Re: WebService Axis Issues

2009-09-25 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Adrian, did you ever solve this issue?  I'm seeing a similar problem.  From 
what I can tell it's an unresolved bug in Apache Axis:


I get the same on CF8 and on Railo I get:

org.xml.sax.SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'GetVersionInfoResponse':
could not find deserializer for type {urn:IWS}GetVersionInfoResponseType

Sorry that's not much help.


Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

SOLUTION - Re: CF8 / IIS Install issues

2007-09-26 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

I was having the same exact problem with my CF 8 install.  It started during 
the beta and continues to persist.  Doesn't matter if I do stand alone or multi 
server install - I still get the same BSOD.

After a lot of troubleshooting, I have figured out the issue.  Turns out, it's 
an issue with Java 6.  Try this and let me know if it works for you:

1.  Go through the entire CF install (doesn't matter which server method).  
However, don't launch the CF Administrator to complete the install.  If you do 
this, you'll BSOD.

2.  Download an older version of the Sun JDK.  I happened to test with 
1.4.2_14, which seems to be working for me.  When I get time, I may test with 
1.5.  Install the JDK.  you may have to reboot.

3.  Open the jvm.config file and change java_home to point to the JDK you just 
installed.  This will tell cf to use that jvm instead of the 1.6.0_01 version 
that installs with cf 8.

4.  Start all CF services.  If any are already started, restart them.

5.  Open the CF Admin to complete the install process.  It should complete 
without error, and without any BSOD.  

At this point, you should be good to go.  I should point out that the BSOD 
problem is most likely a problem with Java 6 and either your video card, or 
your NIC.  I have an IBM T60 with an Intel Nic.  Others in my office have the 
same laptop and nic, but aren't having the BSOD problem.  They do, however have 
a different video card than I do (I have an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400).  IBM 
OEM's the card in my case, so any resolution is going to have to come from them 
on my end.  I have no idea if they will ever resolve the issue, so all I can do 
is continue to test new JVM versions with my setup as they come out.

I hope that helps!


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


Re: CF8 / IIS Install issues

2007-09-26 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

I was having the same exact problem with my CF 8 install.  It started during 
the beta and continues to persist.  Doesn't matter if I do stand alone or multi 
server install - I still get the same BSOD.

After a lot of troubleshooting, I have figured out the issue.  Turns out, it's 
an issue with Java 6.  Try this and let me know if it works for you:

1.  Go through the entire CF install (doesn't matter which server method).  
However, don't launch the CF Administrator to complete the install.  If you do 
this, you'll BSOD.

2.  Download an older version of the Sun JDK.  I happened to test with 
1.4.2_14, which seems to be working for me.  When I get time, I may test with 
1.5.  Install the JDK.  you may have to reboot.

3.  Open the jvm.config file and change java_home to point to the JDK you just 
installed.  This will tell cf to use that jvm instead of the 1.6.0_01 version 
that installs with cf 8.

4.  Start all CF services.  If any are already started, restart them.

5.  Open the CF Admin to complete the install process.  It should complete 
without error, and without any BSOD.  

At this point, you should be good to go.  I should point out that the BSOD 
problem is most likely a problem with Java 6 and either your video card, or 
your NIC.  I have an IBM T60 with an Intel Nic.  Others in my office have the 
same laptop and nic, but aren't having the BSOD problem.  They do, however have 
a different video card than I do (I have an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400).  IBM 
OEM's the card in my case, so any resolution is going to have to come from them 
on my end.  I have no idea if they will ever resolve the issue, so all I can do 
is continue to test new JVM versions with my setup as they come out.

I hope that helps!

