Re: other companies and developers to watch out for

2011-02-02 Thread Teddy R. Payne

Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourses
and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after
satiety as after disappointment.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 12:47 PM, sherri sonnier wrote:

 but some of the reaction seemed to be just as unprofessional

 ABSOLUTELY.  I have formed some not so positive impressions about several
 posters based on their responses.  I never seem to see the email that starts
 the exchanges, but I sure do see the rest.

 On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Levi Wallach wrote:

 I find it fascinating watching these exchanges take place.  I used to code
 with Cold Fusion way back (99-'02) but haven't touched it since, but
 remained a member of jobs-talk, but not of the general CF-Talk, probably
 because this list gets generally little traffic.  So I guess I am getting
 only half of the conversation.  It's obvious to me that Michael has annoyed
 a lot of people and doesn't seem to care, but at the same time other
 are so affected by messages that otherwise seem benign, that it seems the
 whole situation has devolved into one that isn't on a professional level
 a personal one.  I wonder, whatever your opinion of Michael is, what good
 does it do to vent about it in a public forum, other than to blow of some
 steam (while at the same time presenting an unprofessional/negative aspect
 of your own demeanor)?

 Being on the Internet for abour 20 years now (and BBS's before that) has
 taught me a few things, some of them certainly useless, but a couple of
 hopefully more useful.  One is that it's hard to guage the tone of someone
 and easy to misunderstand meaning online due to lack of body language, etc.
 Because of this I always try to assume the best of intentions. Even if it's
 hard to see those positive intentions, I often try to keep from responding
 immediately myself if my reaction is strong and negative. Waiting until
 initial emotional reaction has subsided, I can often think much more
 and respond in a way that is more constructive than reactive.

 This is not to say that Michael didn't act unprofessionally, but some of
 reaction seemed to be just as unprofessional.  I did not see most of his
 messages on this list (cf-jobs-talk) that I can remember, but if I was
 seeing them on another list and got annoyed, I'd have either - 1) written
 the moderator to express my concerns, or 2) sent Michael a private note
 to express my concerns.  Many of you may have done these things to no
 but my final approach would have had 100% success: 3) create an email
 rule/filter to remove his messages.  It's amazing to me that despite
 filtering technology like this being around for 20+ years, that ppl would
 still rather get into long arguments than simply opt out of a certain
 person's messages or discussion topics.  This on a forum of highly
 tech-savvy folks.

 Since none of you probably recognize my name, it should be evident that I
 never post on these lists, and probably won't again for a while if ever,
 something moved me to post about this (and perhaps I'll regret it later),
 that perhaps some perspective from a semi-objective party might be useful
 some way to a few of you.  I know there's some irony in the fact I'm
 suggesting people not speak out here about these things and then doing just
 that, but just know there have been incidents in the past that I've
 considered commenting on but haven't, so pershaps this is just my one
 that proves my general practices are better than this exception ;-) This is
 really the first time if not ever, than in many years (and memory) that I
 recall posting about an issue like this.  I certainly understand annoyance
 at unprofessional behavior and just idiotic behavior, but I also have
 experienced a lot of real-life passive aggressive stuff so I sometimes
 wonder whether some of the vitriol I see online is due to people who feel
 powerless (or make themselves powerless) to do something about situations
 real life that they are annoyed at/offended by/etc. and so this gets
 transferred to a place they feel a bit more empowered to speak out?  Or
 maybe that's just pop psyche BS, who knows.

 Anyway, I'll shut up now and hope no one takes this personally (although
 a bit pessimistic :-( ).

 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Phillip Vector

  Larry, Thanks for the tip. :) I didn't know about this site. :)
  On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Larry C. Lyons


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Re: [JOB] Junior CF Developer, New York City

2010-04-08 Thread Teddy R. Payne

An employer is offering a position to CF developers.  Regardless of the
eventual tool set or the range of tools that you can offer, it is a position
that is available for an aspiring developer.  Let us be satisfied with the
continued job offerings for those trying to get more experience with

A battle over subjective opinion of someone who is enthusiastic about the
benefits of one tool set over another may be a worth while discussion, but
not at the expense of the job advertisement.  Put the foils away and perhaps
fence another day?

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Ray Champagne wrote:

 Personally, I think it's on-topic.

 I use both PHP and CF in my work life.  I still prefer CF, but I'm not
 to turn down a job because I have drank the CF kool-aid.

 Only having one tool in your toolbox and shutting out anyone who suggests
 that you use another tool is kinda ignorant.  Sorry if that is a little
 harsh, but you're only limiting yourself with that attitude.

