end of my CFHTTP rope!

2003-02-01 Thread Jason kufner
Good evening everyone---

I'm at the end of my rope, I can't get cfhttp to work. I've read through
both of Ben fortas MX books, searched on line and experimented until I'm
blue in the face. The code seems good to me-  Please, I need a second pair
of eyes:

SETUP: I'm collecting info from a form, sending it to a CFC to add sensitive
data then sending that "form" which I've built to a API on another server.


The form works fine, collects, calls, and passes information to the function
inside My cfc.

I think the next step is the problem. From all my test (Using cfdump with
HTTP variables which produces nothing, submitting to different urls some
that don't exists, which DOES not produce an error it seems the cfhttp tag
is not submitting any data. It's just sitting there-

Here is the CFHTTP code (inside my function):




This is the function inside another CFC. For testing purposes the first CFC
is submitting via CFHTTP to the second CFC. When the site goes live, the
first CFC will submit to authorize Net, which in turn will submit back to
the second CFC.

In either case, I don't seem to be submitting ANYTHING via the CFHTTP in the
first CFC.

As always,

My eternal gratitude in advance


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Re: Return of the sql wierdness ERROR message

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner
you're mostly right--- but all the client gave me was a GAINT text file, so
using  regular expression I pulled out a book at a time and then using more
regular expressions I dumped the results into an array, which I am sorting
through and inserting into an access database into their respective tables.
So far 55 books worked fine until this one record... The client doesn't want
ANY characters changed, it's their catalog...

Please- any more ideas are GREAT!!


> so, i gleen from this...
> you are moving data from a filemaker pro database, to an access
> database, both
> databases have dsn's setup in the administrator, you can query each, and
> both work, but the problem is that dumping data into this memo field is
> bombing
> at this point.
> have you tried putting this string, or portions of this string manually
> into
> a cfquery...run it, to a test db, with the field type the same, size
> etc. and see what
> characters you can take out, to make it work?
> just running through my usual debug process...

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dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: Return of the sql wierdness ERROR message

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner
Thank you again every one here is the answers to your questions:

-This is representative some of the data being inserted. This was a NASTY
550 page file maker pro data base that I'm converting. Some fields are empty
some are huge like this one.

-It is being dumped into a Memo field.

-this machine is version 5. the client is upgrading within the next 2

-the actual value is bookArray is:

H. Charles was born August 6, 1855 in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. He was educated
at Belfast Academy, Queen's College Belfast (Classics, 1874-80), and Trinity
College Dublin (Classics and Theology). Charles was ordained a deacon in
1883 and priest in 1884. He married Mary Lilias, 1886; they had no children.
He served several curacies in England from 1883-89 before turning to
academia in 1890. His studies focused on the religious developments within
Judaism in the period between the Testaments, concentrating particularly on
the exposition of the Apocalyptic literature, both Christian and Jewish.
Charles's work attracted a great deal of attention during his lifetime,
becoming a leading authority on his chosen specialties. He became Professor
of Biblical Greek at Trinity College Dublin (1898-1906), the Grinfield
Lecturer on the Septuagint (1905-11), Speaker's Lecturer in Biblical Studies
at Oxford (1910-14), Warburton Lecturer in Lincoln's Inn Chapel from 1919,
and Schweich Lecturer of the British Academy (1919-20). He was also elected
a fellow of the British Academy in 1906 and of Merton College, Oxford in
1910. In 1925 he was the first recipient of the British Academy Medal for
Biblical Studies. Charles also received honorary degrees from the
universities of Belfast in 1923 and Oxford in 1928 in recognition for his
work. In 1913 he was appointed a canon of Westminister, becoming archdeacon
later in 1919. He died at his home in Little Cloisters on January 30, 1931.
.His publications include: Book of Enoch (1893, 2nd ed. 1912); Apocalypse
of St John ( 2 vols., 1920); Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book
of Daniel (1929); Book of Jubilees (1895); Enoch (1906); The Testaments of
the Twelve Patriarchs (1908); The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old
Testament in English (2 vols., 1913); A Critical History of the Doctrine of
a Future Life in Israel in Judaism and in ChristianityÓ (1899, 2nd revised
and enlarged ed., 1913); ÒReligious Development between the Old and the New
TestamentsÓ (1914); ÒChronicle of John, Bishop of NikiuÓ (1916).

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 9:17 PM
Subject: RE: Return of the sql wierdness ERROR message

> Another thought: are you using MX?
> I've recently had a problem with Access on MX: by default the DB Driver
> does not accept "long text".  There's a check box in the CF Admin Data
> Sources area - if you ARE using MX and the box isn't checked CF
> (actually the DB driver) may be truncating your insert value.
> In my case the problem was showing up in a select - any "memo" fields
> were being returned as having no values to CF even if there were values
> in the DB.
> Jim Davis
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Re: Return of the sql wierdness ERROR message

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner
yeah--- i tried it. didn't work. Its going to be one of thoes nights.