 I looked at the three CF services and saw that I was missing some 
 parameters.  Changed those, based on the entries from the virtual 
 machine, and I still crash.  I got a call from another developer in 
 the company who just installed CF8 and he is having the exact same 
 problem, so I'm thinking it is something else installed on our 
 machines that are causing this.  I'm in the process of looking at the 
 dump files to determine what could be causing this.  If I find the 
 cause I'll be sure to post the solution here.
 Thanks for your help and directions.
  No, the odbc agent service does not start.  The other two 
  services do start.  Also, in the virtual machine within 
  VMWare, all of the services start properly.  Is there a list 
  of registry entries that I can check to make sure they are 
  set correctly?
 I'm sure there is, but I don't know what it is!
 However, you should be able to compare the registry entries in your 
 machine with your real machine. The entries in question are probably 
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
 Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more information! 

Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


Re: CF8 / IIS Install issues

2007-09-26 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

I was having the same exact problem with my CF 8 install.  It started during 
the beta and continues to persist.  Doesn't matter if I do stand alone or multi 
server install - I still get the same BSOD.

After a lot of troubleshooting, I have figured out the issue.  Turns out, it's 
an issue with Java 6.  Try this and let me know if it works for you:

1.  Go through the entire CF install (doesn't matter which server method).  
However, don't launch the CF Administrator to complete the install.  If you do 
this, you'll BSOD.

2.  Download an older version of the Sun JDK.  I happened to test with 
1.4.2_14, which seems to be working for me.  When I get time, I may test with 
1.5.  Install the JDK.  you may have to reboot.

3.  Open the jvm.config file and change java_home to point to the JDK you just 
installed.  This will tell cf to use that jvm instead of the 1.6.0_01 version 
that installs with cf 8.

4.  Start all CF services.  If any are already started, restart them.

5.  Open the CF Admin to complete the install process.  It should complete 
without error, and without any BSOD.  

At this point, you should be good to go.  I should point out that the BSOD 
problem is most likely a problem with Java 6 and either your video card, or 
your NIC.  I have an IBM T60 with an Intel Nic.  Others in my office have the 
same laptop and nic, but aren't having the BSOD problem.  They do, however have 
a different video card than I do (I have an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400).  IBM 
OEM's the card in my case, so any resolution is going to have to come from them 
on my end.  I have no idea if they will ever resolve the issue, so all I can do 
is continue to test new JVM versions with my setup as they come out.

I hope that helps!


Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs
Forum direct from active programmers and developers.


Re: CF8 / IIS Install issues

2007-09-25 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson
 I looked at the three CF services and saw that I was missing some 
 parameters.  Changed those, based on the entries from the virtual 
 machine, and I still crash.  I got a call from another developer in 
 the company who just installed CF8 and he is having the exact same 
 problem, so I'm thinking it is something else installed on our 
 machines that are causing this.  I'm in the process of looking at the 
 dump files to determine what could be causing this.  If I find the 
 cause I'll be sure to post the solution here.
 Thanks for your help and directions.
  No, the odbc agent service does not start.  The other two 
  services do start.  Also, in the virtual machine within 
  VMWare, all of the services start properly.  Is there a list 
  of registry entries that I can check to make sure they are 
  set correctly?
 I'm sure there is, but I don't know what it is!
 However, you should be able to compare the registry entries in your 
 machine with your real machine. The entries in question are probably 
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
 Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more information! 

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


Re: CF8 / IIS Install issues

2007-09-25 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson
 I looked at the three CF services and saw that I was missing some 
 parameters.  Changed those, based on the entries from the virtual 
 machine, and I still crash.  I got a call from another developer in 
 the company who just installed CF8 and he is having the exact same 
 problem, so I'm thinking it is something else installed on our 
 machines that are causing this.  I'm in the process of looking at the 
 dump files to determine what could be causing this.  If I find the 
 cause I'll be sure to post the solution here.
 Thanks for your help and directions.
  No, the odbc agent service does not start.  The other two 
  services do start.  Also, in the virtual machine within 
  VMWare, all of the services start properly.  Is there a list 
  of registry entries that I can check to make sure they are 
  set correctly?
 I'm sure there is, but I don't know what it is!
 However, you should be able to compare the registry entries in your 
 machine with your real machine. The entries in question are probably 
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
 Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more information! 

Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.


