new & worried

2000-08-08 Thread megan sherman

I'm new to the list. Can somebody help me? I want to list the contents
of one table only where the primary key is paired with a client's
specific session variable from another table. It's like a real simple
shopping cart concept. I'm trying to understand "applications", and I
think when I use one I can spawn a session variable that is specific to
a client. I have listed some of the code for this below. In the
"mq_our_select.cfm" template a client can choose a mala (worry beads --
sort of a necklace) from a table in "data" called "mq_our". The next
template after making the choice should display the details of the
chosen mala as shown in the third file “m1_our_list.cfm.”. But I want
that third file to do more. I want it to search the second table called
“sessions”, which contains pairings of sessionID’s with previously
chosen malaID’s. If a sessionID match is found, it means the customer
chose some malas earlier in the session, and these should also be
displayed. How do I accomplish this? Essentially, the pseudo code for
the query I want for that third file would be something like

SELECT prod_num,bead
FROM mq_our FOR all malaID in the “sessions” table where the sessionID
matches this current sessionID

Thanks in advance for any help!

# application.cfm for malaquest 
# Define the application parameters 

# Initialize application variables 



# mq_our_select.cfm 

 SELECT malaID, pic
 FROM mq_our


# mq_our_list.cfm 

SELECT prod_num,bead
FROM mq_our
WHERE malaID = #malaID#

Product Number: #prod_num#
Bead: #bead#

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RE: new & worried (subquery)

2000-08-11 Thread megan sherman

Thanks for your help so far. Anthony Geoghegan was very helpful steering
me in the right direction. I am trying to use a subquery in combination
with a session variable to keep track of a customer's choices of malas
(worry beads) on a web site that I would someday like to put on line. I
guess it is a crude shopping cart. Anyway, I'll deal with the session
variable stuff later. Right now I'm having trouble with the subquery. I
am using two simple tables filled with a bunch of dummy values (maybe
that's part of my problem). A file called mqapp_our_select.cfm located
at is supposed
to display a selection of wonderful malas. Right now the gifs are
colored squares. When you click on one of them, you invoke the next
template called mqapp_our_list.cfm. The query looks like this:

SELECT prod_num,bead
FROM mq_our
WHERE malaID IN (SELECT malaID FROM sessions
  WHERE session=#session_name#)
ORDER BY prod_num

Instead of a session variable for now (to keep things simple) I'm just
using a string: abc. In the second table called sessions I have some
instances where abc appears in the session column. I want the query to
pull the corresponding "malaID's" from the sessions table and use them
in the mq_our table. But I get an error:
ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected
HELP! What am I doing wrong?
For completeness the full error code can be viewed at The application file can
be viewed at The
code for mqapp_our_select.cfm can be viewed at The code for
mqapp_our_list.cfm can be viewed at The mq_our table
can be viewed at And
the sessions table can be viewed at
If you see anything else in all that code that needs fixing please let
me know!
Thank you, kind people of cf-talk for any help you can offer!

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New and Worried (terminating a session)

2000-08-31 Thread megan sherman

Hi all,
This is proving to be an informative list! I have worked out a lot of
the cold fusion portion of my latest site. Session variables are still a
mystery. How do I turn off a session? In other words, if I leave the
website and come back in an hour, or next day, I want a fresh session.
Can this be done in applications.cfm with a timer/counter? I think I
read somewhere that a session can be terminated with javascript.
Earlier, someone posted the cold fusion script below. Will that
terminate my session after 30 minutes (or do I have to modify this code
somewhat?) Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, what is the
philosphy of a "session"? Do customers expect their session to be
persistant over days?

I use this which deletes all client variables if they haven't been
accessed in 30 minutes:



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client wants online credit card processing

2001-10-18 Thread megan sherman

Hi all,
I've been getting deeper into cold fusion, and it's working out quite
well. I have a client who wants credit card processing. But his domain
is hosted with a service that doesn't support cold fusion. So I've been
handling the non-database portion of his web site by uploading html
files to his server, and for database requirements I've been calling cfm
files from the server that hosts my domain. If cold fusion processing
takes place on my server, can he still get credit card processing (from
BofA or the like)? If so, how?
Thanks in advance,


