CFC wrapper generator from Java class?

2004-11-12 Thread Edward Smith
Has anybody written any code to autogenerate CFC wrappers for Java classes?

I have a bunch of Java classes that I want to use in CF, and I want to wrap
them in CFCs for any Web/CF specific manipulation that might have to be

I'm looking for some code that might be able to examine the Java class and
stub out the CFC for me automagically.

Has anybody heard of such a thing?  Any other suggestions on how I might
accomplish it with as least effort as possible?


Edward Smith

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Re: Thoughts

2001-08-15 Thread Edward Smith

Well, what he's asking for is not insane.  In fact, it really makes a
lot of sense - don't make things dynamic that are not dynamic.  I know
of a lot of people that are reverting to static, or semi-static pages
from dynamic pages - especially for pages that really have no reason to
be dynamic.  Its all for scalability reasons.

Having said that, you don't really have to change much.  There are a lot
of ways of doing what he wants without much work.

One way is to just spider over the files and save them as HTML files. 
That way, if they change, just run the spider again.  You could set the
scheduler to do it for you.You could use a program like Teleport Pro
to do it as well.

Another way might be to use the CFCACHE tag - this might take care of
everything for you, depending on your situation.

So, in my opinion, its not a bad idea for the pages to be just HTML
pages.  To recode them by hand is crazy, but to use the system you
already have in place, and just cache the pages as HTML pages for an
indefinate period is the right way to go.

Michael Ross wrote:
 I think I know what everyone has to say about this but I thought I would share.  A 
web manager here has asked one of the developers to change an app they built.  The 
current one is all db driven, it has a few pages to display about 110 pages worth of 
info.  Well the manager wants them to make all the pages static.  To have them hard 
coded.  The manager says that because the info is only updated once in a blue moon 
they don't need the extra calls to the db.  Well the developer called me to find out 
where they could find info on why this would be a bad idea.
 any thoughts

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Re: Zip Codes

2001-08-09 Thread Edward Smith

Well, we've used it :)  I just cut it out of a page, so it may need

I don't know of any other way to do it other then calculate against each
lat/long other then precalculating some sort of matrix to try to weed
out rows that you KNOW are not in the radius.

It is spankin fast with US 5 digit zips.  With +4 zipcodes, well, that's
a lot of rows to calculate against, and I wouldn't so this.  I'd have
another table with the 5 digit zips, and returning the zips that match
the radius, then do a +4 search.

Remember that how many locations you have is not important to the
zip-radius query.  It just returns zipcodes that match - then query your
500+K row table for locations with those zipcodes.

So, the flow would go like this:

1) Query to get Lat/Long (etc.) for User-Entered Zip code.
2) Query to get Zip5 zips within the radius of User-Entered Zip code
(query against about 43,000 zip codes)
3) (Optional) Query against Zip+4 table filtering on the Zip5, so you
are only hitting the rows that have the main zipcode returned by step 2
4) Query your location table for locations with the resulting zipcodes

Paris Lundis wrote:
 Haven't tested the code below yet myself...  ANyone used it before/yet?
 Had been looking for an elegant SQL based computation... I wrote a much
 more complicated and assumption oriented search to facilitate such...
 It works not on the circle basis but on a SQUARE basis... a small error
 margin in each corner :)
 I ask about folks using it to gauge both the speed of it compared to
 how I do it and the number of records everyone is using with it...
 I have some tables that computations need to run against upwards of
 500k records quickly and usably so in a web setting.. My use for it is
 people searching for other people or places based on where they are or
 will be...  QUite typical use I think...
 Interested in everyone's input..
 -Original Message-
 From: Edward Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 14:45:48 -0500
 Subject: Re: Zip Codes
  Here's the important code - I think this works in Access, probably
  SQLServer as well.  You need a database with zipcodes, longitude, and
  latitude.  This assues Lon/Lat in degrees.
  This code takes in a radius, and returns all the zipcodes within that
  CFQUERY NAME=Ziplookup DATASOURCE=ZipCodeDegrees
select longitude,latitude from ZipCodes where ZipCode ='#Zip1#'
  CFQUERY NAME=getCities DATASOURCE=ZipCodeDegrees
SQR( ( LONGITUDE-(#Ziplookup.LONGITUDE#) )^2  +
  (LATITUDE-(#Ziplookup.LATITUDE#))^2 ) = (#RADIUS#)/60
  I'm sure this could be refined into a single query, if needs be.
  Here's the calculation for Lat/Long in radians:
  CFSET Bung = sin(SourceLatitude) * sin(DestinationLatitude) +
  cos(SourceLatitude) * cos(DestinationLatitude) *
  cos(DestinationLongitude - SourceLongitude)
  CFSET Mileage = 3963.0 * (ATN(-Bung / SQR(-Bung * Bung + 1)) +
  Hope this helps.
  Rey Bango wrote:
   Hey all. I need to build a routine that will allow a site visitor
  to find a
   store within x miles of a specific zip code. Has anyone done this
   and if so, would you mind lending some guidance? If anyone knows of
  a custom
   tag to do this, that would great.
   Rey Bango
   Team Allaire...

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Zip Codes

2001-08-07 Thread Edward Smith

Here's the important code - I think this works in Access, probably
SQLServer as well.  You need a database with zipcodes, longitude, and
latitude.  This assues Lon/Lat in degrees.

This code takes in a radius, and returns all the zipcodes within that


select longitude,latitude from ZipCodes where ZipCode ='#Zip1#'

SQR( ( LONGITUDE-(#Ziplookup.LONGITUDE#) )^2  +
(LATITUDE-(#Ziplookup.LATITUDE#))^2 ) = (#RADIUS#)/60

I'm sure this could be refined into a single query, if needs be.

Here's the calculation for Lat/Long in radians:

CFSET Bung = sin(SourceLatitude) * sin(DestinationLatitude) +
cos(SourceLatitude) * cos(DestinationLatitude) *
cos(DestinationLongitude - SourceLongitude)
CFSET Mileage = 3963.0 * (ATN(-Bung / SQR(-Bung * Bung + 1)) +

Hope this helps.

Rey Bango wrote:
 Hey all. I need to build a routine that will allow a site visitor to find a
 store within x miles of a specific zip code. Has anyone done this before
 and if so, would you mind lending some guidance? If anyone knows of a custom
 tag to do this, that would great.
 Rey Bango
 Team Allaire...

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Re: Using function inside Select statement

2001-07-24 Thread Edward Smith

What database - did I miss it?  If its Oracle, the function is called
lower().  So is SQLServer/TransactSQL.

If you're trying to do it in the CF Server, then it won't work, cuz you
can't lcase() a column name...

So, for Oracle, or SQLServer, do:

 WHERE Lower(PERSON_LAST_NAME) LIKE Lower('#Criteria#%')

Jason Blum wrote:
 Hmmm.. That is definitely consistent with the function described in
 Forta and elsewhere, but it still doesn't seem to work.
 Here is the actual query I am trying to use
 ...and I should be able to substitute
 WHERE LCase(PERSON_LAST_NAME) LIKE LCase('#Criteria#%')
 But no dice...
 Any thoughts?
 Thanks all!
 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 3:44 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re:  Using function inside Select statement
 SELECT FirstName, LastName
 FROM Names
 WHERE LCase(FirstName) LIKE LCase('#Criteria#')
 Use quotes around the criteria.
 Any yous guys know how to do dis?:
 SELECT FirstName, LastName
 FROM Names
 WHERE LCase(FirstName) LIKE LCase(#Criteria#)
 ...meaning whether they search for bob or Bob I want to return
 But this doesn't work...  Error code says 'invalid column name'
 Sos I thought maybe:
 SELECT LCase(FirstName) as LowerCasedName, LastName
 FROM Names
 WHERE LowerCasedName LIKE LCase(#Criteria#)
 ...but that dont work neither...

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2001-07-23 Thread Edward Smith

WDDX is just one of many XML grammars (languages).  WDDX is designed to
be able to pass complex data structures between computers.  If this is
all you are doing, then WDDX is great.

The built in WDDX stuff in CF will probably be a lot faster then trying
to do it with MSXML, which is a general purpose XML parser.  This is
because all it knows how to do is serialize and deserialize a single XML
grammar - WDDX.

But, if you want to start working with other XML grammars, then you
can't use the built in WDDX stuff.  For these other things, such as
SOAP, or XSLT, or any of the other major XML 'standards', you are going
to need to use a general purpose parser - and MSXML is probably the
fastest and easiest to use, at least on Windows.