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ColdFusion and related topics. http://www.fusionauthority.com/signup.cfm

Return of the sql wierdness ERROR message

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner
 This is a two for one problem. I get this error message if I wrap the array
statement with the preserveSingleQuotes:


   INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId,




Error Diagnostic Information
Just in time compilation error

Invalid parser construct found on line 48 at position 45. ColdFusion was
looking at the following text:

Invalid expression format. The usual cause is an error in the expression

The last successfully parsed CFML construct was static text occupying
document position (47:38) to (48:13).

Thank you all for the help but its still throwing the error message!!

And because of the weird error above I turned the array into a vaiable and
then ran that. So far its only this record that chokes...


 INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId,




See bellow:

Error Diagnostic Information
ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in
query expression ''R.H. Charles was born August 6, 1855 in Cookstown, Co.
Tyrone. He was educated at Belfast Academy, Queen's College Belfast
(Classics, 1874-80)'.

SQL = "INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId, authorBioDetail) VALUES
(41, 'R.H. Charles was born August 6, 1855 in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. He was
educated at Belfast Academy, Queen's College Belfast (Classics, 1874-80),
and Trinity College Dublin (Classics and Theology). Charles was ordained a
deacon in 1883 and priest in 1884. He married Mary Lilias, 1886; they had no
children. He served several curacies in England from 1883-89 before turning
to academia in 1890. His studies focused on the religious developments
within Judaism in the period between the Testaments, concentrating
particularly on the exposition of the Apocalyptic literature, both Christian
and Jewish. Charles's work attracted a great deal of attention during his
lifetime, becoming a leading authority on his chosen specialties. He became
Professor of Biblical Greek at Trinity College Dublin (1898-1906), the
Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint (1905-11), Speaker's Lecturer in
Biblical Studies at Oxford (1910-14), Warburton Lecturer in Lincoln's Inn
Chapel from 1919, and Schweich Lecturer of the British Academy (1919-20). He
was also elected a fellow of the British Academy in 1906 and of Merton
College, Oxford in 1910. In 1925 he was the first recipient of the British
Academy Medal for Biblical Studies. Charles also received honorary degrees
from the universities of Belfast in 1923 and Oxford in 1928 in recognition
for his work. In 1913 he was appointed a canon of Westminister, becoming
archdeacon later in 1919. He died at his home in Little Cloisters on January
30, 1931. ..His publications include: Book of Enoch (1893, 2nd ed. 1912);
Apocalypse of St John ( 2 vols., 1920); Critical and Exegetical Commentary
on the Book of Daniel (1929); Book of Jubilees (1895); Enoch (1906); The
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (1908); The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
of the Old Testament in English (2 vols., 1913); A Critical History of the
Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel in Judaism and in ChristianityÓ (1899,
2nd revised and enlarged ed., 1913); ÒReligious Development between the Old
and the New TestamentsÓ (1914); ÒChronicle of John, Bishop of NikiuÓ (1916).
' )"

Data Source = "FILTER1"

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (45:6) to (45:65) in the template

Date/Time: 11/02/02 20:44:29
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Remote Address:

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
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Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

HELP!! sql wierdness ERROR message

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner
Thank you so much for the fast response:

Mr. Forta it's always gratifying to see your name in this news group, the Cf
community is alive and thriving!!

Here is the code in question:

INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId,


VALUES (#session.authorPkey#,


And Are you ready? Here is the error message:

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in
query expression ''R.H. Charles was born August 6, 1855 in Cookstown, Co.
Tyrone. He was educated at Belfast Academy, Queen's College Belfast
(Classics, 1874-80)'.

SQL = "INSERT into authorBio (authorBio_authorId, authorBioDetail) VALUES
(41, 'R.H. Charles was born August 6, 1855 in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. He was
educated at Belfast Academy, Queen's College Belfast (Classics, 1874-80),
and Trinity College Dublin (Classics and Theology). Charles was ordained a
deacon in 1883 and priest in 1884. He married Mary Lilias, 1886; they had no
children. He served several curacies in England from 1883-89 before turning
to academia in 1890. His studies focused on the religious developments
within Judaism in the period between the Testaments, concentrating
particularly on the exposition of the Apocalyptic literature, both Christian
and Jewish. Charles's work attracted a great deal of attention during his
lifetime, becoming a leading authority on his chosen specialties. He became
Professor of Biblical Greek at Trinity College Dublin (1898-1906), the
Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint (1905-11), Speaker's Lecturer in
Biblical Studies at Oxford (1910-14), Warburton Lecturer in Lincoln's Inn
Chapel from 1919, and Schweich Lecturer of the British Academy (1919-20). He
was also elected a fellow of the British Academy in 1906 and of Merton
College, Oxford in 1910. In 1925 he was the first recipient of the British
Academy Medal for Biblical Studies. Charles also received honorary degrees
from the universities of Belfast in 1923 and Oxford in 1928 in recognition
for his work. In 1913 he was appointed a canon of Westminister, becoming
archdeacon later in 1919. He died at his home in Little Cloisters on January
30, 1931. ..His publications include: Book of Enoch (1893, 2nd ed. 1912);
Apocalypse of St John ( 2 vols., 1920); Critical and Exegetical Commentary
on the Book of Daniel (1929); Book of Jubilees (1895); Enoch (1906); The
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (1908); The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
of the Old Testament in English (2 vols., 1913); A Critical History of the
Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel in Judaism and in ChristianityÓ (1899,
2nd revised and enlarged ed., 1913); ÒReligious Development between the Old
and the New TestamentsÓ (1914); ÒChronicle of John, Bishop of NikiuÓ (1916).

