Re: Invoking components, methods and storing instance in application scope

2009-09-27 Thread Kevin Pepperman

Hello Tony.

I am no expert, But I do know about where you are at right now, and I also
know what it took for me to learn it, so I will give it a shot to at least
set you off in the right direction.

Using an init() method, although not required, is considered best practice
in the CF world for initializing components because cfc's don't have true
constructors like JAVA (yet).

Constructors are used to set up default instant variables, or other objects;
that are used in the objects lifetime; when the object is created,

The init() method always returns the objects instance this.


cffunction name=init access=public
  cfreturn this /

So using your code with a slight change:

application.getters = createObject(component,cfc.GetterQueries).init();

The method then returns the objects instance this to your application
scoped variable with everything setup.

To further elaborate why you should use constructors.

Change the init method to this:

cffunction name=init access=public
  cfargument name=dsn default= required=no /
cfset variables[instance] = StructNew() /
cfset variables.instance[dsn] = arguments.dsn /
  cfreturn this /

and use:

mydsn = myDsnName;

application.getters =

This now will pass the variable dsn to the constructors arguments and set
myDsnName to variables.instance[dsn].

Calling variables.instance[dsn] from any method in the object will now
return myDsnName.

This will allow you to pass variables or even other objects into your
component when you instantiate them.

This can be done other ways, but its best to create your instance variables
when you create the object, for many reasons that I wont expound on here,
but setting up all your components internal variables during init() is the
best way.

Using init() as your constructor is also required by ColdSpring and other
objects frameworks.

Have a look at ColdSpring or LightWire, they can help you wire your
components together with a framework, this also is considered best practice.

ColdSpring is framework for you to manage your singleton components, their
internal data, and any reference to other components that that any component
may need.

Even if all init() does is create your object and return it, you should use
it, since you never know when you will needed to have a constructor create
instance variables.

Even if you don't use ColdSpring, using init() will help you manage your

If I have made errors in the direction I am providing, anyone else please
chime in, I am still in the middle of the curve myself.

Hope that helps, Don't give up! Once this all clicks in your brain you
will never look back.


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Re: Invoking components, methods and storing instance in application scope

2009-09-27 Thread Kevan Stannard

Hi Tony, you make like to take a look at

 instances of an object. I have also seen quite a bit about using 
 init() in every component but am not sure why I would do this if I 
 just want to call a method from the application scope:

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Re: Invoking components, methods and storing instance in application scope

2009-09-27 Thread Sean Corfield

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Kevin Pepperman wrote:
 Using an init() method, although not required, is considered best practice
 in the CF world for initializing components because cfc's don't have true
 constructors like JAVA (yet).

Just a couple of points to elaborate on this...

We use init() on CFCs because it mimics how we have to interact with
Java classes:

cfset jObj = createObject(java,java.lang.String).init( Hello ) /

Calling the constructor method init() in a CFC means it looks the same in use:

cfset cfObj = createObject(component, Hello ) /

Also, in CF9 - and in the CFML2009 spec - the new operator calls
init() automatically:


cfObj = new MyObject( Hello );

Based on that syntax - and its behavior - I'd say we *do* have
constructors, they just happen to be called init().

Remember: a constructor is simply a method that is called to do
initialization (and different languages call their constructors
different names).
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies US --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

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Invoking components, methods and storing instance in application scope

2009-09-25 Thread Tony Bentley

I am building an application where I want to eliminate instantiating the same 
component more than once per application. I thought it would be a good idea to 
setup all of the methods through the application scope:

application.getters = createObject(component,cfc.GetterQueries);

This way I am using what I believe is Singleton Patterns for single instances 
of an object. I have also seen quite a bit about using init() in every 
component but am not sure why I would do this if I just want to call a method 
from the application scope:

contacts = application.getters.getContacts();

Is there any reason why this would not be a good practice? 

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