SOT: New O'Reilly ColdFusion MX 6.1 Book Now Available

2003-08-18 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson
Pardon the self-promotion, but I wanted to announce that my latest book,
Programming ColdFusion MX, 2nd Edition has been released.
It's worth noting that this is the only book on the market that covers ColdFusion MX 

If I was fortunate enough to have you as a reader of the first edition of this book 
(Programming ColdFusion), you'll be interested to know that
the second edition has been completely revised and updated for ColdFusion MX 6.1. Just 
about every chapter has been rewritten, several
of them completely. Many of the changes are the direct result of reader feedback. Four 
new chapters were added to deal with totally new
topics introduced in ColdFusion MX. Additionally, the majority of examples used 
throughout the book have also been rewritten to reflect new
and improved coding techniques and practices. It's worth noting that many of the 
changes to ColdFusion from Version 5 to MX are significant
and simple to spot, while others are subtle and easy to overlook. Wherever possible, I 
try to point out the differences between the two versions.

You can learn more about the book (including a sample chapter in PDF) from O'Reilly's 
web site:

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly at [EMAIL 




Get the mailserver that powers this list at


2002-10-10 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


The 404s were due to a problem with IIS.  I corrected the problem a few
minutes ago, and everything should be working ok now.

As for the free time issue, I had some today, and posted a bunch of FAQs ;-).  As soon 
as some functional CFCs are submitted, I'll post them too.
I've been doing a bunch of the backend work lately to make updating the site easier.

You may also want to subscribe to the cfcdev listserv (if you aren't already).  There 
have been some great discussions taking place there as of late.


Anyone know what's up with this site? I see news being posted on
occasion, but it seems like it's stuck it waiting to get some free
time mode :)


Re: UDF Vs CFC (was RE: So many problems with CFC scopes...)

2002-09-30 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Sorry, jumping in late here...

I did some performance testing recently too see if it was faster to
CFINCLUDE a UDF library containing 50 UDFs, or instantiate a CFC with the
same 50 CFCs as methods.  The results were that the CFINCLUDE was
substantially faster on initial page load and all subsequent page loads.
As a side note, I tested CFML tag based UDFs vs. CFSCRIPT based UDFs too,
and the CFSCRIPT UDFs executed slightly faster than their tag based


Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 10:26:29 +0200
From: Benoit Hediard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UDF Vs CFC (was RE: So many problems with CFC scopes...)

I agree with you Raymond.
But it is true that is more personal preference/coding style terms than
performance/architecture terms.

This are my personal rules :
CUSTOM TAGS (ColdFusion Taglibs)
- custom tags encapsulates presentation logic they always output content
(usually HTML),
- custom tags usually do not call the model or controller layer,
- custom tags are only used by the presentation layer (page or pagelet
 They are used for presentation logic encapsulation.

- user defined functions encapsulate generic logic and rarely output
(except for string formatting purposes),
- user defined functions do not call the model or controller layer,
- user defined functions are used in any layer (view, controller or model).
 They are used generic logic/function encapsulation.

- components encapsulate business/data access application logic and never
output content,
- components are called by the view layer only to read data,
- components are called by the controller layer to create/update/delete
 They are used for business logic encapsulation.

.. I've put some examples here

Benoit Hediard


More info RE: cfstoredproc

2002-09-05 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

A couple of things to note about using cfstoredproc with MX:

First, passing parameters in the order in which they are specified is
required in JDBC.  In previous versions of CF that used ODBC, you were
supposed to be able to use named notation - althought from what I
understand, this never really worked on most platforms (such as SQL

There are several advantages to using cfstoredproc over usin the CALL or
EXEX syntax in a CFQUERY.  The first, which was already mentioned, is
multiple record sets.  Another reason is that you can have your SP send
back a return code, which can only be accessed if called via cfstoredproc.
A third reason is the use of out and in/out parameters.  These can only be
done with cfstoredproc.

So, if you have simple stored procs that don't return multiple record sets,
don't make use of return codes, and don't have out or in/out parameters,
you may want to look at calling them using the cfquery tag.  One ADVANTAGE
to using cfquery over cfstoredproc is that you can cache the query results
with the cfquery tag, but not the cfstoredproc tag.

