Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-20 Thread Jonathan Price

I tried this, and I'm not seeing any of non-local scoped vars showing up.  I 
see each of my DAOs and Gateways and each of their internal methods, but I 
don't see any reference to the non-local vars (of which, I know there are 
many).  I'm just doing a , correct?


> Jonathan Price wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply!  I'm definitely trying to get a handle on this 
> as I don't want to chase down the repercussions in the future!  Thank 
> so much for your help.  It almost makes sense to me now...
> >
> A useful trick if you are creating your CFC in any persistent scope, 
> like the application scope in this case, is to do a  of that 
> scope at the end of the page. Look at all of the vars showing in there. 
> If you have failed to properly local scope a var in a CFC function you 
> will see it sitting there at the top level of the dump.
> -- 
> Yours,
> Kym Kovan

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Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-14 Thread Jonathan Price

Thanks for the reply!  I'm definitely trying to get a handle on this as I don't 
want to chase down the repercussions in the future!  Thank so much for your 
help.  It almost makes sense to me now...

> > should I not worry about running 'createObject' on the same local.
> o_program structure member everytime? 
> The fact that createObject is INSIDE the loop is precisely why it is
> working now and that is good.  When you posted your first "real" code
> sample (the second one) with the createObject outside the loop you 
> were
> only creating one instance of your CFC and reusing it over and over. 
> That is not what you wanted.  If you have 7 "programs", than you need 
> to
> create 7 objects.
> > It's not completely obvious to me how 'local' magic is working. 
> It's not magic really.  When you place anything (like a CFC) in the
> application scope it is shared by all running requests.  This is the
> same as a database table that is being used by several requests at 
> once.
> Changes made by one request will be visible to any other request
> looking in the table.  Think of a CFC in the application scope the 
> same
> way.  There are 3 main scopes in a CFC-- this, variables, and local. 
> This and variables are shared by everyone calling methods on that CFC. 
> Local is specific to a particular method call.  If this still does 
> not
> make sense, PLEASE ask questions now and get it cleared up or you 
> will
> be asking for pain down the road when your app starts crashing under
> load due to concurrency issues because you didn't understand how to 
> make
> thread-safe singletons.  Print this off, read it, and post it on your
> cube wall:
> > And is there not a memory leak issue with running createObject on 
> every iteration? 
> I'm not sure what you're asking here but the short answer is "no".  
> Now,
> creating objects DOES consume a nominal amount of memory-- this is 
> true,
> but that is not a "memory leak".  There was a recent memory leak 
> fixed
> in the  last cumulative hot fix for CF8 that had to do with placing 
> CFCs
> in shared scopes.  I don't see how it would affect your code, but if 
> you
> want to, you can install the hot fix.
> > Should my previous version have worked? 
> Which one?
> *The very first code you posted was somewhat usable.  It would have
> created a separate object for each record except for the fact that 
> you
> had some syntax errors [arrayNew()] and didn't locally var your
> variables.  
> *The second code sample you sent only used one program object and 
> still
> didn't use locally-scoped variables.  
> *Your third code sample is getting closer yet, but still not correct. 
> You need to locally scope ALL VARIABLES THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO THAT 
> CALL.  This includes "q_programs".  Otherwise two people running this
> code at the exact same time will be sharing the exact same contents 
> of
> the q_programs variable since is in the variables scope by default.
> > I don't mind doing this 'local' trick everywhere, but I am curious 
> about why the original wasn't working properly.
> It's hard to say since your first code sample seemed to be
> altered-to-protect-the-innocent to the point that you significantly
> changed the flow of the code. However, I would guess that your first
> iteration of the code did not work because you were not creating a 
> new
> program object for every record in your result set.
> One more thing, I would stay away from duplicating your CFCs.  It 
> might
> work in some scenarios, but duplicate is a deep-copy and that can 
> mean
> bad things if your CFC has references to a framework or some other
> complex variable that you do not actually wish to copy.
> ~Brad

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Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-14 Thread Jonathan Price

So the  worked fine in our CF8 environment, but CF7 is 
complaining about it.  Is {} just a CF8 shorthand for struct?  I replaced the 
{} with StructNew(), and it seems to work.  I'm just terrified of screwing this 
up and having to chase down some phantom bugs three months from now. 

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Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Price

Yeah, we're on CF8 for better or worse.  So I redid the previous function to 
look like this:





And I'm getting the correct info back now.  Last two questions.  1) should I 
not worry about running 'createObject' on the same local.o_program structure 
member everytime?  It's not completely obvious to me how 'local' magic is 
working.  And is there not a memory leak issue with running createObject on 
every iteration?  2)  Should my previous version have worked?  I don't mind 
doing this 'local' trick everywhere, but I am curious about why the original 
wasn't working properly.


> > If you're on CF9 things may a little different in that you may not 
> need to explicitly var
> > scope,
> If you are on CF9, use the local scope as it is inherently "varred":
>  'Contact').init(...insert init info here...)>
> If you are not on CF9, I could recommend still getting in the habit 
> of
> pretending there is a local scope and putting  
> at
> the top of your method.  Just make sure you reference all of your
> "local" variables as local.varName and this will ensure that multiple
> people hitting that code at the exact same time will all have their 
> own
> special versions of each of those variables and no one will be
> overwriting another.
> ~Brad

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Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Price

Right, I tried this but it behaved weirdly - as thought the ArrayAppend were 
passing just a pointer to the one object each time so that after appending all 
my objects, the array was full replicas of whichever object was loaded last 
instead of a bunch of different objects.  To clarify, here's some code:


So, when I call this function, I get an array back that has seven objects as 
I'd expect (as there are 7 programs in the database).  However, each object in 
the array has the same values in it.  If I do a dump of the of the o_program 
object just before the append in the above function, I see the different 
programs displayed individually as I'd expect.  But when I look at the Array 
that's returned in the calling page, I see seven identical programs.

Thanks again for the help

>Hi Jonathon,
>There's only one thisContact variable, which is being reused each time
>through the loop.  So all you need to do is put:
>right at the start.  There's an indeterminate number of values that are
>passing through that one variable on their way into the array, but it's
>still one variable.
>And of course var scope returnArray and q_Contacts as well.  If you're on
>CF9 things may a little different in that you may not need to explicitly var
>scope, but I'll let the CF9 gurus pick that one up.
>On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Jonathan Price <
>> wrote:

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Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Price

So, I'm relatively new to OO in ColdFusion, and I'm banging my head against one 
issue in particular.  Let's say I've got a DAO or Gateway object in my 
APPLICATION scope that needs to return a collection of beans, I'm having 
trouble understanding the need to VAR scope all internally used variables when 
I've got a dynamic number of objects being returned.  That's not very clear, so 
let's say this is the function in question:


   FROM Contacts



So, my concern is with the inability to create the Contact objects in the VAR 
scope since I don't know how many I'll be creating before hand.  If I do it 
like this (i.e. without the VAR on the createObject), am I setting myself up 
problems?  If so, how should I handle this?

Thanks again, and I hope it's not to ridiculous a question.

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