HELP!! sql wierdness and the clients coming tomorrow!!!

2002-11-02 Thread jason kufner

I'm at zero hour with a project and I just discovered an "issue" with SQL
(the language, not the database):

Here it goes: I have an Array holding some text and I'm inserting that text
into the database, simple enough. But within this text the author used
parentheses just like you would write a story. The problem is that SQL seems
to run across the parentheses within the chunk of text I'm trying to insert
and (I think) it trys to interrupt the contents of the parentheses as part
of The SQL statement rather than text to be inserted into the database. The
result is a syntax error.

Is there some way I can escape the text? I know about the UrlEncoded format
and the HTMLCodedFormat but this database is going to be used by a lot of
people so I want to store the text as straight forward and unadulterated. Is
there a SQL escape function? Any ideas?

I know the underling coded works -I looped over 55 records just fine until I
hit this one with the parentheses.

Thank you in advance for your help in I a big hurry and I don't have time to
figure it out on my own!!

 Thank you ,thank you ,thank you!


custom tags Vrs CFC vrs web services.

2002-10-29 Thread jason kufner
Good morning every one:

I am working with a client that's moving from version 4.5 to MX.

With this change (and because of some new features) I have to rewrite a lot
of the core code. Here's my open ended question please feel free to write
long rambling essays

"What are the advantages and disadvantage of using custom tags vs. CFC's or
Web Services?"

Thank you in advance for everyone's expert opinion.


Subject: Re: help with IIS 5

2002-10-06 Thread jason kufner

To put in my 2 cents worth--

I had the same problem, I never figured it out. I was experimenting with regular 
expressions anr running some pretty heinous loops- so big in fact coldfusion would 
hang. After cltr +  alt + del the service died and i could never get coldfusion back. 
(Even after an uninstall and reinstall...) I'm looking forward to hearing a solution

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cold fusion and flash part 2.5

2002-03-21 Thread Jason Kufner

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm just jumping in... I haven't read all the back post on this yet.
(I'm busy for two days and I come back to 329 emails)
I've been working on flash and coldfusion as well. So this thread caught
my attention. Someone said they wanted to make the first flash shopping
cart. This web site did it a while ago. It was macromedias' site of the
day in June 2001.
There are some REAL navigation issues with this website, but get what
you can out of it. (An interesting note:  the first launch had no html
option. Only flash. You still need two versions even with macromedias
98% market.) share.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



just jumping in... I haven’t read all the back post on this yet. =
busy for two days and I come back to 329 =


been working on flash and coldfusion as =
well. So this
thread caught my attention. Someone said they wanted to make the first =
shopping cart. This web site did it a while ago. It was macromedias' =
site of
the day in June 2001.





are some REAL navigation issues with this website, but get what you can =
out of
it. (An interesting note:  =
the first
launch had no html option. Only flash. You still need two versions even =
macromedias 98% market.) share.




FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
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re: Flash MX and CF5 pt2.5

2002-03-21 Thread Jason Kufner

I'm just jumping in... I haven't read all the back post on this yet.
(I'm busy for two days and I come back to 329 emails)

I've been working on flash and coldfusion as well. So this thread caught
my attention. Someone said they wanted to make the first flash shopping
cart. This web site did it a while ago. It was macromedias' site of the
day in June 2001.


There are some REAL navigation issues with this website, but get what
you can out of it. (An interesting note:  the first launch had no html
option. Only flash. You still need two versions even with macromedias
98% market.) share.

FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: Step in the rigth direction --Developer Edition

2002-01-10 Thread Jason Kufner

I think some of you remember what it was like tackling a new technology:
"Well, you need a strong understanding of HTML, Make sure you have a web
server running, web-share the website root folder, create a dsn, create
a database, connect to that database with SQL, make sure you have
ColdFusion running on your web server- no ColdFusion markup and
ColdFusion server are not the same thing. Sure ColdFusion markup is
free, but the server that RUNS that language..."