Bill Holloway wrote:
 I'm having a hard time figuring out what the motivation is for going
 over to the SOXML architecture (or something similar) versus using WDDX.
 I've done some very simple benchmarking comparing the two as follows:
 1) Given a CF Object, encode it (CF2XML vs. CF2WDDX)
 2) Deserialize it/parse it and display node values (XML2DOM vs. WDDX2CF)
 I've found wddx methods to be about twice as fast.  I'm using the latest
 MSXML parser (4.0).  My impression was that the MSXML parser would
 perform better that the cfwddx tags.  Given that this is not the case,
 I trying to determine what is gained by going to a custom DTD as opposed
 to sticking with WDDX.  Any insights to this would be greatly

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Review: CF 5.0

2001-07-16 Thread Edward Smith

I'm of the opinion that Macromedia cooked the benchmark results to get
what they wanted.  Either that, or I'm reading them wrong.  Macromedia's
benchmark document is here:

Please check out page 12 of the PDF.

In the table of settings, note that Macromedia set the 4.5 server to 1
thread per cpu.  This is contrary to their own 4.5 tuning specs, and
certainly nothing any of us would do on a production server
('simultaneous requests' in the table).  Am I reading this wrong?  On
the 5.0 server, they set to 4 threads per cpu.

I find it hard to believe that they would skew their testing so
obviously, but I can't  find any other conclusion.


Bud wrote:
 I particularly find this interesting:
 On Windows 2000, Macromedia benchmarks indicate that ColdFusion
 Server 5 processes page requests up to 5 times faster than ColdFusion
 Server 4.5.1.
 Anyone have any real life experiences on how much faster it REALLY
 is? How about on NT?
 Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
 ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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Re: Review: CF 5.0

2001-07-16 Thread Edward Smith

Damon Cooper wrote:
 Hi Edwin,


 Regarding your question about the # Sim Req setting in the tests, the
 results table on Page 12 simply documents the *optimal* setting on each
 version of the product.  We tested all settings to find the optimal values
 for CF4.5, then re-tested to find the optimal values for CF5. 

So, what you're saying is that you tested multiple times, at multiple
sim. request levels, and your peak pages/sec were at 1 sim. request for
CF4.5 and 4 for CF5.  Okay,  this makes sense.  I think it shows a
scalibility problem in the design of the test application, but it makes
sense as far as the results go.

Does the document explain this?  I didn't notice it, and hence came to
the conclusion that I did.

 I would encourage all customers to spend a few minutes/hours re-tuning the #
 Sim Req after upgrading to CF5 if their servers experience busy periods to
 ensure they're getting the maximum possible scalability CF5 is capable of
 (and it's nigh-and-day compared to the old CF4.x internals, believe me).
 Results from our test application won't be as interesting to you as results
 from testing your application on CF4.x vs CF5, obviously.  Like we did,
 however, be sure to tune the # Sim Requests to be sure you're getting
 maximum performance in both cases.

Yes, we have done this, and have noticed that CF5 is able to handle
heigher loads before crashing and perform better at those heigher loads.

 Hope that helps.  

Yes, it does - thanks.  

 - Damon
 -Original Message-
 From: Edward Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 10:08 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Review: CF 5.0
 I'm of the opinion that Macromedia cooked the benchmark results to get
 what they wanted.  Either that, or I'm reading them wrong.  Macromedia's
 benchmark document is here:
 Please check out page 12 of the PDF.
 In the table of settings, note that Macromedia set the 4.5 server to 1
 thread per cpu.  This is contrary to their own 4.5 tuning specs, and
 certainly nothing any of us would do on a production server
 ('simultaneous requests' in the table).  Am I reading this wrong?  On
 the 5.0 server, they set to 4 threads per cpu.
 I find it hard to believe that they would skew their testing so
 obviously, but I can't  find any other conclusion.

Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture

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Re: Important ColdFusion Security Patch Released Today

2001-07-11 Thread Edward Smith

Howie Hamlin wrote:

  2) the nature of the security problem - obviously MM is going for
  security-thru-obscurity and is not going to describe the exact problem, but
  some clue as to the possible effects, how to tell if the weakness has been
  taken advantage of, etc would be helpful
 No a way it's better that they don't point out the vulnerability.

Bunk.  We're talking about a 3-8% performance drop.  That's big enough
to warrant an explanation and possible workarounds.  They could at least
talk about it in some more specific terms.

 Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
 On-Line Data Solutions, Inc.
 631-737-4668 x101
 inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Intelligent Mail Server
 Join the DevCon community at
  -Original Message-
  From: Phil Costa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 8:50 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Important ColdFusion Security Patch Released Today

Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture

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Re: MSXML, XML, outputting attributes?

2001-07-10 Thread Edward Smith

Just a note, try to avoid using // in xpath - its has serious
performance problem potential.

Its essentially saying, scan the whole DOM and look for any 'book'
nodes.  I don't think that this is what you want.

In your real code, you are already in the Service_Availability node,
so you don't need to use //Offer_ID  Just use Offer_ID, as its a
direct child node of the Service Availability.  This will prevent the
parser from starting at the top of the DOM again.  Also, on my MSXML 3
SP1, if you use //Offer_ID for the xpath statement, I always get the
first offer_id, which makes sense, since it matches the first one it
finds in the DOM, every time.

So, the bit of code would be:
 nodeOffer_Id = service.selectSingleNode(Offer_Id);
 Offer_Id = nodeOffer_Id.text;
 Offer_Code = nodeOffer_Id.getAttribute(Offer_Code);

Merging in the previous suggestion:

 nodeOffer_Id = service.selectSingleNode(Offer_Id/@Offer_Code);
 Offer_Code = nodeOffer_Id.text;

Carl wrote:
 Thanks, Brett!  That worked pefect.
 - Original Message -
 From: Brett Suwyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 3:31 PM
 Subject: RE: MSXML, XML, outputting attributes?
  You can access them directly with XPath or the GetNamedItem method
  called on the node.
  For example (using XPath):
  iBookID = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode(//book/@id);
  Brett Suwyn
  |   -Original Message-
  |   From: Carl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  |   Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 3:08 PM
  |   To: CF-Talk
  |   Subject: MSXML, XML, outputting attributes?
  |   Hi,
  |   How do I output attributes from an XML document? I have
  |   tried using the following example on Microsofts website.
  |   var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject(Msxml2.DOMDocument);
  |   var nodeBook, sIdValue;
  |   xmlDoc.async = false;
  |   xmlDoc.load(books.xml);
  |   nodeBook = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode(//book);
  |   sIdValue = nodeBook.getAttribute(id)
  |   alert(sIdValue);
  |   Thanks!!
  |   Carl

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Re: XML with ColdFusion

2001-06-20 Thread Edward Smith

cfset xml.async = false
CFSET OK = xml.load(d:\inetpub\wwwroot\myfile.xml)
cfset xsl.async = false
CFSET OK = xsl.load(d:\inetpub\wwwroot\myfile.xsl)
CFSET HTML=xml.transformNode(xsl)

JoshMEagle wrote:
 The following code opens and outputs an XML file based on an XSL template
 using ASP  I was wondering if there are similar functions in CF or if
 someone could point me in the right direction towards functions or whatnot
 ASP Code Listing (sorry, I know y'all hate ASP):
 'Load the XML
 set = Server.CreateObject(Microsoft.XMLDOM)
 xml.async = false
 'Load the XSL
 set xsl = Server.CreateObject(Microsoft.XMLDOM)
 xsl.async = false
 Joshua Miller
 Web Development
 Eagle Technologies Group
 Technology Solutions for the Next Generation

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Re: Good resource on CF/XML integration?

2001-05-23 Thread Edward Smith

Well, you would probably use CFHTTP to get the xml document, then use
SOXXML with the XML2CF action to turn the xml document into a structure.

Then you would access the data from the CF structure.

Make sense?

Dave Hannum wrote:
 Yea, but how do you grab a .xml page and parse it out into your HTML?  I
 have a company that wants to feed us info, and they have given me a url to a
 ..xml page.  I want to group the info and format the output.  Can CF_SOXML do
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:44 AM
 Subject: RE: Good resource on CF/XML integration?
 Yeah, CF_SOXML is an absolutely fantastic tag, I use it all the time for all
 sorts of things. Well worth downloading and getting into.
 You should also read up on WDDX - start by looking in the CF Studio help for
 Good luck!
 Alistair Davidson
 Senior Web Developer
 Rocom New Media
 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 May 2001 15:53
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Good resource on CF/XML integration?
 I did a quick search on Yahoo and found this.
 cf_SOXML version 1.5[r. 01/09/2001]
 SOXML provides ColdFusion programmers with an easy to use interface for
 integration of XML with CF. This custom tag is open-source (of course),
 free, and action based.
 These actions include:
 XML2CF (Converts a XML document into a complex CF structure)
 XML2DOM (Loads the XML document into a valid XML DOM object accessed via CF)
 XML2HTML (Displays the XML document as IE does but INLINE! very cool for
 CF2XML (Transforms any CF variable into a valid XML document)
 CF2XMLDOM (Transforms any CF variable into a valid XML DOM object accessible
 with CFML)
 Transform (Transforms any XML document based on a specified XSL document)
 I'm sure and CFDJ would have some info too.
 Hope that helps!
 Dan Phillips
 -Original Message-
 From: river [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 10:22 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Good resource on CF/XML integration?
 Is there any good resources on CF/XML integration?  Any good web sites??

