I'm fan of UltraEdit. It has a "column mode" which can save a lot of typing.
Sometime I use XEmacs, another great editor, but  I don't use it as much as
I use UltraEdit. I've used it to edit some pretty big files, but It loads
the whole file into memory, though. 

It sounds like you have a very specific task in mind for your editor.
Depending on what you want to do, you might be able to write a
Sed|Awk|Perl|Python|etc... script to do what you want. 

While we're on the topic of text editing, I also Python to do a lot of
repetitive text generation. For example I can feed a  table, a list of
columns, and their type and size into a Python script and get back an insert
and update statements, formatted like I want and with trim() and isdefined()
where I want it. It's so much easier than doing it all by hand for
data-entry type apps. 

   Jeff Polaski
   Manager, Web Services
   Research & Graduate Studies
   University California, Irvine 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 8:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: At my new job

Well i'm now settled in at my new job :) WHOO HOO!! 
After my boss tried to have me arrested for "HACKING" his servers and
all that was fun 
my old boss was a threatster :)

OK OK now to the point
i need to find a win32 textbased editor that does not have to load the
whole damn file into memory first.
I remember it being on here before so i'm curious.

Any help would be appreciated!
Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer
Macromedia Certified Coldfusion Developer
954.360.9022 X159

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