And then tell them ColdFusion is SIMPLE and easy.

Add on top the frustration of learning a new language, learning
ColdFusion studio. It adds up to too much aggravation, the students are
better of using notepad until they have the basics down. THEN we look at
other options including ColdFusion studio and Ultradev.

That's another ball of wax, in all of my Ultradev class the first 30
minutes are spent explaining that they did NOT get a free copy of
ColdFusion server, they have a trail version missing a number of
IMPORTANT tags (cfapplication for example).

Already students who were leery of signing up for the class have changed
their minds now that they can learn at their own pace (not in 30 days).

All and All an excellent move by Macromedia, I think it give us all a
BIG GUN in the 'why should I use ColdFusion battle."



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Step in the rigth direction --Developer Edition

2002-01-10 Thread Jason Kufner

I just wanted to point this out to everyone on the list. With all the
talk about the 'death of coldFusion' I think this is a real step in the
right direction. I've already convinced one client to use ColdFusion
BECAUSE their IT department could poke around and use this Developers'
Edition to learn the notes and bolts. 

I teach a number of web Design classes- and always felt a little
uncomfortable giving coldfusion homework to students. There only option
for testing scripts was to buy service though an ISP that ran
coldfusion, or 'find' a copy to play with. (Finally I set up a server on
my home machine and let my students ftp into that...) In the days since
this release most of my students have downloaded the Developers' Edition
and the reviews have been great.

Here are the links:

and for more info:

Good job Macromedia


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fusebox and coldfusion?

2002-01-05 Thread Jason Kufner

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've download a bunch of the FuseBox information, I'm reading through it
and it seems interesting but I'd like to hear others take on it.
SO what do you guys have to say on the subject?

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



I’ve download a bunch of the FuseBox
information, I’m reading through it and it seems interesting but =
like to hear others take on it.

SO what do you guys have to say on the =




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Xp, starbucks , and coldfusion

2001-12-21 Thread jason kufner

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Okay here's my problem:
I use my laptop as a portable cold fusion design station. (You know  
For those afternoon trips to starbucks) Right now I have cold Fusion 
Studio, Cold fusion server 4.5 and Microsoft personal web server as  
My web server. (Remember it's on my laptop, all I have to do is check  
One page on at time while I sip my chai...)
My questions are: what is the personal web server equivalent for XP.  
Can I do the same thing on XP?
Thanks for your help

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



here’s my problem:


use my laptop as a portable cold fusion design station. (You know  

those afternoon trips to starbucks) Right =
now I have
cold Fusion 

Cold fusion server 4.5 and Microsoft personal web server as  

My web server.
(Remember it’s on my laptop, all I have to do is check  

page on at time while I sip my chai...)


questions are: what is the personal web server equivalent for XP.  

I do the same thing on XP?


Thanks for your help


FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
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RE: uploading a whole folder-- instead of just a file.

2001-11-16 Thread jason kufner

this link isn't working. What file is it pointing to?

-Original Message-
From: John McCosker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 2:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: uploading a whole folder-- instead of just a file.

This should take you to it, wrote by Ben Forta.


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uploading a whole folder-- instead of just a file.

2001-11-16 Thread jason kufner

---how do I upload a FOLDER to the server? --

PLEASE oh god please. help. me. I've built a template driven web-site for
the local community college. Every instructor can upload templates for their
classes, which is a collection of files and graphics. The instructors want
to up load the root directory and all the folders inside of that (so
something like 1 folder with 4 html files and a number of folders in that.
One of those folders would be your classic 'images' folder.)

so here's the question:

---how do I upload a FOLDER to the server? --

you can only upload individual files using the cffile tag, and the cffftp
tag seems to have a similar limitation.

PLEASE, can any one point me in the right direction?

I've include one of the solutions I tried as a work around. It didn't work
because you can't set the Value attribute of a input=file tag the same way
you can with a input=text. (If you do set the value of the input=file tag,
the page you pass the variables to thinks they are empty regardless)

I m hoping this set of code will inspire someone.



  what is the local root folder? (the absolute path to this directory)

  list all the files you'd like to upload.
  Must be a comma delineated list


what is the remote root folder? 





For testing variables

  form.localRoot #form.localRoot#
  form.localFile #form.localFile#




   for testing:
form.localFile = #form.localFile#
form.remoteRoot = #form.remoteRoot#


again these files are just for insperation. I was trying to work around the
"only upload one file at a time limitation" the idea was to have the
instructors point to a folder and list the files in that folder then have
cold fusion loop through it, doing all the leg work

but the easiest solution would be to UPLOAD an ENTIRE FILE!!!

please... Its so late and Im so tired.

Thank you

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