So I am new to this forum... found you trying to solve a problem... I seem to 
be having the same problem as described in these posts included below... can't 
get CFHTTP to work on an SSL site.  I keep getting a Connection Failure.

Since I don't host my site and will have to work through my hosting service to 
get them to implement this solution, I wanted to check if the recommended 
solution here was still current since these posts are a few years old.  

Any suggestions on how to solve this without having to get my hosting service 
involved or is there a more current solution??

Thanks Mark

> This may or may not be in the docs but I haven't seen any references 
> to it
> yet aside from a technote concerning CFLDAP and SSL communication. 
> I'm
> finding that for most of our internal SSL sites I need to manually 
> import
> each web servers SSL certificate into the keystore for the JRE used by 
> in order to enable HTTPS communication either by CFHTTP of CFLDAP. I 
> think
> this needs to be highlighted *somewhere* because with CF5 this was not 
> the
> case...this had me believing there was a bug in CFMX throughout the 
> entire
> beta testing cycle and has caused me to waste countless hours !!!  
> :-(
> Here's what to do if you're having SSL com problems:
> *     Goto a page on the SSL server in question
> *     Double click on the lock icon
> *     Goto details tab
> *     Click on COPY TO FILE
> *     Choose base64 option and save the file
> *     Copy the CER file into  C:\CFusionMX\runtime\jre\lib\security  (or
> whichever JRE CFMX is using)
> *     Run this commandline in that same directory (keytool.exe is located
> in C:\CFusionMX\runtime\jre\bin)
> keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias giveUniqueName -file filename.
> cer
> *     Default password is "changeit" or "change it"
> *     Upon successful import restart CFMX and now CFHTTP and CFLDAP over
> SSL will work with that particular site
> Stacy Young
> System Integration Specialist, Architecture
> Surefire Commerce
> <> 
> (p) 514-380-2700 ext: 3234
> (f) 514-380-2760
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