColdFusion template, so you're not
launching IE every time it gets hit. But if the volume of hits will be
relatively low (say, under 4 or 5 per minute), then the IE method works


ron allen hornbaker   õ¿õ¬
humankind systems, inc.

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RE: banner ad weighting....

2000-04-12 Thread Bob Hendren

I thought about this a couple of weeks ago as a two-stage issue.  First, you
could setup your weighting percentages and any leftover unused spaces.  Then
you could create a memory structure to hold the next n number of banners
(100, 1000, 10K) and randomly populate that according to the weighting
percentages.  This sounded good to me because you're dividing the load up -
the serving of the banners is accomplished by walking through the memory
array that is created and the randomizing of the banners is done
periodically when that memory array runs out.  This was all in my head - not
actually put in practice yet!  Just opinion so far.  Let me know what you

Bob Hendren
E-Commerce - Internetworking - Information Systems

-Original Message-
From: Tom Forbes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: banner ad weighting

How about an array or look-up table. I did this successfully with a Monte
Carlo simulation I wrote to address queing theory. Was that a dry project.


At 10:01 PM 4/12/00, you wrote:
Hello All,

I plan to offer banner ads on our web site ASAP.  I don't
want to use any of the canned scripts from the developer's exchange for
various reasons that I don't want to dwell on here.

The way the banner displays are going to work is this

All partners are entitled to a free banner ad on our
site.  People who pay a monthly fee will obviously be given a far greater
weighting factor than the freebies.

So, our plan was to do something like the following:

All freebie ads combined would account for 1% of the total weighting

We would then sell off weights in blocks of 10%, 20% and 30% of
impressions until the maximum of a 100% has been reached.  The unsold
weight blocks would display a "Your Ad Here" ad.

So, in other words, when we display the ads, they will be called at
random, but I want the weights to affect their odds of being displayed.

Hopefully this makes sense.  By the way, for the person who figures out
the best solution, we'll give you a 30% block of the 1st month's banner ad
weighting absolutely free as our way of saying thank you.


Mark Warrick
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Thomas J. Forbes
Forbes Consulting

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MedMatrix Medical Equipment Portal

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