Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Doug
I am reading so much pain and suffering caused by configuration issues with the 
migration to

There have been so many issues, my clients, for instance are delaying the upgrade 
until the dust
settles.   I am seeing so many people reporting problems with the set up and 
configuration, and
reporting bugs, that turn out to be configuration that I would like to see Macromedia 
go to the
effort to product a comprehensive set of documentation that will address these 
configuration issues.
Just as Microsoft had to learn, the "one size fits all" is creating more problems than 
it solves.
It should not be required for a system administrator to have to go to a $3000.00 
course, purchase
$200 to $300.00 in books just to install and configure the product.  This is what it 
seems to appear
to be the case at present.  It should not require weeks and weeks of tweaking (read 
that thousands
of dollars of labor costs.) to install and set up the server product.

It seems to be a given that Macromedia does not pay much attention to its install 
application, which
has been a bone of contention of mine from way back.  Even the updater follows the old 

I suggest the gurus at Macromedia obtain a copy of the new Microsoft .NET Enterprise 
server (release
candidate) and walk through the install and configuration wizards and see what 
advances have been
made toward set up and security, and try to incorporate the idea into their own 
install application.

I have no question about the product being stable and awesome when properly 
configured, but why does
it require so much training and expertise just to set up a server?

When a hotfix is released, there should not be the requirement that the install 
procedure for the
patches be different than the original install, but with just the required 
configuration for the fix
itself.  Instead when Macromedia releases a fix, each one has a unique installation 
procedure, such
as "copy this file to this directory", and "copy that one to that directory" and then 
reboot or
restart the service.  The install application should do all that for consistency sake. 
 Setting up
remoting is treated so casually that way too much time is required to set that feature 
up and be
consistent with server security.  Best practices call for your database to be served 
on a different
serer than the one that provides web services, remember?

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RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Kola Oyedeji

I will be installing CFMX for the first time, what configuration problems
are you having? What issues should i be aware of?



> >-Original Message-
> >From: Doug [mailto:doug@;]
> >Sent: 19 October 2002 18:13
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration
> >document for CFMX?
> >
> >
> >I am reading so much pain and suffering caused by configuration
> >issues with the migration to
> >ColdFusionMX.
> >
> >There have been so many issues, my clients, for instance are
> >delaying the upgrade until the dust
> >settles.   I am seeing so many people reporting problems with
> >the set up and configuration, and
> >reporting bugs, that turn out to be configuration that I would
> >like to see Macromedia go to the
> >effort to product a comprehensive set of documentation that will
> >address these configuration issues.
> >Just as Microsoft had to learn, the "one size fits all" is
> >creating more problems than it solves.
> >It should not be required for a system administrator to have to
> >go to a $3000.00 course, purchase
> >$200 to $300.00 in books just to install and configure the
> >product.  This is what it seems to appear
> >to be the case at present.  It should not require weeks and
> >weeks of tweaking (read that thousands
> >of dollars of labor costs.) to install and set up the server product.
> >
> >It seems to be a given that Macromedia does not pay much
> >attention to its install application, which
> >has been a bone of contention of mine from way back.  Even the
> >updater follows the old trend.
> >
> >I suggest the gurus at Macromedia obtain a copy of the new
> >Microsoft .NET Enterprise server (release
> >candidate) and walk through the install and configuration
> >wizards and see what advances have been
> >made toward set up and security, and try to incorporate the idea
> >into their own install application.
> >
> >I have no question about the product being stable and awesome
> >when properly configured, but why does
> >it require so much training and expertise just to set up a server?
> >
> >When a hotfix is released, there should not be the requirement
> >that the install procedure for the
> >patches be different than the original install, but with just
> >the required configuration for the fix
> >itself.  Instead when Macromedia releases a fix, each one has a
> >unique installation procedure, such
> >as "copy this file to this directory", and "copy that one to
> >that directory" and then reboot or
> >restart the service.  The install application should do all that
> >for consistency sake.  Setting up
> >remoting is treated so casually that way too much time is
> >required to set that feature up and be
> >consistent with server security.  Best practices call for your
> >database to be served on a different
> >serer than the one that provides web services, remember?
> >
> >
> >
> >This address is filtered through the open relay database at
and is virus scanned by ANTIVIR


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Doug
We are holding off on the installation - we do not wish to bring down our production 
servers until
all the issues are worked out.

This address is filtered through the open relay database at
and is virus scanned by ANTIVIR

- Original Message -
From: "Kola Oyedeji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for 

| Doug
| I will be installing CFMX for the first time, what configuration problems
| are you having? What issues should i be aware of?
| Thanks
| Kola

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RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Josh Trefethen
I have made the same decision...

-Original Message-
From: Doug [mailto:doug@;] 
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration
document for CFMX?

We are holding off on the installation - we do not wish to bring down
our production servers until
all the issues are worked out.

This address is filtered through the open relay database at
and is virus scanned by ANTIVIR

- Original Message -
From: "Kola Oyedeji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration
document for CFMX?

| Doug
| I will be installing CFMX for the first time, what configuration
| are you having? What issues should i be aware of?
| Thanks
| Kola

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RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Mike Chambers
what issues?

mike chambers


> -Original Message-
> From: Doug [mailto:doug@;] 
> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 1:55 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed 
> configuration document for CFMX?
> We are holding off on the installation - we do not wish to 
> bring down our production servers until
> all the issues are worked out.

