POSTED ON CF-OT Yesterday... any takers?
I'm looking for a solution... I was thinking that if I can't fix it... what about a batch file that checks to see if the service is running and starts it if it is not?  Anyone see any probs with that?

--- original message --

Hi there,

Can anybody give me pointers on this?  With regards to NT4 Server, IIS4,
up to date with the major patches from MS....

We have an old box that is used for static HTML pages and FTP service is
utilised to allow uploading for users to specific directories using NT

We also have Perception Assessment software and the infrastructure
geezers tell me that this piece of software requires that the server be
restarted every morning to ensure that the software works correctly.

Thing is, every couple of days the FTP service (not the WWW service tho)
just fails to start and then of course the support calls start flooding
in, somebody's gotta run through and restart the service.   

Which is getting annoying :-)

Had a look at the event viewer and there is nothing out of the ordinary
in there that doesn't happen every day due to the restart....

Can anybody give me pointers on where to look/fix/boot to fix this


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