Sorry for the OT post, but I know plenty of people on here work with SQL

We're running SQL Server 7 that hosts a few large databases for internal
use.  One of them is Saleslogix, if any of you work with that.  I was
reassigning accounts (like 3500) from Saleslogix's administrator (which
executes a big batch update), and that action makes that database unusuable
for everyone else.

My belief is there should be some way to balance this out, either by user or
machine.  Basically, I don't want the Administrator to ever push that
database so hard that it's making it COMPLETELY unusuable for everyone else.
I can accept slow down, and I can accept the Adminstrative things (like
reassigning accounts) going slower.

I can see where I can change the amount of memory SQL can consume, the
number of processor threads, the windows priority settings, but nothing to
limit a particular machine/user from gobbling up all the resources.

I'm certainly no DBA, but was hoping someone might shed some light.  Thanks
for any help!

Josh Remus
Network Manager

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