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Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-19 Thread Marius Milosav
the null problem.
To see more details :

in our case this issue pops out of the blue. Once in a while any page
requested gives this error.
we had track it to a line of code that tries to copy some session
information in the request scope in the onRequest End page
For some reason CFMX is loosing a structure in the request scope and throws
a null error.
The only way to fix it (in or case is to restart CFMX) then everything goes
back to normal for a few days (weeks) and then hits you again.
This is major and should be resolved ASAP.

Connection reset by peer

Probably the are some other minor ones but these ones are SHOW STOPPERS.

Thank you
Marius Milosav
It's not about technology, it's about people.
Virtual Company (VICO) Application Demo

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:35 PM
Subject: RE: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration
document for CFMX?

> what issues?
> mike chambers
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Doug [mailto:doug@;]
> > Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 1:55 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed
> > configuration document for CFMX?
> >
> >
> > We are holding off on the installation - we do not wish to
> > bring down our production servers until
> > all the issues are worked out.
> >
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: How about Macromedia provide a more detailed configuration document for CFMX?

2002-10-20 Thread Sean A Corfield
On Saturday, Oct 19, 2002, at 10:12 US/Pacific, Doug wrote:
> I am reading so much pain and suffering caused by configuration issues 
> with the migration to ColdFusionMX.

Well, since folks come to this list when they have problems, you're 
more likely to read of 'pain and suffering' here than 'wow! it was 

> I am seeing so many people reporting problems with the set up and 
> configuration, and reporting bugs, that turn out to be configuration 
> that I would like to see Macromedia go to the effort to product a 
> comprehensive set of documentation that will address these 
> configuration issues.

I think that's a great idea, something along the lines of the CFMX app 
dev center but for migration / configuration issues perhaps?

> It should not be required for a system administrator to have to go to 
> a $3000.00 course, purchase $200 to $300.00 in books just to install 
> and configure the product.

Hmm, well, I'm not entirely sure I'd agree with you there. My Apache 
admin guy has been on a bunch of courses, my Oracle DBAs have all been 
on extensive training (heck, even *I* have been on Oracle DBA courses, 
just so I can understand what my DBAs are talking about!). I'm not 
suggesting you should need all that just to get the product installed 
and running, but I don't think anyone should expect to be able to fully 
configure every nuance and fine tune it fully without *some* training 
and/or reading a lot of documentation.

> It should not require weeks and weeks of tweaking (read that thousands 
> of dollars of labor costs.) to install and set up the server product.

I agree... not to just get it installed and running. And it doesn't. 
I've installed CFMX on a ton of machines here. I've installed it and 
reinstalled it over and over again on my own machine - particularly 
during the development cycle when I was identifying suitable builds for 
my team: I'd go through the install, test, uninstall, reboot, install, 
test, uninstall... cycle up to eight times in a day. I had a production 
Solaris server setup in under an hour so I'll challenge the "it's too 
hard" claims made here...

> It seems to be a given that Macromedia does not pay much attention to 
> its install application, which has been a bone of contention of mine 
> from way back.  Even the updater follows the old trend.

Have you listed your specific concerns and submitted them to 
Macromedia? If not, how will they know how to improve things?

> I have no question about the product being stable and awesome when 
> properly configured, but why does it require so much training and 
> expertise just to set up a server?

It doesn't. I've had no training.

> When a hotfix is released, there should not be the requirement that 
> the install procedure for the
> patches be different than the original install, but with just the 
> required configuration for the fix itself.

People seem to have been fairly happy with the CFMX Updater. I didn't 
see complaints about copying individual files around. I haven't tried 
the Updater myself. Guess I should... *goes to -> support -> 
coldfusion ... click link to Updater ... download Linux version ... run 
the installer ... press enter a few times ... type /home/coldfusionmx 
.. confirm that ... confirm location of administrator ... start CFMX 
.. done!* Hmm, that was pretty easy... the CF Admin confirms that I'm 
now running the updated version:

  Server Product    ColdFusion Server
  Version    6,0,0,52311
  Edition    Enterprise
  Operating System      UNIX
  OS Version    10.2.1

  Java Version    1.3.1
  Java Vendor    Apple Computer, Inc.

Including downloading the 27.7Mb installer file to my desktop, it took 
me well under ten minutes to install including shutting down CFMX and 
restarting it.

> Instead when Macromedia releases a fix, each one has a unique 
> installation procedure

In the past perhaps. In response to users' comments, that has been 
addressed - it's why the Updater was created to provide a simple, 
standard way to apply hot fixes. It's not perfect. I gather that if you 
have multiple virtual sites with IIS, it doesn't update everything (at 
least, that's what I thought I read here). I believe it works just fine 
with Apache, even with multiple virtual hosts. But you can see above 
how easy it is to do the basic update and be back up and running 

> Setting up remoting is treated so casually that way too much time is 
> required to set that feature up and be consistent with server > security.

Can you be specific here? Flash Remoting works 'out of the box' and 
requires no setup. I haven't done anything to 'set it up' on any CFMX 
server and it works just fine as far as I can see.

> Best practices call for your database to be served on a different
> serer than the one that provides web services, remember?

And here we have web server (Apache) -> app server (CFMX) -> DB server 
(Oracle) all on separate machines. And we can still set it all up in an 