One final thing.  If you do use the cfquery method, you should use
cfqueryparam (it wasn't a kludge just to solve long column data problems in
older versions of CF) for each parameter you pass.  This allows you bind
the data to the specific SQL type expected by the DB (this can keep someone
from passing an arbitrary SQL statemtnt or other non-expected data as a
parameter).  It also allows you to set max lengths for data as well as use


Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 10:27:36 -0400
From: Kreig Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: cfstoredproc and CF MX

Well, it works for me.  I'd just check your code out.  That was
production-level code I used as an example, so I'm 110% certain it works.

As for your comments...  yeah it's stupid.  But without knowing exactly
what CFSTOREDPROC does, what's to say?

At any rate, I avoid that issue with abstraction--CFMX style.  The
StoredProc is wrapped in a CFFUNCTION.  Any calls from my own code, it's
a simple CFSCRIPT, e.g.:
  thoseQueries.GetStuff(id=12, bid=226)

What's the point of complaining about most CF limitations...  anyone
who's worked on any major software knows all the compromises that must
go into any project.  Maybe the guy who originally coded that
fucntionality left half-way through his job for a dotcom of the time,
and they never finished implementing it.  Maybe he got lost halfway
through building it.  Maybe the piece was EOL'd.

As it is, I'm convinced CFQUERYPARAM was a kludge of its own, which
borrowed CFPROCPARAM in order to solve the long column data insert
issues in Oracle pre-4.5.

The fully implemented version of CFQUERYPARAM since 5.0 has thus blurred
the boundaries between CFQUERY and CFSTOREDPROC.

Let's not forget that CFQUERY is probably doing a lot more than it was
initially intended to do in CF's design.

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

Re: CFMX - Linux - DB2 AS/400

2002-08-01 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


I've got MX (Windows) talking to DB2/400 using IBM's open source JTOpen
JDBC driver.  You should be able to get it running on Linux withouth any
problems - and it's free.


Has anyone had any luck connecting MX/Linux to a AS/400 running DB2
without DB2Connect?  If so, please elighten :)

Paul Giesenhagen


Re: Respool mail on CFMX

2002-07-16 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


This issue includes several known bugs with CFMAIL in CF MX.  The first is
the type in Undelievered_.  The second is that if you move the file to
the spool directiory, it won't be resent until you restart the CF MX
server.  The third issue is that if it can't be resent, it is again moved
to the Undelivr folder, and another Undelievered_ is prepended to the


Anyone know how to respool mail in CFMX?  Care to share?

I tried removing the Undelievered_ prefix from the filename and place
in the spool directory with no luck.




Community Resources for O'Reilly's Programming ColdFusion MX

2002-07-01 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Greetings everybody,

I'm finishing up the 2nd edition of O'Reilly's Programming ColdFusion (MX),
and am updating the list of community resources in one of the appendicies.
As I'd hate to leave anyone out, I'm posting this general request to the
list.  If anyone has a resource they would like to see included, please
email me off-list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The book should be out in October,
just in time for Devcon.


Rob Brooks-Bilson

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

Re: Announcement: New Function to Parse XML Resource Feed

2002-05-12 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


I wrote a CFC that parses the feed in MX.  There's an article on it (with
code) at:

The CFFUNCTION that makes up the guts of the CFC can be pulled out and run as a UDF.  
I should have the code
up on shortly.


Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 14:24:08 -0400
From: Jeffry Houser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Announcement: New Function to Parse XML Resource Feed

  For those of you who are still considering entering into the Macromedia
XML Resource Feed contest, I just updated the original function I
wrote.  It now returns a query instead of a simple structure.  I should get
an MX function up there soon, but probably not before the end of the

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Need a Web Developer?  Contact me!
AIM: Reboog711  | Fax / Phone: 860-223-7946
My Books:
My Band:

Unsubscribe:, the community resource for CF MX CFC's goes live

2002-04-29 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Sorry for the cross posting here...

