Windows 2000 Professional, IE 5.5, Word 2000, CFAS 4.01.

I'm seeing some slightly weird behaviour when trying to make a Word document
available for download from a web site. I've tried naming the Word document
in several different formats to see what the difference is.

Scroll down to the four links to the Word document.

If you right-click and select "Save As" on any of the files, the file name
is displayed in the "Save As" dialogue as "xxxx.doc.doc", where the
extension is duplicated. The Network Admin's looked on TechNet and found an
article that said (something to the effect of) this happens with file types
that aren't registered on the server.

Does the Network Admin have to install Word on the server in order to
overcome this?

Bonus question...
If you click on the first file, it's displayed in the browser ok.
If you click on the second file, it displays a "Windows Installer" dialogue
box that changes to a "Windows Office 2000 Premium" dialogue box saying "The
feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM... etc etc"
If you click on the third and fourth files, they are displayed ok.

Do you know what's differerent about file 2?

Thanks in advance.

Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Telephone +44 (01744) 648650

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