 Let the battle begin.  :)

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Beau Gould (OSS) wrote:

  They are planning to migrate some of their sites to PHP
  Some is the key word.
  -Original Message-
  From: [] On Behalf
  Phillip Vector
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 1:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [JOB] Junior CF Developer, New York City
  Perhaps you shouldn't look on a ColdFusion list for people to move a site
  AWAY from ColdFusion to a language that is less efficient and will end up
  costing your client more in the long run.
  On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Beau Gould (OSS) wrote:
   My New York City client is seeking is a motivated Junior CF Developer
   who wants to crank out code and make a name for him/herself.  Salary
   is going to be around 45-55k
   What they really really want is someone who can manage ColdFusion
   *and* PHP, because they are planning to migrate some of their sites to
   PHP.  Honestly, someone who only *kinda* knows ColdFusion will be
   fine, as long as he/she is smart and ambitious, and willing to put in
   the effort to learn and to solve problems.
   I should be able to fill this role at light speed, but I need the
   applicants to do it.  Please submit your resume (preferably in
   MS-Word) and your salary requirements to
   * US Citizens or Green Card holders only
   * Tri-state (NY, NJ, CT) residents only
   * 100% on-site job in New York City
   Thank you,
   Beau J. Gould
   Open Source Staffing


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Re: CFDirectory Help

2007-05-24 Thread Teddy R Payne
I usually create a variable to hold the value of the directory that I want 
to exist.

ei. c:\pathtofile\directoryIwanttocreate

After I create the string, I have a common method in a a file CFC like this:

 cffunction name=createDirectory access=private output=false 
  cfargument name=destinationFolder required=true type=string

  cfif not directoryExists(arguments.destinationFolder)
   cfdirectory action=create directory=#arguments.destinationFolder#


- Original Message -
From: Joel Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: CFDirectory Help

 Thanks for the tip--this UDF is pretty cool.

 Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem, for even if it returns false, 
 the cfdirectory tag continues to be run, throwing an error when the 
 directory exists.

 For whatever reason, I am having difficulty getting it to bypass this 
 cfdirectory tag if the directory-existence check returns true.

 Any ideas?



You can use a nifty UDF for this on CFLIB.  Search for MakeDirectory or
Directory. It is a nifty addition.

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-Original Message-
From: Scott Stroz
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 23 22:45:46 2007
Subject: Re: CFDirectory Help

Shot in the dark:

cfif NOT DirectoryExists(root\#FORM.username#)

On 5/23/07, Joel Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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Re: insert error

2007-05-24 Thread Teddy R Payne
Get the output of one iteration of the insert statement by outputting the 
end result of the SQL.  Take the SQL statement and execute it directly 
against your DB.  If the insert works fine, it may be how you handle 
different data types.

If it continues to elude you and you are comfortable with stored procedures 
and your database supports them, abstract the insert and see if you can 
create a generic insert that reduce your CF considerations for the data 
types by using stored proc params to format your data types.

- Original Message -
From: Daniel Kessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:40 AM
Subject: insert error

 I've been at this for awhile and I just don't see the error.   The
 error is:
 ORA-00936: missing expression   which leads me to believe I have the
 wrong number of values, but in checking and rechecking and
 rechecking, I don't see the problem.  I even gave up on the loop and
 wrote it all out.

 here's the code:

 cfset field_list = listToArray

 !--- tmp_line is read in else where, then in the following lines
 made into an array ---
 cfset tmp_line = 12/2/2004|20:38:25|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|annteeka|
 cfset tmp_line = replace(tmp_line,||,| |,ALL)
 cfset tmp_line = replace(tmp_line,||,| |,ALL)
 cfset tmp_trn_ar = listToArray(tmp_line,|)

 !--- make a date ---
 cfset date_ar = listtoArray(tmp_trn_ar[1],/)
 cfset time_ar = listtoArray(tmp_trn_ar[2],:)
 cfset the_date_added = createDateTime(date_ar[3],date_ar[1],date_ar

 INSERT INTO fsnep_ha_budgeting
 cfloop from=1 to=#arrayLen(field_list)# index=ii

 cfqueryparam value=#getID.login_id[1]#
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_NUMERIC,cfqueryparam value=1
   !--- skips  date, time, email,
 first name, last name ---
 cfloop from=6 to=#arrayLen(tmp_trn_ar)# index=ll



 Daniel Kessler

 College of Health and Human Performance
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD  20742-2611
 Phone: 301-405-2545


Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: insert error

2007-05-24 Thread Teddy R Payne
What I was referring to was to output the string and not execute the end 
result SQL.  Create a temporary variable that holds a string that you 
create, so that you capture the SQL that you would normally execute.  At 
that point, you put the variable to see how the SQL would have executed and 
analyze it for validity.  You can test it manually just by executing it 
between another cfquery tag block once you are done analyzing the string.

- Original Message -
From: Daniel Kessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:57 PM
Subject: insert error

 Get the output of one iteration of the insert statement by
 outputting the
 end result of the SQL.  Take the SQL statement and execute it directly
 against your DB.  If the insert works fine, it may be how you handle
 different data types.

