Re: WebService Issue w/Special Characters being sent to XMLParse

2007-04-13 Thread Cathy Shapiro

This is probably a cheat because I'm not suggested you solve it with 
coldfusion. I had the same problem yesterday and after hours and hours of no 
luck trying it with coldfusion, I went another route. I passed the feed through 
feedburner, and viola! no problems. 

I'm not sure what feedburner does but it cleaned up the xml for me.


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Re: dateFormat

2006-09-28 Thread cathy shapiro
Thanks Matt! 
This seems to work on the coldfusion side:
cffunction name=getDate access=remote returntype=string output=false
cfargument name=myDate type=string
cfquery name=queryDate datasource=MASEnews
SELECT newsdate FROM news
cfset myDate = dateFormat(queryDate.newsdate,  dd, )
cfreturn myDate

Now if I can only get it to work in flash!

Using DateFormat() in your query as you have it performs the SQL
dateFormat() function.  You'll need to change it with
#dateFormat(productDetailQuery.newsdate,  dd, )# after the query
has run to do it in CF.

Oh, and yes, Ben posts here as well :-)

-Original Message-
From: Cathy Coggin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: dateFormat

Wow! Ray Camden posts here... next you'll tell me Ben Forta does too.
I am in the process of reading their excellent book on Coldfusion MX7 and
was surprised to see his post today.

I have a bit of a problem that is causing major hair loss and was wondering
if someone might help me with it.
Please help me save some hair!

I am trying to do a bit of flash remoting using flash 8 and coldfusion mx7.
Here's the problem. The newsdate record of my database displays in flash as:
Fri Jan 20 00:00:00 GMT-0600 2006
when I want it to display as just plain ole Jan 20, 2006. I was trying to
accomplish the change with actionscript when someone on the actionscript
forum at chattyleaf suggested I try to change the format in my cfc.

Here's the cfc:
cffunction name=getProductsDetails access=remote returnType=query
cfargument name=newsID type=numeric
cfquery name=productDetailQuery datasource=MASEnews
SELECT * FROM news WHERE newsID = #newsID#
 cfreturn productDetailQuery 

I tried to change it to
SELECT DateFormat(newsdate,' dd, '), title, article, newsId FROM
news but that didn't work

As you can see I haven't read *enough* of their excellent book yet!
Anyone have any ideas?
thanks in advance!
Camden-Forta Fan

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