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Re: CFLOCK with CF 5.0

2001-05-21 Thread Edward Smith

Is there a reason a shared hosting setup wouldn't turn on the
Administrator setting to throw errors on unlocked reads and writes? 
Then you couldn't write unlocked code, right?

I guess it would be a problem if they already had a bunch of bad code on

Jim McAtee wrote:
 So it sounds like CF 5 promises to be just as unstable when used in an
 environment with inexperienced developers.  Most notably, shared hosting
  AFAIK the same locking principle apply to cf5 as 4 so you must lock all
  application/session/server scoped variables
  -Original Message-
  From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 18:14
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: CFLOCK with CF 5.0
  is it important to use CFLOCK in CF 5.0 ?
  Hamid Hossain

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Re: High usage web sites.

2001-05-18 Thread Edward Smith

We do.  

We serve about 3 million pages per day lately, with our hourly peaks
usually in the 400-500K range.

About half of these are CF based - ranging from very simple no-query
pages to pages with a dozen queries.  The most hit pages have 2-3
queries on them.

Our DB server is a Sun E450 4x400MHz, 4GB RAM, Oracle 8i.

Our CF Servers are 8 Dell 2300/2400 boxes.  All are Dual PIII, ranging
from 400 to about 600MHz.  2GB RAM each, 2x9 or 2x18GB 10K drives
mirrored.  They run NT4 and IIS4, CF4.51 SP2.  No other software.

With this setup, we're capable of about 1 million CF pages per hour, or
a 4x spike over normal peak traffic.  Beyond that, we switch over to
more aggressive DB caching, losing freshness in the content as a result
- but its worth it.

These boxes are load balanced with Big/IP boxes.

Most, if not all, CF Pages return in under 50ms on onloaded servers.  On
loaded servers (ie, at about 2x our normal peak traffic (or about 500K
pages per hour)), we see 300-600ms response time on many pages.  At full
load (1M pages per hour), response times are in the 1-2 second range. 
At this point, we implement query caching on previously uncached
queries, and our response time drops back under a second, as we rise to
about 2M pages per hour.

We can't get past 2M pages per hour (or about 70 pages per second per CF
Server).  As we load on clients, response time increases, but thruput
remains constant.  Treaking CF threads has not helped positively.  Think
we're just at the limit of CF for our application mix.

Hope this helps.

Craig Dudley wrote:
 Anyone have experience of using Coldfusion with very large usage web sites?
 Somewhere in the region of 240k - 250k page impressions an hour.
 If so, what sort of hardware would be needed?
 I know it's a bit vague, the site would be fairly basic database searches
 through say, 40-50k records, so we'd probably have to go for a seperate db
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 Regards, Craig.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: High usage web sites.

2001-05-18 Thread Edward Smith

Over 50ms from a cached query?  That sounds kinda high to me.

Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, I'm measuring from
the page processing time in the DEBUG info for that page, not what the
load generator or anything else is telling me.

What other operations are you doing on the data.  If I'm pulling info
from a cached query and dumping it into a table (and that's about it),
then I'm almost always under 50ms.  

Do you have a lot of other application overhead in an Application.cfm
file or anything?

We don't use a lot of custom tags, as there seems to be about a 10-20ms
overhead for each entry into a custom tag.  I figure this is from
setting up scopes, etc.  Not sure if CF5 has alleviated any of that.

Paul Smith wrote:
 Nice posting.  Thanks!
 The following (50ms) appears low to me. (But what do I know?)
 Do these pages have relatively little content delivered from DB to page by CF?
 I have a Yellow Pages application I'm working on.  It typically takes
 longer than 50ms to deliver a list of 100 Yellow Page Headings, or 50
 usiness Listings (Business Name, Contact, City, BitAnd calcs/display), to a
 page from a cached query on an unloaded server (single PIII 800MHz).
 best,  paul
 At 07:51 AM 5/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
 Most, if not all, CF Pages return in under 50ms on onloaded servers.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: High usage web sites.

2001-05-18 Thread Edward Smith

No, all the sites that are listed on the map:

Michael Lugassy wrote:
 what website are we talking about?
 - Original Message -
 From: Edward Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 2:51 PM
 Subject: Re: High usage web sites.
  We do.
  We serve about 3 million pages per day lately, with our hourly peaks
  usually in the 400-500K range.
  About half of these are CF based - ranging from very simple no-query
  pages to pages with a dozen queries.  The most hit pages have 2-3
  queries on them.
  Our DB server is a Sun E450 4x400MHz, 4GB RAM, Oracle 8i.
  Our CF Servers are 8 Dell 2300/2400 boxes.  All are Dual PIII, ranging
  from 400 to about 600MHz.  2GB RAM each, 2x9 or 2x18GB 10K drives
  mirrored.  They run NT4 and IIS4, CF4.51 SP2.  No other software.
  With this setup, we're capable of about 1 million CF pages per hour, or
  a 4x spike over normal peak traffic.  Beyond that, we switch over to
  more aggressive DB caching, losing freshness in the content as a result
  - but its worth it.
  These boxes are load balanced with Big/IP boxes.
  Most, if not all, CF Pages return in under 50ms on onloaded servers.  On
  loaded servers (ie, at about 2x our normal peak traffic (or about 500K
  pages per hour)), we see 300-600ms response time on many pages.  At full
  load (1M pages per hour), response times are in the 1-2 second range.
  At this point, we implement query caching on previously uncached
  queries, and our response time drops back under a second, as we rise to
  about 2M pages per hour.
  We can't get past 2M pages per hour (or about 70 pages per second per CF
  Server).  As we load on clients, response time increases, but thruput
  remains constant.  Treaking CF threads has not helped positively.  Think
  we're just at the limit of CF for our application mix.
  Hope this helps.
  Craig Dudley wrote:
   Anyone have experience of using Coldfusion with very large usage web
   Somewhere in the region of 240k - 250k page impressions an hour.
   If so, what sort of hardware would be needed?
   I know it's a bit vague, the site would be fairly basic database
   through say, 40-50k records, so we'd probably have to go for a seperate
   Thanks in advance for any help.
   Regards, Craig.

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Re: Database Design Challenge!

2001-05-17 Thread Edward Smith

And if you are using Oracle, checkout the CONNECT BY clauses for

 You should be able to accomplish this using MultiDimensional eXpression (MDX) 
extensions with SQL Server 7 OLAP Services.
 Check out the Descendants and the DrillDownMember functions.
 I'm not sure what your particulars are, but here is a link for more info:
 In a message dated Thu, 17 May 2001 11:42:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Jeffry Houser 
I was struggling with a similar situation a while back, I don't know if
 I posted the query to the list (if I did, I didn't get any
 responses).  Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to do it other than
 looping.  I suspect this can be done via a stored procedure, but those are
 not my area of expertise.  (anyone?  Anyone?)  I don't know if they have
 any looping functionalities.
However, I was able to mock something up using a Query of a Query
 feature of CF 5.0.  It increased performance about 3 times, I believe, but
 the further down you were into the table the bigger the performance increase.
 Query the database to get the whole table.
 set tempID = mycurrentD
 loop until fatherID = 0
   query the query to get record where fatherID = tempID
   set tempID = querythequery.uniqueD
That's the basic algorithm (off the top of my head), but I bet you
 already knew that.
 At 10:30 AM 05/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 If anyone can solve this one, I'll give you a million
 bucks. Or maybe not, but I'll certainly be impressed...
 Let's say, for instance, I'm storing data about a family
 tree. Every person has a record in the People table. Every
 person has a Mother and a Father, linked with their unique
 Now the challenge: How can I create the list of all male
 ancestors, all the way back to the root level (i.e. Adam 
 Eve)? I've managed to do this with a CFLOOP that keeps
 running a query, going up the tree, until the FatherID is
 zero, but this is expensive on the database end.
 For the record, I'm not actually keeping track of people
 all the way back to Adam  Eve, but this is the best way to
 explain this database design issue.
 Thank you very much!
 Norman Elton
 Jefferson Labs

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: New CF5 Partner Hosting License

2001-04-29 Thread Edward Smith

I agree.  We've got about 50 applications running (load balanced) across
about 15 CF servers, and if I have to get 20 new licenses for every
harebrained app we put together, we're done with CF.

It's been a lot of work justifying our continued use of CF anyway.  Some of
the new features of 5.0 have help us keep it around, but if licensing
changes, well, we're not renewing our subscriptions, and are going to move
everything to ATGDynamo.

MMAllaire should just go all the way with licensing and implement power
units, or a per-user pricing like Broadvision...

- Original Message -
From: Angél Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: New CF5 Partner Hosting License

 I don't care if they lower pricing..but the one thing I like about CF is
 being able to host multiple apps from one server with no worries about Per
 use, or Per application.

