Happy New Year everyone,

I get a 404 error (in firebug) whenever I try to save a long text field to SQL 
server.  I have a CFWINDOW that opens to allow editing and a save button calls 
the CFC.  I separated out the description from the remainder of the record 
trying to get this to work.  I ended up working around this by splitting the 
text into 500 char chunks and saving it that way.  This solution is not working 
well in production.  So, I would like to find a way to do it without looping.  
I've trapped the error on the javascript side and it just says 'undefined' for 
the error's message.  I added a simple insert query to the top of the CFC 
function and that did not occur.  So, the problem appears to be on the 
javascript side.

Any ideas?

I have CF 9, SQL Server 2008, description is varchar(max)

Javascript call:


CFC Function:
<cffunction name="saveDescription">
        <cfargument name="prdID" type="numeric" default="0">
        <cfargument name="prdDesc" type="string" default="" >
   <cfquery datasource="#THIS.dsn#">
     UPDATE tblProducts
     SET prdDescription= 
          <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" 
value="#arguments.prdDesc#" > 
     WHERE prdID= 
          <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_int" value="#arguments.prdID#"  />  

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