NN6 frames pages with parameters in URLs

2001-04-10 Thread megan sherman

Hi everyone,
There's something I don't understand about cold fusion NN6 frames pages
with URL's
taking parameters via a question mark. From a demo home page at, I have this link to "the
store" frameset page:
href="demo.cfm?pagename=store&anchorname=content_top". The home page is
not a frames page, and this link works fine. The store page is a
frameset. In the header frame I have more links that take parameters.
One link goes back to the home page. It looks like this:
href="index.cfm" target=_top. It works fine. Another link looks like
this: href="demo.cfm?pagename=info&anchorname=content_top" target=_top,
where demo.cfm is a cold fusion frameset that uses the parameters for
configuration. This link does not work. I can't figure out why. Even
more strangely, the URL is loaded properly into the location field at
the top of
the browser, and if I click the location field and then hit return,
suddenly the link works. I'm wondering if this has something to do with
target=_top used in the anchor tag. Anyhow, all of this code works
flawlessly in NN4.x, IE5.0 and IE5.5. It only screws up in NN6. Can
anybody see why?
Thanks in advance,

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syntax error when inserting date

2001-05-09 Thread megan sherman

Hi all,
My action template is supposed to insert classID, location and date into
a table in my database. When creating new records in the form I provide,
I want the user to be able to supply a comma delimited list of dates. I
think the loop in the action template successfully extracts individual
dates from the date list, but there is a syntax error in the insert
command. Everything works if I don't try to insert the date, so that
must be where the syntax error occurs. Can anybody tell me what my date
syntax error is?
Thanks in advance!


insert into class_schedule (classID, location, date)
values(#form.classID#, '#form.location#', '#onedate#')


the dbl devil

2001-05-11 Thread megan sherman

Hi all,
I'm using Access for my database. Sometimes when I need to make changes
to the database on the server there is a .dbl file in the directory. I
can't delete it, and it won't let me upload the database. A couple days
ago someone on this list said to create a query calling a table that
doesn't exist. I did that. Got the error on the screen, but the devilish
dbl was still there. I talked to my cf host and he said, "Your code is
holding your database too long..put in your code a time to release the
database after so many minutes." Does anyone know what he was talking
 Also, thanks for your assistance on my syntax error when inserting
date. I was thrown off because cfinsert and cfupdate worked fine. But
all went awry when I tried to use insert in a query in a cfloop. So
changing the field name from "date" to "classdate" did the trick.


faulty join?

2001-03-13 Thread megan sherman

I'm trying to display (kayak) class information on a web page. I have 3
tables, one for class description (primary key "classID"), one for class
prerequisites (primary key "prereqID"), and one for class schedule
(primary key "scheduleID"). I have slimmed down the query and the output
below. It only sorta works. I get a single output of the description,
and a single output of the location/date (no repeats), but something
goes wrong with the prereq's. If there is class with three
prerequisites, say #1 #2 and #5, then the output loop for that class
yields #5 #1 #2, #1 #2 #5,  and #1 #5 #2. I only want the list of
prerequisites to show up once. I've tried a bunch of stuff, but I'm
obviously just guessing. Does anybody have a suggestion toward what I'm
doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,

SELECT class.classID, class.content, class_schedule.scheduleID,
class_schedule.location,, class_prereq.prereqID,
 FROM class, class_schedule, class_prereq
 WHERE (pagename = 'classes_sea' and
class.classID=class_schedule.classID and
 ORDER by rank, class_schedule.location,

#location#, #date# 


looping qty form input box in shopping cart table using cfoutput

2001-03-16 Thread megan sherman

I am trying to build a shopping cart table that displays a customer's
intended purchases from a temporary database holding that information.
Each item and its description and cost get put on their own line in the
table using cfoutput. I'm trying to provide a form input box for the
quantity on each line so the customer can change the quantity. This is
not working. The only way I've gotten it to work is to put an "update
quantity" submit button on each line. I want a single image submit
button at the bottom to update any modified quantities all at once. Can
anybody understand what I'm trying to do enough to help me?
Thanks in advance,


'nother loop problem

2001-03-24 Thread megan sherman

Hi all,
Thanks for the previous help on loops. Now I have a new problem. I want
to compare the results of one record set to those of another. I would
like to refer to each record in one of the record sets by using the
index of the loop. Is there an object naming convention in Cold Fusion
where each record is named? For example, if my query is named
"prerequisite", you can get the total number of records by referring to
prerequisite.recordcount. Can you refer to each individual record in
that record set with something like prerequisite.record.1,
prerequisite.record.2, and so on? If I could refer to each record this
way (sort of like an array?) then I could use something like
#evaluate("prerequisite.record."&#x#)# to achieve my goal.
Thanks for any help you can offer,