Now that Macromedia has announced the general availabiliy of the ColdFusion
MX preview, I wanted to let the community know about a new site Raymond
Camden and I are launching called  The site, based on the
success of is an open-source, community site for CFCs (ColdFusion
Components).  Although the site is only informational at the moment, we'll
be adding a ton of new features and funcitonality over the coming weeks.
For now, check out the site, and feel free to email me with any questions
or comments you might have.


Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

UDF Recursion Problems

2002-03-28 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


You didn't VAR your variables - which is causing the value to be
overwritten.  In UDFs, you must always VAR temporary or variables that
are local to the UDF.

Add this as the first line to your UDF:

var i=1;



I created the following UDF to do this, however, it drops the original
call once the recurse beings, and only returns Nissan -- 2000, then

function recurse( query, parent )
  for ( i = 1; i LTE query.RecordCount; i = i + 1 )

if ( query.AC_Parent[i] EQ parent )

I then placed this logic in custom tag, and VIOLA! It worked.  Here is
my custom tag code:

cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=yes

cfparam name=Attributes.Query default=
cfparam name=Attributes.Parent default=

cfloop query=Attributes.Query
  cfif AC_Parent EQ Attributes.Parent
cfoutput#AC_Name# br/cfoutput
CF_REC QUERY=#Attributes.Query# PARENT=#AC_ID#

cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=no

If any of you could shed some light as to why the UDF is not working, I
would greatly appreciate it.



This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

New UDF Best Practices Article on

2002-02-28 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Just wanted to let the list know about an article I recently did for
O'Reilly's web site oreillycom  The article highlights best practices for
writing UDFs and is called Top Ten ColdFusion UDF Tips  You can view the
article at
http://wwworeillynetcom/pub/a/javascript/2002/02/22/udftipshtml;  I
welcome any questions or comments


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RE: only one MD5 hash?

2002-02-20 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

For all you interested in various hash algorithms with CF, check out the
security library at  I have UDF versions of MD5, SHA-1,
SHA-256, and Rimemd-160.  All of the source code is available for free.



Re: CF-Talk-list V1 #77

2001-10-30 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


There are two types of stored procs on DB2/400 - ones that call SQL and
ones that call other programs (RPG, COBOL, etc).  Both are created using
the SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.  Here's examples of both:


Create procedure LIB/PC001S
  (in_ProductFamilyCode IN Char(3),
   out_ProductMasterStatus OUT Char(1),
   out_ProductFamilyDescription OUT Char(25),
   out_ProductFamilyContact OUT Char(25),
   out_ProductFamilyContactExt OUT Decimal(5, 0))
Language SQL Reads SQL Data
 Declare Exit Handler for SQLState '02000'
   Set out_ProductMasterStatus = '1';
 Set out_ProductMasterStatus = '0';
   Into out_ProductFamilyDescription,
   Where PM_FAMCODE = in_ProductFamilyCode;


Create procedure LIB/PC012S
  (in_FamCode IN Char (3),
   in_Package IN Char (2),
   in_Dim1 IN Char (9),
   in_Dim2 IN Char (9),
   in_Lead IN Char (6),
   in_Format IN Char (4),
   in_Die IN Char (4),
   in_Factor1 IN Char (4),
   in_Factor2 IN Char (4),
   in_SPO IN Numeric (5, 0))

Result sets 1

Language RPGLE Reads SQL Data

External name LIB/PC012R;

Best regards,

Rob Brooks-Bilson
Web Technology Manager
Amkor Technology
Author, Programming ColdFusion (O'Reilly)

Forgive me if this is OT but I noticed there were some people using
  procs with the 400.  I use 400 data and SQL Server, Most of my calls
  to the
  SQL Server are in stored procs, I would like to do the same with our
  which runs DB2.  Could anyone point me to a stored procedure example
  the 400 so that I could show it to my 400 programmer?

Thanks for the help,
Daron Smith


Announcing the new

2001-07-19 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

I apologize in advance if I've violated any netiquette with this post...

