I have searched Google, the Mura documentation site, the Mura forums, and
the Mura Programmer's Guide for instructions on how to setup error handling,
but cannot find anything other than a handful of casual references.  It
seems that there are two options:

1) Create an error handling template and provide it to the 'ErrorTemplate'
setting in the settings.ini.

2) Use an onSiteError() or onGlobalError() event handler.

Option #1 seems easy enough to implement, but I would really prefer Option
#2, and, specifically, onSiteError().  It makes much more sense to me to
handle errors within a particular site if at all possible, so that you can
keep the "pretty" error page looking consistent with the site that threw the

So, the question is: What steps do I need to take to utilize onSiteError()
with Mura?

I am pretty certain the first two steps are:

   1. Set debuggingenabled=false.
   2. Create a "pretty" error page, and *un*check the "Include in site
   navigation?" setting.
   3. Add an onSiteError() method to /{site id}/includes/eventHandler.cfc

Beyond that, I have no clue.

What arguments get passed to the onSiteError() method?

How should I redirect to the "pretty" error page?  Is it as simple as
<cflocation url="/my-pretty-error-page/" />?

If this has stuff has already been written up somewhere and I just have not
managed to find it, please link me to it.

Thank you in advance!

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