Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Mark Drew
I am trying to set up a local dev server that is running Virtual Hosts.

I would like some of the virtual hosts to run on CF 5 and another to
run on CFMX, has anyone achieved this?

I can get the CF5 Virtual Hosts working but the CFMX one gives me an error 500.

This is how I am configuring it in httpd.conf 

VirtualHost cf5site
 DocumentRoot c:/www/cf5site/
 ServerName cf5site
 ErrorLog logs/cf5site-error_log
 CustomLog logs/cf5site-access_log common
 Alias /cfide/ c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cfide/
 Alias /Main/ c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/Main/

 LoadModule coldfusion_module modules/mod_coldfusion.so 
 AddHandler type-coldfusion cfm dbm

VirtualHost cfmxsite
 DocumentRoot c:/www/cfmxsite/
 ServerName cfmxsite
 ErrorLog logs/icfmxsite-error_log
 CustomLog logs/cfmxsite-access_log common
 Alias /cfide/ C:/CFusionMX/wwwroot/cfide/
 Alias /Main/ C:/CFusionMX/wwwroot/cfide/
# JRun Settings
LoadModule jrun_module C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/mod_jrun20.so
JRunConfig Verbose false
JRunConfig Apialloc false
JRunConfig Ssl false
JRunConfig Ignoresuffixmap false
JRunConfig Serverstore C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/jrunserver.store
JRunConfig Bootstrap
#JRunConfig Errorurl optionally redirect to this URL on errors
AddHandler jrun-handler .jsp .jws .cfm .cfc

(running under Windows by the way)

Thanks in advance

Mark Drew
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RE: Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Dave Watts
 I am trying to set up a local dev server that is running 
 Virtual Hosts.
 I would like some of the virtual hosts to run on CF 5 and 
 another to run on CFMX, has anyone achieved this?
 I can get the CF5 Virtual Hosts working but the CFMX one 
 gives me an error 500.

I've done this on my laptop, using Apache 2.0.4x, CF 5 and CFMX 6.1.
Unfortunately, I don't have my httpd.conf file handy, but can get it later
this weekend.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Mark Drew
Hi Dave, 

That would be great!


Mark Drew

 I've done this on my laptop, using Apache 2.0.4x, CF 5 and CFMX 6.1.
 Unfortunately, I don't have my httpd.conf file handy, but can get it later
 this weekend.
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Re: Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Brandon Harper
 I am trying to set up a local dev server that is running Virtual Hosts.
 I would like some of the virtual hosts to run on CF 5 and another to
 run on CFMX, has anyone achieved this?


I've never tried that myself, but it seems like a pretty novel idea.

I'm curious, if you reverse the order of the VirtualHosts in the 
httpd.conf file, does anything change?(I.E., CFMX works but CF5 doesn't?)

- Brandon

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Re: Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Mark Drew
I dont think the order matters as I have a number of virtual hosts (
about 10) for each project, some have CF5 and some dont. that works
fine.. the module that is being loaded for MX is different as it is
the JRun module

A novel idea? well I am running Spectra of CF5... gasp!


Mark Drew

 I've never tried that myself, but it seems like a pretty novel idea.
 I'm curious, if you reverse the order of the VirtualHosts in the
 httpd.conf file, does anything change?(I.E., CFMX works but CF5 doesn't?)
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