 If we have to go through anything further in terms of licensing, or cost,
 managing all this stuff then I'm afraid CF will lose a great deal of its
 attractiveness for me, and it will be time to start looking elsewhere for
 Rapid web application development.

 I don't think I like how this merger is turning out.


 -Original Message-
 From: zac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Or makes it easier to not use the technology at all. Look at the effect of
 their price increases on the use of Generator.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Cftransaction on linux

2001-04-11 Thread Edward Smith

I believe that MySQL does not support transactions at all.  I understand
that this is a feature that the MySQL developers are looking, or in the
process of developoing though.

I imagine that when the database software supports transactions, the
ODBC driver will be updated to support it.

Dian Oktosoma wrote:
 Is there any MySQL odbc driver that support cftransaction for use with
 CF on linux version ? The included driver (MERANT ODBC) doesn't support

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: CF Express

2001-04-10 Thread Edward Smith

Are you asking from a licensing standpoint?  I am not aware of any
licensing issues about express wrt. commerical websites.  I think that
they are relying in the limited functionality to get you to buy Pro or
Enterprise, not any specific licensing terms.

A quick scan of the license should tell you though.  

 We have an number of applications running on servers that have CF
 Enterprise installed.  We also have applications that could be run on a
 server that has CF Express installed.  Are there problems or restrictions
 when using CF Express on a commercial site?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Slightly OT: SQL Server Access from Unix

2001-04-09 Thread Edward Smith

It's trivial.  CF4.5 has the Merant ODBC drivers for MS-SQL, and they
configure just like the microsoft ones on NT.  We don't use it heavily,
but we have had no problems at all.

Give it a shot, I doubt you'll have any problems.

Erika L Walker wrote:
 I would have posted this to the CF-SQL or CF-Server list, but from the
 amount of traffic I see on those boards, I was afraid no one would get my
 I also tried to look this up first online but didn't get anywhereso I'm
 turning to the brilliant members of this list! :-)
 Where can I find information on connecting to SQL 7.0 on a Win NT machine
 from a separate Unix (Solaris) machine running CF 4.5? Both machines are on
 the same netowrk. Actually, they are side by side. (If they could just
 ignore their differences, shake hands and make up like good machines )
 Has anyone done this? Are there any problems, etc. We have to be able to
 make this connection, there are no other alternatives.
 Many thanks in advance,
 "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a
 miracle, the other is as though everything is." - Albert Einstein
 AIM: WebErika5
 Yahoo: WebErika
 MSN: WebErika Expert: WebErika
 Erika L. Walker
 Vice President
 RUWebby, LLC
 973-626-2412 (c)
 973-244-9120 (o)
 153 Rutgers Lane
 Parsippany, NJ 07054
 Website Design/Programming
 Database Integration
 Allaire Partner - ColdFusion
 -Original Message-
 From: paul . [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:36 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Free sites for coldfusion
 --hey Kishore
 try this man!
 On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 12:47:05
  kishore wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am new member to this list. Can anybody tell me the free sites for
 coldfusion hosting. I am in need of this site for demo purpose.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Slightly OT: SQL Server Access from Unix

2001-04-09 Thread Edward Smith

CF install on Solaris is really easy.  If you are installing Advanced
Security, be sure to check out this problem:

ColdFusion Server 4.5.1, 4.5.1 SP1, and 4.5.1 SP2: Advanced Security
Crashes after 12/1/2000 on Solaris(Article 18666)

And the various other hotfixes
( - also
make sure to install SP2:

Here's a document that talks about webserver and database compatibility:

Erika L Walker wrote:
 (Although will make doubly sure when I get my hands on the docs)
 It is CF 4.5 Enterprise running on Apache. It has not been installed yet on
 the client's machine and I am doing some background prep work before I talk
 to the client's IT guy. When I first started searching for ways to make the
 connection, I couldn't find anything. Even on Allaire's site, although, it
 is quite possible I was not searching using the correct parameters, but I
 though I would get something!
 I was told that installation of Enterprise on a Unix box wasn't too
 complicated and that the client's IT guy could handle it. I have only ever
 installed it on Windows systems, so I'm a bit in the dark when it comes to
 Unix installations.
 Thank you for the heads-up! (you math guru, you! grin)
 "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a
 miracle, the other is as though everything is." - Albert Einstein
 AIM: WebErika5
 Yahoo: WebErika
 MSN: WebErika Expert: WebErika
 Erika L. Walker
 Vice President
 RUWebby, LLC
 973-626-2412 (c)
 973-244-9120 (o)
 153 Rutgers Lane
 Parsippany, NJ 07054
 Website Design/Programming
 Database Integration
 Allaire Partner - ColdFusion
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick McClure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:11 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Slightly OT: SQL Server Access from Unix
 What version of CF do you have?
 4.5 came with the Merant(Spelling) drivers for SQL server.
 I have used them from a Solaris box running CF 4.5 and Netscape Enterprise.
 At 11:43 AM 4/9/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 $4000 for a database driver? There is no other way to do this?
 It was $5000 just for CF. Please tell me there is another way to make a
 connection to SQL Server from a Unix box
 "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a
 miracle, the other is as though everything is." - Albert Einstein
 -Original Message-
 From: Marius Milosav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:23 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Slightly OT: SQL Server Access from Unix
 Look at the Merant site.
 There is a odbc driver that you can download and test ( I can't remember
 name exactly. Connect ODBC or something). It's free for one month after
 is $4000.00
 Install it on your Solaris box. During the  installation process you will
 able to configure the MS-SQL server (name, version port etc).
 After that, it will be available in the ODBC list in the ColdFusion Admin.
 Good luck
 Marius Milosav
 It's not about technology, it's about people.
 Virtual Help Desk Demo (VHD)
 - Original Message -
 From: "Erika L Walker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:58 AM
 Subject: Slightly OT: SQL Server Access from Unix
   I would have posted this to the CF-SQL or CF-Server list, but from the
   amount of traffic I see on those boards, I was afraid no one would get
   I also tried to look this up first online but didn't get anywhereso
   turning to the brilliant members of this list! :-)
   Where can I find information on connecting to SQL 7.0 on a Win NT
   from a separate Unix (Solaris) machine running CF 4.5? Both machines are
   the same netowrk. Actually, they are side by side. (If they could just
   ignore their differences, shake hands and make up like good
 machines )
   Has anyone done this? Are there any problems, etc. We have to be able to
   make this connection, there are no other alternatives.
   Many thanks in advance,
   "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is
   miracle, the other is as though everything is." - Albert Einstein
   AIM: WebErika5
   Yahoo: WebErika
   MSN: WebErika Expert: WebErika
   Erika L. Walker
   Vice President
   RUWebby, LLC
   973-626-2412 (c)
   973-244-9120 (o)
   153 Rutgers Lane
   Parsippany, NJ 07054
   Website Design/Programming

Re: cfselect required='yes' is useless....

2001-04-06 Thread Edward Smith

It's only useless on a select box with a size of 1.  On a select box
with a size greater then 1, it works fine, and is useful.

What you could do, is crib the CFSELECT validation Javascript, add in
your own code for Single Size Selects, and hook it up to the CFFORM
validation routine, and just use a SELECT and loop over your OPTIONS
instead of using a CFSELECT.

Jeremy Castonguay wrote:
 What were they thinking.  Pardon me if I am just being ignorant but the
 "Required='yes'" attribute is completely useless.  When the query values are
 inserted there is no way to default the select box to null, therefore there
 is no way to "not" select a value...
 Any thoughts would be appreciated.
 Jeremy Castonguay
 Sr. Web Developer
 eCopy Inc.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: SQL: Help!

2001-04-04 Thread Edward Smith


If it is Oracle, I might use the "MINUS" Operator:

SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
FROM Company C, Product P
SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID
FROM Company C, StoreProducts S

To get Company-Product Uniques

And swap the two queries to get StoreProducts uniques.

Not sure if an analogous operater exists in TransactSQL.. Yep, its NOT

SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
FROM Company C, Product P
(SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID 
FROM Company C, StoreProducts S)

Access?  Not sure...

Duane Boudreau wrote:
 I've got one heckuva mess on my hands. I am trying to straighten out a huge
 mess of an ecommerce application I have inherited. It went into production
 w/h zero testing a couple of months ago and now I am in firefighting mode).
 This app relies heavily on three tables company, products, storeproducts.
 Company contains store retailers and product distributors, products contain
 all products entered by distributors and storeproducts is a derived table
 that contains the combinations of products to retailers. (confused yet???).
 My problem is that I need to write a routine that lists all the combinations
 that exist in the company - products that do not exist in storeproducts and
 all the combinations in storeproducts that do not exist in company -
 products. A simplified version of the db schema looks like?:
 Company_ID  (retailer or distributor)
 Company_ID  (distributor)
 Company_ID  (retailer)
 The answer probably uses outer joins but I haven't yet mastered the art of
 writting outer joins.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: SQL: Help!

