Hi there,
We have recently upgraded our database from Sybase 6 to Sybase 11.  We are also 
hoping to move from ColdFusion MX 6.1 to ColdFusion 9 in the near future.  In 
both environments, the ColdFusion ODBC Server enters a state where it is hung 
and the ColdFusion Application Server needs to restart.  I have been testing in 
CF9 since it actually gives an error message, where CF6.1 just boots me out to 
the login page.  Connections are setup using the ODBC Socket in CF 

In the ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server debug log we see the following warnings as it 
is trying to run GetDescribe.
It appears that it is unable to retrieve Catalog Name, but I don’t know why 
this would cause the ODBC Server to die.   In Sybase 6, the Catalog Name is 
blank as well, but there are no warnings either.

This statement is doing a select * and returning 155 columns.  Following is a 
successful example where only 4 columns are retrieved.  I could (and have) gone 
through and chop my select statements, but since this worked in Sybase 6 I 
wonder if there is a handshaking problem?  I would appreciate any advice on 
setting up my DSN or ODBC server that may help this issue.

Thank you for your help!
Holly Ackerman
Applications Programmer
Survey Research Operations – University of Michigan

** ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server debug log failure **

Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWSOC_CursorVar_DescribeCol entry descIx = 
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:SQLColAttribute SQL_DESC_CATALOG_NAME sqlRc = 1
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWANDBSRVC_OdbcError entry
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWSOC_OdbcErrorWithState entry
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:Diagnostics (Warning) added: message:[01004][ODBC 
Socket][Sybase][ODBC Driver]Data 
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWSOC_OdbcErrorWithState exit
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWANDBSRVC_OdbcError exit
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:           SWSOC_CursorVar_DescribeCol exit
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:SWANDB_GetDescribe exit
Tue May 11 13:41:58 2010:The active request for session 8 is interrupted due to 
an unexpected exception
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_FreeVariables entry
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_FreeVariables exit
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_Close entry
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_Close exit
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_Logoff entry
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:Abnormal logoff detected (caused by crash, kill, ....)
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:Logoff behaviour not set, using database default
Tue May 11 13:41:59 2010:SWANDB_Logoff exit

ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server dump file:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:41:58 PM ACCESS_VIOLATION
Stack Dump:

When I look at the ODBC Server debug log for other GetDescribe statements on 
the same table, the same warnings appear, and the catalog name is blank, but it 
seems to proceed fine from there.  In the example below, I limit the select to 
4 columns.

** ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server debug log success **

Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWSOC_CursorVar_DescribeCol entry descIx = 4
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:SQLColAttribute SQL_DESC_CATALOG_NAME sqlRc = 1
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWANDBSRVC_OdbcError entry
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWSOC_OdbcErrorWithState entry
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:Diagnostics (Warning) added: message:[01004][ODBC 
Socket][Sybase][ODBC Driver]Data 
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWSOC_OdbcErrorWithState exit
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWANDBSRVC_OdbcError exit
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:           SWSOC_CursorVar_DescribeCol exit
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:SWANDB_GetDescribe exit
Tue May 11 13:41:37 2010:SSP OUTPUT
  error     :1
    row count        :-1
    result available :1
    transaction      :0
    output available :no
    (logging describe cursorvar:1)
    auto unique   :no
    case sensitive:no
    catalog name  :
    money         :no
    label         :npreferenceid
    length        :5
    name          :npreferenceid
    nullable      :no
    scale         :0
    schema name   :DBA
    searchable    :searchable
    table name    :<table name successfully displayed here>
    type          :numeric
    type name     :numeric
    unsigned      :no
    updatable     :yes
    encoding      :

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