 I can't output the end-result.  I put in debug=yes and
 result=debug_result, but since it gives an error, I never get to
 the point where that can be dumped.

 Turn debugging on and see what the query actually is.

 If you mean on the server, I don't have access to that as I'm in
 shared-hosting.  If you mean as I describe above, that seems to have

 We deal with these issues under the 15 minute rule.if ya
 can't see it in
 15 minutes it's dead bloody simple and you must ask someone else to
 look at your

 code and then shame you by pointing out your silly typo ;-)

 That's why I sent the email.  I don't have anyone here to review my
 code and as I've looked at it for way too long and don't seem to see
 the error, I was hoping someone here would shame me by pointing out
 the typo.

 I'll keep looking.


 Daniel Kessler

 College of Health and Human Performance
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD  20742-2611
 Phone: 301-405-2545


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Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: QofQ to get a limited set of rows

2007-05-11 Thread Teddy R. Payne
To not repopulate another query with a sub query or to QoQ the data, I tend

!--- Some query that has 100 record ---
cfquery datasource=#Request.Datasource# name=qRead

cfset start = 11
cfset end= 20

cfloop from=#start# to=#end# index=i

#qRead.Addr_ID[i]#br /


Query objects can be referenced like arrays and thus you can loop or
paginate over the data set with predefined boundaries.

On 5/11/07, Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lets say I have a query that returned 100 items. I'd like to do a query of
 queries to create a query that is only items 11-20. Does anyone know a
 simple way of doing this or  do I have to create a new query and populate it
 using a loop?



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Re: Still having problems with encrypt

2007-05-10 Thread Teddy R. Payne
What are you trying to achieve in the encryption?  If you are trying to
encrypt a form submission, the data is still passed in plain text prior to
the action page.  Unless the form submission process resides in a folder
that has SSL enabled on it, then you could be doing work for nothing.

On the other hand, I use encrypt to create encrypted and generic URL primary

foo.cfm?userID=1  would never show in any of my documents or query strings
because number 1 would be encrypted before displaying or linking.  The
only thing necessary after that would be to make sure wherever the userID
needed to be process is to decrypt before manipulation of the data.

On 5/10/07, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems you are getting the string to decrypt from a DB - are you
 originally inserting the encrypted string into the DB with

 On 5/10/07, Les Mizzell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  cfif IsDefined(form.fm_test) AND #fm_test# NEQ 
cfset var.fm_test=#trim(FORM.fm_test)#
cfset encrpt_fm_test=encrypt(#var.fm_test#,#encryptVAR#)
  cfif IsDefined(query.fm_test) AND #query.fm_test# NEQ 
cfset decrypt_fm_test=decrypt(#query.fm_test#,#encryptVAR#)

 mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:


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Re: Separate DB for client vars?

2007-05-09 Thread Teddy R. Payne
I would recommend using client variables if you want to persist data that
needs to be saved even if your session dies.

If there is no consideration for persistent variables then session is a
great place.

On 5/9/07, Stewart Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The application was originally build prior to the release of CF5 and
 therefore we couldn't rely on setting these vars using cfcookie due to the
 issues with the cflocation tag. You're quite right though. I should look at
 using session variables to store this data.


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Re: Getting first day of week (as date) from week() function?

2007-05-09 Thread Teddy R. Payne
Something like this may help you:

cfset tDate = createDate(2007,5,13) !--- Beginning Date ---

cfset dow = dayOfWeek(tDate) !--- Day of Week : 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday

cfset dowStr = 

cfswitch expression=#dow#
cfcase value=1cfset dowStr = First/cfcase
cfcase value=2cfset dowStr = Second/cfcase
cfcase value=3cfset dowStr = Third/cfcase
cfcase value=4cfset dowStr = Fourth/cfcase
cfcase value=5cfset dowStr = Fifth/cfcase
cfcase value=6cfset dowStr = Sixth/cfcase
cfcase value=7cfset dowStr = Seventh/cfcase

cfset woy = week(tDate) !--- Week of Year ---

cfset yr = year(tDate) !--- Year ---

#dowStr# day of week #woy# #yr#

Your could easily make the cfswitch statement into a UDF called something
like DayOfWeekOrder.

On 5/9/07, Pete Ruckelshaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm building an app where I am keeping track of sales on a weekly basis,
 I am storing the number of the week (as a tinyint) and the year (as a
 smallint).  Now there is a requirement to generate a report where the date
 of the first day of the week (i.e. 5/13/2007 being the date fo the first
 of week 20 of 2007).  While I can certainly rebuild this portion of the
 I would prefer not to.  Any ideas on how to convert a week/year into the
 first date of week/month/year format using either MS SQL Server of CF7?




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