2001-04-04 Thread Edward Smith

Irk, I, of course, forgot to join Company and Products, et al...


SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
FROM Company C, Product P
WHERE C.CompanyID=P.CompanyID
SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID
FROM Company C, StoreProducts S
WHERE C.CompanyID=S.CompanyID


SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
FROM Company C, Product P
(SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID
FROM Company C, StoreProducts S
WHERE C.CompanyID=S.CompanyID)

Edward Smith wrote:
 If it is Oracle, I might use the "MINUS" Operator:
 SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
 FROM Company C, Product P
 SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID
 FROM Company C, StoreProducts S
 To get Company-Product Uniques
 And swap the two queries to get StoreProducts uniques.
 Not sure if an analogous operater exists in TransactSQL.. Yep, its NOT
 SELECT C.CompanyID, P.Product ID
 FROM Company C, Product P
 (SELECT C.CompanyID, S.Product ID
 FROM Company C, StoreProducts S)
 Access?  Not sure...
 Duane Boudreau wrote:
  I've got one heckuva mess on my hands. I am trying to straighten out a huge
  mess of an ecommerce application I have inherited. It went into production
  w/h zero testing a couple of months ago and now I am in firefighting mode).
  This app relies heavily on three tables company, products, storeproducts.
  Company contains store retailers and product distributors, products contain
  all products entered by distributors and storeproducts is a derived table
  that contains the combinations of products to retailers. (confused yet???).
  My problem is that I need to write a routine that lists all the combinations
  that exist in the company - products that do not exist in storeproducts and
  all the combinations in storeproducts that do not exist in company -
  products. A simplified version of the db schema looks like?:
  Company_ID  (retailer or distributor)
  Company_ID  (distributor)
  Company_ID  (retailer)
  The answer probably uses outer joins but I haven't yet mastered the art of
  writting outer joins.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: How to uncache a querry?

2001-04-04 Thread Edward Smith

If you change the query in any way, it will rerun, so you can do a
couple things...

One of the most interesting would be to make the CACHEDWITHIN value a
variable, set in the Application.cfm, but updatable through the url. 
So, when you wanted to "flush" the cache, you could call the page with a
url ?cache=flush, and your code would set the value of the CACHEDWITHIN
to 0.  Next run without the url variable would recache it back up.




CFIF IsDefined("URL.CACHE") AND URL.Cache eq "flush"
CFSET CacheValue = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)
CFSET CacheValue = CreateTimeSpan(0,1,0,0)
!--- or whatever your normal cache value is ---

Think this might work?

"Al Musella, DPM" wrote:
I make extensive use of cached queries on 1 of my websites, that uses
 read-only data that gets updated once a week..
 the problem is that when I update that database, I want to clear the cache
 so the new data is used.. sometimes the cached querry presents a record
 that is no longer available, and when you click to get the details - the
 record is no longer there, so it generates an error.
 So - how do you clear the cache? Hopefully with cfcode without having to
 restart the CF server?
 Al Musella, DPM

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Caching Query vs. Setting Application Var

2001-04-03 Thread Edward Smith

I'd vote for a cached query.

You wouldn't need to recode very much at all - just a simple search and
replace across files should do it, and the biggie:

you wouldn't need to lock every access.

Dave Hannum wrote:
 Hey, this is NT.  It gets restarted almost daily - so that's when the
 Application variables would get reset - LOL.  Really, not more than once a
 quarter would this need to be updated.   Seriously, I have used the
 CACHEDWITHIN method, but I was just wondering if anybody thought setting the
 Application variables would be better.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Woods" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Caching Query vs. Setting Application Var
  both methods put the data in memory so from an efficiency point of view,
  both should be pretty much the same.
  Query caching is a much simpler method of achieving the required result.
  you store the query structure as an application variable, when does it get
  updated?? At least with Query caching you can specify a time span or an
  absolute time for the expiration of the cache. If you were to use an
  application variable you'd have to come up with some way of determining
  when the database should be re-queried and the new result set assigned to
  the application variable (maybe at the start of a new user session). Of
  course, this would give you more explicit control over the cache, but is
  worth the hassle?
  At 01:04 PM 4/3/2001, you wrote:
  I have an application that generates Faculty Class Lists here at the
  university.  When the faculty or administrator first comes in, it queries
  our Data Warehouse for a list of active instructors.  The list is about
  names.  The SQL for this query never changes.  Related, our Data
  is in Oracle on the IBM mainframe.  SO, as a result, queries on larger
  tables (well, about any query for that matter) is very slow.  My question
  is, would it be more effecient to do a QUERY CACHEDAFTER or put the
  into an application variable?
  David R Hannum
  Ohio University
  Web Analyst/Programmer
  (740) 597-2524

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Server Time is not the same as CF time

2001-04-03 Thread Edward Smith

CF 4.0x, right?

This is a bug in VC++
( ) which expected
DST to switch over on April 8th, not April 1st.

It will last until the 8th, when all will be better.

The workaround is to uncheck the "automatically sdjust clock for
daylight savings time" checkbox in the date/time properties for windows,
and set the time to the proper time.  After the 8th, recheck it, and
reset the clock.

Hope this helps..

Chad Gray wrote:
 This is strange.  The time on the NT 4.0 server says 9:00am.
 When i do a #timeformat(now(), "h:mm tt")# function in CF code i get 8:00am.
 Does CF Server use the clock off the NT server or does it have it's own clock?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: cf licensing

2001-03-26 Thread Edward Smith

CF is licensed per box, not site or cpu or user (like broadvision).

So, you can get a single copy of CF and put it on a 8 way sun box, or
even a 64 processor E1.

The differences between pro and enterprise are best summed up in this

Bernd VanSkiver wrote:
 Where can I look for information on Cold Fusion licensing?  Looking to buy
 Cold Fusion Server and need to know the licensing differences between
 Professional and Enterprise, like number of sites allowed per license and
 multi-processor abilities and such.
 Bernd VanSkiver
 ColdFusion Developer
 ICQ #: 916324

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: cf licensing

2001-03-26 Thread Edward Smith

Wow, I never knew that, and have never been informed by Allaire about

I wonder when they slipped that in?

I stand corrected!

Deb Dickerson wrote:
 There are actually restrictions on the CPU's of the machine. Here's the
 specifics from the license agreement:
 Professional and Enterprise Editions
 The Professional and Enterprise editions are subject to this Agreement. The
 Professional edition may only be used in accordance with this Agreement and
 only on a single physical workstation or server with not more than 4 CPUs.
 The Enterprise edition may only be used in accordance with this Agreement
 and only on a single physical workstation or server with not more than 8
 CPUs. In the case of a single physical server or workstation having more
 than 8 CPUs, multiple Enterprise licenses may be purchased, each licensing
 up to 8 CPUs.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Edward Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 1:03 PM
 Subject: Re: cf licensing
  CF is licensed per box, not site or cpu or user (like broadvision).
  So, you can get a single copy of CF and put it on a 8 way sun box, or
  even a 64 processor E1.
  The differences between pro and enterprise are best summed up in this
  Bernd VanSkiver wrote:
   Where can I look for information on Cold Fusion licensing?  Looking to
   Cold Fusion Server and need to know the licensing differences between
   Professional and Enterprise, like number of sites allowed per license
   multi-processor abilities and such.
   Bernd VanSkiver
   ColdFusion Developer
   ICQ #: 916324

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


SAX in CF? Other ideas?

2001-03-16 Thread Edward Smith

Hey all,

I have a situation where I want to duplicate an application written in
Java using CF.

The application uses XML documents as templates, and executes
functionality based on tags in the XML.

For instance, the XML template might look like this:

 article id="227" /

The Java app uses a SAX parser to parse the template, which fires off an
event for each tag.

When the parser sees the "page" tag, it runs the PAGE java class, which
goes off into the database and gets page info, etc. and spits out more
XML to the output stream.

Same for the article tag, which calls the ARTICLE class., etc.

How would one go about doing this in CF?  I'm not sure there would be
any way to integrate a SAX parser into CF, so I'm not sure of how to do

What I'd like to do is parse the template and execute CF custom tags for
each tag.

If I could rewrite the templates, I'd do something like:

 cf_article id="227"

and CFINCLUDE them into the page to get executed.

But, I can't rewrite the templates, and the templates come from the
database, not the filesystem.

Speed/efficiency is the primary motivation, so a RegExp replace, and
writing the file to the filesystem isn't really an option..

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: M$ licensing has me at wits end

2001-03-03 Thread Edward Smith


It will probably have just about every feature you're looking for.

What features are you looking for?

Here's an interesting article of MySQL vs. PostgreSQL:

You won't see any comparisons or benchmarks with SQL Server or Oracle,
as the EULA's for SQL Server and Oracle prevent you from doing this.

