Railo does... It's written by the community. Andrea Campolonghi writes the
AJAX stuff for Railo. Don't know about OpenBD though...


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Adrian Lynch [mailto:cont...@adrianlynch.co.uk] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. August 2009 00:07
An: cf-talk
Betreff: RE: ajax cfc not working for Access DB -- odd stuff

Railo or OpenBD? Do they support cfajaxproxy yet?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don L [mailto:do...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 19 August 2009 22:42
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: ajax cfc not working for Access DB -- odd stuff
> I've moved on to an open source cfml engine, don't know what caused the
> following odd behavior, that is, my cfajaxproxy tag no longer works for
> an inline data editing function (meaning, it does not do database
> update for a set of data) while the same code works for ms sql server
> 2005 express (db syntax are exactly same for such a simple query) and
> since I'm using "sync" mode I can't use the setCallbackHandler method
> to do debugging.  Thought, could use more heads here...
> caller line
> <cfajaxproxy cfc="myCFC4inlineEdit" jsclassname="UpdateObj2" />
> cfc code and js code below,
> <cfcomponent output="false">
> <cfset THIS.dsn="myDS">
>       <cffunction name="doUpdate" access="remote">
>       <cfloop item=i collection="#arguments#">
>          <cfif Left(i,6) IS "someID">
>                  <cfset someid = "arguments.#i#">
>                </cfif>
>                <cfif Left(i,4) IS "uaid">
>                  <cfset uaid = "arguments.#i#">
>                </cfif>
>                <cfif Left(i,5) IS "whats">
>                  <cfset whats = "arguments.#i#">
>                </cfif>
>       </cfloop>
>       <cfif not isdefined("arguments.userID")>
>          <cfset arguments.someID = 'dummyID728932'>
>       </cfif>
>       <cfset fmtwhats = REreplace(Evaluate(whats),"'","''","ALL")>
>       <cfset fmwhats = REreplace(fmtwhats,'"',"''","ALL")>
>       <cfparam name="result" default="success">
>       <cftry>
>       <cfquery datasource="#THIS.dsn#">
>                 update blablaTBL
>                       set whats = '#fmwhats#'
>                       where uaid = <cfqueryPARAM value =
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
>                                               and sid = <cfqueryPARAM
value =
> "#Evaluate(someid)#"
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
>                                maxlength="128">;
>       </cfquery>
>       <cfcatch type="database"><cfset result="failed">
>       </cfcatch>
>       </cftry>
>       <!---cfreturn #fmWhats#--->
>       <cfreturn #result#>
>       </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> // much credit goes to Sam Farmer for getting me started on this (JSON)
> approach
> function callUpdateJS2(frm,row) {
>                       rowUpdate(frm,row);
> }
> function handleResult(r) {
>                                console.log(r);
> }
> function rowUpdate(frm,row){
>       // var d = new DraftObj();
>       var d = new UpdateObj2();
>       d.setSyncMode(true);
>       d.setForm(frm);
>       d.setHTTPMethod('POST');
>   // d.doUpdate();
>       // expect  d.doUpdate() to return "failed" or "success" string
>       // BUT it doesn't!
>       // update {notes} field; 05/28/2008
>       document.getElementById(row).innerHTML = d.doUpdate();
> }
> Forgive me about the formatting and typo if any.
> Thanks.

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