Raymond Camden and I are proud to announce the relaunch of the
site.  What is you ask? is a community driven,
open-source *FREE* site for sharing UDFs (User Defined Functions).  The
redesign includes a new look and feel and is totally database driven (built
with CF, of course).  As of today, there are over 100 UDFs in several
libraries that you can download and use for free.

Additionally, there is a really cool tool Raymond wrote called the Studio
UDF browser that you can download.  It is an extension for Studio that lets
you browse the UDF libraries directly from Studio.  The tool allows you to
copy UDF code directly from the site to your clipboard or insert it
directly into your template.

Feel free to drop by and check out the site.  As always, comments are
welcome.  If you are interested in sharing a UDF with the community, there
is a place on the site to do that as well.

Best regards,

Rob Brooks-Bilson
Web Technology Manager
Amkor Technology

Team Macromedia

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CF-Notes database connection

2001-05-18 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson


Lotus has a product called LEI that you can use to query data from ODBC
data sources (SELECT, INSERT, etc.).  We use it in some of our Notes apps
to get data from our AS400 as well as a SQL server.

Best regards,


Thanks to everyone who responded.  It is disappointing that no one has
had any
success in doing what we are needing to do, which is exchanging data
Notes and our SQL Server database.  We just wanted to get names, addresses,
phone numbers, etc. out of our db and into the Notes Personal Address Book
our sales people to download into their Palms.  Sounds like a simple thing,
I guess we'll have to wait for Bill to buy and kill Notes before we can get
app written.

If anyone has any other ideas, we'd like to hear them.  BTW, I did hear
ZMerge and have downloaded an eval.  If it works I'll repost and let
know about it.

Thanks again,

Loyd Campbell

Bank One International Corp.


RE: Client Access from IBM (AS400)

2000-05-26 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

We've been running Client Access Express for some time now and have had no
problems with memory leaks or any other type of problem.  Compared to SQL
Server, we have never had any connectivity or performance issues with DB2/400
(and I'm no AS400 wiz).  When it comes to scalability and performance, DB2 on
the AS400 beats MS SQL Server hands down.

As for the older version of Client Access (not express), we never saw any memory
leak issues, nor did we have any signon problems, but there were scalability
issues as Client Access is not supported on multi-processor systems or in
multi-threaded applications.


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O'Reilly's Programming ColdFusion

2000-05-23 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to clarify a few things about the upcoming O'Reilly book
Programming ColdFusion...  While it is true that the book was originally slated
to be out last summer, developments with CF 4.01 and then 4.5 and 4.5.1 caused
me to have to do a lot of rewriting in order to have the most accurate and up to
date information included in the book.  The technical draft of the book is
almost complete at this point.  The book follows the general O'Reilly style and
format.  By that I mean it isn't a book intended to "teach" ColdFusion, but more
of a reference.  It covers the basics, but not like a tutorial.  The tag and
function references are extensive.  In addition, particular attention is paid to
the protocol tags in ColdFusion such as CFHTTP, CFFTP, CFMAIL, CFPOP, CFLDAP,
etc. The chapters on the Verity search interface and the Web Applicaiton
Framework are detailed and contain topics not covered in any of the other
ColdFusion books.  If anyone has any questions about the book, please feel free
to e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I skim the digest of this list daily, but
unfortunately don't have time to post here as much as I used to (I'm a regular
on the Forums, though, which eats up a lot of time).

Best regards,

Rob Brooks-Bilson
Author, Programming ColdFusion

 This book was do out last August, so, who knows.  The author is among us,
 but obviously not talking.


  I just learned through some folks at O'Reilly that they have a CF book
  under development.  Don't know any more than that yet, but am certainly
  glad to hear we'll have another great reference to set alongside Forta
  and Danesh ...

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CF_StockGrabber European Version Available

2000-04-26 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

For anyone interested, I've written up a new version of CF_StockGrabber that
works with all of the European indexes supported by Yahoo.  I plan on uploading
it to the Allaire Developer's Exchange at some point (I have a little polishing
to do), but if you would like a copy now, e-mail me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I'll send you a copy.


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