Arden Weiss wrote:
 So -- even the M$ sales and licensing staff at their call centers gave me
 identical "wrong" information when I posed the explicit question about
 using Cold Fusion to access SQL Server backend -- they both said
 one-license, because Cold Fusion was the "user" whereas the statement
 extracted from the licensing statement you provided below states:
  "Hardware or software that reduces the number of Devices directly
 accessing or using the Server Software does not reduce the number of
 required CALs. The number you need is based on the number of distinct
 inputs to the hardware or software 'front end.'"
 Otherwise -- 25 users simutaneously hitting Cold Fusion -- 25 CALS -- or
 the per CPU licesing option (on the box on which SQL Server is installed I
 Sounds like M$ is trying its best to motivate folks like us to find the
 best "alternative" solution -- especially when their product has gotten to
 the point where it may be an "overkill" for the majority of our Cold Fusion
 In that vein -- what is the "best cheaper alternative" to SQL Server?
 / \__
   /  O
 -Original Message-
 From:   Steve Aylor [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Saturday, March 03, 2001 2:42 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject:Re: M$ licensing has me at wits end
 Full Product at Estimated Retail Price
 SQL Server 2000Enterprise EditionStandard EditionDeveloper Edition
 Processor Licensing $19,999 US per processor$4,999 US per processor
 SQL Server Processor Licensing Clarification
 With the recent introduction of Processor Licensing for the Microsoft? .NET
 Enterprise Servers, some independent software vendors (ISVs) have raised
 questions as to the proper way to license SQL Server when using it as part
 of the ISV's software application. This has particularly been an issue for
 vendors of system management tools and their customers, who have requested
 more simplified licensing solution tailored for their specific needs.
 Microsoft SQL Server and System Management Tools
 As is true for all Microsoft products, SQL Server use is defined in the
 End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that accompanies all editions of SQL
 Server 2000 (or any previous version). There are two ways to license SQL
 Server 2000:
 Processor License
 Server and Client Access Licenses (CALs)
 The Server and CAL model is described in the EULA as follows: "SQL Server
 2000 Client Access License ('CAL') Requirements. CALs that you acquire may
 only be used in conjunction with your Server Software. You must acquire a
 separate CAL for each device that.accesses or otherwise utilizes the
 services of the Server Software."
 Additionally, there is specific language that attempts to clarify the use
 applications that are installed between the end user and the SQL Server:
 "'Multiplexing.' Hardware or software that reduces the number of Devices
 directly accessing or using the Server Software does not reduce the number
 of required CALs. The number you need is based on the number of distinct
 inputs to the hardware or software 'front end.'"
 Despite this language, our ISV partners have been unclear as to exactly how
 many CALs are needed when using system management tools from vendors such
 Computer Associates, BMC, NetIQ, Intel, HP (OpenView) and Microsoft
 Management Server).
 Recommended Procedure-Processor License
 Microsoft has implemented a processor-based licensing model to address the
 special needs of the ISV community and to simplify the licensing model.
 Under this new model, a customer acquires a Processor License for each
 processor running their server software.
 A Processor License includes access for an unlimited number of devices to
 connect from either inside the corporate LAN or WAN or outside the
 Customers do not need to purchase additional Server licenses or CALs. The
 Processor License is all they need.
 Based on a review of system management tool vendors and their products,
 Microsoft will communicate that the appropriate licensing method for these
 vendors is Processor Licensing.
 All system management tool vendors should communicate to their customers,
 field account managers, inside sales departments, and resellers that the
 appropriate licensing method for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 when used in
 conjunction with their product is Processor 

Re: M$ licensing has me at wits end

2001-03-03 Thread Edward Smith

Yeah, I was figuring he could save another thousand $'s or so, and run
Linux or BSD.  The cygwin thing is a bit rough.

"Benjamin S. Rogers" wrote:
 I was going to recommend PostgeSQL, but it sounds like his OS environment is
 Windows. In which case, I wouldn't recommend PostgreSQL at all, having tried
 to install PostgreSQL on NT in the past myself.
 You are correct, however, in asserting that PostgreSQL probably has most of
 what he is looking for.  PostgreSQL is far more ANSI compliant than MySQL
 and has many of the advanced features traditionally associated with a RDBMS.
 Benjamin S. Rogers
 Web Developer,
 Voice: (508) 240-0051
 Fax: (508) 240-0057
 -Original Message-----
 From: Edward Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 9:43 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: M$ licensing has me at wits end
 It will probably have just about every feature you're looking for.
 What features are you looking for?
 Here's an interesting article of MySQL vs. PostgreSQL:
 You won't see any comparisons or benchmarks with SQL Server or Oracle,
 as the EULA's for SQL Server and Oracle prevent you from doing this.
 Arden Weiss wrote:
  So -- even the M$ sales and licensing staff at their call centers gave me
  identical "wrong" information when I posed the explicit question about
  using Cold Fusion to access SQL Server backend -- they both said
  one-license, because Cold Fusion was the "user" whereas the statement
  extracted from the licensing statement you provided below states:
   "Hardware or software that reduces the number of Devices directly
  accessing or using the Server Software does not reduce the number of
  required CALs. The number you need is based on the number of distinct
  inputs to the hardware or software 'front end.'"
  Otherwise -- 25 users simutaneously hitting Cold Fusion -- 25 CALS -- or
  the per CPU licesing option (on the box on which SQL Server is installed I
  Sounds like M$ is trying its best to motivate folks like us to find the
  best "alternative" solution -- especially when their product has gotten to
  the point where it may be an "overkill" for the majority of our Cold
  In that vein -- what is the "best cheaper alternative" to SQL Server?
  / \__
/  O
  -Original Message-
  From:   Steve Aylor [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Saturday, March 03, 2001 2:42 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject:Re: M$ licensing has me at wits end
  Full Product at Estimated Retail Price
  SQL Server 2000Enterprise EditionStandard EditionDeveloper Edition
  Processor Licensing $19,999 US per processor$4,999 US per processor
  SQL Server Processor Licensing Clarification
  With the recent introduction of Processor Licensing for the Microsoft?
  Enterprise Servers, some independent software vendors (ISVs) have raised
  questions as to the proper way to license SQL Server when using it as part
  of the ISV's software application. This has particularly been an issue for
  vendors of system management tools and their customers, who have requested
  more simplified licensing solution tailored for their specific needs.
  Microsoft SQL Server and System Management Tools
  As is true for all Microsoft products, SQL Server use is defined in the
  End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that accompanies all editions of SQL
  Server 2000 (or any previous version). There are two ways to license SQL
  Server 2000:
  Processor License
  Server and Client Access Licenses (CALs)
  The Server and CAL model is described in the EULA as follows: "SQL Server
  2000 Client Access License ('CAL') Requirements. CALs that you acquire may
  only be used in conjunction with your Server Software. You must acquire a
  separate CAL for each device that.accesses or otherwise utilizes the
  services of the Server Software."
  Additionally, there is specific language that attempts to clarify the use
  applications that are installed between the end user and the SQL Server:
  "'Multiplexing.' Hardware or software that reduces the number of Devices
  directly accessing or using the Server Software does not reduce the number
  of required CALs. The number you need is based on the number of distinct
  inputs to the hardware or software 'front end.'"
  Despite this language, our ISV partners have been unclear as to exactly
  many CALs are needed when using system management tools from vendors such
  Computer Associates, BMC, NetIQ, Intel, HP (OpenView) and Microsoft

Re: SQL Server Licensing question

2001-02-27 Thread Edward Smith

Send it back, and use PostgreSQL.

Send it back.  There are a lot of databases out there.  

What is your required feature set?

Bud wrote:
 On 2/27/01, Christian L. Watt penned:
 Yes, you can.  ColdFusion is the main user of the database at that point.  I
 believe this clause is reffering to you setting up a SQL server and letting
 other companies connect to it as a production database for there company,
 not for web production.  Not the best articulator, but hope this answers
 your question.
 Nope. I just got off the phone with them. You have to sign up for the
 Application Service Provider's licensing program and pay them $5.99
 per month for every client who hosts SQL Server. Once you get enough
 clients to be worthwhile, you can switch to per processor mode for
 $249.00 per month.
 Ol' Bill has to make a cut off of every dollar I make, even if he is
 the richest bas^$# in the world and I just paid him over $4,000.00
 and it will probably be years before I show any sort of profit at
 all. Yeah!! That's fair!
 Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
 ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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Re: Interesting Java/CF Article

2001-02-22 Thread Edward Smith

I don't think so.  The specifications for CFML are all in publically
available documents.

So, with x input, you expect y result.  You code whatever you want to
take x and make y.

This is way open.  Anybody can write an interpreter or compiler for any
language - as long as you use accepted reverse-engineering techniques. 
And since the source code for the CFServer has never been released, the
authors of TagFusion could never have seen it.  No problem.

Its just like Chilisoft ASP, or anybody's C++ compiler.

