Re: On line project site

2008-12-23 Thread Trevor Cole
A major contributing factor to these low-ball estimates is a lot of the
time, people completely unfamiliar with how IT should be conducted, much
less how much it should cost are the ones who are posting the jobs. Anyone
in their right mind who has worked in this industry should know that they
will never be able to get a $2,500 computer ready to plug-n-play for $1,000.
For that to be possible, they would either need to lower their expectations
on components (specs) or lower their labor rate, or both.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Jacob wrote:

 Same here...

 One company wanted me to purchase, setup and install a web server.  When I
 got the requirements, I gave them a price which was fair. Just the hardware
 alone (what the wanted) was $1500. With the O/S and a couple other apps and
 my time.. I gave them a quote for $2450. When it was all said and done, I
 would have made $250 (my labor).

 They wanted to pay me... $1000.  Not even enough to cover the parts.

 I told them where they could stick it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ennio Bozzetti []
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:40 PM
 To: cf-jobs-talk
 Subject: Re: On line project site

 Never... I did try once and they wanted to pay me around $200 for a project
 over $1000

 On Dec 22, 2008 7:11 PM, Jenny wrote:

 Has anyone had success, or otherwise, with sites such as Guru, Elance or



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Re: Telecommute Question

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Cole
They, the employer, would be best served NOT hiring you under a W2, but
rather, contracting to you under a 1099. Pretty sure it would be an easier
hoop to jump through for them. However, you would be responsible for filing
your own taxes if they do so. That being the case, make sure you account for
that in your hourly rate negotiations. Good luck!

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I live in Canada and I'm considering part time telecommute work.  I'm
 having an issue finding information about what US companies are
 required to do to hire a Canadian telecommuter.
 I'm concerned that there could be a lot of extra work for a company to
 hire a Canadian telecommuter, which in turn would make applying for
 jobs a waste of time.

 Does anyone have links or firsthand knowledge about this?



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Re: Consultant's Revenge

2008-01-31 Thread Trevor Cole
What about the flip-side of that coin ... A site for employers to
review their contracted hire. Why not build both into the site with
the ability to tag them together and to facilitate conflict
resolution? This could be quite the lucritive venture if done

On 1/31/08, Joseph Smuzynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After dealing with a few too many disreputable companies, I'm just about
 ready to build a new site that is sort of a cross between
 f*ckedcompany.comand ChexSystems.

 The idea is to have a site where consultants of all types can come and
 anonymously post their negative experiences with various companies, large or
 small.  The hope is that with proper marketing, it will become the first
 place a consultant comes to check out a company before doing work for them.

 If a company ends up with a negative listing, the way they get the listing
 removed is to make good with the consultant, then the consultant can mark
 the case closed.  Naturally, if they have multiple bad entries, they would
 have to make good with everybody.

 The site would not allow inflammatory types of comments about a company;
 only facts.  Each entry would be reviewed and approved before being posted.
 There would have to be supporting data too... for example, let's say a
 company refused to pay your last invoice.  You would need to provide a copy
 of your last invoice and a work log to document it.

 All listings would have to include proof that you actually worked for the
 company... e.g. copies of pay stubs, a copy of the contract, etc.  Otherwise
 the site could be used for extortion and would lose it's advantage because
 it wouldn't be taken seriously.

 So, the point is to help show companies that they have to treat consultants
 well... pay their people what they're owed, treat them kindly, etc.
 Otherwise these companies may find themselves unable to get people to work
 for them anymore.

 I don't see this being a lawsuit magnet either.  Each posting would have to
 be factual, not emotional.  No slanderous or libelous remarks.  Just facts.
 It would boil down to the consultant's word against the company.  No names
 of people would be mentioned, so you couldn't call people out by name.  You
 could go as far as to say your supervisor was a micro-manager but you
 couldn't say, my supervisor, Bill Smith, was a micro-manager and was always
 giving me a hard time.

 Sure, the easier way is to just post about 'em here on cf-jobs-talk, but
 then you're likely to end up with a bad rap since a lot of job posters read
 this list too, no doubt looking for anybody who might be willing to speak

 I haven't really decided what to call the site either.  I'm not even sure
 yet if I'll do it; I'm curious to hear what others think of the idea.



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Re: Coldfusion Developer Needed for an Internet Start-up in Beta

2007-07-19 Thread Trevor Cole
Good luck with that!

This is not a payng job and instead will be compensated through equity.

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