RE: Battle of the Gurus (Re: Blatant advertising (you have been warned))

2001-07-27 Thread Kristin Aileen Motlagh

So, hmand I wonder which book that was Ben??? Was that a hidden
compliment? (:

Kristin Aileen Motlagh
Co-Author, Mastering ColdFusion 5
Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer
Phone/Fax: 877.525.3304

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:07:52 -0400
Subject: RE: Battle of the Gurus (Re: Blatant advertising (you have been
Message-ID: 006201c11606$4507f9d0$624049d8@MILLIWAYS

I could not agree more. Until CF4 I was the only show in town (the other
CF3.x books left much to be desired), with CF4 I had a single competitor
still sold more books than the prior versions combined. Bottom line, the
more there are, the more buzz, the more publicity for CF, the better CF
does, the better we all do (authors and developers). I have no less than a
dozen C and C++ books, almost that many on Java, a growing .NET library,
dozens of database and SQL books - no one buys just one.

Oh, and while I have not seen your book yet Jeffry, the fact that you list
Hitchhikers on your Other books page (oh, and my books too) has convinced
me to get a copy. :-)

--- Ben

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Mastering ColdFusion 4.5

2001-03-20 Thread Kristin Aileen Motlagh

Hello again!

Since we are in the beginning of a revision to the Mastering book, I thought
it might be good to ask this list for suggestions regarding improvements.
One poster mentioned it is slower. I am not sure that this is the general
consensus, as I have heard the opposite from many people, but if that
happens to be your feeling as well, can you elaborate as to where it is
slow?  If you feel so inclined perhaps you can answer the following
questions as well:

1. Which chapters did you find needed the most improvement? Why? For
readability reasons or technical reasons?
2. Were there chapters or sections where the topic could have been more
elaborate? Where?
3. Which chapters were the most useful? Did they provide knowledge you did
not find elsewhere?
4. Did you find any technical problems in the book such as broken code,
incorrect statements, misleading statements? Where?
5. What topics would you like to see covered that are not currently in this
6. Do you think this book addressed needs of the beginner developer,
intermediate developer, or both? If only one or the other can you explain
7. Did you find typos or grammatical errors? Where?
8. Were the examples appropriate? If not, do you have suggestions for better

Ok, I know most of you are extremely busy, so if you do not have the time to
answer all of the above questions, but would like to respond in some way,
please do. But please respond off this list to my personal account:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. If the comments pertain to my chapters I will
seriously consider them while updating, and if not I will forward them to
either Arman or Raymond.

Thanks for your time!

Kristin Aileen Motlagh

Co-Author, Mastering ColdFusion 4.5
Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer

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Re: CF Books

2001-03-19 Thread Kristin Aileen Motlagh


The only book (outside of Allaire docs) that is written specifically for
ColdFusion and ColdFusion Studio 4.5 is "Mastering ColdFusion 4.5".
Everything you need is covered in that book. Additionally, you can refer to
Allaire documentation for 4.5. Depending upon your needs, you may not *need*
a 4.5 book. Check out these links to view the updates for 4.5 and 4.5.1.

If your development isn't dependant on any of the updates listed at the
above sites, then I would follow the suggestion of another person here and
go to the bookstore. Flip through the 4.0 and 4.5 books and see which one
addresses your needs. Then go home and buy the book from an online reseller
for a cheaper price. Mastering is better in some areas while Ben's book is
better in others. You could just buy them both.

BTW, "Mastering ColdFusion 5.0" will be released when ColdFusion 5.0 is
released. Also, I would like to let people know that Mastering ColdFusion
5.0 will have 4 new chapters, and additions/revisions to various chapters
throughout the book. We also have a significant new Co-Author, Raymond
Camden. He was actually a contributing author on the previous versions. If
you have not looked at this book yet, I really encourage you to pick it up
and pay particular attention to the following chapters (chapters are
numbered for the 4.5 release):

Ch 10 - Using CFQUERY and SQL to Interact with the Database
Ch 11 - Advanced Query Techniques
Ch 17 - Implementing the Web Application Framework
Ch 31 - Building ColdFusion Custom Tags
Appendix E - SQL Functions  Data Types

Kristin Aileen Motlagh
Co-Author, Mastering ColdFusion 4.5
Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer

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Original Message

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 14:59:07 -0600
From: "Julie Clegg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: CF Books

thankswe will be using the 4.5 version...when I look online, Ben Forta's
develpment books are for 4.0is 4.0 and 4.5 the same, or similar enough
to where I can use the 4.0 version of the book?


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