Allaire's only defense is to write a better product, and that they have
99% of the market for CFML interpreters.  Therefore, they can lead the
market, release new specifications, and incorporate them into their
product before TagFusion can - and do this fast enough to stay ahead.

Jeffry Houser wrote:
   The link to tagfusion has come up on this list a bunch of times.  But, no
 one has actually discussed it.  I wonder what the legalities of it
 are.  I'd be talking to lawyers if I was Allaire/Macromedia.  There has got
 to be something wrong against taking someone's product and copying it,
 which is what they did.
 At 09:43 AM 02/22/2001 -0600, you wrote:
 The article is in the February 2001 issue of Java Developers Journal page
 70 "Things Can Only Get Better". Alan Williamson describes how his Java
 shop migrated to a Java/ColdFusion solutions company. They created
 something called "tagFusion" that actually resulted in them having to
 downsize their Java team.

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Re: FW: Native Oracle Driver

2001-02-11 Thread Edward Smith

I don't know if this is exactly your problem, but the string formatting
of dates is controlled by the "locale" of the oracle server.  It could
be set for a locale that just returns this.

What we generally do for Oracle dates using native drivers is to turn
the dates into a string when we select them:

SELECT TO_CHAR(YourDateField, "MM/DD/ HH24:MI:SS") AS YourDateField,

This way, we can format the dates exactly how we expect them to be.

Stefan wrote:
 Does anyone know of a problem with the native oracle drivers in CF4.5.1
 Enterprise? If the native driver is used and dates are selected, only the
 day and month are passed to CF. If ODBC is used, everything works correctly.
 The system runs CF Enterprise 4.5.1 (no SP) on NT4.0SP6a, Oracle 8.1.5 on

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Performance impact of automatic read locking

2001-02-10 Thread Edward Smith

We've inherited an application (a fairly large one) that has a lot of
unlocked reads and a few unlocked writes to shared scope variables (was
written before all the problems of unlocked reads and writes came to

We can catch all the unlocked writes, but there are a LOT of unlocked
reads, and some of them are nasty (i.e., a CFIF Session... that wraps a
LARGE amount of code).  We're not sure of all the ramifications of bulk
loading the session scope into the request scope yet - there may be
writes to session that need to be read in the same template, etc.  We'll
figure these out as we rewrite and clean up.

But the problem is, we need to have this application live right now, and
it may be playing havoc with our servers.

So, we're going to turn "automatic read locking" on for session, and
"full checking" server and application.  We've done this on our dev box,
and caught all the unlocked writes.

But, if we do this to our production box, what is the performance impact
of this?  Is it similar to just having the locks in there?  I understand
that the pcode 'compiler' puts the locks in where it needs when it
compiles the template, and sometimes it doesn't always put it in the
most optimized place, right? 

So this would be similar to us putting a CFLOCK around that huge CFIF
Session.whatever block, right?

Would this be better or worse then "Single-Threading" sessions?

Thanks in advance!
Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at



2001-02-06 Thread Edward Smith

We have a similar system, which we use SSI to serve over 45M pages per

Average serve time of one of our pages (this is server latency) that has
probably 20 SSI's in it, including some recursive SSI (SSI, in SSI'd
files) is about 8ms - this also includes Netgravity ad calls.

This is on a number of 2x400MHz Sun E250 servers with Netscape 2.01.

I can't think of a faster way to serve up semi-dynamic pages.

These are just include virtual calls, not exec or anything like that.

So, its at least an order of magnitude faster then most CF pages.

Fouad Al-Farhan wrote:
 I built a CF based publishing system for publishing articles and news
 (static pages). The admin side is 100% CF interactive pages. The user side
 dose not have to be CF based because it is all static (pre-published) plain
 html pages.
 My old plan is just to have it as plain .html files. Now, I changed my mind
 because I want all files to include  header, left menu and footer.
 Otherwise, I have to republished 1000+ articles each day.
 I was thinking of using SSI includes (.shtml) but I'm afraid that it is very
 slow. Also, I thought of using JavaScript's includes
 (document.wrtiln("table.")) but I heard that it is even slower.
 What is your recommendation ?

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Re: Is there a way to run a server side executable through CF?

2001-02-06 Thread Edward Smith

CFEXECUTE for newer versions of CF, 
and I think there's a couple of CFX tags in the taggallery for earlier

Paul Begovich wrote:
 We have created several scripts written for NT Server that perform various
 server side tasks.  What we want to do is execute these scripts using the CF
 scheduler.  Is there a way to run a server side executable through CF?
 - Paul

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Re: Quick CFHTTP Question

2001-02-06 Thread Edward Smith

I believe 4.51+ has more ability to read headers of CFHTTP.. Lets see...

Ah, not sure what version this showed up in, but the help for CFHTTP in
studio says:

CFHTTP.ResponseHeader(http_hd_key) - so this looks like a struct of the
CFHTTP.Header - the raw header text
CFHTTP.StatusCode - the response code by itself.

Good luck!

Gregory Harris wrote:
 Hello all!  Currently I'm using CFHTTP to call a header externally.  However if the 
page that I'm calling returns a 404 (or some other error) how can I determine this?  
Or is everyone going to tell me to use CFX_HTTP?  Granted that this is an external 
clients server, I'm hoping I don't have to tell them to install CFX_HTTP.  Thanks!
 Gregory Harris
 Web Developer
 The Stirling Bridge Group, LLC
 *We Engineer Internet Business Solutions*
 TEL: (949) 707-1534  FAX: (949) 707-1535

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: cfstoredproc vs. exec storeproc

2001-02-06 Thread Edward Smith

This reminds me of a problem that I need to deal with.

Is there a size limit on a cfprocparam field?  We're getting an error
when trying to insert a 36kb string through a stored procedure into a
LONG field on Oracle 8.1

The error is:

Oracle Error Code = 1460 
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested 

This is specific to this field - if I shorten it, it works.

I saw a vague mention in a forums posting about a 32k limit on

The datatype in the procparam is CF_SQL_LONGVARCHAR, and the field in
Oracle is LONG.

Any ideas?

Dave Watts wrote:
  Do any of you guys know what the advantages are when using the
  cf tag cfstoredproc instead of just executing the stored procedure
  through a sql statement? It seems easier and cleaner to me to do
  it through a sql statement, but they must have developed the tag
  for a reason. What am I missing?
 CFSTOREDPROC allows you to do some things that you couldn't do with simple
 call/exec syntax. You can return multiple recordsets and have them available
 as separate CF variables, you can work with out and inout parameters, you
 can retrieve VARRAY data, you can call stored procedures in Oracle.
 If you're not interested in that stuff, and you just want to call stored
 procedures and have them return their recordsets, there's nothing wrong with
 using CFQUERY for that. You can then get the best of both worlds by using
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 voice: (202) 797-5496
 fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: multiple queries tie up web server

2001-02-05 Thread Edward Smith

We've had problems with Oracle drivers being single threaded-like.  In
other words, if a long running query is just waiting out there, other
requests to that datasource have to wait.

What version of CF and what oracle drivers are you using?

Ricq Pattay wrote:
 I have a CF page that contains approx 7500 queries against an Oracle
 database via an Apache web server. Of course this page takes a while to load
 (3 minutes or so), but my user is ok with that because she does so only a
 handful of times per day.
 What is not ok is that, while this page is loading, all other users of any
 CF app on that web server cannot access any page -- they will receive
 Apache's "server is too busy to handle request" error message. Any ideas on
 how to work around this? Reducing the number of queries from 7500 isn't
 really an option, unfortunately.
 Ricq Pattay ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: CF Server Feedback

2001-02-05 Thread Edward Smith

Why not use Linux, Apache and PostgreSQL.  You'll save nearly $10G that
way.  Then you can get Enterprise, and use the sandbox security.  Geez,
you could get 2 of them for redundancy.

Is there a specific reason you need to use NT?

Dylan Bromby wrote:
 why don't you use IIS? it's free. Website from O'Reilly costs like $1K or
 more. unless you already own it...
 and if you're only doing 5,000 pages a day, you don't need 2 servers if
 you're cramped for cash.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Larson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 9:03 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF Server Feedback
 Does anybody have any input for a cheap CF Server, I have a limited Budget?
 What kind a system would be the best(cheapest) way to suite my needs. I am a
 small time developer, most of my clients have low traffic at this point, my
 highest trafficed client is getting about 5,000 page views a day. I am
 pretty new to Web Servers and Networking as well. I will be hosting less
 then 50 accounts for know.
 Here's what I have been looking at:
 -512K DSL Connection
 -Linksys DSL Router
 Server 1
 -CF Professional (Entriprise pushes me out of my budget)
 -Windows 2000
 -O'Reilly Website
 -Media House Live Stats
 Server 2
 -SQL Server
 -IpSwitch I-Mail
 -Name Server
 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
 Jason Larson

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: CF Server Feedback

2001-02-05 Thread Edward Smith

No, 10K per hour is 2.7 per second.  173is per minute.

But most pages are a hell of a lot larger then 5k.

JayB wrote:
 At 12:10 PM 2/5/2001 -0700, you wrote:
 Do you think the DSL will be able to handle this (lets say 50 sites with
 5,000 page views a day per site), or should I look at a T1 line.
  From IIS 5.0 chapter on Capacity planning.
 based on 5 kb page size
 640 kpbs dsl connection = almost 11 pages sent/sec.
 T1 - 1.536 Mbps = 26 pages sent/sec.
 T3 - 44.736 Mbps = 760
 Your specs are calling for about 10,000 views per hour which work out to
 173 views per second.
 To guarantee no bottle necks at full capacity you'd probably need a
 T3especially since most pages are over 5 kb...and that doesn't include

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: down?

2001-02-04 Thread Edward Smith

I don't know if you'll be able to download, but while
'' is down, you can still reach
''.  So, if you need knowledgebase, or other things,
this should work.  

Here's a working link for CF Updates:

Maybe I should bill Allaire for helping out.

"Ramon E. Fernandez" wrote:
 I am having the same problem. I need to download 4.5.2 update and I am not
 able to access the site. Is the update anywhere else on the net?
 -Original Message-
 From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 9:14 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: down?
 Haven't been able to access Allaire's site for 3 days - I'm in the UK on
 Demon.  Is this a UK problem, or are others also having trouble?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: (ot) Advertising

2001-01-24 Thread Edward Smith

The actual adserver is the easy part.  The hard part is the management
system, the forecasting, inventory tracking, campaign management,
reporting, etc.  Not to mention verification and auditing, if you get
picky customers.

But be careful with the adserving part, too, because a lot of that is

Greg Wolfinger wrote:
 Build you own ad server.  We wrote one in CF in about a week (fully robust)
 for our sites.
 --=@ greg @=--
 - Original Message -
 From: "Eric Dawson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:24 AM
 Subject: (ot) Advertising
  Sorry for the OT post, but I do have the right audience.
  I need to determine which of the following approaches is best, and am
  curious for some feedback from this list.
  1.) Outsource Ad Serving: we sell ads, but may have a network of sales
  agents (site users). Double Click Dart.
  2.) Build an Ad Management system, preferably in ASP (current site in
  Need to be able to manage a site network, all sites on the same server
  Interested in Open Source packages, or otherwise.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Page execution time too long?

2001-01-24 Thread Edward Smith

I hear stories like this, and I have to wonder what your definition of
"scale" is.  Obviously, we don't have the full story, but this snippet
makes it sound like you define "scale" to mean "can sustain unlimited
amounts of traffic without slowing down".  I'm sure you don't mean that,
but it sounds like it.

What you are probably saying, is that as load increases, page response
time does not grow linearly.  It instead grows asymptotically, rising
faster then the increase in load, to an infinite page response time.

In my experience, this is true.  We also have this problem with
Netgravity (ad serving software).  Our experience shows that CF scales
linearly with load, up to a point, then falls apart.  CF Solaris seems
to do a better job at this, perhaps suggesting that the problem is
partly associated with the OS, or at least Allaire's interaction with
the OS.

We've observed that examiniation of this linear-asymptotic can lead to
a correct setting for the number of threads, more or less preventing
this problem.  It helps if you are running a single or a few
applications on a box, not in a shared server environment.  By setting
the number of threads to the proper level, the machine won't go all
wonky, and requests will sit in a queue all nice and happy until they
can get processed.

We've also observed that CF scales pretty much linearly by processor

We've observed that CF does not scale very well (vertically?) with
additional processors.  This could be an NT problem, but CF doesn't even
scale evenly with the graphs and stats I've seen of NT's scalability.

CF scales (assuming you've written your application well) very well
(horizontally) by adding machines.  Course, this isn't that hard, and
depends on your database server or other shared resources don't become

Of course, all this depends on having coded the application well, and
locked everything properly, etc.

This also all depends on realizing that if your application takes 200ms
per page (on average), the best you EVER will get out of that box is 5
requests per second.  If you expect to serve more, there's nothing you
can do - you have to add new boxes or faster boxes, or make the code
faster somehow.

This isn't scalability, this is just performance.  Dynamic page serving
will always be and order of magnitude or two slower then static.  Even
serving HTML file thru CF server (no CFML at all) is an order of
magnitude slower then just serving them up from the webserver - this is
due to all the application overhead.

So, Matthew, if you divided your expected/actual peak traffic for an
hour by 3600 second/hour, how may ms per page did you have to have the
pages serve in?

You are doing 500K per day, lets say 50K peak in one hour.  This is 13.9
(lets say 14) pages per second, or about 71ms per page - under load. 

I would have spread this between about 4-6 servers (600+ PII x2, 512MB
RAM, Mirrored 9GB drives - say Dell 2450's).

Matthew Taylor wrote:
 On the contrary we all have been writing code, not just CF, but ASP, C,
 Perl, and Java for quite a few years. We even had a consultant from Allaire
 come out and do a code review.  We passed with flying colors, under heavy
 load, CF bogs down big time.  I'm not sure what you consider "heavy" but we
 get over 500,000 page views per day, between ucomics, doonesbury and
 garfield.  The problem became so bad that we wrote our own scripts that
 generate static htm's nightly.  Our site is now 75% static and runs about
 75% faster.  I'm not knocking CF at all it's great for what it does do, but
 it does not scale.  I'm sure there are some others out there that agree.
 I don't agree with your statement that CF doesn't scale. It will scale as
 well as the code which is run on it. Possibly these people working for busy
 CF sites are not experienced in writing scalable code?
 - Original Message -
 From: "Matthew Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 3:48 PM
 Subject: RE: Page execution time too long?
150 millisecs under no load would cause some alarm for me personally.
  tested our pages under no load and they ran in under 100 millisecs, under
  simulated load (silk performer), they jumped to well over 1,000.  As I'm
  sure anyone working for a busy CF site will tell you, Cold Fusion does NOT
  scale well at all. If you're concerned about page times under ideal's all down hill from there.
  Matthew Taylor
  Web Developer
  617.868.0009 ext.216
  -Original Message-
  From: Allan Pichler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:38 PM
  To: CF-Server
  Subject: RE: Page execution time too long?
  IMHO 150 millisecs is not too much. As far as a general guideline on the
  maximum execution of pages i would have to say that depends on application

OTish: TidyCOM (COM version of HMTL Tidy) in IE5?

2001-01-23 Thread Edward Smith

Has anybody used TidyCOM (,
the com wrapper for HTMLTidy (

I'm trying to create an instance of it in IE, to do some Client-Side
HTML cleanup (in a Content Management system.)  We can't do it on the
server as we are running Solaris, and I haven't gotten around to
checking out JTidy (the Java version).  Besides, client-side as some

At any rate, I've downloaded and regsrv32'd the dll, but I can't get one

My code:

var TidyObj = new ActiveXObject("TidyCOM.TidyObject")

Gives the error:

Automation Server can't create object.

Which means, as far as I know, it can't find the COM object.  But its
definately registered.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!
Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
Director of Architecture

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: OTish: TidyCOM (COM version of HMTL Tidy) in IE5?

2001-01-23 Thread Edward Smith

Thanks for replying!

Yeah, its in there.  
The "VersionIndependentProgID" is "TidyCOM.TidyObject".  
The key name is

I've emailed the author - hoping to hear back from him soon.

Billy Cravens wrote:
 Have you verified in the Registry that it is registered?
 Billy Cravens
 HR Web Development, Sabre
 Edward Smith wrote:
  Has anybody used TidyCOM (,
  the com wrapper for HTMLTidy (
  I'm trying to create an instance of it in IE, to do some Client-Side
  HTML cleanup (in a Content Management system.)  We can't do it on the
  server as we are running Solaris, and I haven't gotten around to
  checking out JTidy (the Java version).  Besides, client-side as some
  At any rate, I've downloaded and regsrv32'd the dll, but I can't get one
  My code:
  var TidyObj = new ActiveXObject("TidyCOM.TidyObject")
  Gives the error:
  Automation Server can't create object.
  Which means, as far as I know, it can't find the COM object.  But its
  definately registered.
  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!
  Edward Smith  Internet Broadcasting System
  Director of Architecture

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Allaire, Macromedia merger

2001-01-17 Thread Edward Smith

Dave, I don't know if you can answer this, but any idea of when we'll
see harpoon beta?  I emailed Allaire, and they said it's not available

Will the merger affect anything, in your opinion?

Dave Watts wrote:
  How long did you guys at Fig Leaf know about this one?  I
  know you've been working closely with the Harpoon project.
 We do a lot of work with both companies, but I don't think anyone here - or
 most of the people at Allaire for that matter - knew very much in advance. I
 personally knew about five minutes before seeing it on the Bloomberg site.
 We're pretty happy with it, though. The two companies, and their plans, are
 quite complementary.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 voice: (202) 797-5496
 fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
